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In Between the Shadows

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Everything posted by In Between the Shadows

  1. But if the lynching went ahead, I wouldn't of been lynched.
  2. Does Zelnos get deducted a life because I didn't post in round 3?
  3. This was the rahkshi I was going to post in... what, late December? Well here she is Name: Yuna Variation: Cyclone Level: 2 Gender: Female Gear: - a small shoulder bag - a baby male pet Keras crab named Deemo - a modified umbrella(rapier): The fabric plus it's wiring is connected to two metal rings. One ring for the top of the fabric, one for the bottom. A piece of metal screwed onto the top covers a pointed end and allows the fabric+rings to be taken off. May include a picture. Appearance: Slightly smaller than the average Toa. She painted her armour midnight blue, with white flecks on her spines. Personality: Intelligent, but she acts like a little kid, so most don't know how smart she really is. If she is in a serious situation, she will lose that facade, if she needs to. Bio: Zelnos' younger sister. She didn't leave for Corpus with Zelnos and part of their batch because of an unstable level of energy that would leave her tired regularly. This ailment was 'solved' to an extent, with her now only getting tired once in a while, so she was able to go to Corpus with the rest of their batch that stayed behind with her.
  4. I didn't really get to do anything but I was the Pyro
  5. Wait... 50 players? I would like spot 19 please
  6. Can someone please give me a review of what has been happening this last 2 weeks?
  7. I'm back! What have I missed over the last 2 weeks?
  8. I feel like Celii could be doing something but I don't know what...
  9. Pages... So what did I miss this last... 2-3 days?
  10. Why is everyone creating sisters now? Also Char sounds like the character I need to find the profile on but opposite.
  11. Roman's a premier member? Congradulations!
  12. That's what Jovik said before... well, you know.
  13. So many pages... I should be able to post Zelnos tonight. Yay for rahkshi hugs!
  14. Shadow_Ignited joined while you weren't looking. Could've gone for the backstab, but she missed it. She could still go for the facestab. They end up registering as backstabs like 25% of the time because melee hit detection is weird like that.e: hi new page ~Unit#phntk#1 Shhhhhhh
  15. IC: Celii | Cafeteria She shrunk back in her chair as Fade grew. I really wish I wasn't here
  16. Wait, the little cute monster is roaming around? Where? Where?
  17. I can finally get on... anything happen?
  18. IC: Celii "Excuse me," she said, moving over to Scriva. "You said you knew were the monster was. Is it close?"
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