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Posts posted by Ford

  1. This looks pretty neat. I'd love to keep this as a reference for the future.

    Incidentally, for those of us silly folks who don't have time or memory to read the Matoran speech, could you slap together another version with the translations? :)

    Good idea, I was thinking the same thing.

  2. Now I want to read through the last chapter again.

    I also feel the inspiration to make another video promoting the next story arc, provided I have the time for making videos in the future.

    I wouldn't mind minor tweaks to the Toa designs; keeping it the same, but with a few differences. I usually look forward to changes in character designs when a new season of a show comes around just as an example.


    Take your time on the next batch. I'm looking forward to reading it!

  3. So this was recored way before to start a war?

    This was recorded towards the end of March. That's how long ago it was...

    Apologies for it taking so long. It was a lot of work, and with college added to the mix, I knew I wouldn't be able to work on it until after the semester ended.

    But it's here, and that's al that matters now. I'm glad everyone is enjoying it.

  4. I was planning on making a Micro-Manager for this contest, but then I saw this. I also was going to use LDD for the contest, but if it has to go to a convention I kind of can't do that.


    Overall, this is a great MOC (wait, if it's a MOC of a robot that is used to destroy MOCs, then... I'm thinking about it too hard). The coverage on the head is well done, especially with the sides which use the Inika feet as plating. I also love the integration of play functions built into this MOC. It brings the ideas from the original Micro-Manager sets and combines them all into one unit.

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