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Posts posted by Ford

  1. I'm not opposed to launchers in future sets; I'm just indifferent, I guess. While it would be nice to get some new launcher systems, I'd rather that system be put into a set that doesn't have many other play features.

    Melee weapon + launcher + gear function = too much for me. While Skull Warrior sort of pulls it off, I'd rather the launchers be placed in sets with no gimmicks (the gimmick for the Toa being the gear function).

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  2. Main Image
    Album can be found here.
    After a few months, I finally decided to give this guy an update. I didn't make any drastic changes, but I did make a few additions. I gave him a new set of weapons, made him taller, and bulked his legs.
    I'm not a big fan of the black hands; I was trying to go for a gauntlet effect with the lower arms and hands, but now it just looks weird. I wish I had more than one red hand piece.

    Edit: Main image linked; please keep posted images in BBC to 640x640 pixels and about 100 kB.


    • Upvote 4
  3. Skull Basher looks like a Minotaur (before I continue, just a heads up, I've been reading Percy Jackson lately so Greek mythology is on my mind), and as such, is dangerous and whatnot. The Basher specifically could be some ancient evil that terrorized Okoto in the past and has been reanimated in a decaying state.


    The rest of them could be other evils that have terrorized Okoto in the past and are all back in decayed states as well...


    Now, all of them have been defeated by our Toa before, but as individual threats...But this time, they are all here at the same time, teaming up for the ultimate evil.

    This could be true, but I was thinking that the Skull warriors were just strange, built-from-spare-bones versions of the past heroes. Maybe Skull Slicer is a combination of two different versions Lewa, or Lewa and some other poor Toa. Maybe the remains of Onua somehow combined with a beast that the Toa had to defeat in the past. I'm all for your thinking, but I can find ways to adapt it to the OP.

  4. I was thinking about this the other day when I first saw the screenshots of Skull Slicer wearing the Gold Mask of Jungle, and then thought about all of the time stuff from reading the seven page preview of the first book. Then I thought of this.


    The Toa are called upon whenever the Prophecy of Heroes is recited at the Temple of Time. The heroes then come down from the sky and do whatever it is they need to do, including the task of obtaining the Golden Masks.


    The heroes are said to be "timeless", and we are led to believe that the previous statement is true, but what about when the heroes are not needed? Do they just go back up into space and wait another hundred or so years before being called again, in which they lose their memories? I think not.


    I believe the Toa are "rebuilt" or "re-formed" above the planet where Okoto resides, and are given a signal to come back down by the Protectors at the Temple of Time, leaving the previous group of heroes with the same identities on the surface of the planet somewhere. It explains how the mask makers were able to make the Golden Masks in the first place without having to guess at what the Toa would look like, as the first generation (pun not intended; NOT a continuation theory) of Toa were there to witness the creation of the masks. It also explains the memory loss seen in each Toa, as they are essentially "new" beings. This leaves one question, however: where are the previous heroes?


    I have a feeling that I may not be right, but I believe that the Skull Army is made up of the remains of the previous Toa. They draw upon the same elemental powers, they look similar, and were once utilized by the Okoto islanders. The Skull Army's members, however, have just been reincarnated as strange amalgamations of their former selves. They also draw upon the energies from the Golden Masks, which would have previously been their own masks. Maybe the Toa were thrown into the ancient arena at some point, where Skull Slicer resides. Maybe they were tasked with protecting the main gate of the City of the Mask Makers (Skull Warrior), or guarding the main gates of old cemeteries (Skull Scorpio) or the Mask Forge (Skull Basher)? Whatever purpose the Toa were needed for, they had to have done something else on Okoto after their job was complete.

    • Upvote 5


    I'd love to see another colossal titan set like Witch Doctor eventually, but I'm not so confident I want it to become the norm—the Bionicle community already tends to dismiss any villain who's similar in size to the heroes, and I don't think that's a sentiment that needs to be reinforced.



    I second this. I want a larger titan set, something that forces the Toa to work together and act as one united force. That and just some large and fantastic build :D But as you said, the gigantic figures should be used sparingly to keep them unique and worthwhile.


    I'd like that too, but I want it to be approachable in terms of cost.

    I want a titan villain for the heroes to fight at a reasonable price. If it's some type of, for example, Makuta incarnate with a few special masks at $50+, I'm not interested.

  6. I have yet to hear the audio for the promo, but I kind of like the design they chose for Kulta in the animations. It makes him look a little different in comparison to Skull Warrior, especially with the chin. The only thing I don't like is how the horns look. I hope it's just the angle, because for the Toa...

    ...it could be rabbit season.

  7. If I weren't preoccupied by Bionicle, I would get pretty much all of the Leader Class figures in Combiner Wars right now including Megatron (G1 version), Ultra Magnus, and all of the upcoming seekers. Jetfire would somehow fit in there, as well. Because he's Jetfire.

    I'd also like to get CW Optimus Prime with Prowl, Ironhide, Wheeljack, and Hound. So what if they're not on the same team, that's just the "versatility of the play pattern".

  8. The trans. orange in the skull villain sets seem to me like their "symbol piece", or a unifying design that ties them together while each figure is unique. They did something similar with a few waves Hero Factory sets:

    • 2.0 Name tag prints
    • 3.0 Name tag prints w/animal symbols
    • Invasion from Below Hero Mech prints

    There may be more, but that's all I can think of for now.

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