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Posts posted by Ford

  1. ewaB4su.jpg


    Click here for the full album!





    Nathaar was once just a Rahkshi, but after multiple experiments to make a Rahkshi with more than one of the Makuta powers, he now possesses all of the abilities that a Makuta can utilize. However, he cannot perform the Shadow Hand, nor can he wear a Kanohi. He is the very first of his kind: a Pseudo-Makuta (or a Makuta hybrid?  :shrugs: No one really knows what he is, exactly...).



    • Upvote 4
  2. I like where they are going with 2016: new gimmicks, new enemies, new forms. I just can't get behind the overcomplicated in-your-face "detail". All the clashing textures are jarring in the magazine image. At least the creature looks pretty good...?

    I admire what Lego has done with the sets, but I feel like 2016 will go a bit too far in terms of overcomplicating things. There are so many distractors in the sets that it's hard to make out what is what. I hope these overcomplicated plastics are just products of the CGI rendering and look better inn person, because I'm starting to get Bayformer vibes from Tahu and Umarak...

  3. I'm the same way.  It doesn't normally come up anyway and it would probably require a fairly lengthy explanation.  Best to avoid the subject altogether, I've found.

    ^Pretty much summed up my thoughts!


    While I have brought it up to some people, others, like my parents, still think it's immature. At least my sister somewhat partakes in my liking of the hobby. She did get me a few sets this year, as well as tickets to Art of the Brick!

    • Upvote 1
  4. I was just trying to make the example that Bionicle isn't "The greatest story ever made and revered by the world". Even though some think it is one of the best, I don't, and I certainly did not expect the animations to portray the story as something world-moving. It's just a toy line with a story to boot, albeit a good story to tell. 



    Oh my gosh, Eurico Silva is driving me CRAZY. I've spent the last hour and a half just replying to his obnoxious comments on youtube, and now I have a headache. Anyone else being badgered by this creep?

    Easy solution: ignore him entirely. ;) Whether he has a legit opinion or is just trashing something, if he's annoying you, just stay away.


    EDIT: Just found what you're talking about. Take 'im down, Nick! :P



    He's... insufferable. He just won't stop until I accept his "reality" that it is NOT OKAY to like anything about G2. And yeah, it'd be easy to just call him a troll, but... no. He really does believe in every thing he says to a fanatic degree. It's crazy. Like... he's completely flooded my video reviews of the new sets and killed any discussion that could still potentially be had. His cat's face is everywhere, now.


    Isn't there a "Block [insert person here] from channel" option on Youtube settings?

    Anyway, ignore him, but if it's bothering you that much, try to block him from anything you upload. I don't really know how to do that, but I know it can be done in Youtube settings.


    Anyway, now that the animations have concluded for the year, I don't really know how to feel about them. They served their purpose, and you could tell at the end that the budget was running out just by the pacing. I admire them for what they are: advertisements that work in getting people to buy the product. As for the story, I think it is good for the medium in which it was produced, but not the best story in the world. I feel like people got so hyped last October that they thought 2015 was going to have the next "great American novel" or something, but I digress. I went in with low expectations, and I am now impressed by what I have seen. However, this is definitely not the next "great American novel"; I knew from the get-go that it wouldn't be, either. How do you top stories like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea or The Great Gatsby if you're a children's toy commercial? You don't, and that's what I expected.

  6. I am happy to announce that the Bionicle Comedy Central will be holding its first contest! Rules can be found in the video below:


    If you don't want to watch the video, here are the rules:

    1. Build a Halloween-themed MOC and link a video or photo gallery of it in the comments section of the above video. Only entries posted to the comments section of the above video will be considered. DO NOT POST ENTRIES IN THIS TOPIC! POST THEM ON THE VIDEO!
    2. Entries are due on Tuesday, October 27th, 2015.
    3. Prizes will be discussed in a future video sometime before the entry period closes. Winners will be announced Halloween night!

    Are you still hosting livestreams?

    Sadly, we're not hosting livestreams anymore. Not enough people would come to them, and they were a pain to get everyone together for the chunk of time they took place.


    However, we still have other videos that we're releasing at a regular pace, so go on over there and watch 'em!

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