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Posts posted by Ford


    Spot 3, please.  :D


    Scratch that. I want to be number 17. And I'd like to be a party-goer.


    You don't get to choose what you are. The roles are assigned randomly to each number via RNG and then when you pick the number you get the corresponding role. At least that's how it's usually done. 


    Oh my, I just noticed what was wrong... I apologize  :( We're the same number...


    Change me to a different number, please.

  2. The reason I am not nostalgic is because I am fifteen, I have started to grow out of it.  I can still appreciate the sets and MOC/animate with them from time to time but it's not like I can't put them in storage due to their sentimental value.  


    What might help you guys get rid of your nostalgia is if you look at it like this: Do you want to be the thirty year old who still plays with his/her toys or the thirty year old who has a job he/she loves and excels in and might be well on his/her way to a (top-notch) promotion after only a year of work?

    This is cute. I mean, this is just cute. This used to be my own mindset, but then I turned sixteen and found out that my life was slowly nearing towards college and that I had to make the most of my time before I got there. And I did. But when I became a high school student at fourteen, my goal was to completely give up on everything that made my childhood somewhat meaningful.

    The thing is, you can still accomplish both hobbies and career success, or even scholastic success. I'm a nursing student with an all-A record and somehow I still have the time to practice the trumpet and build.

    All I ask of you is to make the most of your time now, because if you're fifteen, you are well on your way to higher education.

    (But if I may ask, if you've already made up your mind, then why are you still here? Is it because you like to build, or because you're making the most of your time, or both?)

    • Upvote 3
  3. I agree with everything said by everyone above me that I tend to mix the interpretations of multimedia when it comes to landscapes in Bionicle. Another example for me would be the Antidermis pool somewhere in the Southern Islands portion of the MU. I always thought of it as being not just a random vat of green stuff, but also a lab or secret headquarters for the Makuta species. 

  4. Toa of Mud just seems... odd. I mean, technically Stone and Earth aren't exactly the same if you look more closely at each of them, but mud just seems... boring.

    Also no need for 2 paragraph long banausic responses; you can keep it short and still be able to answer in detail. :)

    I'm amused by the fact that you, being a detailed-oriented individual, do not want to read in detail.

  5. How well has bionicle 2015 done. Did it meet lego's expectations, surpass them? I am wondering if it took off or if it's hero factory all over again.

    If you are asking if it has met the company expectations, that is not exactly asking for an opinion. If you are wondering if it has taken off, that also is not an opinion-based question.

    • Upvote 2
  6. I was told a few weeks ago by a Lego store employee that the line was "doing generally as well as every other popular theme that has come out in the past year." At the same time, a bunch of kids were talking about how Lewa was awesome.

    If that is any factual evidence to go by, I'd say it's doing generally well.


    In the future, if people want to make some kind of a counterargument, it would be best to have something to back up your claim.

    At least that's how I was raised...

    • Upvote 1
  7. This MOC is okay. I can see where you are going with it, and it's nice for what it's worth.

    I wonder if you might have better luck starting with a smaller MOC? Larger MOCs are difficult whether you're working with CCBS or classic Bionicle parts, especially when your collection is limited.

    I was going to get to something like this the last time I commented on one of your MOCs, but then I was hit with unnecessary amounts of negativity, so I'll say it here.

    From what I and many others have seen in this community, bigger does not by default mean better. In your case of having a limited parts collection, try starting off small if you can, especially when it comes to using CCBS. For example, Lego Digital Designer (a.k.a. LDD) is a great place to start, as it has a vast variety of parts for the creator to use. When it comes to smaller builds, however, CCBS has a time to shine; just look at these mini versions of the new Toa that I made a few months ago. And, yes, I already know about your distaste for the system, but I advise you to give it a try for smaller models in LDD at the very least.

    I see so much potential here. Really, I do, because I've never built anything this big (at least as far as I can remember...). Think of this what you want, but know that, please.

    • Upvote 2
  8. inFamous 2.

    I've played it before, but having just completed the first game (again), I wanted to tailor my own little story around it. I played the first game on the evil path, but then decided to do some good things because of events that happen due to Cole being evil. These events inspire Cole to do good for not just himself, but for others.

    (Basically I'm playing good for inFamous 2)

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