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Daniel the Finlander

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Posts posted by Daniel the Finlander

  1. IC: Miira (Sota Colisseum | Fighting against Scriva and Berekzo)


    She stepped to the side when she saw the Toa throw a rock at her, but didn't avoid the dust cloud that unexpectedly appeared after the stone disintegrated. She coughed and closed her eyes, taking a few steps backwards in case the enmy would decide to attack.


    She managed to open one of her eyes slightly, because she wanted to see if they were indeed approaching her, but was surprised to see Some crystal shards from the weird creature zigzagging in midair and flying like bird-Rahi. The crytals hit the ground and shattered.


    "Are you serious?" she said to the creature and coughed, "You can fly, have six limbs and able to use telekinesis? Why on earth haven't you killed the Toa yet? You don't need her, you could defeat any fighter here by yourself!"

  2. If I rewrite the Bio-section of my character, do I need to repost the profile for approval?


    Edit: I'm just going to put the edited profile here, in case it needs to be approved again:


    Name: Holistic

    Variation: Limited Invulnerability

    Level: 2

    Gender: None, although because of her high-pitched, feminine voice she can be considered female.

    Gear: She owns a jagged knife and uses it as a weapon and a tool. One edge is sharp while the other looks like a vicious row of metallic Takea teeth. She also carries a satchel where she keeps some books about philosophy, which she enjoys to read on her free time.

    Appearance: Holistic's metallic body is slender and not as tall as most other Rahkshi bodies. There are no spikes that are typical for Rahkshi on the back of her body. Her armour has been completely covered with black paint, although some scratches reveal the original grey colour beneath. The eyes of her body glow dark blue.

    Personality: Holistic is cynical and outwardly emotionless. She values stoicism, but also eschews emotions that may not usually be considered negative by stoics such as love or amusement. She keeps reasoning, wisdom and calmfulness in high regard. She despises art and thinks that all works of art should be destroyed, for self-expression through art is unacceptable to her. She's an existential nihilist, but isn't apathetic and can live a meaningless life without much trouble. She doesn't particularily enjoy causing pain to others in combat, and only fights others when ordered by a Makuta. She's willing to spar, however.

    History: The Makuta who created her, whom she simply calls 'Master', painted all of his Rahkshi black and ensured their loyalty through torture and harsh punishments. He brainwashed Holistic, who at the time had the name 'Unit 7', to believe that his methods of upbringing were gentle and kind.


    In the beginning, Holistic had trouble with social skills and controlling her own emotions, and as a result was bullied by her brothers and sisters. Her confidence had eroded into nothingness and she fell into depression. She didn't tell about the bullying to her father because the bullies thretened to beat her if she did. So eventually, she tried to kill herself. The attempt failed, but this made her creator to have a long talk with her. The talk was a turning point in her life.


    She started to delve into Maroran and Makuta philosophy, especially the teachings of Nihili and Brakos the Stoic. She began practicing the martial art of Kisat Dur, which focused on unarmed combat and intensive training. Soon she had no reason to fear the bullies, and was left alone. She regained her confidence by learning to fully control her emotions, making her believe that this made her better than others. It was during this time when she chose a new name: Holistic, referring to the philosophy of holism, which stresses the importance of observing systems as wholes.


    She was the first of her father's Rahkshi to reach the second level. Her creator told her that it was time to learn to become independent, meet new people and complete more dangerous assignments, and sent her to the Corpus Rahkshi academy.

  3. OoC: Click, you just couldn't have waited for Holisitic to answer Rain's question, could've you? Fine, I'll deal with it, but please be more patient in the future



    IC: Holistic

    (Outskirts of Phantom-on-the-Water)

    "The exact same thing you're doing", she responded. She seemed to become more relaxed when there were no apparent threats nearby. "Where did that unusual noise come from? Was it you?"

    Just like Rain, Holistic also quickly turned to see the newcomer, ready to fight should they prove to be a threat. She lowered her guard when she recognized the huge form of a fellow stoic. "I was heading there, but bizarre cacophony attracted my attention." She turned to look at the Rahkshi who might've been the source of the sound, but she left and flew towards the harbour, so she instead turned to look at Shark again. "I saw three ships sailing away. I am certain you two can handle them by yourselves. I will resume guarding the perimeter." She then just turned around and left, disappearing into the bushes.

  4. OoC: Just to clarify, Scriva's dagger wasn't embedded in Miira's wrist, it just scratched the skin and cut it open.


    IC: Miira (Sota Colisseum | Fighting against Scriva and Berekzo)


    She raised an eyebrow when her blade barely even scratched the creature's skin. This made it a much more formidable opponent, and it already hadn't been a pushover because of its six limbs and crystal shards. She would need to employ more effective tactics and get rid of the Toa, for she needed to fully focus on the strange being.


    She avoided both attacks by jumping backwards. She sheathed one of the twins and pulled out a throwing dagger while walking backwards, away from the pair. Her eyes shifted between the two, observing their actions. She licked her lips and said "Come on, two to one. Finish me off, can't be that hard, right? You've already wounded me." While she talked, she tried to form a plan for defeating the Toa while keeping the creature at bay until she was done with her.

  5. OoC: I enjoy writing in 3rd person more than in 1st person, hence the change of perspective.


    IC: Holistic

    (Outskirts of Phantom-on-the-water)

    The noise did indeed attract attention, and soon a black Rahkshi appeared, some dark liquid dripping from her stained hands. She was guarded and looked around, but saw nothing besides a light blue and gold Rahkshi fiddling with some strange weapon or tool. "What are you doing?", she asked, her voice not displaying curiosity, confusion, or any other emotion for that matter. It was as if a Porter had possesed a Rahkshi.

    OoC: Talking to Rain

  6. IC: Holistic



    Prey sighted. Three Matoran. Two carrying the third, who seems to be badly injured. They are moving away from the village, trying to hide in the undergrowth, The injured one moans, the poor creature. I shall end his pain. The other two, it's a shame they have to die. Us sapient beings have such potential for greatness and goodness.. Wasted potential, for we're all lazy and selfish. Their deaths don't matter: There are thousands of Matoran out there in the world.


    I appear from the bushes behind them. They notice me only when it's too late. One carries a disk launcher, but only begins to draw it when he sees me and forces the other to keep the injured one standing by himself. Their initial surprise is replaced with confusion. Why is this Rahkshi without any weapons? Maybe they even become hopeful. Perhaps the metal beast doesn't want to kill them after all?




    I lunge forward, punch the chest of the man with the launcher. The other yelps and drops the wounded one, grabs a knife. He attacks and tries to stab me in the leg. Dodge to side. Punch the mask. It detatches and flies off. The Matoran with a launcher collapses to the ground, having trouble breathing. The Matoran without a mask desperately slashes with his knife. I grab the arm with my left hand, squeeze it enough to cause the Matoran to moan in pain, release his grasp and drop the dagger. I take it with my right hand and thrust it into his throat. I then release my grip of his hand and push him on to the ground. I raise my foot above his head and bring it down, crushing the head into a shapeless pile of metal and blood.


    I feel moderate pain in the back of my right leg. Turn around to see the injured Matoran, the one I thought was incapable of fighting, standing with a blacksmith's hammer in hand. His left arm is gone and he struggles to stand. He is defiant.


    I attempt to grab him. He strikes with his hammer at my approaching cold hand. I grasp his wrist with my other hand. This time I twist, break the wrist, the Matoran screams, drops the improvised weapon. I grab him by the throat with my other hand and squeeze. Blood bursts out of his mouth and coats my arm. I punch his head, he loses consiousness and becomes limp. His heartlight extinguishes.


    I wonder if these three were long-time friends?


    I turn to look at the last one. Disk launcher in hand, ready and loaded, aimed at me. He has less trouble breathing, although a squealing sound comes from his throat every time he tries to do so. We stand and look at each other in the eyes. He seems utterly terrified, but also angry. Why doesn't he shoot? Foolish man.


    I leap to the side, he shoots. The disk misses and turns a bush into a frozen cube of ice. Before he can shoot again, I jump towards him and collide into him. My larger mass sends him falling backwards. Before he can get up, I sit on top of him and remove his mask. Then I punch him in the head, again, and again, and again, and again, and again, until his heartlight turns dead black.


    I stand up and disappear into the bushes again.



    OoC: Killing innocent Matoran is fun

  7. IC: Miira (Sota Colisseum | Fighting against Scriva and Berekzo)


    Scriva's knife cut her skin, but didn't hit the wrist perfectly. Miira winced but didn't seem to care too much about the wound, or the blood trickling on her back. Because she was observing the actions of the six-limbed creature, she reacted to its attack in time by jumping backwards and avoiding the blows. She quickly slashed at one of its arms and kept the other dagger ready.



    IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Medical bay | With Elly and Noroi)


    She looked at Noroi and nodded, although she still didn't seem too pleased about Elly's decision. She then turned to look at Elly again. "You may go, Enforcer."

  8. IC: Holistic


    Ah, a mundane task of Matoran extermination. Nothing too special, yet apparently some Rahkshi refuse to obey the order and decide to leave instead. What do they think we were created for? Do they think that their puny lives have some higher meaning? Don't they realize that we are artificial constructs made for killing? This is our duty. There's nothing else we should do in our lives except slay and become better at it. I am certain they will receive a grim reminder of this when the Makuta find out about their disobedience. But for now, I must go and complete the task given to me.

    I fly to the outskirts of the village and notice the familiar shape of the huge Rahkshi I talked with in the refectory. Seems like the one with two hammers still can't spar with them. There are several others as well, and the rest are destroying the village and exterminating the populace. I land and begin looking for targets.

    OoC: Anyone on the outskirts can feel free to talk to her.
  9. Now it is time to reveal that this was all part of my masterful plan for making an amusing joke: When I saw that there were 999 replies to this topic, I saw a most perfect chance for attracting a staff member's attention by posting spam. I already knew from previous experience that they can edit member posts and can quickly notice when rules are broken, which some would find creepy. I employ this to make a joke about the staff acting like big brothers and wathcing our behaviour. Result: I receive sweet internet points and a 25% confidence boost.


    just kidding I just forgot about the rule and posted spam, I'm really sorry and promise this won't happen again


    Now let us wait for Xaeraz to post the scene

    • Upvote 1
  10. Edit: Try to keep your posts on the topic of the game, please.


    Am I the only one terrified by this


    they are watching us, observing us, studying us, learning our weaknesses, ready to strike when we make a mistake and become vulnerable..


    WAIT DON'T BAN ME LOOK I'm on topic! Come on guys let's lynch those mafia, ahaha! Fun fun fun, playing this game!



    please don't kill me

    • Upvote 11
  11. I think a epics planning and discussion topic would come in handy for those that want to get into writing fanfiction, but don't know where to start and people that have ideas for their next story that they want to discuss and receive feedback on.

    This is a great idea, I just hope some staff member will notice this.

  12. IC: Holistic


    The appearance of a new Makuta surprises me. I am fairly certain the school staff only has a single member of the supreme species, the headmaster himself, so where did this one come from? And does she need to act so arrogantly and rudely? Calling us students maggots is insulting and pathetic. I assume power can corrupt even the greatest beings, which is truly tragic. But I will not complain or disobey, for rebelling against a god is foolish and suicidal. So instead I follow her orders and move to the left.

  13. IC: Miira (Sota Colisseum | Fighting against Scriva and Berekzo)


    She effortlessly avoided Scriva's knife by jumping backwards - but felt unexpected pain when something cut her back. She winced, quickly moved to the side and turned around in order to see who had attacked her from behind. She raised an eyebrow and said "Oh, I thought you had flown away, weirdling. Did you two decide to ally? Good tactic, I admit, but also rather boring. Do you know what isn'tboring? Fighting against two opponents at once."


    A cold smile appeared on her long, reptilian face. She burst into motion and charged towards Scriva, quickly aiming a stab at her neck with one of her knives while keeping an eye on the bizarre creature.

  14. IC: Holistic


    Well, the Rahkshi didn't attack him, but instead acted like a civilized being and formally asked the huge one to spar with them. Admirable. I watch the pair leave the dining hall and finish my meal, despite wanting to leave it unfinished. I must petition the headmaster to provide a wider and tastier selection of food for students.

    I do wonder how the black and gold Rahkshi will fare against the giant. So much, in fact, that I decide to follow the pair, for I have nothing better to do at the present. Plenty of people in the hallways. Where are they headed? Curiosity overtakes me and I follow the stream of colourful metal bodies outside, to the stone pillars.

  15. IC: Miira (Sota Colisseum)


    When the Toa ducked and ran towards her, Miira jumped and performed a somersault, flying over Scriva as she spun in the air. She landed and immediately turned around to stab at the Toa's back. Employing acrobatics in combat was something Hesperax, an arena fighter Miira had always admired, had done in the past.

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