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Ride Another Day

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Everything posted by Ride Another Day

  1. Which one? Will IC post when able At Shadow Shadow. SV.
  2. I grab 88 before any one else does. My 88 mask dude guy man thing....
  3. Sadly for you, you didn't say that it was your mask, so HA!!! Still my mask.
  4. IC: (3/5) Hearing a cool noise behind me, my infected corpse turns around, with the bayonet of the gun aimed right towards a flying Portal heading straight towards me.
  5. OOC: Woopsies!!! Ignore my bullets then ChroBro , plus what about my bullets from earlier Shadow? IC: I then reload my gun and aim at Shadow. I then unload the whole clip again at Shadow.
  6. My Kikanalo reform me and I am declared innocent from your false made fingerprints. You then drive around the boom gates at a level crossing and get crushed. My mask.
  7. I take the tapes and have them examined. 88's fingerprints were on the video which made you guilty, You run to beat up 88 and leave the mask behind. I take the mask and run to post some more on a certain epic. My mask.
  8. IC: (3/5)(3/3) I take a hit from Chro's laser (Counter activates). I take a my rifle and reload, firing off the clip again at Chro. OOC: I fixed up my other posts as I had 4/5 and randomly took damage and made it 3/5, but fixed that. I now have 3/5.
  9. I stop the Kikanalo and show them the tapes. When I hit the head into the Kikanalo's mouth, it never swallowed, and we were going to use this as a ball toy, but then Onaku come and shoves the head into the Kikanalo's mouth, causing it to die. The Kikanalo then turns and trample over Onaku. I turn to 88. "Nice try" I hit him with the bat, and then he gets shot for being dressed up as a moose. My mask.
  10. I grab a baseball bat and hit your head. It flies into a Kikanalo's mouth. My mask.
  11. Nooo!!! Thats it...You could sell my kidneys on Ebay, you could throw me off a cliff, and you could insult me for being a Kikanalo person, BUT NO ONE HURTS MY KIKANALO!!! I rip your skull in half and sell it Windrider. My mask, Windrider's Skull fragments.
  12. You use your private parts as Piraka bait. My mask.
  13. Atom ant reconstructs me. I take your head and toss it. The Cleveland browns pick up the ball and score a winning touchdown, however since your head isn't a football, the score doesn't count and they lose the game. Millions of angry Brown's fans come down and beat you in the face and body. My mask.
  14. You will have to wait for the next two rounds to end. Then you will be able to sign up for this. IC: (4/5) (3/3) I then reload the gun and fire off the whole clip again but at Shadow Vezon. I then fly back even more from the recoil.
  15. You decide to teach yourself how to fly, but crash and die. My mask.
  16. IC: (4/5) 3 respawns I then struggle with my brain and learn to fire my sniper again. I stand up straight and fire the whole clip (5 bullets) at the shield, but however fly backwards from the recoil of the gun.
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