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Ride Another Day

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Everything posted by Ride Another Day

  1. *Cough Cough* I killed Aeron actually...Ended his misery....The two Toa turn around and a portal opens up. A bloodied and battered Rider walks in. "Well...That...takes...care...of....that....fleet....and...the....ministry of silly walks...." I drop on one knee. "So...You guy's wouldn't happen to have a something to drink right?" No-one's mask.
  2. You know I'm sorry to ask this as some people would probably get that, but I don't get it...I don't catch on that fast...
  3. IC: (Godly Dancing) Looking up, I notice Shadow missed me and that Chro's leg projectile knocked me out of the way, but I wonder if Ehks is okay because I still want to make some bacon with him.
  4. Considering this plan, I think of what might go wrong. A loud noise is heard and I turn to the lift and see it shoot back up. I turn back "You better know which string, their coming!" I pull out my time killer sword and stand ready near the lift. The Fool's Mask.
  5. IC:(Godly Dancing) I get kicked by Chro's thrown leg, but back flip from the recoil and land while doing the split. OOC: Shadow, when did you attack me and Ehks?
  6. I look around at all of the archives, I notice a locked safe."Hmm...Onaku, I found this." I hand him the safe. "This could be important." I then start to look around at the other archives. Pupwa's mask.
  7. Mmm...looks like some people have some bacon to deal with me.... ...especially Luroka and Burnmad...
  8. I just hope that unlike in Bionifight I won't die right off the bat, I seem to have a thing with always dying first.
  9. As it turns out, that fictional beast is Pupwa. His mask.
  10. IC: (Godly Dancing) I turn and look and take the eight shots. Then Voxumo is littered with 8 holes in him. I look at Ehks and raise my hands. "Hey!! Take a chill pill and lets think...Why don't we just make some bacon out of Shadow's body with your frying pan?"
  11. Noticing that my mask is now gone, I strike out and join Onaku in finding the origin of this beast, leaving my Kikanlo behind to breed. I come up and tell Onaku that my Master used to tell me of a hidden vault in the sands of Po-Metru, and that we should look for this hidden vault. However it is guarded by a horde of Rahkshi and an ancient sand beast of unknown origins. No one's masks, My time killer sword.
  12. As a thanks for the cake, I supply your ground troops with specialized invincible Kikanalo. I then start to raise more Kikanalo. My Vahi, Onaku's Ignika and Mask of Entrophy, Shadow's Ignika, Vahi, and Mask of creation....
  13. IC:(Godly Dancing) I pull a matrix and bend over backward to avoid Shadow's punch and then I break dance, swinging my legs at Shadow.
  14. I think I know how the first round of this game will go. - ...Is that a good sign or bad sign?
  15. IC: (Godly Dancing) I use an invisible rope to pull Shadow Vezon back towards me and throw a superman punch at his face.
  16. I perform emergency surgery and remove the mask from the Kikanalo's stomach. Other masks, My Mask of Time.
  17. Goodness, I am brutally murdered every time. Is this like a punishment for my overpowered abilities in Bionifight or something? Whatever, A lone Kikanalo roams the open plain, just simply eating grass, when it uncovers the Mask of Time! My decapitated corpse rolls over on top of it and I am able to reverse my death. I then decide that this is simply too dangerous to meddle in Shadow Vezon and Onaku's plans, so I then start a Kikanalo farm and raise Kikanalo. My Mask of Time, Shadow's Ignika, and Onaku's masks
  18. At the ministry of silly walks, millions of dead Shadow bodies lay on the floor, all frozen. Aeron lays in a corner, lifeless. "I am sorry." I look at my newly acquired time killer sword. I had to use this to end the time Aeron had left on this world. I slice open a reality portal, but I am not fully recovered so the portal is merely like a window. The portal opens on Shadow Vezon. "You're next..." I close the portal, then ride off on a Kikanalo. Shadow, the me in the Super Nova is an afterimage .
  19. IC: (Godly Dance Mode) Shadow intended to kick me, but I back flipped over him and started to ride the horse, or Kikanalo in my terms...
  20. IC: What....Why....How....Whatever, I run over and throw my sword a Blade and then start to Carlton dance.
  21. You made it sound like I stink at fighting! Whatevs...This was pretty well thought out though.... I guess I'm still riding around on Kikanalo somewhere now. Seems Aeron is now the new threat thanks to Shadow Vezon, but due to all of the insanity that has just transpired, and this is like Pupwa insane, I think I am just going to leave now...
  22. Wait...How did we find either one of them?....My mind is hurting from all of this so I am just gonna take a break for awhile....Enjoy your birthday I guess.....
  23. IC: (0/20) The Business drones and the Bohrok lifted me out of my hidden tunnel underground. OOC: Didn't see that coming.
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