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Posts posted by masterchirox580

  1. I'm a bit disappointed with this one, it doesn't give anymore information about bio 2015 just some behind the scenes stuff, all we got is a better look at the new head piece(which reminds me of the toa metru heads). Also am I the only one who's getting sick of hearing about the mask of creation, seriously it's just a mask there's gonna be more to this new line then just that.

  2. Huh I wonder if bionicle Fridays is gonna become a thing, well if it is then every Friday morning I'm gonna wake up and start singing it's friday friday "explosion" 


    I know I've just made the most outdated reference in all the internet, I'm truly sorry I just had to make that joke.


    On a more on topic note I have a feeling that the information we will receive on Friday will be the last till comic con.

    • Upvote 1


    this topic strikes me as the kind of thing that could be against the rules...maybe. i don't see anything obviously discouraging this kind of thing in the rules, but it doesn't seem like a particularly good topic to have around. i mean sure, we love to laugh at the LMBs over here, but an entire thread dedicated to making fun of them just seems rude to me.

    You could say it's rude, but it's no worse then let's say "let's all laugh at fanboy comments" on youtube.


    your comparison makes no sense, because that's youtube and this is bzpower, where, despite what certain unsavory individuals might think, we at least attempt to maintain a general atmosphere of politeness and respect.


    No post to see here.

  4. this topic strikes me as the kind of thing that could be against the rules...maybe. i don't see anything obviously discouraging this kind of thing in the rules, but it doesn't seem like a particularly good topic to have around. i mean sure, we love to laugh at the LMBs over here, but an entire thread dedicated to making fun of them just seems rude to me.

    This post is completely true.

  5. Well I guess it's safe to declare that it's over for HF, so long HF you had your ups(breakout) and your downs(IFB), for some you created great love for your simple design and light hearted good robot stops bad robot story, and in others you inspired hatred for your simple design and light hearted good robot stops bad robot story. But in the end I think we can at least give HF this, it tried to capture the youth like bionicle did in the two thousands, sure it might have failed but at least it tried to have a unique identity which is something we don't see in most lego themes today. so yeah goodbye HF.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Well seeing as to how bio is due for a return next year one question I have is will there be a new video game for the theme? In the past lego have produced quite a few video games for the theme, most of them differed in gameplay style and genre with the last one being released in 2006. So my question is do you think a new game will be produced and what will the gameplay be like?


    Lyichir, that language was uncalled for. I know that some equally strong things were said against the line, but that does not justify such words against another member of BZPower.

    I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let my emotions get to me like that, but I can't stand it when people take their dislike of a set to the point of insulting the designers themselves. I want to be a Lego set designer at some point, after all, so when someone says they were "lazy" or that a set "looks like it was designed by a five-year-old" it can drive me up the wall. Lego set designers have to take a lot of factors into consideration that many fans can't begin to comprehend—things like ease of building, price-point, the budget for new molds or recolors, and many other factors. The way I see it, people are a lot more critical of actual sets than they are of MOCs—if you wouldn't describe a person's MOC as "lazy" to their face, I don't see why you should describe a set like that, especially when in that case you know even less about the constraints the designer was working with.


    Well apology excepted, I'm not gonna bother answering the rest of your post as we'll probably be back to where we were before.


    P.S On an off topic note could someone please explain to me how the mask thing works on this forum.

  8. I don't know, but I do have a theory; I remembered how The Lego Movie had started being developed in 2010. Three years later, in 2013, the information about it, including the actors, characters, plot, release date, and trailer, was released, and then, in 2014, the movie itself came out, too. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    So, since the live-action Hero Factory movie is mentioned in 2012, like you said, masterchirox580, maybe the movie is already developing now without us knowing it? I don't know, but I'll also bet that more information about the live-action movie would come out in next year, 2015, and then, the movie itself would be released in 2016. Just making a theory about the movie.

    Well here's the thing with that, first of all TLM was being planned as early as 2008 and I believe it was greenlighted in november of 2011, I remember during that time we'd get little bits of information each year. With this thing it's a case of one news report and the project just vapourized never to be heard of again, and if HF is ending then this thing will definitely get cancelled(assuming it hasn't been already).





    I thought the fig-builds were to introduce some variety in the theme and catch people's attention. I think a lot of people liked the change from the "same humanoid builds over and over" that HF was for four years. IFB broke up that pattern, which was really cool. 


    Based on that, I don't think the IFB sets were responsible for the theme's demise. It was the story, and probably a combination of factors - it just wasn't exciting to begin with, and it just got old.

    I never said IFB was the reason why lego are likely getting rid of the theme, what I was trying to say was that in my mind IFB proved lego doesn't care about the theme anymore and don't care what gets shoveled out for it.


    If Lego didn't care about the theme anymore, we wouldn't likely have gotten a subtheme as amazing as IFB has been. If IFB was made with the knowledge of it being HF's last year (and that's entirely possible), it's quite clear from the set designs that Lego pulled out all the stops. Minifigure-scale heroes are a real treat for fans, allowing them to make greater use of the characters alongside other themes once the HF theme is no longer with us. The IFB set designs are on the whole much more creative and diverse than those of any other HF subtheme, and from what I've seen have worked wonders in terms of introducing the constraction category to audiences who hadn't previously given it the time of day. If Lego truly didn't care what got "shoveled out" for Hero Factory, we would've gotten a fairly traditional year of sets to bridge the gap between Brain Attack and Bionicle—not the most creative and experimental subtheme to date.


    The only thing mildly disappointing about IFB was the TV episode, and let's be honest, it's far from the first TV episode to fail to meet expectations. So while it's possible that the contract with the prior production company ran out and Lego chose not to renew it in anticipation of HF's end, that doesn't mean the subtheme as a whole was halfhearted in any way, shape, or form.


    Well that's your opinion on IFB so here's mine, invasion from below is a pathetic bid to try and get regular lego fans into HF, it's a mutation of exo-force gone wrong, I mean look at evo walker and rocka crawler, they look like mocs done by a five year old. And most of the sets are like this, not to mention the colouring sucks, these sets use way too much gunmetal grey, and I can barely tell any of the beasts apart, and the ones that are different just look like any other bland monsters that lego have created. The only positive I can find in these things is the minifigures, and I'm not willing to spend thirteen pounds on a minifigure. So my view on IFB is that sucks and I'm so glad they decided to bring back bionicle.



    Evo Walker and Rocka Crawler occupy the lowest price-point of the series and are far from indicative of the line as a whole. The larger sets are much more complex—they feature unique and creative builds and designs, and I'd love you to point me to the "five-year-old" who is a good enough designer to come up with, say, the torso build of Furno Jet Machine, the elaborate build of Evo XL Machine, or the grappling claw launcher of Breez Flea Machine. The fact that you see fit to insult the actual designers (who, I might add, are PAID to do this and have to take into account many more factors than the preferences of whiny and entitled fans) is proof enough that your "opinion" is both ignorant and offensive. But then again, you seem to be just as self-important and deluded as the AFOLs who commonly decry constraction themes in general as "not real Lego", so I suppose there are bad apples in every corner of the fandom.


    Didn't realize mod had already done something about this, so I've decided to remove the post.

  10. I remember back in 2012 hearing about a potential live-action movie based on HF, lego were supposedly discussing the idea with universal and it would have been written by the same guys who did predator. But since then nothing's been heard about it, so it leaves a lot of questions such as, what happened to it? Why did it(presumably)get cancelled? Was it even true? And I also ask you would it have been a good idea and what would it have been like?



    I thought the fig-builds were to introduce some variety in the theme and catch people's attention. I think a lot of people liked the change from the "same humanoid builds over and over" that HF was for four years. IFB broke up that pattern, which was really cool. 


    Based on that, I don't think the IFB sets were responsible for the theme's demise. It was the story, and probably a combination of factors - it just wasn't exciting to begin with, and it just got old.

    I never said IFB was the reason why lego are likely getting rid of the theme, what I was trying to say was that in my mind IFB proved lego doesn't care about the theme anymore and don't care what gets shoveled out for it.


    If Lego didn't care about the theme anymore, we wouldn't likely have gotten a subtheme as amazing as IFB has been. If IFB was made with the knowledge of it being HF's last year (and that's entirely possible), it's quite clear from the set designs that Lego pulled out all the stops. Minifigure-scale heroes are a real treat for fans, allowing them to make greater use of the characters alongside other themes once the HF theme is no longer with us. The IFB set designs are on the whole much more creative and diverse than those of any other HF subtheme, and from what I've seen have worked wonders in terms of introducing the constraction category to audiences who hadn't previously given it the time of day. If Lego truly didn't care what got "shoveled out" for Hero Factory, we would've gotten a fairly traditional year of sets to bridge the gap between Brain Attack and Bionicle—not the most creative and experimental subtheme to date.


    The only thing mildly disappointing about IFB was the TV episode, and let's be honest, it's far from the first TV episode to fail to meet expectations. So while it's possible that the contract with the prior production company ran out and Lego chose not to renew it in anticipation of HF's end, that doesn't mean the subtheme as a whole was halfhearted in any way, shape, or form.


    Well that's your opinion on IFB so here's mine, invasion from below is a pathetic bid to try and get regular lego fans into HF, it's a mutation of exo-force gone wrong, I mean look at evo walker and rocka crawler, they look like mocs done by a five year old. And most of the sets are like this, not to mention the colouring sucks, these sets use way too much gunmetal grey, and I can barely tell any of the beasts apart, and the ones that are different just look like any other bland monsters that lego have created. The only positive I can find in these things is the minifigures, and I'm not willing to spend thirteen pounds on a minifigure. So my view on IFB is that sucks and I'm so glad they decided to bring back bionicle.

  12. I thought the fig-builds were to introduce some variety in the theme and catch people's attention. I think a lot of people liked the change from the "same humanoid builds over and over" that HF was for four years. IFB broke up that pattern, which was really cool. 


    Based on that, I don't think the IFB sets were responsible for the theme's demise. It was the story, and probably a combination of factors - it just wasn't exciting to begin with, and it just got old. 

    I never said IFB was the reason why lego are likely getting rid of the theme, what I was trying to say was that in my mind IFB proved lego doesn't care about the theme anymore and don't care what gets shoveled out for it.

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