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Posts posted by Owlexander








    "I can figure out the code, it's just a simple mathematics." ;)

    God, that game is terrible. :annoyed: Well, Caddy fan, I took a look at your defenders of Okoto and while they look alright, they're too similar to the Okoto Toa, especially Bullstrode.
    Haha, someone gets it! But yeah, I've been told this before and I'm currently trying to find a way to keep them all different from each other as well as different from the toa. Though I can't see how I'll be able to do that due to their characteristics and how to make their bodies match their personalities and fighting styles. :/
    If you want help with that, I have 11 years in character design :)
    I wouldn't mind some suggestions as to what I should do specifically, after all, it's going to be hard to change their build halfway through my series... which may or may not be coming out by the end of this year...
    I left you character help, as well as a MOC base to use

    I'm not a master at this stuff... I don't exactly believe I can do any of this. *~*

    You never know what you can do until you try. :)



    You... you have no idea...






    "I can figure out the code, it's just a simple mathematics." ;)

    God, that game is terrible. :annoyed: Well, Caddy fan, I took a look at your defenders of Okoto and while they look alright, they're too similar to the Okoto Toa, especially Bullstrode.
    Haha, someone gets it! But yeah, I've been told this before and I'm currently trying to find a way to keep them all different from each other as well as different from the toa. Though I can't see how I'll be able to do that due to their characteristics and how to make their bodies match their personalities and fighting styles. :/
    If you want help with that, I have 11 years in character design :)

    I wouldn't mind some suggestions as to what I should do specifically, after all, it's going to be hard to change their build halfway through my series... which may or may not be coming out by the end of this year...

    I left you character help, as well as a MOC base to use



    I'm not a master at this stuff... I don't exactly believe I can do any of this. *~*

  3. First, the most defining characteristic of a person is their head and torso. So since heads are basic here, let's work on the torso.


    This is a good base to use:


    It's Pohatu and a Protectors frame. (You can use any toa frame to get a different result)


    Next, optional, use a hip joint. My usual is a Vakhi hip attached by a Y-Joint.


    Which also leaves a lot of room for armor.



    Then customize the armor however you choose. Complex or simple is up to you.



    For a rough and rugged character: partially conceal the neck, widen the shoulders, shrink the hips.


    For a closed- in or reclused character: Keep the main focus of the armor towards his/her center. With less on the outer parts.


    For a feminine or flamboyant character: Widen the hips, widen the chest, keep the shoulders and lower legs thin.


    For a sporty character: Put more armor on the joints than anywhere else.


    For an agile character: Keep the body thin.



    If you need more help, let me know.


    Ok... gonna be real honest with you... I'm not very good at MOC'ing... so yeeeeeee... :/






    I just imagine playing with the BZP community and it's just a montage of me getting hit in the face repeatedly without being able to recover from the last hit.

    (Now the reason why the infected Kolhii balls in MNOG spread disease quickly makes sense.)


    I actually think BZP getting together to play would be great. Create our own local teams and have a local supply the kolhii balls.

    Then at one point we'd all head to the same place and get to hang out before the game... c:
    Ah, it would be so fun. There should be a BZP section for meetups and such. I can last a long time in a Kolhii Match so watch yourself ;) :D

    *montage of me getting hit repeatedly in the face over and over again in the final tournament game*

    *and one of you accidentally nearly killing a spectator with a new move*



    *gets hit in face, ball bounces off and nearly kills spectator*




    "I can figure out the code, it's just a simple mathematics." ;)

    God, that game is terrible. :annoyed: Well, Caddy fan, I took a look at your defenders of Okoto and while they look alright, they're too similar to the Okoto Toa, especially Bullstrode.

    Haha, someone gets it! But yeah, I've been told this before and I'm currently trying to find a way to keep them all different from each other as well as different from the toa. Though I can't see how I'll be able to do that due to their characteristics and how to make their bodies match their personalities and fighting styles. :/

    If you want help with that, I have 11 years in character design :)



    I wouldn't mind some suggestions as to what I should do specifically, after all, it's going to be hard to change their build halfway through my series... which may or may not be coming out by the end of this year...




    I just imagine playing with the BZP community and it's just a montage of me getting hit in the face repeatedly without being able to recover from the last hit.

    (Now the reason why the infected Kolhii balls in MNOG spread disease quickly makes sense.)


    I actually think BZP getting together to play would be great. Create our own local teams and have a local supply the kolhii balls.

    Then at one point we'd all head to the same place and get to hang out before the game... c:

    Ah, it would be so fun. There should be a BZP section for meetups and such. I can last a long time in a Kolhii Match so watch yourself ;) :D



    *montage of me getting hit repeatedly in the face over and over again in the final tournament game*


    "I can figure out the code, it's just a simple mathematics." ;)


    God, that game is terrible.  :annoyed: Well, Caddy fan, I took a look at your defenders of Okoto and while they look alright, they're too similar to the Okoto Toa, especially Bullstrode. 



    Haha, someone gets it! But yeah, I've been told this before and I'm currently trying to find a way to keep them all different from each other as well as different from the toa. Though I can't see how I'll be able to do that due to their characteristics and how to make their bodies match their personalities and fighting styles. :/


    I just imagine playing with the BZP community and it's just a montage of me getting hit in the face repeatedly without being able to recover from the last hit.

    (Now the reason why the infected Kolhii balls in MNOG spread disease quickly makes sense.)


    I actually think BZP getting together to play would be great. Create our own local teams and have a local supply the kolhii balls.



    Then at one point we'd all head to the same place and get to hang out before the game... c:

    • Upvote 1

    10% Mata

    30% Nuva

    20% Adaptive Armour

    20% Hero Factory

    20% Technic (If that counts)

    Wrong. It'd be 50% Mata. 30% Nuva. 10% Adaptive Armour. 0% Hero Factory. 10% Technic. 


    All Hero Factory designs focused on weird asymmetry and minimalistic styles of armoring. BIONICLE is using CCBS far better by making the shells act as muscle/body shapes rather than protection for a specific region. They also have better builds AND weapons. Bringing back the classic dual wielding and doing away with the horrid tacky blaster concept is a major thumbs up from me.



    Here's the correct version:

    10% Mata

    30% Nuva

    20% Adaptive Armour

    100% CCBS

    20% Technic (If that counts)

    • Upvote 1
  10. Back in the day, 2001 or or so, I got interested in it. I remember myself thinking, "Well, I remember 'Throwbots', but these are way cooler!" So after a while, I started getting a set or two.


    But what I did mostly was study up on the storyline and fandom. It was the biggest part of Bionicle, all the plotlines and side quests and characters they had goin' around, living their life, fighting Rahi, et cetera. It was the coolest part to me, back then. To this day, I still love the storyline, and of course the sets, too.


    I think that's what made Bionicle so popular tbh.




    I haven't gotten around to working on my fanfiction, but it's called Kanohi Academy and it's about a school run by Gali and her assistants teaching Matoran how to use Kanohi. I have no idea how I can throw conflict into it without it feeling contrived or forced,


    Infighting! it works for rahkshi school, which i'm pretty sure is identical to matoran school in eeeeeeeevery way, yep. :u 

    Matoran aren't violent and territorial by nature, you can't really have them fight with each other like you would, a rahkshi.



    yeah i was kidding, obvs they aren't gonna corpus-rahkshi it up, since that is A. unrealistic, and B. unsustainable.


    but there could still be lesser, more human-scale discourses i'm sure, or, if you're willing to bend the word of greg a bit, Romantic tension is generally high in a school setting. o:







    Btw, just updated the bios for each Defender is y'all wanna take a look. :3

  12. Playing the game when I was 6 and crying at the end because I thought it was all over. ;u;



    I loved the mystery, the intensity, the lore, the backstory, the characters, the atmosphere, the music, the art, the mechanics, the puzzles, the designs, EVERYTHING. This game is one of my favorite games to date and is on my top 5 for a reason. :)



    Well, time to bust out the 'ol steel toed boots again. 


    "He came through the door, and greeted me with a steel toed kick to the face, but through my bloody grin, he knew I was happy."  


    I'm somewhat glad that I don't get that reference. 



    • Upvote 2
  14. Well, time to bust out the 'ol steel toed boots again. 


    "He came through the door, and greeted me with a steel toed kick to the face, but through my bloody grin, he knew I was happy."  

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