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Posts posted by Owlexander

  1. Ok, let me be clear on this subject.


    I don't mind gays, nor there being a toyline that takes gays into consideration and makes them a part of the toyline.


    But Bionicle...? I just don't see that working out. I don't mind the occasional flirting and all, but actually having a full on relationship between two characters wouldn't make it Bionicle anymore. Remember, they're partially (or fully, tbd) machines, and machines can't really feel love, so it'd be pretty awkward to have a relationship in that, let alone one that could potentially steer fans away from Bionicle, as sad as that is.

    • Upvote 2


    A ball half full of sand would also end up acting strangely. For one, it wouldn't roll very far because of the friction from the sand moving around inside.

    Perhaps full sand?

    That was intended first. But someone suggested half full as to make less painful impacts



    Well, half sand would be a good idea in theory, though it would tend to flop around inside the ball... which I dunno if you've ever had to throw a ball half full of sand, but if you have, you would know how much it twists and turns in the air. :P


    But perhaps just a thick leather ball could simulate the weight and density of a ball full of sand?


    Also, wearing face gear is probably enough to make the impact easier to bear.


    There might just be a special ball built AROUND the sand if the sport ever gets popular enough.

    Yeah, it's called a medicine ball  :P .



    OHHH... so that's how they make those... and that's what a medicine ball is... ok... :P


    To minimize the face-being-deformed factor of being hit with a basketball full of sand, could you fill one half with sand and half with air? Like how you sometimes do with water balloons?

    Would that unbalance how it moves in the air if the weight was concentrated on one side?



    He doesn't mean physically in half, he means 50% air 50% sand, the sand would move all over the place. :P



    Not to get too off point, but a relationship should be about respecting each other's individualities.


    Also, shot in the dark, but maybe there are lots of women with geek hobbies too?

    That's what I've always thought, but all of the relationships I've been in have been toxic with me being used. They always dump me at bad times too. My first girlfriend dumped me at a dance, and the other after that on our anniversary. Hopefully my luck changes and I can find someone who views things as though we're equals instead of treating me as a slave to her whims.


    Anyway, that's a quite personal and off-topic matter. I plan on keeping my BIONICLE sets and at some point giving them to my future children.

    That sucks, well good luck to you.


    I haven't had a problem with my partners knowing I have Bionicles. They actually ask me to narrate the main story for them too.



    Not to go even MORE off topic than we already are buuuuuut...


    I only really make it apparent to my friends that I'm a Bonkle fan, and barely ever mention it around my partners. :P

  6. *hugs Forgets*


    Only paint the CCBS pieces if it's absolutely necessary. And I suggest only buying from Bricklink if you have money to spare. (Which is why I don't buy from Bricklink yet. I only get $40 per two weeks to spend freely. Which I mainly use on Bionicles, or shaman clothes.)


    *hugs back* :3


    Ye, figured I'd do some testing and come back here to tell everyone, I've got quite a budget at a moment so I wouldn't mind doing something like that with just a few pieces.



    Actually if you're talking about a dark red as being maroon, those pieces do exist. They came in several of the Chima Ultrabuilds as well as Pyrox from the Brain Attack wave of Hero Factory.


    Gold is also pretty common among CCBS pieces, particularly in the old Rocka Hero Factory sets, as well as being able to be obtained through some of the new 2015 Toa.


    If the option of buying sets is too expensive, as it does sound quite pricey, I have no doubt the pieces can be found on Bricklink for a reasonable price.


    As for the initial question, I unfortunately can't say I know for sure which type of paint works best. I am a purist MOCist and have had no need to paint pieces as of yet.


    Hope this was helpful :)


    It was indeed helpful! :D


    Which Chima sets did the maroon pieces come in? Because I'd love to get some. I already have tons of gold, but wouldn't mind some more. ;)


    Also, I was just using this as a reference, as I was considering doing more non-purist MOCs in the future. :)


    The 2014, unfortunately non-American, Chima Ultrabuilds for Laval and Fluminox have them with some gold printing that could be removed if desired. The Pyrox set has no normal armor pieces, but has a dark red chestplate.


    I also found this on Bricklink after a few minutes of investigation: http://www.bricklink.com/search.asp?colorID=59&itemID=99305


    Although I'm not sure where they came from, and I can't find any information on it, there appear to be normal dark red CCBS pieces for sale.





    Welp, there goes my 2015 Summer wave budget...

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