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Posts posted by Owlexander

  1. I once found a used Lewa Nuva at Goodwill. I bought it, since I had long since lost many of my own Lewa Nuva's parts. When I got home and opened the canister, I was surprised to find that it included not just Lewa Nuva, but also the original Lewa!


    2 for 1! :D

    • Upvote 1


    My copies are all shredded from reading them over and over so I def bought them.

    At what g-force do you flip the pages? XD


    g-force isn't an issue when you're quantum reading to the nth dimension 


    or however that meme goes lmao



  3. Gay or flamboyant characters or villains


    Wat... I mean, not that I'm against that or anything but... wat.


    No offense, but this is still a children's toyline... I don't exactly believe that's a practical decision... no offense. :P




    Well, I won't be able to enter the Contest, as I'm merely a child, and wouldn't be able to send it to the convention.

    First of all, how old is "child" Second of all, sometimes you just gotta enter contests for the fun of it.


    How old this Child is is 11. and what if I (Somehow) end up as a finalist? 


    Got any siblings, relatives, parents etcetera?



    He's a dragon, he burned them all and ate them, duh.

    • Upvote 3
  5. 1. It is Tumblr, did you see Makaru's Tamaru MOC? He said Tamaru identified himself as trans-gender and a member on BZPower took his hatred of trans-gender people to Tumblr after seeing the post. Also, search up "Bonesiii" on Tumblr, there is a lot of hate towards him. 

    2. Aside from the messed up gender ratio, people have argued about retcons and whether or not they should stop being made and all retcons eliminated. 

    3. The admins themselves are open minded, but some members do not see eye to eye and have caused massive arguments on BZPower, hence this topic not being open for discussion. 


    1. Wow, kay.

    2. Eh, I can see why...

    3. Ah, I see. :)

  6. We have several reasons to argue.

    1. Genders

    2. Gen 1's story

    3. Orientation (surprised Makaru actually joined in with a bonkles shipping post with maleXmale relationships and Bonesiii didn't have the topic locked.)


    1. Ok, tumblr. Jk, but in all seriousness, I can understand why someone would want to argue about the gender ratio. :P

    2. What's there to argue about that? It's over... so... tbh, we can basically just make up whatever makes us happy with our own headcanon.

    3. Is that stuff not allowed here? Thought this be a pretty open-minded community. o.0



    It's composed of little kids, some of whom, can be massive brats, I wouldn't be surprised if some twelve year old raised ###### over a minor point.


    True, this generation definitely is a lot different from our's or the previous one... at least we have a REASON to argue/don't argue over stupid ######.



    Let's not turn this into a "this generation" thing. Younger kids in general haven't had as much time to learn "netiquette" or social skills in general as teens and adults. Sometimes they just think they're stating their opinions and don't even recognize that what they're saying sounds rude (I mean, I'm 24 and I still sometimes phrase things poorly on the Internet).


    I generally steer clear of the BIONICLE discussion forum on the LEGO Message Boards because from my experience, it can get pretty argumentative. But the Elves community there, which is much newer and smaller, tends to be a bit more civil. Maybe that's just because there's not as much to argue about yet. BIONICLE has been around for over a decade, so it goes without saying that the people who like BIONICLE don't always like the same aspects of it for the same reasons. As long as I've been a part of the BIONICLE community, there have been people who argue over whether the newest sets and story are still true to what they love about the BIONICLE theme. It's not just a G1 versus G2 thing; that's just the current form of the never-ending "new versus old" debate.



    I wasn't try to turn it into a "this generation" thing, it's just that I noticed that a lot with kids these days... sorry if I offended anyone in the audience! ^_^;

  7. It's composed of little kids, some of whom, can be massive brats, I wouldn't be surprised if some twelve year old raised ###### over a minor point.


    True, this generation definitely is a lot different from our's or the previous one... at least we have a REASON to argue/don't argue over stupid .




    The second worst thing in G2 is that many of the G2 fans will try to flame me for [...] stating that G2 is aimed at a younger audience than before.


    I haven't seen any flaming on the subject so much as correcting the misinformation, considering it isn't.


    REALLY*raises an eye brow*?  Go to Lego.com LMB's and check the Bionicle message boards and you should find SOME flaming.


    It's the LMBs; I would get flamed for saying I prefer grilled cheese to peanut butter. Hardly a metric to judge overall reactions by.



    WOW, is it really THAT bad? Never been there except for one time before... :P

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