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Posts posted by Moku

  1. IC: Nekka


    Nekka's eyes opened as she slipped into consciousness.  Her eyes glared around; she didn't remember anything that happened before.


    "Wha- Where am I?"


    Nekka got up and scanned around the beach.  She had no idea where she was, what had happened that brought her to this place, and how she had gotten to this place.  All she knew is that she was somewhere she wasn't familiar with.  She looked down at the indent where she had been laying, then picked up the sand and let it run through her fingers.  It felt super fine, as if it could've been near-microscopic in consistency.  Then she looked out into the horizon.  "Nothing." she remarked to herself.  She heard the waves on the beach crashing down onto the shore.  A feeling of tranquility immediately filled her state of mind as she sat on the beach in a calm trance.  Nobody else was around to notice her, and that was probably a good thing.  After all, she did look threatening, what with her spiky armor and scythe.  The dark green (and silver) armor didn't help.  She was a Skakdi, though, so that's to be expected.


    She shook her head quickly, snapping out of her trance.  Now's not the time for meditation, she thought.


    "Okay... where to go, where to go..."

    She began walking toward a tree.  "Guess I'll just sit here.  At least until someone finds me."


    She sat down under the tree.  Soon she fell asleep.


    OOC: Welp, this is my first time doing a text RPG.  :S

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  2. Name: Nekka (Nay-kuh)

    Species: Skakdi


    Appearance: A slender Skakdi, Nekka is adorned with dark green armor, with silver armor on her arms, legs, and torso.  Her spiky spine and threatening look often give the impression that she is out to kill, which usually isn't the case.  [Picture to hopefully come soon]


    Gender: Female

    Vision Power: Laser

    Element: Air


    Equipment: A green and silver scythe she obtained through her travels.


    Weakness(es): She is terrifyingly afraid of fire, lava, and other flame-related substances, and will go out of her way to avoid such obstacles, even if it means jeopardizing a mission.  This stems from her susceptibility to fire attacks, which she found out when she suffered a burn during her travels.  It has long since healed, though it made her very afraid of fire.  That said, she doesn't mind a small ember, as long as it doesn't go out of control.  She is also very sensitive towards her status as a Skakdi, and as such she will enter into a fit of rage whenever the thought of being a Skakdi bothers her.


    Alignment: Good, formerly Evil


    History: Initially a threatening and ruthless Skakdi who would kill without remorse, Nekka has since shunned her former life of murder after a dream where she witnessed a brutal matoran massacre.  As such, she is a self-proclaimed "Guardian of the Matoran" who will do anything to protect matoran.  She has recently appeared on Mata Nui, and is currently looking for a place to call home.


    Personality and traits: Prior to her dream witnessing massacre of matoran, Nekka was a cruel Skakdi who would kill without regrets nor remorse.  However, since her dream, she has become more of a caring guardian to the matoran, channeling her aggression and anger towards any threat to the matoran.  She is unusually kind, even for matoran standards, though this quickly sheds whenever someone threatens or attacks the matoran.  She is very sensitive about her former Skakdi life, specifically showing immense regret and guilt, and whenever her status as a Skakdi troubles her, she will go into a fit of rage, though still making sure to not harm anything.  She strongly desires a mask of any kind, even if it's just cosmetic, just as long as it doesn't make her look like a Skakdi.  She'll often draw patterns of Kanohi on whatever is around and craft makeshift masks out of whatever material she can find, though they're usually too brittle and/or frail to wear, which saddens her.




    Name: Banar

    Species: Toa


    Appearance: An agile and firm Toa, Banar predominantly wears dark metallic gold armor with brown armor thrown in for good measure, all over his predominately gray frame.  His somewhat strong physique, mostly on his torso and arms, often give the impression that he is quite burly, which isn't necessarily the case.  [picture to hopefully come soon.]


    Gender: Male

    Kanohi: Kualsi

    Element: Gravity


    Equipment: A spear, in the same dark metallic gold shade as his armor.  No fanciness or anything; just a spear.  That said he working on mastering it.


    Weaknesses: Banar is quite overconfident as a Toa, as he sees himself as a powerful being immediately from the get-go.  As a result, he may be a bit overconfident in battles, which may lead to some unfortunate defeats.  This has shown through when he found a Skakdi named Skebran and was seriously injured before managing to defeat him by sheer luck.


    Allignment: Good


    History: Living his life as if he was a Po-Matoran, he was met with total indifference from the other Matoran in Po-Koro.  After years of insignificance, Banar recently discovered that he was actually a Ba-Matoran.  Shortly after, through means currently unknown, he became a Toa of Gravity and is currently attempting to hone his elemental powers in Po-Wahi.


    Personality and Traits: As a Matoran, Banar was reduced to a state of quietness, due to the fact that he was treated indifferently as a "Po-Matoran" in Po-Koro.  Upon his discovery of his true element and his change into a Toa, he has now turned a new leaf regarding his past, and he plans on becoming a great Toa of Gravity, seeking to hone his newfound elemental abilities.  He is currently a bit inexperienced, however, and may need some training, though he does not care to admit this.




    Name: Moku

    Species: Matoran


    Appearance: A standard Ta-Matoran, Moku is clad in red and yellow armor.  He wears an orange Kanohi Kaukau, the mask of water breathing, though it's of course powerless seeing as he is a matoran. [picture to hopefully come soon]


    Gender: Male

    Kanohi: Kaukau

    Element: Fire


    Pet: Moku has a pet Ussal Crab named Luma, who is black and orange with a Pakari-like shell covering her back.  She is very loyal and sweet to Moku, so he spends a lot of his time petting and playing with her.  (She's based off my real life cat Luma, so she's bound to be similar behavior-wise)


    Equipment: A small golden sword.  He also has a staff that is too big for him to use, so he doesn't use it.


    Weaknesses: As a Ta-Matoran, he used to have a fear of the water, ironic due to his mask being a Kaukau.  However, he has since gotten over this.  That's not to say it was his only weakness, however, as he is also quite socially awkward, often giving the impression that he's either not trustworthy or that he's disinterested, which is never the case.  He also suffers from intensely agonizing headaches from time to time, which usually last around 30 seconds or so, but to him they feel more like 30 minutes of agonizing pain.


    Allignment: Good

    History: A secluded Ta-Matoran, Moku lives a peaceful life in Ta-Koro, despite its hot climate.  He desires to become an explorer and travel the island of Mata Nui, though constant threats such as Rahkshi keep him penned up at his secluded home, little more than a small hut with only the bare necessities required for living, such as a bed and a light source.


    Personality and Traits: Moku is a polite matoran, often trying to act modestly around others.  Secretly, he wishes to live a social life with friends, though his social anxiety prevents this.  Despite this, he has kept a positive light, believing that eventually things will change for the better.  Currently, nothing has happened to change this perspective, though he has recently met up with Savok, who he is starting to feel more comfortable with.




    Name: Savok

    Species: Toa


    Appearance: Savok is a Su-Toa clad in mostly orange and white armor, as typical for Plasma elemental beings.

    His Kanohi Mask of Sensory Aptitude is orange white.  (Pictured here is the older version of him with a battleaxe and an orange Kakama)savokembed.jpg


    Gender: Male

    Kanohi: Mask of Sensory Aptitude

    Element: Plasma


    Equipment: He carried an axe-like blade as his weapon.  It has since become lost, and Savok currently has no weapon.


    Weaknesses: Savok is quite clumsy, which often gets in the way of him whenever he battles someone.  This can be problematic for Savok, as it makes him somewhat poor at fighting, though he is about average in terms of fighting skills alone for a Toa.  He can use his mask of sensory aptitude to balance himself, though doing so for extended periods of time exhausts himself.


    Allignment: Good

    History: Savok has always lived in Ta-Koro, though he has made efforts to explore the rest of the island as well.  He became a Toa when he was exposed somehow to a concentrated protodermis shard, and he had then begun his travels throughout Mata Nui.  He is currently resting at home in Ta-Koro, where Moku lives, though the two have only recently met.


    Personality and Traits: Savok is a quiet Toa, and he tends to spend a lot of time meditating.  Unlike Moku, who has intense social anxiety, Savok just enjoys solitude.  Savok is a kind soul inside, though, and will do anything to protect his people, no matter what the cost.  He is quite wise, and has spent most of his time exploring Mata Nui studying.

    • Upvote 1
  3. The spider itself is too simple, it could at least use some hind legs. It looks cool on Tahu's face though.

    Indeed it is a bit simplistic, but it's also pretty hard to add some extra legs with the Scarox head/mask, and even harder if not impossible to add them while Tahu's wearing the mask.  That said it is possible, though, and it'd be interesting to see that.

  4. Ooh sweet, a metal topic!  Guess I've got somewhere to procrastinate on here :D


    Anyways, what are your guys' favorite metal subgenres?  Personally, I love thrash metal.  Then again, I've only just gotten really into it.  If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

  5. The story definitely threw me off.  Even Mata Nui couldn't help familiarize things.  The fact that it ignored the crisis of Teridax taking over the Matoran Universe kind of felt unnerving, as we didn't know what was going on with that universe until 2010ish.  Except if you were frequent on Bionicle story.


    Personally, I'd have preferred a new wave based off Teridax's takeover of the Matoran Universe, possibly with new characters and redesigns of older characters (looking at the inconsistent Toa Mahri here...).  Maybe by some sort of events Mata Nui found his way back?  Eh, that sounds sorta lazy and cheap, but what can I say?  I made it up on the spot.  But instead we got 2009, and even though it felt jarring, the connection towards the older storyline in 2010, as rushed as it was, helped familiarize things.

    • Upvote 2
  6. A new color of a skull spider definitely seems interesting.  That said, it's a bit small for a polybag, so I'm gonna have to say Two-kua.  He definitely seems like a fan-favorite by this point, so releasing him would make perfect sense.


    Or maybe just release the aforementioned two together!

  7. I actually might get almost all of them at once.  I've got around $250 to spend and I've been keeping my eye out for set availability... Then again my parents would probably advise me to save money D:


    In that case, I've yet to decide my first Toa.  It'll probably be Tahu, but both Lewa and Pohatu look intriguing.

  8. Hmmm, apparently everyone here seems to hate the HF feet.  Odd, I never really despised them.  That said, they are a bit basic...


    Maybe a new foot mold is in order!


    Anyways, my least favorite aspect of the new sets is probably the lack of the Mask of Creation!  D:  LEGO teases us with the Mask of Creation on ALL the sets and doesn't release it in any of them :S


    Guess they're saving it for next wave.  Or the wave after that.  We'll see.

  9. Well, I've used the name "Moku" online for around 6-7 years.  Actually came from Mokujin, a Tekken character, but the game I made the account for actually made it look like there was a bit of a space, so it sort of looked like Moku jin.  And sooner or later, people started calling me Moku, so I just adapted to it.  It's been my nickname online for the longest time now, and I've no intention of changing it for the foreseeable future.

  10. Any sightings in the mid-west?

    I mentioned that I saw the Protector of Earth and Protector of Water at the Target I work at, which is in the midwest.  Unfortunately they're gone, but I managed to nab both of them.  They had 9 in stock, but 3 on the shelves.  I'm assuming that either the last one on the shelf got bought or they realized their mistake.  Either way, my local Target probably still has them, just not on shelves yet.




    The Target I work at had the protector of earth and the protector of water in stock! :D. Needless to say I picked them up.

    Did you see them in the back before they were shelved?
    I did not. However, I scanned them and noticed that they had 7 more, 6 in the back. I don't normally work in the toys section, so I had to look like the rest of you :P
    • Upvote 1
  12. The torso designs are definitely interesting! (better than what I can come up with, hahah)


    The arms and legs, however, are sort of basic.  Same sort of Inika-esque build that we've gotten lots of times before.  That said, they fit the color scheme and work nicely (Besides, I couldn't come up with anything better)!


    Overall, these are some good MOCs, and you're on the right path with the torsos.  With a little bit of improvement limb-wise, I feel that your MOCs could be great!

  13. I'd definitely say 2009, mostly because it felt quite alienating.  I mean, are the Agori/Glatorians supposed to be linked to the Matoran/Toa?  I just felt that kind of complicated things, what with 2 predominant races, the largest of which hardly has any info surrounding them (Agori).  Mata Nui was thankfully a blast from the past, but even his inclusion felt new and odd.  And 2010 was definitely a bit confusing, what with the rushed attempt to finish off the storyline, especially with the golden armor and such.  That whole era of BIONICLE felt sorta alienating for a lot of folk, it seems.

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