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Everything posted by user-402520536

  1. OOC: Minor bunnying here, but you did say "followed obediently". I'll edit if necessary. IC: Drift We made it to the Refectory, where we each took up a tray of slop before heading back to my dorms.
  2. A few questions: 1) Who's currently in the iInfirmary? 2) Is Corp Rahk visible from the Cauldron?
  3. Brother? No. That would be dumb mostly because there would be absolutely no logic (I mean, even less than is the Raptor/Blitz standard) in someone who already knows Raptor wanting to be like him. They're completely unrelated. EDT: Signing off for the night.
  4. IC: Drift "Thanks again." She said, turning down the hallway and beckoning Vlad to follow. "Let's go."
  5. You just made this whole situation even creepier. ... what do you expect? Blitz actually has a powerful reason for doing this, something I hope to explore after the new Raptor develops more as a character. Trust me, I've got this all thought out; maybe not as epic as the Rail-Liar thing but it should still be plausible enough to satisfy you and Nato.
  6. Reading this gave me so much pleeeeeeeeeeasure.
  7. Did you miss the post where Shh! Nobody tell him!
  8. I will have so much fun in tormenting you when he returns.
  9. And a nerd. And skinny. And scientific. He and Raptor would get along well together. If only the latter was still alive... :P
  10. IC: Silver Silver casually walked into the gum, summoning up a few training dummies as he stopped. He wanted to test his new powers out on nonliving objects before getting into a fight with other Rahks. IC: Murder Murder sat up, scratching her faceplate, only to remember that her sexy claws had been dulled. "Anyone got any knives?" She asked, casually looking around the infirmary. OOC: Time to start a fight in the infirmary! <(flawless plan)
  11. I just realized... that Optis is awesome.
  12. IC: Drift "Sure. Thanks. Let's resume our mission... of slop!" She smiled gratefully and raised a fist into the air.
  13. IC: Drift "No, not yet." She shook her head. "Remember the refectory slop? And the paint? Yeah, I don't have enough to cover a whole canvas."
  14. IC: Drift "I, uh... I really don't know. Maybe the Aerixx was very busy I was working on an art piece for the talent show and fell asleep. Slept for one heck of a long time." Drift shrugged.
  15. IC: Drift She nodded grimly. It seemed much had changed since she had last walked the halls of Corpus.
  16. OOC: Switching back to third person. Also, colors and genders! IC: Wings Wings glided softly down from the tree he had just been perched on. Nynrah was a nice place; the forests were his home, after all. When Drift had fallen asleep, Wings decided to head home. It was so nice to feel the breeze, rather than the cramped indoor conditions of Corpus. The Gukko landed gracefully on what appeared to be a ruined catacomb. It was covered in dust and ruined supports. Large rocks poked out here and there. It smelled of damp air, Matoran, and something perpetually disgusting. Wings was about to turn away and head back into the sky when he noticed yet another smell barely poking through the cacophony of smells. Wings flew a bit deeper into the ruins and it grew more powerful. Clearing away a few rocks revealed a silver-plated hand, covered in dust and dried blood. There was no mistaking it. It was Raptor. Wings let out a soft, sad coo. Another nearby Gukko looked at Wings questioningly. "What happened?" "My friend. My friend is dead." Wings cooed again, and the other bird joined in. Soon, an entire flock of wild Gukko took up the song, a final tribute to a madman. IC: Silver Silver came into the building and deposited the psycho Rahk at the infirmary. He then turned and headed for the gym to practice his new skills. IC: Drift "So, what's happened while I was gone?" she asked, trying to change the subject.
  17. IC: Drift Okay, then. Whatever Vlad had been worried about, it had been fixed. I wasn't one to probe deeper - it was up to him to tell me anything else. "No problem." I offered a smile.
  18. IC: Drift "No." I shook my head, unsure of what Vlad was so worried about. "Why?"
  19. How many DBZ characters does it take to change a light bulb? OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. user-402520536


      Oh-ho, pun battle time? I defeated both Arzaki and Pohatu in a pun battle once, just Saiyan.

    3. Sybre


      I didn't come here to fight, but if it's a fight you want, I'll scream louder.

    4. Tahu3.0


      You know something of Cell he kinda sucks get the joke and if you don't let me give you a clue his tail.

  20. Wooo? I thought It was you just poking fun at Wu's name at first. One thing, though... why are they still in their Tournament robes if they're fighting the Ghosts?
  21. IC: Drift I shrugged. It seemed like we were talking about completely different things - there was no reason for Vlad to be ashamed of his cloak, and, now that I thought about it... "Is there something I'm missing?"
  22. IC: Drift I allowed myself a smile. "Well, if you go around the entire school with it shining like a sun on your back, I'm pretty sure someone will notice."
  23. IC: Drift I sprinted up to Vlad and thrust the cloak into his arms, glad he'd made it this far. "Better?" OOC: Last post of the night, prob'ly.
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