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Everything posted by IcarusBen

  1. So allegedly one would not find a swarm out in the field but maybe they are underground in a nest where they are rebuilding their numbers for an invasion of the surface dwellers. Thus leaving the option for a plague if the player base gets too uncontrollable.OH GAWDS NAH!
  2. As in 'lingua franca', but given that there's no France on Nirn I thought I'd tweak the phrase to be more lore-friendly. Cyrodiilic and Tamrielic are the same thing, and by referring to it thus, Kelh is actually pointing out the same thing you are: that one would expect people to speak it regardless of their culture. Also, not everyone spoke Tamrielic. Dunmeris is the official language and the dominant language of Morrowind, and - fun fact - judging by how everyone in TES3 goes out of their way to point out that you speak with a foreign accent, it's rather implied that it actually dominated there even among outlanders at the expense of Tamrielic even during the existence of the Septim Dynasty, or at least that you speak Dunmeris in the game, not Tamrielic. Just random trivia nobody wants. You're welcome. -Dovydas I always thought it was the "foreigners-speaking-English" rule in that you just sound funny. In no game has it ever been mentioned that you're speaking Dunmeris, and most players (of Morrowind) don't RP a character that speakings Dunmeris (especially when there's an odd pun here or there.)
  3. I don't see anything against it in the OTC rules, so I think I'm good to go. Project planning is allowed here, to my knowledge, so I think that's alright. As for LDD mods, sure thing! That's what I was planning to submit. Just make sure to take screenshots with LDD's view mode, not via screen capture or anything. It makes the backgrounds look better.
  4. Ben and Ghidora told me to make a character who was Asylum staff, so I took inspiration from what they'd done, and made him a total jerk. I thought that was the whole point - the staff were meant to be hated. Apparently I was wrong about that.... It certainly made Nyhe look better. That was my job you... you... LOOKER-BETTERER!
  5. (NOTE TO ADMINS: Didn't know where else to put this. Feel free to move it where you want.) So, I've been thinking of starting a sort of collaberative worldbuilding project, right here on the BZPower forums. SUMMARY Since the dawn of man, we have looked to the stars and wondered; what's out there? The precise answer would be lots of dust, stars, balls of rock and random spacial anomalies. The good old fashioned answer is, of course, space. Lots and lots of space. Huge, vast quantities of nothing but space. But in that space, is something truly magestic. Adventure. And so, the Traveller's Guide to Legonia was created to help chronicle the vast reaches of space that normally we'd know so little about if not for the hard work of our chroniclers. THE IDEA ------------ Basically, Legonia is a galaxy dominated by the Galactic Republic of Legonia, a spacefairing FTL-capable civilization of humans, with their homeworld on Terra Maxima. Most of the galaxy is under their control, but they know so little about it. That's where we come in. Basically, you submit a MOC or an idea for a MOC. If it's the former, it goes straight to the next stage. If it's the latter, I or someone else will build that MOC. The next stage involves someone taking that MOC and writing an entry for it in the Traveller's Guide, where it is then placed in the Guide for all to see. The other process involves writing the story first, then someone else building the MOC and putting it in the Traveller's Guide. That way, instead of having one side clogged with requests, we can have two sides clogged up. The real beauty of it is the collaboration. You can have your work be it's own thing or have it build upon the various other entries in the Guide. It's all up to you. So, go ahead. Post your MOCs and your stories, and let's get ourselves a travel guide. SUBMISSIONS ------------------ Please put it in a spoiler so we don't clutter up the page, please. Type: MOC, Idea for MOC, Story Name: The name of the submission Content: The submission's content. AWAITING COMPLETION -------------------------------- N/A THE TRAVELLER'S GUIDE ENTRIES ----------------------------------------------- N/A
  6. They look cute, but that's until eight million of the Gods-forsaken things come swarming at you like a bat out of Oblivion. Also, what's this talk about the Lingua Imperia? I thought everyone spoke Tamrielic.
  7. To Perp; "You know what? You win. Just go... It's been fun. Don't come back." ~ GLaDOS, c. 2012.
  8. Thank you! I am glad somebody said it. Sorry but it is true, this topic is not for measuring contests. Any more Goating would be beyond borderline Trolling wouldn't it? Agree to disagree. Anyway, Ben keep working on your RP idea and hope you have fun playing the ones that are up until it is ready. Perplexed; quit egging the guy on. It is starting to look like you enjoy trying to get his goat. This may be ok while in RP but outside I do believe it breaks the "Respect the player" type rule that is in place. Thanks, Prowl. Almost made a fool of myself.
  9. I don't really use Brickshelf. Don't know why, I just... don't.
  10. Uh, actually, I've never been to Southern Italy. I'm from California. No, I don't understand a lot of Italian, but I do know "calabrese," a person or thing from Calabria, a region in Southern Italy. I'm also not a wine grape, a horse or a type of broccoli. Also, Snark pictures are a required part of my vocabulary. They're to me what opera is to you.
  11. IC Haraki: "Go ahead, Rocky."
  12. Well, in that case, Thanks so much for playing, and we'll see ya on the next one.
  13. They say at night you can still hear the screams... of their replicas. Functionally identical to the originals... no memory of the incident... no one knows what they're screaming about.

  14. I disagree. I think this should be on public display, for all to see, so there's no confusion. It was a madhouse, both IC and OOC, and I want people to know that Ghidora and I have not been having as good a time as we thought we would.
  15. IC Rahkiir & Haraki: Haraki once again took the elevator down, and caught up with Beosach and Rahkiir. "Never! I won't-what is she doing?" Haraki entered her hut and just a few moments later retrieved what appeared to be some form of perfume bottle. "Now, will you come peacefully or should I have to break out the big girl gun?" "Heh! You think you can take me?" "Actually, yes. Beosach, cover your nose." Haraki pointed the bottle at Rahkiir and sprayed it. In an instant, he passed out. "Wow. That's... pretty cool. Shame that was my last bottle. That stuff is rare. As in Toa Stone doing a traditional tribal dance rare." Haraki turned to the Po-Matoran. "I'm a healer. We do a lot of apothecarial services for both others and ourselves. Now, does anyone here have a torch or an ice pick or something?"
  16. Ugh, Ghidora, what did you do this time? And I was going to have Adomai go back to Ko-Koro.
  17. Nah, I want to wait until I've finally salvaged something from the mess that is Ghidora's Master Plan. I'm learning so much more about Nyhe, and I'm the one who came up with her and never really planned for her to become the hero of the story yet according to Ghidora's plan (supposedly created both before we met and before I wrote Nyhe) she's destined to be the "main protaganist" of a story that HAS no main protaganist. I'm venting, aren't I? Sorry, I vent.
  18. I would, but Dropbox is being a donkeyheadwear, so I can't really upload anything. In the meantime, I've been working on other MOCs (shameless plug) like my fuel station (shameless plug) and fuel tanker (SHAMEless PLA-ah-UG!)
  19. Hey, I may be a pot, but just because the pot calls the kettle black does not mean the kettle is not black, it just means the pot is also black. I'm being honest here, because if I'm not, we'll be going around and around the SAME. THING. OVER. AND. OVER. I disagree with you. You disagree with me. There, simple as that. And I have given Tyler's advice some thought. Lots of thought, actually. Again, it's redudant to get on my back about waiting because I already HAVE to wait while I write the RP, so what's the harm in writing it while I do other stuff? Since I've started writing it, I've already a). submitted a character for Ashfall, b). created a huge space station in LDD (It's, like 200+ pieces), c). started playing the BZPRPG again, d). have been writing a Power Rangers fanfic (don't ask, PR is a guilty pleasure of mine) and e). been catching up on school. I can multitask, people. It's not that big a deal. And, as I've said before, while I'm writing this, I'm also playing other RPs as well as trying to apply my experience from the Asylum into this RP. On a less serious note, Perp, don't you dare post an opera. It was funny the first few times, but it's gotten old. And using my own snark pictures against me? Shame on you.
  20. Didn't even cover them with me either. And we wonder why one of the chief complaints about this game was lack of GM communication...
  21. Blasphemer! How dare you have a different opinion than me? Everyone knows that the Tenth Doctor is the best Doctor, and if you disagree, you are objectively wrong. Although, 4 did make a pretty funny cameo in the 50th anniversary special. Or, was that 3? Dang it, To the wiki, AWAY!
  22. Apparently, the "no killing without permission rule" isn't actually a rule, moreso a courtesy. I really disagree with that assessment, but I don't make the rules. (unless I'm writing the RP, in that case, "I am the law and the law is not fought!") oh i feel it oh no I caN'T STOP IT HERE IT COMES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6Qu15k24SA
  23. So, I've been reading the LIU Atlas on Mocpages, which inspired me to build these (put in spoilers to help reduce clutter.) Arcturus Fuel Station Octan Fuel Tanker mk.III
  24. I couldn't get it to work. Sorry.
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