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Everything posted by IcarusBen

  1. In the process of joining the Kanohi Force. Isn't it exciting?

  2. Two things; one, can you PM me about what game you'll be running in BRPG, I'd like to know but also not derail this topic too badly. Otherwise... Yeah... Secondly, a lot of the humorous episodes were humorous through no fault of SG-1, but rather because of the people they had to interact with, in particular the episodes "Urgo" and "Window of Opprotunity." If that's the case, it'd be up to the person writing up the planets, not the RPers, who'd be in charge of how much humor was thrown in, to which I say, "once in a while is fine, but don't let it absorb the RP."
  3. If the list of approved names is gone, then just ask Greg what the name would've been, but ask him not to canonize it. Legal crisis averted.
  4. *uh-oh, I don't know who Gorast is!* Um... "Quack"? Vamprah
  5. Oh, no... It's one of those types of characters... *sigh.* DO. YOU. SPEAK. ENGLISH?
  6. Yeah, thinking about it, I could group them under US-SGC, RF-SGC, and NID, but those last two would probably work better as non-joinable factions, since the focus will be on the SGC, with the only other P.o.I on Earth might be Colorado Springs, DC, and Area 51, but they'll only really visit there when the plot needs them to. There's three more issues I'd want dealt with; the first being will we recycle episode plots every now and again (I'd wager that we'd only use the plot-important episodes), the second being how light-hearted will the RP be (I'm thinking maintaining the typical balance of drama-to-comic relief, with a few moments that are all "ERMEHGERD DERHMERH" and a few that are, well, Urgo/200/The Other Guys) and the third being how to deal with SG-teams. I'd say that after a character is approved, they're assigned to an SG-team by the GMs.
  7. The other thing I would want established are joinable factions. I'd recommend leaving it entirely as Tauri factions, because personally, I feel they'd make the most sense. I'd say the players should be able to join the US Air Force/Marines, the Russian Air Force/Marines, the NID, SGC Science personnel, SGC Diplomatic personnel and SGC Medical personnel.
  8. Out comes a Turtle surfing Protodermis. In goes a panda.
  9. Bionicle is (rather soft) scifi, right? So, logically, if soft scifi can successfully suspend disbelief in one franchise, it can also suspend that same disbelief in a different franchise of the same genre? In that case, I give you THIS; Silvan, if you're here, you'll recognize this. The rest of you, this is a Replicator (the bugform) from Stargate. Now, this particular one isn't too important; he's rather basic and doesn't demonstrate my point all too well. This one, though; Meet Fifth. Say hi, Fifth. Fifth is one of the human-form Replicators. Instead of cells, he has tiny little nanomachines that form a nice, cohesive structure that happens to look like a whiny brat. (FYI, he is a whiny brat, but that's rather unimportant right now.) Now, again, couldn't we apply the suspension of disbelief from Stargate, a soft-scifi series, to Bionicle, an even softer scifi series? If it worked in one that tried to explain it's science, couldn't it work in one that doesn't care about science?
  10. IC Eponine [Narsis - The Lucky Guar] "I though the Empire put a-" Eponine stopped herself. She wasn't in Imperial territory anymore, no sir. "I do hear there's a great Dwemer ruin to the east... Bthlannual... Barthual..." If Eponine couldn't speak very good Dunmeri, she sure as Oblivion couldn't speak very good Dwemeri. OOC: She's trying to say Bthanual. I'd advise one of you (probably Kelh) to correct her on this.
  11. It's one of the best scifi series ever, though I will admit there were quite a few embarassing moments that even the writers swept under the rug. *cough*the Hathor retcon*cough* Back on topic, setting it roughly around the middle of season 1 is probably the best idea. It's early on, but the base has already settled into it's role of "go to planet A, mess up doohickey B, get caught by civilization C, fix problem with doohickey D."
  12. Stargate: SG-1 is basically a show (based on a movie) about an ancient alien artifact called the Stargate, created by an advanced race of Negligent Precursors, and the struggle between Earth (read: the US Air Force and their Russian counterparts in a few episodes) against an alien menace known as the Goa'uld, a race of parasitic snake... thingies... that burrow into a person's neck and take over their body. They've enslaved the galaxy for thousands of years, but are toppled in roughly 10-15 years, give or take, by one planet. It's pretty much the cornerstone for scifi set in the present day. It spawned two spinoffs (the equally awesome Stargate: Atlantis and the vomit-inducing eyesore that is Stargate: Universe) two movies (Stargate: Ark of Truth and Stargate: Continuum,) a few comic books, several games (most of which were hyped to the extreme and then promptly cancelled) and a huge fanbase. So, go. Pick up a copy on Netfuluzon Prime or whatever you use and watch. And watch some more. Fair warning though, the first season was on Showtime. They were pretty good about keeping it broadcast friendly, but... um... The first episode had an... attempt... at garnering a larger... male audience, if you catch my meaning. It was thankfully only the one time, but if you're like me and don't like that sorta stuff in your scifi, it will drag on... and on... and on...
  13. IC Eponine [Narsis - The Lucky Guar] "Let's see..." Eponine began to count. "I incurred the wrath of the Temple of Akatosh when I saved my town from becoming the site of a daedra summoning by killing the clergyman responsible, though the Imperial courts cleared me of all charges... I ticked off the Thieves Guild by putting one of their own away for a long, long time... And let's not forget the spawn of Malacath's feces, the Brotherhood. Good gods, the Brotherhood..."
  14. "No. I hate heights. I cannot stand heights. NO." Onua
  15. a). Debatable, at least when compared to Jack. b). Introduce an enemy before they were introduced into canon? In all seriousness, though, the loremaster in me would flip out if that happened. Don't know why, it just does. We could try, but my head might explode. What season would you want to set it in?
  16. Thanks. The big problem with building it was getting the rescue can to fit inside and to get the door to shut. I solved problem no.1 by using a 1x2x1 slope instead of a 1x2x1 brick, but then I had the problem of the door not looking airtight. In-universe, the hangars aren't airtight, but are more like storage bays connected to airlocks. Can anyone tell me where that piece inside of the hangar (Rescue can) comes from? I can't seem to find it.
  17. I suppose, but my reasoning was that in Season 8, Jack was the head of the SGC, and while earlier seasons had more enemies, later seasons had better enemies. *cough*Ba'al*cough*Anubis*cough*Replicarter*cough.*
  18. Interesting choice, but I would've gone with my favorite SaTW ship, Denmark X Everyone.
  19. Sorry, Silvan. Forgot you were the resident Stargate fan. I actually want to talk about that real quick, because I think it could work. It's a good concept and with the right people (aka people who have seen every episode of SG-1 about three dozen times) behind it, it could work. Silvan, what do you think about an SG-1 RP set sometime during Season 8?
  20. Well, just removed the "Asylum" part of my signature... I sad now.

  21. Box Art: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/IcarusBen/Legonia/Valkyrie/giantshipboxart.png Various Angles: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/IcarusBen/Legonia/Valkyrie/giantshipbackview.png http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/IcarusBen/Legonia/Valkyrie/giantshipfrontview.png http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/IcarusBen/Legonia/Valkyrie/giantshipmainview.png http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/IcarusBen/Legonia/Valkyrie/giantshipsideview.png The Hangar: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/IcarusBen/Legonia/Valkyrie/giantshiphangarclosed.png http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/IcarusBen/Legonia/Valkyrie/giantshiphangaropen.png ---------------- In the year 2292, the Republic of Legonia christened the first of many Valkyrie-class cruisers. Large, fast and strong, the boxy design of the Valkyrie would soon become the Legonian standard for ship design. Featuring a powerful FTL engine, two hangar bays, a large cargo hold and various defensive items, the Valkyrie-class is widely considered to be the best ship in the Republican fleet. ---------------- So, the Valkyrie. This bad boy is roughly 635-650 pieces large (accounting for misclicks resulting in pieces going inside of the ship's skeleton, the Valkyrie was just a little bit of an experiment in greebling, SNOT techniques, better design and, of course, making something incredibly large. The ship's body (not accounting for that large antenna at the front) is roughly 48 modules long and (not accounting for the control tower) about 5-7 modules tall, give or take. The whole thing has only three (exterior) colors; dark red, phosperant white and black, though a little bit of bright red might still be located on the inside. I decided to not bother with covering up the top studs, since it might make the body look a little too disproportionate for my taste. I don't know, that slope really does make a difference.
  22. "Lhikan, Nidhiki! I LOVE YOU!!! NOTICE ME SENPAI!!!" Kopaka
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