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Everything posted by IcarusBen

  1. IC Eponine [Narsis - The Lucky Guar] "We've had run-ins in the past few years, though I wouldn't exactly call myself 'affiliated' with them. More like 'we accept each other's existance but prefer to not stay together.'"
  2. I can help, but just FYI, I've got a lot of bad press recently, so I'm probably not too great as a first choice for GM. Perhaps I could just help with the writing of the RP?
  3. IC Eponine & Guard [Narsis - The Lucky Guar] "And do I not have the right to defend myself? Had he asked me to come peacefully, yeah, I might've been willing. But I was, dare I say it, assaulted by that man. By the way, what evidence is there against me other than a witness account by a rather cruel guard?" Eponine sighed and turned to the guard. "Fine. Take me to your leader, but I would like that nice Redoran man to come with. He saw everything, and since he's known both of us for less than an hour, he can provide a nice, unbiased testimony."
  4. Thanks! I've been trying out that same sort of structure with various other creations. I'm thinking of posting a couple more in my OTC worldbuild.
  5. IC Eponine [Narsis - The Lucky Guar] "A little case of mistaken identity, coupled with a nice heaping of police brutality."
  6. Out come victims of Jeff Probst. In goes Jeff Probst.
  7. Reality show as in one like Big Brother, one like Survivor, or one like The Real Housewives of X Location? Sort of like the first, as in "A bunch of ordinary people are taken out of their general surroundings and put into unusual circumstances" type of thing. Due to my Lack of understanding of American Reality TV shows, would you care to elaborate on other two mentioned? Well, you know how Big Brother works, right? Challenges, trapped in a house together, etc. Well, Survivor's like that, except it has the added element of being on a tropical island and having to survive there. Of course, those are reality game shows. A regular reality show (Real Housewives, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, etc) is just following some arbitarily famous people around until something interesting happens.
  8. The unofficial emoticon of The Asylum. Love that face. That doesn't look quite right.
  9. Out comes a... Great, now I'm confused. In goes a fooley hoopty doo.
  10. IC Eponine [Narsis - The Lucky Guar] Eponine replied in her best Dunmeris. It wasn't perfect, but she didn't encounter any word she didn't know. "Didn't think they took too kindly to lizards, either, but I guess I was mistaken. And as for Sithis, he can go straight to Oblivion for all I care. He made my life a living , so I don't particularly care for the guy. Now, are we going to have a problem?"

  12. No, I'm Icarus. Don't you dare steal my name. *glares intently at Daedalus." Aww, father and son bonding time lol Which is ironic, since Daedalus was Icarus's dad, yet I'm berating Daedalus like I'm his dad.
  13. You know, I've never 100%ed a game. Of course, I'm talking about games where it's physically impossible to get anything but 100%.
  14. No, I'm Icarus. Don't you dare steal my name. *glares intently at Daedalus."
  15. Reality show as in one like Big Brother, one like Survivor, or one like The Real Housewives of X Location?
  16. It already did. So, nothing really changes. Your signature has never been more true... "TOO LATE. IT WAS ALWAYS TOO LATE." Rule 34. Rule 34 never changes. ~The Fallout narrator.
  17. IC Eponine & Guard [Narsis - The Lucky Guar] "Eh, no..." Eponine said. "Not really. I've just been-" Eponine froze in terror as she saw the guards who had been chasing her this afternoon walk into the cornerclub. "Sithis ###### it all," Eponine whispered under her breath. "Actually, guys, I've gotta get going, I'll see ya-" "Hey! Breton! Don't I know you from somewhere!" Oh... ######. "Nope. Never seen you before in my life, okay by-" The guard grabbed her in the Standard Female Grab Area. "I think... You! You were that thief!" "I don't know what you're talking about, I've been here al-" "Silence, fetcher. You're coming with me!" "Um... no thanks, I'm good." Eponine pushed her knee up into the guard's groin ("OW!") and with him distracted, began making her way out of the building. "Sorry guys, gotta go!" OOC: Don't know how you two will react, so I haven't written her out of the building yet.
  18. Oh my dear lord... I can only imagine what this will bring up on the internet. >~< Internet, don't you dare do that to Bonkles. You've already made Pokemon, MLP and FNaF unclean, you're not doing with Bionicle, too!
  19. Yeah, I know that. I was wondering why Ghidora says that he killed it.
  20. IC Eponine [Narsis - The Lucky Guar Cornerclub] "Sorry," Eponine said in her native language. "I've lived in High Rock most my life, so Dunmeris is a little hard for me. As I was saying, I was wondering if you two are Redoran retainers."
  21. What's happened in Ko-Koro, anyways?
  22. Le-Toa with a Kualsi, aka Kazak's arch-nemesis. It's amazing how a throwaway character would later become such a favorite of mine, BTW. Next time, I'm writing Kazak's profile.
  23. IC Eponine [Narsis - The Lucky Guar Cornerclub] Eponine finished her meal (rather small thing, really) and handed her plate off to another bartender. "I'll take a..." "Some mazte for my outlander friend here, love, the best one you have." "You know," Eponine said. "I'll take some mazte too. I've got a little spare coin, why not spend it?" Eponine turned to the two elves sitting next to her. One was very obviously Dunmer, quite possibly a native, while the other was harder to determine. He kinda looked a little like a Bosmer, but it'd been a while since Eponine had seen one that incredibly pale. "So," Eponine said, glancing at the House Redoran crest on the Dunmer's cloak, "You guys... um..." Eponine struggled to find the right word. She had spent most of her life speaking Tamrielic, and Dunmeris was a lot different. "You two work for the Redoran?"
  24. Please. If there was a true hero of the story (which there isn't) then it'd totally be Jorik. He's just so... Joriky.
  25. Whaddya expect? I'm working with LDD here.
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