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Kovsorr the Collectinator

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Everything posted by Kovsorr the Collectinator

  1. With Jake the lego dog, and Finn the lego human. The fun will never end.
  2. ~Yar har fiddle dee dee, Being a pirate is alright to be; Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate!~ You are a pirate. My mask.
  3. Zaktan has defeated Irnakk before, so I shove Koala Zaktan at you, and he makes you disappear. My mask.
  4. Phobia activate! Phobia spooks you with fear powers. My mask.
  5. Imotekh Irnakk You know you're out of ideas when the first thing that pops into your head is a character from something completely different.
  6. As we all know, pirates are the antithesis of ninjas. Therefore, I throw pirates at you, since you ninja'd. The pirates, as they naturally nullify your ninja abilities, make you walk the plank and bring me the mask. My mask.
  7. My corpse reforms into a new version of myself, before cracking your spine over my knee. My mask.
  8. 3/5 You're the hakann guy. Also you do the cool photography.
  9. I remember that. That was fun. Anyway, I would say most of my early posts are the noobiest things I have ever done. Also I couldn't RP good back then and I still can't.
  10. I'm binge-watching Transformers Prime

  11. IC: Zavesh (Ga-Koro) "A few, but mainly I work alone," says Zavesh, slightly uneasy at walking on the possibly unstable lilypads.
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