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Posts posted by Smudge8

  1. IC: Revenge-Library

    Revenge's eyes grew wide, he slapped a hand over his mouth and began scanning the room to see if anyone had been listening in.

    IC: Punishment-Gym

    Punishment paused his training routine and turned towards the stage, he noticed a brawl going on at the base of the stage. He shrugged and turnd to casualy walk towards it.

  2. IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood Forge

    Rakin took the tube and pulled it open and close, "That's it, thanks man!" He poured the apropriate amount of widgets on the table. "You know, I saw a soup place down the street, want to go?"

    IC: Paju-Going on an adventure!

    As she fell Paju saw the rest of the group taking off. She relaxed and let herself fall for a little longer, then leaned foreward and fired up the engine, pulling the ship into a roll.  Pulling into the correct angle, she hit the acelelerator and did a few more rolls as she pulled up to the rest of the group. "Hey everybody!"

  3. IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood Forge

    Rakin picked up the tube and tried to fit it into the tool. It fit, but it clearly wasn't designed to. "Not quite," He shouted, "It should be able to extend and retract!"

    IC: Paju-Tesara Skies 

    Tired of waiting on the ground Paju revved the engine of her Skyfighter and took off as fast as she could. She rushed upwards into the sky. She went up and up until she could feel she was about to stall. She looked around to see if anyone else on the expedition was in the air.

  4. IC: Kane-Oma-Between Clifside and Tesara

    Kane-Oma wasted no time and took another swing with his axe, turning towards the Vorox Hestala was fighting.

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood Forge

    Rakin thought for just a moment. "I've been lookin for this for a while. If you've got the extender," He guestered to the socket on the tool's handle. "I'll give ya 30."

  5. IC: Kane-Oma-Between Clifside and Tesarea

    Kane-Oma was thinking about what he could say to reson with the Vorox, but then the Vortixx lashed out. It would be best to back up Hestala, since they had just agreed on a truce. He smiled, drew his axe, and swung a forceful blow at the next nearest Vorox. "You want my blade? Here it is!"

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood forge

    Rakin Shrugged, "Sure, I'll take a look." He began shuffling through a the box once or twice he pulled out a tool and examined it only to put it back. Then he fished up a pair of pliers with string joining the handle and a socket on one handle. "OOO, how much for this?"

  6. IC: Revenge-Library

    Danger walked off, and after a moment Revenge spoke up again. "You know, I've been thinking a lot recently about what comes next, after we leave school. I don't want to go on and work for the Makuta. I want to help others, the Makuta only serve themselves... I've thought about running away," He glanced towards the isle Danger had dissapeared down, "but I want to keep my brother safe, He's still got a lot he needs to learn."

  7. IC: Kane-Oma-Between Cliffside and Tesara

    Kane-Oma merely nodded , put his axe on his back, and followed Hestala.

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood forge

    Rakin smiled. "No problem man, sometimes all a machine needs is a good wack. But be careful, it usually works better with larger stuff."

    Suddenly there was the sound of a fist pounding on glass. A Brakas monkey was at the window of the shop, face pressed against the glass.

    "Aw darn," Rakin said sarcastically. "One sec." He went to the door of the shop and made sure it was open. The monkey came scampering up to him. "That was the longest you've ever been gone," He scolded the creature. "You were gettin my hopes up!"

  8. IC: Revenge and Danger-Library

    Danger nodded. "I'm going to go find a book to read."

    "Be careful," Revenge replied.

    Danger rolled his eyes. "Really, in a library?"

    Revenge chuckled. "You never know, I once had to punch a guy because he was playing his guitar in here."

    IC: Toxitora Junior-Headmaster's Office

    As the door opened Toxitora Junior could feel an immense, powerful, dark, force threatening to crush her very being. 


    "Oh, um, Hi," She began, subdued, but still surprisingly upbeat, "My name is Toxitora Junior. My mom is Makuta Toxitora, but you probably figured that out. Anyway, um, She wanted me to give this letter to you." Toxitora held out the letter, not sure if the dark cloud could hold it.

    (letter contents are in the spoiler)


    Dear Tridax (or whoever is the headmaster now),

    As you know I've been extremely hesitant to support the Corpus Rahkshi project. My concerns mostly relating to how well this new breed of Rahkshi can be controlled. To this extent I have been conducting My own experiments. My goal is to create a rahkshi that combines the loyalty of the old breed with the intelligence of the new. My creation (It refer's to itself as my junior) is my first product to survive a rigorous course of additional mutations and mental reprogramming. My tests have shown it is obedient to all my commands and thinks highly of all other makuta. I am entrusting you to preform further testing. Do whatever you wish with it in order to test it's loyalties, and please keep me updated.

    Makuta Toxitora

    OOC: I know things are wrapping up, but this is basicaly what I designed toxitora junior for, so even if nothing comes out of it I still wanted to do it.

  9. IC: Kane-Oma-Between Cliffside and Tesara

    Kane gripped the tool Hestala was using and turned to the Vorox. "This thing is busted, If you know how to fix it go ahead, if you don't...We may as well get the best parts out of it for you to keep." He then turned to Hestala and whispered. "We need teamwork to get out of this. No tricks."

    IC: Rakin-New Atero-Blood Forge

    Rakin picked up the tool and examined it, turning it over. He held it up to his ear and shook it. There was a faint rattling sound. He thought for a moment and then picked up  a wrench and smacked the launcher. He held it up to his ear and shook it again, he didn't hear any noise. "Here," He said, holding the launcher out. "Give that a try."

  10. IC: Revenge And Danger-Library

    Revenge sat in silence as well, Danger began to stir, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. 

    "How was your nap?" Revenge asked.

    Danger just yawned in reply. "Where are we agian?"

    IC: Punishment-Gym

    Punishment kept at his training routine, swinging his weapon at the dummy with measured acuracy, always pulling back imediatly before hitting it. He could still hear the music as it wormed it's way into his brain, he found his attacks matching the rhythm of the music.

    IC: Toxitora Junior-Hallway.

    Having finaly found the Headmaster's office Toxitora politely knocked on the door, letter in hand.

    IC: Booger and Luffy-Hallway

    "Yeah man," Luffy said. "Just stick with me and we'll have a ton of fun."

    Booger smiled and stood up strait. "That sounds great! Thanks."

    Luffy put an arm over Booger's shoulder, "Now, you want to go see what all that noise in the gym is about?"


    And so did, as newly made best friends.

  11. IC: Kane-Oma-Wasteland

    Kane-Oma snorted again, trying to keep his anger in check. He picked up to his axe and strolled over to where Hestala was trying to tear appart his vehicle. "Need help with that?" He called out.

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood Forge

    Rakin raised an eyebrow. "Can I give it a shot?"

  12. IC: Revenge-Library

    Revenge smiled. "That's really touching, I'm glad that I was able to help.  That's really all I want to do, help people."

    IC: Booger and Luffy-hallway

    "You were so freindly," Booger continued. "And I was sure we were going to win, but then that cat showed up and I lost my club, and everything went wrong!"

    Luffy simply patted Booger on the shoulder. "Well, I can't change that, but I still want to be friends."


    IC: Punishment-Gym

    Having recovered enough from his previous fight Punishment wandered back into the gym. Mostly ignoring the music he summoned a training dummy and began to practice.

  13. IC: Kane-Oma-Wasteland

    Kane Snorted and pointed at Hestala, "She's the one you want, she just took all my valuables." He quickly moved over to pick up his axe.

    IC: Rakin-Blood Forge

    Rakin casually walked over and watched over Kodran's shoulder. "Good luck, it's pretty high securiety. Whacha workin on?"

  14. IC: Revenge-Library

    "Yeah, when I first came here I had no idea what to expect." He picked up the book he had been reading.  "Back then All I really knew was what I got from books. Mostly this one." He sighed and looked at his friend. "When you first came here what were you expecting?"

    IC: Booger and Luffy-Gym to hall

    Booger looked like he was about to speak, then the concert started. He shut his mouth and covered his ears.

    "Come on," Luffy said, "Let's go." Luffy lead Booger out into the hall and stoped. "Ok man, what's wrong?"

    Booger sniffled. "It's just...something was good for once..."

  15. IC: Kane-Oma-Wastelands, Vorox attack!

    Kane could feel rage building up inside of him, but if he was going to get out of this he needed to keep his cool. "Now listen, taking away my axe isn't going to make me any less of a threat in the future, If I decide to come at you again I'm more than capable of..."

    It was then that he heard buzzing, and turned around to see the flying Vorox. "Oh Karz," He said under his breath. Without another word he turned and charged towards Hestala.

    OOC: Just so you know, Kane's axe is REALY big, he has super streingth and he has to use it 2 handed most of the time.

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood Forge

    "Yeah." Rakin replied nonchalantly, leaning against a table. "Got me a nice job repairin 'craft for the military. I just got re-assigned tho the big one that's been floatin up in the sky all day."

  16. IC: Kane-Oma-Wastelands (try 2)

    Kane-Oma stood up and rubbed his wrists, stairng at Hestala, then he held out a hand. "I damaged your ship, You've wrecked mine. I'd like to have my axe so I have a chance of surviving."

    IC: Rakin-New Atero, Blood Forge

    "Nah," Rakin replied nonshalantly, "I'm just lookin around. Got any tools for sale?"

    IC: Rakin's Monkey-New Atero

    After getting shoed off the monkey just stood where it was and watched Rakin head off into the crowd. It looked somewhat sad.

  17. IC: Revenge-LIbrary

    Revenge smiled, "That's right, he's even got the double swords like you." He paused for a moment. "Do you remember when we first got here, and you took me on a tour of the school, and we broke space-time watched the sunset?"

    IC: Booger and Luffy-Gym

    As the arena shrunk away Booger searched frantically for his club. Right as the assignment ended he managed to find it. He sat on the ground, clutdching "Old Crusty" to his chest. He sat there for several minuets until he was approached by Luffy. 

    "Hey man?" Booger's stretchy friend asked, "Is everything alright?"

    Booger turned to face Luffy. His snot was more runny and translucent than usual. He merely shrugged.

    OOC: Luffy's player said it's ok if I use him to do a few things to help wrap up Booger.

  18. IC: Rakin-New Atero (Kodran's shop)

    Rakin, the fire glatorian, came strolling into Kodran's shop and began absentmindedly looking around. He was mostly just hanging out for the rest of his lunch break.

    Meanwile his pet monkey had caught up to Temujin and, chittering, attempted to grab him by the leg in order to figure out what was wrong.

    @CobaltGale@The UltimoScorp


    Edit: Removed a post so I can write a better one in later.

  19. IC: Revenge-Library

    Revenge gently kicked a chair, moving it out from under the table, and motioned for Rider to take a seat. "We just got done at the gym. I was trying to teach him to defend himself. " He sighed, "He still needs a lot of practice."

  20. IC: Revenge and Danger-Library

    Revenge nodded. "Yeah, I like it." He looked over at Danger, who rolled over and absentmidly cuddled claws. "I'd been worried that he wouldn't be able to handle it here, I'm glad that nothing has happened yet."

  21. IC: Kane-Oma-Wastelands

    Kane-Oma snorted, he seemed amused. "Go ahead, It's all in the box in the dashboard." he said, nodding at his crashed ship. "I'll stay right here." Kane rarely kept much cash on himself, he was still a beast at heart. Hopefully he had enough to satisfy her.

  22. IC: Kane-Oma-Wasteland

    Kane decided it was no longer time for subtlety. With his "free" wrist he pushed as hard as he could, attempting to break free and grab Hestala's leg.

    OOC: Which wrist Hestala is stomping on matters here, since his right shoulder got badly wounded, and he probably shouldn't be using that arm.

    IC: Paju-Tesara airport

    Having made sure everything was ready for the trip, Paju was sitting nervously on her vehicle, fidgeting with the controls. To an observer she would seem extremely agitated, but in reality she just wanted to get into the air.

    OOC: Paju open for interaction, just trying to post for more caracters than just Kane.

  23. IC: Revenge and Danger-Library

    After a long session of training with Danger, Revenge had retired to the library. He was seated at a table, reading his favorite book. Danger was curled up on the couch not to far away. It was hard to tell if he was asleep or not, but the training session had certainly tuckered him out. 

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