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Posts posted by Smudge8

  1. IC: Mazor-Ko-Metru

    "Irna is the only one I know enough to trust. Ostrox is probably going to follow whether I want him to or not. But we could probably use at least one more person." He began to scan the crowd looking for anyone that might be useful.

    OOC: Last call for any leaguers that would like to join.

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  2. IC: Mazor-Ko-Metru

    Mazor nodded, "But not like that, at least I don't think so, I just can't stop thinking about it." He glanced around, "The first time I used the cube I felt someone, it felt good, and I'd like to meet them."

    OOC: I hope I'm not being too slow with Mazor's posts.

  3. IC: Mazor- Into Ko-Metru @Conway

    As the League army stepped into Ko-Metru Mazor patted a pocket in his bag, where he still had the cube. Mazor shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He stepped up next to Irna. "Hey, is everything ok?"

    IC: Jephro-Collusium

    As the gathered army stood in the parrage grounds, Jephro shifted as he stood. He was visibly nervous. 

    OOC: Jephro is open for interaction.

  4. IC: Mazor-Barraki Fortress

    Mazor nodded. "I'll talk to Carapar, but whatever needs to be done about the cube I want to do it myself." He began the walk towards the Barraki Stronghold. 

    IC: Jephro-Pack Up and Roll Out

    As everyone packed up, Jephro sat on the ground putting away his tent. He knew he should be working faster but he just hadn't slept well. His dreams had been filled with scenes of battle whirring past his eyes. 


  5. IC: Mazor-Barraki Fortress

    Mazor Glared at Ostrix. "She's just trying to help, no need to be so rude." He stood up, clutching the cube in one hand. "I'm the one who decided to pick it up, so I'll call the shots....But I will notify Carapar." He turned to face Irna. "You wouldn't mind accompanieng me would you?"

    IC: Jephro-Dessecrated Temple

    Having been patched up by one of the medics, Jephro was limping towards the temple door. "Guys?" He called out, "Are you ok in there, do you need help?"

    IC: Paju-Ga-Metru

    "Wow," Paju continued. "What's it like out there? I've always wanted to go travel!"

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  6. IC: Mazor-Baraki Stronghold

    Mazor quietly walked off, not bothering to present the cube. He felt attached to it in a way, He felt responsible for the zombies, but using the item had also been really comforting, a feeling he hadn't had in a while. He wanted some more time to investigate it personally. He found an empty spot on the beach and started cleaning his launcher, trying to take his mind off of things.

    OOC: Mazor is open for interaction, I'll try and be more diligent about replying than I usually am.

    IC: Paju And Ellie-Ga Metru @Click

    Paju finished wrapping a bandage around Karista's arm, then pulled it tight. "Ok Toa Karista, it might be a bit uncomfortable, but that's to make sure it stays on." Paju took a step back. "You know, this is my first time meeting a Toa. It's really quite an honor, I'm sorry again about your arm." Paju paused as she wanted to speak, but couldn't think of what to say. "Are you from around here?" She blurted out. 

  7. IC: Mazor-Baraki Stronghold

    "Don't worry about it." Mazor repplied. "It'll be safe with me." He shouldered his bag and exited the ship.

    IC: Jephro-Temple Assault

    Jephro screamed and leaped out of the way, loosing focus on his gravity effects in the process, but  ligtening himslef to try and escape. Kal's blade still cut a large gash through Jephros torso, and Jephro lost his blades, they were still tangled in the whip. He landed on the ground several bio away.

    IC: Paju And Ellie-Ga Metru

    Paju did her best to smile comfortingly. "Don't worry, just hold still and I'll take care of it." She applied disenfectant to Karista's arm and began wrapping it up, still quite nervous. "My name's Paju by the way, and that's Ellie, sorry about her chasing her, she's normally well behaved. I trained her myself. Of course she's not that well trained, but it's the thought that counts right? I use her for transport, I help deliver priority mail. I'm a bit of a Adreniline Junkie, Teacher always said I was like a Le-Matoran trapped in a Ga-Matoran's body." Paju was doing her best to stay callm, which meant she'd just keep jabbering until she was calm again.

  8. IC: Mazor-The Ripple

    Mazor nodded, stood up, and, without thinking about it, started to put the cube in his bag.

    IC: Jephro-Temple Assault

    Jephro gasped as Kal suddenly appeared in front of him. He instinctively brought his blades into a defensive position. The whip wrapped tightly around the swords. Jephro struggled to free them but it was no use. Thinking quickly, he reversed the gravity effect he had placed on Kal then tugged on his bound swords, hoping to lift Kal off the ground and smack him into something.

    IC: Paju And Ellie-Ga Metru

    "WHAT!" Paju fell over on her back. Ellie smiled and loped over to Karista, atemting to sniff her. 

    "Wait," Paju called. Ellie froze. Paju jumped up and ran to Karista. "I'm so sorry ms. Toa, If I had known I would have tried to stop her before you got hurt." Paju pulled out some medical tape and antiseptic to bandage Karista's arm. "It doesn't look to bad, you should be able to heal up soon. Of course, I don't know much about medicine, I've just picked up what I need to to patch myself. I tend to get in trouble a lot..." She continued to ramble on, avoiding eye contact with Karista.

    IC: The Informant-Po-Metru

    As the notification for the dark hunters came on the screen The Informant smiled. Finally, after all this panicked runing and lack of information, here was something he could control. He had already built up a weath of notes on the colluseeum, which the shadowed one had requested a while back. He had mapped out as much of the place as possible, and while It was a little old, it should do the trick. He grabbed his things and headed out, dismissing his dupes along the way so he could focus.

    On the dark hunters web, anyone looking at the note on the Dume case would find another message with a codeword for one of the Dark Hunter's safe houses. The one closest to the colluseum. "Meet here, Informant wants to provide information and cordinate the assasination."


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  9. IC: Mazor-The Ripple

    Mazor looked at the object, still in his hand, then slowly turned back to face the others. "I was sir," He said, masaging his temple. "I wasn't really thinking about it sir, I've been really tired since the island."

    IC: Jephro-Temple Assault @Onaku

    With is intense focus, Jephro noticed how Kal firercly defended his chest. He must have a week spot there, Jephro thought, I should let them know, but if I yell he'll know... Kal began to charge at another toa. Thinking quickly, Jephro readjusted his gravity powers to focus all of Kal's increased weight into his fee.

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  10. IC: Mazor-The Ripple @Toru Nui

    Mazor sat up extremely quickly, Setting the cube down beside him with one hand, and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with the other. "What is it sir?"

    IC: Jephro-Temple Assault

    Jephro's eyes widened, a shot through the head had done nothing to that guy! Kal was taking a lot of damage from all angles, but was pushing through. Jephro increased Kal's gravity some more and activated his mask, using his heitened senses to watch the battle closely, gathering information to help the Toa come out on top.

    IC: Paju and Ellie-Ga-Metru @Click

    Ellie sat there confused. She reached out a claw and pushed Karista, not to hard, as if encouraging her to run. 

    Just then Paju came around the corner. "Ellie? Oh My, Mata Nui!" Paju gasped. "Ellie you need to be more careful." She ran over to the two rahi. "Look, the bird can't fly any more, you hurt it's wing, you need to be more careful!" At this Ellie's face drooped as she turned to face Paju. Paju petted her on the head. "It's ok, just stay here." Paju walked over to Ellie's saddle and pulled a small unmarked medical kit from one of the saddlebags. She then crouched down and started slowly creaping towards Karista. "Don't run Ms. Bird," She mumbled, "I'll get you patched up."


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  11. IC: Mazor-The Ripple @Toru Nui

    Mazor gripped the strange cube in one hand and rolled over in bed, unaware of what had just happened. He tried to close his eyes and rest, he liked the feeling he was having.

    IC: Jephro-Temple Assault @Onaku

    Jephro stood up and began to advance on the battlefield. He hung back as best he could, looking for where he could help.  A group of toa were focusing their abilities towards a large being. Using some of his recovered energy he reached out and increased Kal's gravity, not much, just enough to slow him down a bit and tire him out quicker. 

    IC: The Informant(Duplicate)-Po-Metru

    One of Informant's duplicates had found the group looking for the Po-Metru disk. He sat up on a ledge watching quietly.

    IC: Paju and Ellie-Ga-Metru @Click

    As Karista hobbled down the alley Ellie landed with a thump behind her. Ellie pounce forward again . . . and stopped right behind Karista, Tail waggling, eyes open wide, like she was waiting for someone to throw a ball. Paju was still trying to catch up.

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  12. IC: Paju-Black Spike Mountains

    "YES!" Paju shouted, gunning her engines for maximum speed, attempting to be the first one to the next site.

    IC: Rakin-New Atero Soup Kitchen

    "Nah, someone else builds those things. My job is to fix them if they break. She's in good condition right now, so I don have to do much."

  13. IC: Mazor-The Ripple

    Finding an empty area in the back of the ship, Mazor laid down to rest. Absentmindedly, one hand went into his pocket and pulled out the cube. He began to fiddle with it. It was some kind of puzzle, the tiny groves indicating where pieces could slide. After twisting it around it no longer looked like a cube, it didn't have a defined shape, just a lump of points. He flicked a few more parts around and it sort of looked like a pyramid. Only half awake he kept mindlessly fumbling with the device.

    IC: Jephro-Temple Assault

    Jephro nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine. It's just that, I'm kind of new, and I think I spent all my energy to early."

    IC: Paju and Ellie-Ga-Metru

    Ellie turned quickly and gave chase. Paju sighed and began to chase Ellie.

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  14. IC: Mazor-The Ripple

    Mazor Raised his hand. "I've got it, It's more of a cube now." He rubbed his head. "I'm going to go lie down." He walked off to find somewhere to rest, the cube still in his pocket.

    IC: Jephro-Temple Assault

    In the jungles just outside the temple Jephro knelt on one knee. He felt better now, still tired, but he figured he could keep going. He just needed a moment to rest.

    IC: Paju and Ellie-Ga-Metru

    "Wait!" Paju cried, "Ellie Stop! Leave the rahi alone!" She started to climb the building Ellie was currently on. Ellie was not listening and Immediatly turned and pounced at Karista again, wings extended, with a look of joy on her face. 

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  15. IC: Mazor-The Ripple @Unreliable Narrator

    Mazor sighed, he had hoped not to have to fight. He pocketed the cube again and atempted to smash the weakness disk into the zombies face, planning on retreating to ready his launcher.

    IC: Paju and Ellie-Ga-Metru @Click @Onaku

    Paju leaned over and undid the first buckle on the saddle. And reached for the second one, only to have it jerk out of her hand. Ellie jumped towards the 'bird,' attempting to catch it in her claws.

  16. IC: Mazor-The Ripple @Unreliable Narrator

    As The Ripple's crew climbed on the zombies followed, grabbing any avalible handholds. Mazor could hear others shouting. Someone wanted him to throw it overboard, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He felt responsible for what had happened, and he wanted to fix it. He pocketed the device and pulled out his disk launcher, getting ready to freeze some Zombies, but then he stopped. All the zombies were clustering towards his location, as if they were after the device. The zombies seemed intellegent, perhaps he could reason with them.

    Thinking quickly he pulled his strongest 'weakness' disk out of his bag. He held up the cube and the disk. "Stop!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. "Are you after this thing?"

    IC: Jephro-Beach assault @Biological Chronicler

    Jephro hesitantly stood up and folowed the medic. He drew his swords and did his best to fight off the zombies. He felt bad cutting them up. They already died, He told himself, it's ok to kill them again, you won't break the code.

    IC: Paju and Ellie-Ga-Metru @Click @Onaku

    Paju turned back to Ellie. "Is the bird scaring you, it'll be ok. Here, I'll take off your saddle so you can relax." Paju walked around and began fumbling with the clasps on Ellie's saddle. Meanwhile, Ellie began to crouch down as if she was going to pounce. If she was paying attention, it would become obvious to Karista That the matoran thought she was just a bird. The rahi, on the other hand, appeared to know what was going on and was intent on investigating further. 

  17. IC: Mazor-Mysterious Island 

    Mazor sprinted for the ship. the object clutched in one hand, swinging his sword in the other. The zombie matoran weren't a huge threat, not any more than normal matoran could be, but avoiding them was somewhat challenging. Still, he was almost back to the ship.

    IC: Jephro-Beach assault @Biological Chronicler

    Jephro nodded. "I-I think so, but I think I'm out of energy, I might need to take it slow."

    IC: Paju and Ellie-Ga-Metru @Click @Onaku

    Ellie skidded to a stop right where Karista had been standing. Paju immediatly opened her eyes, dismounted, and ran around front to pet Ellie's face. "It's ok," She said smoothly. "The sky scared you didn't it. Me too, but we'll be fine." Ellie was calmer, but now she was stairing intently at something on the roof.

    "What's wrong?" Paju looked around and couldn't see anyone other than the bird that they had nerely run over. "Sorry ms. Bird." Paju called out, slightly embaresed. She didn't know why she was talking to a bird, but it helped her calm down. "She's normally quite tame."

  18. IC: Mazor-Mysterious Island @Biological Chronicler

    As Turugak ran back in the cave Mazor was exiting. "I'm right here," he called, holding the object wrapped up in a cloth. He stood at the mouth of the cave, partially in awe, partialy in fear, at what had happened. 

    He shook his head, clearing the shock, and started runing towards the ship, drawing his sword to defend himself.

    IC: Jephro-Beach assault @Biological Chronicler

    "You mean the red sky?" Jephro asked, sounding woozy. "Yeah, I see that."

    Not far away the corpse of Jepro's opponent, who had been dealt a finishing blow by the canon blast, started limping towards them.

    "Man," Jephro Mumbled, "You don't know when to quit." With the last of his elemental energy Jepro cut off the zombie's gravity, sending it floating harmlessly into the sky.

    IC: Informant-Po-Koro 

    As the dupe cruzed on his way to Le-Metru the real Informant was crouched somewhere amongst the caverns of Po-Koro, furiously writing notes. His work finaly done, he took a moment to rest. 

    Wait, He thought, I'm in Po-Metru, I could try finding the great disks. That would give the shadowed one a barganing chip. He sat for a moment, He already had one dupe on call. He could support maybe two more, it was hard to support them while they were far away. He shook his head. He needed more info. 

    He conjured up two more duplicates and explained the situation. "I'm not sure I can support all three of you for too long, but I need you to go scout the area, see if you can find any information on the great disks." 

    The dupes nodded, and headed out. 

    OOC: Just figured Informant would want to do that, might show up where other people are looking for the disks, might not.

    IC: Paju and Ellie-Ga-Metru @Click @Onaku

    Ellie was charging across Ga-Metru, and, while she would normaly enjoy this, Paju was freaking out. Ellie was running through structures with abandon. It was frightening. 

    "Please stop!" Paju shouted, pulling back on the handles of the saddle. The shout shocked Ellie out of her panic, she turned tangable, and dug her claws in to slow down. She was still going pretty fast though, headed right towards a Ga-Toa standing in an alley.

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