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Posts posted by Xabla

  1. I would be the Protector of Earth, so that I could have a launcher for my chest. Also, PURPLE!


    If Karda Nui was discovered at the center of the earth, you would...

    Try to enter the Codrex


    If the Codrex was real you would...



    Got the Protector of Water today.  Nothing too special.  Basically what I expected.  But now I have a complete Protector collection.

    Nothing special? I'd say that it fits the whole underwater theme perfectly. Not to mention the fact that it has an extremely interesting color scheme. (PoJ will always be my favorite though)

    At least compared to the other Protectors, the build and the look doesn't interest me that much.  The lack of armor on the arms and the way the ducted fans are connected leaves the shoulders looking too thing and bare for my liking, and aside from those the set doesn't seem to offer anything that you couldn't get from the others (aside from the unique elements and colors).  Gali pulls off the water look far better, which may be why I don't see her corresponding Protector in as good a light.


    I think I have seen a custom of PoW with the weapon modified into a bow.

  3. Just looked at the mini comics and noticed that this new wave parallels to the Bohrok-Kal saga:the toa have emerged victorious with newfound power face a new, unknown, more powerful enemy who work against them by stealing their direct source of power

    So… From this I hope there could still be a shot at an Exo-Toa set.

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