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Posts posted by Xabla

  1. The Hordika MInifigs.


    A little recognition goes a long way.

    A mere cameo is just an insult. :(


    I'm a huge Lego Space fan, but OH NO, we didn't get specific classics like Blacktron anywhere more than on a t-shirt in the film, not to mention more obscure characters like Jim Spaceborn and Keko are missing, Lego must hate me and all of the Lego Space fans for this ARGHAGHAHFAHG DOWN WITH LEGO!


    Dude, Bionicle is not the sole center of Lego. As great as it was (and I mean it was really great for me), it didn't need to have an integral part in the movie. Bionicle was always somewhat separated from the rest of Lego because of its difference in building style/parts and the fact that it ran on an individual and more elaborate story. If we were to get Bionicle in film, I'd rather it have its own treatment. The Lego Movie was for everyone, and I feel that you're looking at it negatively without an open mind; you don't even seem willing to consider that your opinion is somewhat ignorant and not very thought through to us, and that's a bit upsetting.


    The Lego Movie was meant to be a lot of things, but it was about more than just throwing cameos in, it was its own story about imagination and the fact that Bionicle got a cameo was beautiful to me when I saw it. Just because it wasn't in there a lot, doesn't mean Lego doesn't respect it. It seems like Lego respected it enough to bring it back.


    Honestly, I think Bionicle Gen 2 will play a bigger role in TLM2, BUT this nod was still nice. What is he getting mad about?



    Has anyone here imported Lego sets before? If so, would you recommend it just to get 'em early? 


    There's rumors of the Bionicle summer wave getting a July release in Europe, and I wanna get my hands on 'em a.s.a.p. to review. 

    From my previous experience with imports, i'll never do it again.


    What happened?


    It took almost 3 weeks to come, and it was all busted up.

  3. Yesterday, I saw [a chest full of gold] in the middle of the street. I instantly remembered Hero Factory.



    for some reason stuff like Megablocks or even playmobile reminds me of Hero Factory. I don't really feel like going into detail as to why.

    Ultra agents is probably the closest Lego thing, actually.

  4. Has anyone here imported Lego sets before? If so, would you recommend it just to get 'em early? 


    There's rumors of the Bionicle summer wave getting a July release in Europe, and I wanna get my hands on 'em a.s.a.p. to review. 

    From my previous experience with imports, i'll never do it again.

  5. Exactly, try to enjoy it whatever way you can. If it brings you no joy, you're not obligated to carry on.





    On a side note, I'm now curious about the color of the Doctor's toothbrush. I'm also curious as to whether he has one or not. This is good material for an episode.

    What's the plot?  :P

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