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Posts posted by Xabla




    ...I still want a Roboriders/Slizer/Bionicle crossover (maybe Hero Factory too)



    Well, I've got the product for you! In 2019, prepare for Lego's next crossover theme since Time Cruisers. Slizer-rider Chronicles! Or Throwbot-rider Chronicles if you live in the US. Meet the cast of characters coming soon to a store near you!

    • Flame, the fire rider of his motorcycle, Lava! He's a hot-headed, firespittin' tough guy who only takes orders from himself! However, he can't tolerate curry and steam comes out of his ears whenever he's mad. His ride is equipped with flame blasting exhaust pipes and a disk launcher to burn through his opponents! His hobbies include racing through rings of flame and eating coal! Look out for set #8530 in your local toy store and be quick, for the cheap price of $5, every set is selling like hotcakes!
    • Blade, the ice rider of her snowcycle, Frost! She's cool as ice when it comes to decking out rides with all kinds of cool weapons such as spears and a disk launcher to knock her enemies out cold! Since she's cold and anti-social, it's unknown what her hobbies are, but flame claims she's an amazing dancer and singer. Look out for set #8531 and buy it as soon as possible, it will make you the coolest kid on the block!
    • Turbo, the city rider from Metro-Nui and the only one to own a car! It's nicknamed Power, reflecting what the city rider loves most! His sweet ride is decked out with a disk launcher and two plasma cannons, adding a new meaning to firepower! Turbo likes to hang around the workshop and customize his set of wheels. For some odd reason, he likes to drink fuel and has been kicked out of various petrol stations for that reason. Look out for set #8532 and dominate your friends in the battle for the disks of power!
    • Hook, the rider from the underwater city of Scuba-Nui with an amphibious motorcycle! It's named Tide and its disk launcher, harpoons and grappling hook will wash over you like a tsunami! She's calm as a lake and her words are soothing to the ear, but if you tick her off, Hook will smash you like a raging tide. Her hobbies include meditation and swimming. Despite spending most of her life under the sea, she likes hanging out on dry land. Look out for set #8533 and buy it, you don't want your friends thinking you're a washout in the battle for the disks of power, do you?
    • Axe, the rider from the swamps of Amazon-Nui! His motorcycle has a lizard's head on the front and it not only has a disk launcher and swinging axe tail, but it also has knives for teeth to crunch down on its prey! He's incredibly mellow and polite, but he is ravenous and smells of a funny plant he smokes all the time. He likes to play video games and discuss the meaning of life with his pet chameleon named Jungle. Look out for set #8534 and you'll be high as a kite when you get him!
    • Kick, the rider from the rock mines of Onyx-Nui! No one has seen her face since it's covered by a grey visor and her motorcycle has a drill on the front to tunnel through solid rock with ease! Her motorcycle has the word "Granite" painted on the sides and it's got two laser pickaxes, along with a disk launcher! Kick is a sports fan who likes to play soccer and sometimes, she gets over competitive and becomes a sore loser. Look out for set #8535 and when you buy her, your chances of winning are set in stone to gurantee victory in the battle for the disks of Power!
    • Electro, the rider fast as greased lightning! It's shocking to think that a mere villager could be one of the speediest riders in existence! His motorcycle is amped up to beat the competition and his disk launcher can fire disks with the power of a lightning bolt! With all the buzz generating around him, people now want to know more about him and in a recent interview, he revealed that he likes to invent gadgets and listen to techno music. Look out for set #8536 and you'll be the owner of one of the most stunning sets ever released by LEGO!
    • Judge, the current champion of the BFTDoP! Her motorcycle can disassemble and reassemble itself into a jet and it comes with not one, not two, but THREE disk launchers! No one knows who she was before being the champion or how she got so good at battling, all that's known about her is that she's not going to lose to anyone and give up her position as the winner of the BFTDoP! Look out for set #8357 and you can claim you are the champion of the BFTDoP!
    What are you waiting for? Go buy the sets and compete in the BATTLE FOR THE DISKS OF POWER! The winner gets the rare and exclusive #85300 Millennium, the boss rider of light and #85301 Blaster, the leader rider of shadow sets! To enter, just give us your credit card details, mailing address and submit an MOC that meets the following criteria:

    • The MOC must resemble a vehicle and have at least one disk launcher.
    • The MOC must not have a disk/disks with a power level of 5 and above.
    • The MOC must have a head that can be knocked off easily.
    Once the MOC is submitted and you receive a contract, just read the T&C and sign it to become eligible to win! The contract states if you lose, you will be eliminated permanently.


    What if the Toa Mata rode those Roboriders.....Or the Throwbots become Bioformers XD


    I wonder if the new BIONICLE team is watching this right now...


    Bioformers would be really really epic 


    It would. There actually one on Cuusoo long long ago.



    While I'm glad a lot of people responded, I really would like some evidence of spread as well as the name. I understand that some of this is hard to come by now a days, but it often does much more than simply a name.


    @Dina Saruyama that information helps quite a bit. The tumblr post I refereed to in my original post was actually from that specific blog.


    @KingLatios Nuva I guess I missed Omega Tahu. Looking I'm seeing two different origins, one being from a proported "leak" that was fake, and another being from a dream from Venom from TTV's .interview with GregF. Which one is the correct one?


    I forgot about Tahu's "Can feel the power" and did find a bit looking for it (things that originated from official media are much easier to find the rue origin on thankfully.)


    I guess I'll address the others individually


    Don the Ta-Matoran: I've never heard of this one. Being the "newest meme" it might be better to see if it develops or not


    Rahkshi heads: is there anything in particular about them? is it just commonly used in M.O.C.s or is there something else?


    Nuva Boobs: I did remember this M.O.C. trend awhile ago. Not really certain if these trends really count as a meme, but it was/is defiantly a "thing" Any clue as to when it started to become common? (I'm assuming it would have to be during or before 2002)


    Kronkiwongi: I guess I'm not seeing the connection specifically to Bionicle and this. Unless there is something in particular I missed, it's for LEGO in general.


    Mantax Facts: I remember the video that had this originally, but it's been years. While personally felt like a foced joke parody of Chuck Norris jokes,  I have no doubts that people did run with it. Is there any remaining evidence that it was a thing?


    I didn't slip: Going back, I did find a bit more spread of this one. I knew that it would get some usage as soon as I saw Quest for the Golden Masks 3.


    TTV stuff: I'm not familiar with this as much. If there is anything that did catch on, feel free to expand on it. Stuff that was funny but didn't really catch on really isn't a meme.


    Beware My stinger tail: around 2009 I was starting to fall out of the Bionicle community, so I guess I missed this one's popularity online (thankfully, the Transformers Wiki, TV tropes and a stegosaurs image on DeviantArt all use this, so it has at least some spread out of the fandom, which is good.) Does anyone know the exact origin of this phrase. For some reason I associated it with the Glatorian Arena game, but maybe this one in the Bio for Vorox on the Bioncle website? If anyone remembers where exactly this quote came from let me know. Neither of the Bionicle wikis seem to have this quote on his page.


    VahkiPower: this one seems a little too specific to BZPower. It also didn't seem to have a huge impact on anything, at least as far as I remember.


    Old-Man Tax: I've never heard of this one. Is there anything to show what it was about? Googling it doesn't produce any relevant results.


    The Bionic Man: While it is a funny commercial,  is there anything outside of the one video that shows spread of it?


    Greg controls all: I've seen quite a bit of stuff referring to GregF in a joking manner in general. is there anything in particular about "Greg controls all" that is notably different from this?


    Hype Train: this has been around long before it was used in the Bionicle fandom.


    Spooky Scary Skull Villains: it's really more of a variant of the already well know "2Spooky" meme.


    Shredder Claws: Like with rahkshi head, is there anything in particular about them? The debate on if they were a hand held weapon or actual fingers? The usage of them in M.O.C.s?


    Plushies: While I know these were huge, is there much remaining evidence that shows how big they really were?

    The Greg thing also has to do with the fighting w/ canon, and every one asking him for everything, sand just the fact that Gen1 gets even more confusing.


    Bionic Man was on BZP and TTV for a while. 


    No idea what Rakshi Heads or Vahki Power is.


    Vahki Power refers to an April Fools joke back in the day, I think. BZPower became VahkiPower and Hapori Tohu's head became Dume's mask, etc. It was a hacking hoax. I'm pretty sure Rahkshi Heads is a reference to the use of Rahkshi heads on female MOCs, like Roodaka. I'm not sure how anatomical we can be on here, but they serve the same purpose as Nuva shoulder armor. Did I get it right?  :P


    Think so. Roodaka make sense, and I see how some would be immature about it.

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  3. This game is mainly Bionicle, but I guess it can be other Lego… This is reactions to what you would do in real life.




    P1: If you saw a Visorak


    P2: I would… / If you saw a Rakshi


    P3: *answers*


    Lets start!


    What if the Vahki were real police...

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