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Posts posted by Xabla

  1. The 2001-2008 retrospective is my all-time favorite video. It has an epic narration chronicling the challenges and victories of the timeless Toa against immeasurable odds. It manages to cram 8 years of story into a couple minutes and it doesn't slouch on the action and adventure at any point. It really sticks out to me out of all the Bionicle promotions, with the only close second being the Bohrok awakening. It's really not this often that you get such a dynamic, well-composed story with such strong atmosphere and cool characters, especially for a toy line.

    Oh yeah, that was cool too.

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    I'll be really sad if the golden Skull Spider Mask gets literally no appearance in the story after being featured in a set and having its function be described on the website.

    You really think so? :-(


    It's too likely to happen and considering how our opinions are worth nothing to TLG, they're not going to listen to our requests to expand on the story and worldbuilding.


    Oh come now, surely you don't actually think TLG completely ignores the consumer and just does whatever they feel like. Now maybe they don't "officially" visit fan sites due to legal issues stemming from something to do with 13 year olds. Thus why Greg has not been allowed to log in here in forever. But that doesn't mean they don't know...


    I can confirm that at the very least, the Bionicle design team has their finger on the pulse of the community. When I talked with the designers at the Inside Tour, they were well aware of things like the furor over the exclusivity of the Trans. Blue Gali Mask. Remember that just because they can't participate doesn't mean they can't browse as guests just to keep tabs on discussion. And of course, the Merlin Mann interview suggests that he's also keeping tabs on fan reaction.


    Of course, they probably also take our reactions with a heaping helping of salt, considering that we are not the majority and gripes about things like one thing or another being left out of the serials are not a major concern by any stretch. Raw data about things like sales and viewer count will trump guys with opinions on the internet any day of the week.


    Speaking of which, and I apologize for going on a tangent here, did you happen to snag yourself said trans-Gali Mask?  :ahhh:


    I did, as did my brother. But before you ask, we have no intention of selling (after all, while we have two between us, there's no way we could give one to one person without passing over plenty of other people who want one). I did ask about the mask's quantity—they confirmed, unfortunately, that the numbering on the clear Tahu masks was in fact a fluke and that, while the number on these isn't 100% accurate (they specified that 250 had been produced rather than 200), only those 200 are going to be distributed, with the rest staying with Lego and the design team. Of course, while that does mean that those masks will remain hard to get, it also indicates that if there are exclusives at events like SDCC, then they will likely be something completely new!


    Do you think we will get clear masks for all Toa or only these two not in summer?


    Hi guys,


    I have a full boosterbox of 24 packs still unopened that I'm selling on my bricklink store and all three decks! 


    If your interested take a look at my shop: http://www.bricklink.com/store.asp?p=caszutphen





    This post belongs in the Buy/Sell/Trade topic. 

    There were Bionicle Trading Cards?

    Yep, Bionicle hopped on the Trading Card Game bandwagon after Pokemon and Yugioh proved to be extremely popular. 



    So why did Bonkle trading cards stop and not go into Metru, Inika, Barraki, etc?

  4. Nick is dead to me these days. Spongebob and Fairly Odd parents are nothing but hollow shells of what they were.They both either digest or bore me. And anything new they introduce are just generic band shows and whatnot. 


    CN is the best channel exempt for two things: Uncle Grandpa is ok.But Teen Titans Go! is one of the worst cartoons.

  5. I can see it work, but someone would need to be nominated leaders across all forums. I would like to see a oligarchy be created though, of sorts. There is a elder/leader from every forum- BZP, TTV etc.. and they discuss it and make it up. The leaders would have to be elected though.

  6. While I'm glad a lot of people responded, I really would like some evidence of spread as well as the name. I understand that some of this is hard to come by now a days, but it often does much more than simply a name.


    @Dina Saruyama that information helps quite a bit. The tumblr post I refereed to in my original post was actually from that specific blog.


    @KingLatios Nuva I guess I missed Omega Tahu. Looking I'm seeing two different origins, one being from a proported "leak" that was fake, and another being from a dream from Venom from TTV's .interview with GregF. Which one is the correct one?


    I forgot about Tahu's "Can feel the power" and did find a bit looking for it (things that originated from official media are much easier to find the rue origin on thankfully.)


    I guess I'll address the others individually


    Don the Ta-Matoran: I've never heard of this one. Being the "newest meme" it might be better to see if it develops or not


    Rahkshi heads: is there anything in particular about them? is it just commonly used in M.O.C.s or is there something else?


    Nuva Boobs: I did remember this M.O.C. trend awhile ago. Not really certain if these trends really count as a meme, but it was/is defiantly a "thing" Any clue as to when it started to become common? (I'm assuming it would have to be during or before 2002)


    Kronkiwongi: I guess I'm not seeing the connection specifically to Bionicle and this. Unless there is something in particular I missed, it's for LEGO in general.


    Mantax Facts: I remember the video that had this originally, but it's been years. While personally felt like a foced joke parody of Chuck Norris jokes,  I have no doubts that people did run with it. Is there any remaining evidence that it was a thing?


    I didn't slip: Going back, I did find a bit more spread of this one. I knew that it would get some usage as soon as I saw Quest for the Golden Masks 3.


    TTV stuff: I'm not familiar with this as much. If there is anything that did catch on, feel free to expand on it. Stuff that was funny but didn't really catch on really isn't a meme.


    Beware My stinger tail: around 2009 I was starting to fall out of the Bionicle community, so I guess I missed this one's popularity online (thankfully, the Transformers Wiki, TV tropes and a stegosaurs image on DeviantArt all use this, so it has at least some spread out of the fandom, which is good.) Does anyone know the exact origin of this phrase. For some reason I associated it with the Glatorian Arena game, but maybe this one in the Bio for Vorox on the Bioncle website? If anyone remembers where exactly this quote came from let me know. Neither of the Bionicle wikis seem to have this quote on his page.


    VahkiPower: this one seems a little too specific to BZPower. It also didn't seem to have a huge impact on anything, at least as far as I remember.


    Old-Man Tax: I've never heard of this one. Is there anything to show what it was about? Googling it doesn't produce any relevant results.


    The Bionic Man: While it is a funny commercial,  is there anything outside of the one video that shows spread of it?


    Greg controls all: I've seen quite a bit of stuff referring to GregF in a joking manner in general. is there anything in particular about "Greg controls all" that is notably different from this?


    Hype Train: this has been around long before it was used in the Bionicle fandom.


    Spooky Scary Skull Villains: it's really more of a variant of the already well know "2Spooky" meme.


    Shredder Claws: Like with rahkshi head, is there anything in particular about them? The debate on if they were a hand held weapon or actual fingers? The usage of them in M.O.C.s?


    Plushies: While I know these were huge, is there much remaining evidence that shows how big they really were?

    The Greg thing also has to do with the fighting w/ canon, and every one asking him for everything, sand just the fact that Gen1 gets even more confusing.


    Bionic Man was on BZP and TTV for a while. 


    No idea what Rakshi Heads or Vahki Power is.




    Oh, and I picked up a DK LEGO Book from a garage sale for like a dollar. The BIONICLE section was pretty cool. I wish there was a DK Bionicle encyclopedia of sets. xD



    I would not be surprised to see something like that at some point. But remember, there are only 13 sets so far, with five more due in summer. That's barely enough to fill one of DK's fancy hardbound volumes. If we get a character encyclopedia, it might not be for several years—keep in mind that even Ninjago didn't get one until its second year, and as a high-profile System theme it introduced far more characters per year than Bionicle could.


    It would be nice if they did though. Give some more insight to the Protectors other than with the Lego Mag inserts we've seen. Also more data on the Skull Spiders and their leader in general. If there is something for them since they are basically swarm villains even more so than the Rahi and Bohrok of Gen1.


    I have a feeling the Skull Spiders are going to be abandoned next year. Though, it would be nice to get some additional info out-of-story.


    How much you want to bet we never get any real depth about the Skull Spiders?

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