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Blog Entries posted by FallenAtlas

  1. FallenAtlas
    I have a heart that aches for people that are hurting, that are in need, that need just a bit of help. I have a hard time saying no, because I never want to say no. I don't like denying people help. It just rubs me the wrong way.
    But as a result, I can end up getting myself wrapping up in events that I have no clue where they started or where they will end. But that's who I am. It's what I am.
    I help people.
    And sometimes I find myself suffering for it.
  2. FallenAtlas
    So read the storyline for Bionicle, 2001-2004(?)....this is what I got from it.
    Makuta is jealous of Mata Nui and slips him some sleeping pills, and the island of Mata Nui is supposedly made cold and crops don't grow(wheat? Corn? They don't say.). Anyways, the Turaga, the old ones, get Takua to summon the Toa Mata from the heavens to show up and kick Makuta butt. Turns out falling from the heavens makes you forget everything, even your name.
    They recover, they kinda beat Makuta, and then they have to deal with the beetle infestation. Bohrak or whatever, cool in theory. Turns out they are ruled by some queens, and after getting a robot-suit powerup(which they ditched? What was the point again??), the queens are defeated, all is good.
    Makuta then released beetles 2.0, they do better, but turns out human greed even works on beetles and they get killed. Toa also get a super-hero upgrade after a quick swim.
    Turns out there's gonna be a 7th Toa, and after a ridiculous trip across the island and the introduction of some taller beetles, there's a big fight with hockey sticks and Makuta is defeated for good. Supposedly. Mata Nui is supposed to be woken up or something. I still don't get how Takuanuva is brought back to life. He's the Toa of Light. There's an problem there.
    Also, they didn't mention the fact the island is sitting on the face of a giant action-figure??
  3. FallenAtlas
    Couple days late, but whatever.
    Picked up some DLC for Europa Universalis IV(some unit packs, and the Art of War expansion).
    And a war hammer. Legitimate, 100% steel and hickory war hammer from Cold Steel.
    Yeah. It was a good day.
    Plus, I had the day off!
  4. FallenAtlas
    Turns out describing locations without going, "It's a square. There's some tables. You eat food here. Move along" just doesn't cut it. I hate describing things without life in it.
    Is it a custom here to just upvote stuff and never comment? Upvotes don't tell anybody anything except that you "liked" it. LIKED IT WHY? WE WANT TO KNOW JOHNNY.
    Star Wars:
    Mega hype. Not buying tickets. I'll see it in a year when it hits the dollar movies. I can't get excited after the mess that was the Prequels.
    HALO 5:
    If there isn't some sub-plot with Chief trying to get Cortana back I'm gonna be mad. No, scratch that, I will be glassed.
  5. FallenAtlas
    January of 2018 was the last time I was here.
    It's been a long time. Lot's changed. I broke a couple of times, picked myself up. Still kicking.
    Might write a short story or two. About something.
  6. FallenAtlas
    Some stories are like corn. It takes a few attempts and a few crops before you can grow the perfect earful. Also it takes a lot of time.
    Then some stories are like random roaches in the Walmart parking lot. Before you know it, they have run up your pant leg and are getting cozy with your privates.
  7. FallenAtlas
    ...get paid with a computer.
    That was wild.
    I was asked to repair and fix up two computers, both of which are rather fast and good machines once they were fixed. The lady then asked which one was better, so I let her know, and she gave me the slower one as payment.
    Not complaining, I needed a good gaming machine....
  8. FallenAtlas
    I'm rarely on this site and have rarely posted about anything in any format because the honest truth is I've been on this site before under a different username, a different account.
     That account was bullied off the site.
     I was much younger then. I was ignorant of things and was just looking to have a good time with friends I made. Older members, adults, on this site came after me when I was 14 years old and bullied me off the site.
     That's the BZPower I remember and know. I made a new account later in life, this one, and hoped I could talk about my passion of Bionicle again without carrying the social stigma that was made against me.
     It, frankly, hasn't worked well. I see many of the same folks that hurt me dearly still posting and being active.
     BZPower, to be honest, lost its way. It stopped being about Bionicle a long time ago and became a clique. The forum was ran(both on staff and off staff) by a group of people that used the forum to flex their internet power points on others. Many things I posted, shared, wrote, whatever...were criticized and ignored for not being one of them. And that's a hard thing to take when all you want is to have fun on a website dedicated to a toy.
     There is not a single friend I made on BZPower that I still know today because of the environment created here. My friend, S, has become consumed by this site and I can't bear to talk to her ever again because of the venom built up in her over all this. It's too much.
     It's all too much for a toy.
     It was just supposed to be a toy fan site.
     That's all I wanted. I got a lot of other things instead.
     I'll probably still be around, here and there. I've said my piece.
     I'm done holding the sky up.
  9. FallenAtlas
    It's not worth it. I've worked in both retail and the food business. Don't go Black Friday shopping at midnight. Or at 3AM. Wait until like 7AM like a reasonable person. They'll still have TV's before Christmas. Those waffle toasters you're jazzed about? Still there. The latest iBox game? Boy, lemme tell you something about the way they will have it.
    Enjoy family. Give thanks for all the good you have in this world.
    Happy Thanksgiving
  10. FallenAtlas
    Ah, well, I went and did it, I became a Premier Member of BZPower. Why?
    Well, honestly it wasn't because of Bionicle. I had no idea what Bionicle was in fact when I first joined here over a month ago. No clue at all. I was told to come here for the BZPRPG, actually. That it was a better RPG to get into; active, semi-friendly, and somewhat competent moderators. Now I can vouch for the first one, but I haven't been around long enough to actually say anything on the last two promises made to me.
    Moving on, though, it wasn't the BZPRPG that made me become a Premier Member. It was the community of toy lovers that are here. Nice enough folks, I noted, and I think I would like to see it stay around. So I donated, and got the perks out of it. Fair enough deal.
    Onto my actual blog, I need make some stuff clear:
    1. In no way, shape, or form will I be giving some detailed analysis of myself or my personal life. There will be posts about life, but I will not be giving details. I do not exist here and I will keep it that way. You want to know about me? Ask. Worst thing to happen will be that I say "no."
    2. I will not stand for flame wars on my blog, in the comments or otherwise. There's plenty of websites out there where you can tear each other to shreds over petty matters; a children's toy site is not the place. I will shut it down. I don't take kindly to insults flying for no reason, or in fact, any reason.
    3. Please remember, I didn't know anything about Bionicle up until a month ago. My knowledge of it is still incredible shaky. If I make some slip-up regarding the canon, it is because of ignorance, but not willingly.
    Otherwise, thanks for reading, thanks for welcoming to this website, and here's hoping we have some good times together!
  11. FallenAtlas
    Happy Thanksgiving BZPowerites,
    What are you thankful for this time of year?
    I am most thankful for all that God has done for me, my family(and pig), and for having this neat little site to let me post my writings!
  12. FallenAtlas
    ...and talking to a friend we know. So, I ask him to tell her "Hi." for me, over the mic. He does it, pauses a second, then relays back that she said "I don't like you." Lil bro pauses and tacks on:
    "Well, it isn't like that's the first time you've heard that from a girl."
    Ah, family....
  13. FallenAtlas
    It's been a while.
    A long while. Not exactly sure of the time frame to be honest, but it may be far too long.
    Well, where was I? Air Force Basic Training, 323rd Training Squadron, Lackland AFB, Texas. Had a fantastic time. Grew a lot. Lost 15lbs, almost made honor grad, and met some great people(and some awful people.).
    Now, I'm at Tech School for Weather. Meteorology. Cloud science. Keesler AFB, Mississippi. I have about 6 1/2 months ahead of me and I'm looking forward to getting past it.
    I'm back. Look forward to my writing on the weekends primarily, as the weekdays are far too busy for that. Anybody miss me?
    Wouldn't be shocked if nobody remembered me, wasn't around that long in the first place.
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