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Premier Members Year 09


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    Lots of things I never am able to fully enjoy.

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  1. BZPower sure thought so at the time, which is why you can use the news archive to do exactly what Lenny suggested in exactly the way he suggested:
  2. Excellent work these past few issues, though I do have a lore question. Does the border on this one mean it's a legal card for play in Legacy and Vintage formats?
  3. It's a sudden appearance of a few spambots. "Tightening the rules" isn't going to stop spambots from signing up and ignoring the rules they can't read. It happens on every forum on the internet from time to time.
  4. I wasn't sold on Super Character until he said he could play the guitar. I like a well-rounded individual like that.
  5. ^This! Love the way my character has been portrayed, I hope he was doing a good job in the maint. hall 03.
  6. How will Gangster Tahu's appearance affect the Windows Media Player skins economy?
  7. Absolutely top tier. Keep it up.
  8. I got a Brutaka last spring missing a few parts and spent the summer hemming and hawing over the various $6 tube listings and ended up skipping, really regretting it now, lol.
  9. This is incredible, wow. Thought it was a photograph at first glance.
  10. Hello all, hopping back in after a very amateurish stint years ago. We'll see where this goes I guess
  11. IC - Degrees of Uncertainty (Kultax; staggering through Nokama Port) It’s been a long time since you’ve heard from me. How are you? I hope you’re well. I’m beginning to have to accept that something is hopelessly wrong. I feel like a statue. Like someone cut my nose off. I think you told me once that everything is a cycle. I think this was meant to be comforting, that an end is also a beginning. Right now I think that it means every moment is indistinguishable from any other given enough time. I’m not sure where in the cycle I am right now. I’m not sure it matters. I wish I could remember your name.
  12. An attempt will be made Name: Kultax Species: Toa of Air Gender: Male Description: Average height for a Toa, with an athletic build hindered by somewhat bulky armor. An aura of confused misery radiates from the man. Shambles along in scarred and pitted armor that was once a bright green, but has in turn been bleached by the sun and covered in a veneer of soot and dirt and grime, now somewhere between the shades of dying grass and the pale yellow that marks some dawns. Dark rings are a permanent fixture around his watery and glazed blue eyes. His Arthron is missing one of its fins and a section of the "mouth", exposing part of his own tired frown. Notably, while it is a much deeper shade of green than his armor ever was, it is visibly colorful and likely not as old as the rest of his equipment. Powers & weapons: Control over air and the winds. Wears a Kanohi Arthron and carries a broadsword. It once glowed a fierce blue when in use, but has lost its luster. Weaknesses: Paranoid, distrustful, insomniac, borderline delusional. A poor fighter who has come to rely too heavily on his mask and elemental abilities. Alignment: True neutral. History: Kultax was once one of those rare souls who drew pleasure from simply being alive. He made friends everywhere he went and was always willing to give anyone a chance. He nursed not-so-private dreams of being a great hero and was perhaps far too willing to put his life on the line to help others. Being a heedless fool, even a well-intentioned one, rarely ends well, though. Kultax's nearsightedness meant that he inevitably brought a few wolves in with the sheep, and even created some enemies out of genuine allies. The enthusiasm started to become an act of denial more than anything real, and he only grew more stubborn as the persona slipped. After turning away many long-time friends, his self-destructive behavior culminated spectacularly in an incident where he deliberately trusted a very dangerous individual to spite the instincts and wishes of a team he'd found work with. When this person inevitably turned on him, so too did his team, leaving him for dead after the explosive battle he had to fight alone. Broken physically and mentally, and no longer able to lie to himself about what he or the world were like, he became an aimless wanderer, just waiting for something to happen to him. Personality and traits: Paranoid, distrustful, insomniac, borderline delusional. Kultax treats most situations as one who is aware they're in a dream but can do nothing to affect it would. While not overtly hostile, he has a very hard time taking anyone at their word and will react with suspicion and a cold disposition. At the same time, he is an open book; everyone else is just as aware of his intentions and desires as he is, which is to say, not at all. Perhaps buried somewhere is a glimmer of the bright-eyed optimist he once was, but in what ways this manifests remain a mystery.
  13. The fact that I do not and have never had the urge to be a completionist in any way and just buy and MOC the small handful of things I really like.
  14. A mushroom prepared for the harsh realities of winter.
  15. Did Rock Raiders, Spyrius, Bionicle. Lack of UFO and Insectoids hurts the heart
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