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Metal Gear Minun

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Posts posted by Metal Gear Minun

  1. OOC: Ach, must break stalemate...IC: Derrick watched as Krystal and the assailant did battle. Now he did want to help Krystal by plunging a few hundred thousand volts into the assailant, but he also didn't want to shock Krystal. He didn't feel confident enough in his ability to not shock Krystal while in such a close range.Oh right... he thought as he looked at his armor.He pulled on a part of the armor, pulling it off and molded the length of nanobots into a long staff. Charging it with electricity, he attacked the assialant in the best, most awesome way possible.Poke.

  2. OOC: Hmm, a music battle... we can try something, we can see. JUUUSTT wondering, would Driftveil be an appropriate setting for Poke-Georgia?


    IC: Richard was stunned for a while as he saw Kyle run off. People who are winning don't forfeit without good reason. Something had happened to cause Kyle pain, but he didn't know what.


    "You didn't do anything did you?" he asked crouching near the Sableye.


    Of course not, Hades responded adding in a light punch, I couldn't if I wanted to, and I didn't want to.


    Richard got the gist of what Hades said that time and nodded.


    "...I am not sure if its my business, but I don't like the looks of this at all. Are you set to fight again?"


    Hades nodded, he hadn't taken any damage a quick Recover couldn't heal off.


    "Then give this place a quick search, I am going to go get Dionysus and Erebus healed."


    Hades gave a baffled look, not quite certain what to search for but then merely disappeared to search for anything that seemed off.


    ----------After Richard managed to get both Dionysus and Erebus healed he began to walk towards the arena where his semi-final match would take place.


    IC: "No idea, Lucia" Jamie responded as she got up, slammed into the door of the train cart.


    "...More pressing, where are we?" Jamie asked looking outside a window. This wasn't a train tunnel, that was certain.


    IC: "No, that is definitely enough," he said a smile forming on his face. He saw before him the potential needed to combat everything that their competitors had thrown at them.


    A handy tool to be certain.


    "Could we continue this conversation back in your office?"

  3. IC: Derrick really wasn't quite sure if what had just happened was a good thing, with Krystal getting back up. She looked very enraged and thus he lept away to try and get out of her way. He actually didn't see the knife his opponet had, but after he had avoided an attack that hadn't happened yet, he noticed it pretty quickly.John felt pretty useless at the moment, his leg was in no condition to join the fray. Plus, now that both Derrick and Krystal were so close to the assailant, he was more likely to hit them if he tried to take a shot.

  4. IC: John would have smirked in that moment had he not been screaming in pain from feeling a bullet enter his ankle; he had managed to keep the assailant's attention on him. He ripped off a piece of shirt to make a makeshift bandaging and hoped that Derrick would make the best of it.In that moment of distraction, Derrick found the opportunity he needed. He wasted no time in exploting the opportunity he had been given. The younger Davis brother lept with his full force at the assailant, bearing two arms full of electricity and a face of anger.

  5. IC: John Davis had been able to see and predict the assailant's attack and was able to avoid getting shot this time, not that his first wound was getting any better. Whoever this opponet was, he had good reflexes, and was a great shot; a difficult combo to deal with, even when they had him outnumbered, he was able to keep them both at bay. Derrick at the moment had to duck and focus on reloading himself, he peaked over for a moment when the shots kept coming.Alright just firing shots at him, isn't going to work...John noticed for a moment, his living room fan still going and spinning above the assailant.Goodbye fan, you provided, many hours of comfort, he thought aimed and fired causing the appliance to fall down.

  6. IC: Hades tried to avoid and simultaneously counterattack with a Prankster + Confuse Ray combination attack. He couldn't completely avoid the Charizard's attack and took some damage, but it was better than if he had just ran on his own speed. Letting off a few Confuse Rays as well certainly helped.


    IC: "Very well, I look forward to the demonstration," James said, turning to face the door which had been indicated. The door led him through a small hall in which he arrived at in a room full of chairs which overlooked the testing site. He was the only one in the room and decided to forego the seats and merely stood near the window for the best viewing available.

  7. IC: John swore under his breath as one of the shots had pierced him in his side. He didn't expect his cover of a corner to suddenly round out. He didn't even know how that worked, but that just meant that whatever mutant he was fighting, it was strong. He jumped into the room across the hall from his corner, the restroom, where as he reloaded his shotgun, he peaked out to check the situation. His positon was slightly worse for a shot on the attacker, but he still saw a shot he could take. As soon as he could, he did.If, I could just get in close... Derrick thought, firing a few extra shots. However he also knew he needed a distraction long enough to get the jump on the assailant. There wasn't enough room to jump around and to try and dodge the gun shots. Getting shot was not part of his plan.

  8. OOC: ...And why is that HMMM?! Anyway, I'll probably have him called "Jack" then. As a commonly reffered to nickname, from now on. But his real name is John!IC: Derrick held up his hand using his power of electricity to try and push some of the shards away in effort to protect himself. He got a large amount of them blocked, but bits pierced him in certain places, especially from some had manged to pierce the table. He pointed his gun with his free hand and began trying to return fire.John at this moment peeked from around a corner to see the battle between his brother and his assailant. Seeing an opportunity to fire at the assailant, John aimed his shotgun, now fully ready, and fired.

  9. OOC: *whistles innocently Apparently thing happened, trying to catch up... okay we're good. By the way, considering the circumstance, I've changed my mind, I am gonna string along John.Name: John DavisCodename: N/AAge: 36Gender: MaleFaction: NeutralPower(S): NothingAppearance: Red hair runs in the family, but unlike Derrick who combs it back, he combs his hair to the side. He is slightly shorter than his Derrick at 5'11 but about the same build. Freckles also ran in the family but the mole did not. He is most often seen in polos and jeans unless there is reason for otherwise. Unlike his brother he has brown eyes.Weapons: He carries with him a rifle (don't ask me what kind, I honestly don't know enough about weapons to say the model) and generally finds someway to access his shotgun which is kept in a case, as is the rifle when John is not using it.Skills: While Derrick is a pretty good, John is even better. He is proficient with his shotgun, and excellent with his rifle. John is skilled with the care for and use of his weapons. Not the worst with a knife either, but doesn't have a good one for fighting.Personality: John is pretty laid back and friendly most of the time unless he is either A: disagreeing and consequently getting into an arguement/fight with someone, or B: whenever he gets a sense of foreboding. In these cases he gets pretty ansty, harsh and generally stops being the kind of guy you like being around.Weakness: He really doesn't have anything other than a couple of guns he can use. He has no cool super weapons and no mutant powers. Standard in most regards except accuracy.Bio: The eldest child in a family with four children, he was also the most rebellious of the bunch. He was the one that aruged with his parents on a daily basis, who only put up with it because he was doing well in school. In most of their arguements however, he was generally right. While Derrick grow up to hate anything crooked, he grew up to hate anything he felt was wrong. He joined the military for a few years where all his childhood days spent hunting helped him in his military training. He was asked if he wanted to try and become an Enforcer agent, but refused, disliking the Enforcers in general, and left the military as soon as he was done with his contract. He went back home for a year to study for college when he met the girl who would become his wife (who will not receive a name or character until I decide otherwise.) His parents eventually found out though, that she was a mutant and forbade John from seeing her. This caused John to elope with her and has not seen the rest of family save Derrick in over a decade.The post while containing John should be fine an NPC at this point. It's also disappointingly short until I get back from dinner.IC: Upon seeing Krystal fall over, Derrick was immeadiately alerted to an attack, and pulled his gun. Upon seeing the door open he overturned the table blocking the grenade that would soon explode. He pulled Krystal over beside him, praying that she was still alive, which to be honest he didn't know.The slamming of the door alerted John that something was going wrong, and somehow he doubted that it was Derrick or Krystal storming off. The explosion he heard alerted himself to that. He was looking at a case at that moment, and was glad that he did. He pulled the contents of said case out and laid before him: a single shotgun.

  10. IC: "That is the question isn't it. Well I suppose we have two options, well I do at the least. You may have an extra one. The first option is continue hiding, we can't stay here forever, but we can find ways to keep ourselves hidden."Derrick then swallowed as he knew the second option was probably the better of the two, not that he liked it that much more."Second is to join a faction. We can't go back to the Enforcers and Weapon-X was never an option," he struggled to continue his thought for a moment before speaking, "I...I can't go to the Brotherhood. I can't forgive them what they did to us and for what happened to Crossfire... He was a good man," the last part said quietly. "If you think it is best for you to go with the Brotherhood, then we will have to part... The last choice is that we go find the X-men. They may not trust us, mutants or not we were Enforcers, but we may have to at least try..."

  11. IC: Derrick responded with a morning as if he could tell nothing wrong. John was silent as he did not see the fullness of the transformation until this morning. Breakfast had passed in a somewhat similar manner with none of the three saying much. After they had eaten, Derrick decided it was time."Hey John could you leave us for a bit?"John was silent for a moment before nodding and leaving for a different room. Derrick became a lot more serious as he left, he had expression that while not hard or harsh, was both direct and ready to get down to business."Okay so now, we need to focus on our options and decide what to do..."

  12. OOC: Yep, Timeskip.IC: After he left Krystal, Derrick abandoned all pretense of not being tired, he went directly into the guest bedroom got under the covers and fell asleep half-convinced it was about as good as he was going to get it, and his mind drifted off into dream.-Hours pass-Derrick awoke half-expecting the whole thing to just have been a bad dream when he rubbed his face and accidentally shocked himself.Nope it happened... Now what to do about it... he thought getting up.He found his brother still lying on the couch. Derrick thought it best not to disturb him lest he provoke the man who had selflessly given them shelter. Instead he thought it best to try and raid his fridge."Free food is good food," he said quietly as he assorted a sort of breakfast for himself."I heard that," John said sitting up."Good morning John.""Yeah, yeah..." John mumbled taking a seat at his table beside his brother.

  13. IC: Derrick waited until he was out of Krystal's sight to let his smile disappear of his face. Too many things were flashing through his mind, and very few of them were happy. He found his brother around where they had left him, sitting on the couch in the living room. He was silent as if expecting Derrick to say something."Krystal needs a bed for the night,""Right, she can have my room,""I can sleep here on the-""No you can have the guest bedroom, I'll sleep on the couch.""But-""Derrick, you know you need a bed more than I do right now. Take the bed."Derrick couldn't argue with John, and he knew that John knew Derrick too well. He was exhausted and a bed felt pretty good right about now."Alright, thank you, John.""Your welcome," he said and walked towards a closet to get himself a blanket for the couch.Derrick left his brother to return back towards Krystal. She was looking quite tired by Derrick's account and thus he wasted no time."I got you a bed, you'll be staying in John's room."The pair walked over to the master bedroom of the house where he opened the door that belonged to his brother."Here's where you'll be sleeping."

  14. IC: Derrick was silent for a moment before responding with "You're welcome."He wanted to say something like "and thank you for making me feel better about myself," but he couldn't find a way to say it that didn't sound like he was mocking or insulting her. He really didn't want her to go back into tears and he knew what he actually meant by that.. But he also they could not stay there crying forever."Listen, we need to take a serious look at our situation. John can shelter us for a little while but we can't stay here forever. We need to decide what to do."He then got up and said, "However this can wait until morning, we haven't had a good night's sleep since this affair began and we both need one. I'll go talk to John about which room you'll be sleeping in."Finally Derrick extended his arm deciding on one good cliche phrase he could use. "And don't worry, we will find a way," he said placing a smile on his face.

  15. OOC: Leave for a day to do business and then 11 pages sprout up when you get back. Makes short post based off last relevant post found, hopes no other important ones have been made.IC: Derrick honestly didn't now what to say. He looked around and surmised what had happened and evaluated her emotions. It didn't help much. Derrick sat beside her silently. They were plenty of cliche things that he could of said, but the right one could not find the top of his tounge, so he merely sat in silence.

  16. IC: "That's a nice attack. Hades, dodge it completely?"


    Hades smiled as a small shine appeared on him. Suddenly, as the flames approached, the Sableye began dodging fire, wind, dust and rock altogether through the power of Detect. The speed granted by both it and Prankster were just bonuses. Both were used to give him a vantage point on the Charizard. The Detect then ran out, beginning a self-imposed by the author cool down timer of approximately 2 posts from the author to put a limit on one of Hades' many abusable attacks.


    "And Nightshade!" to which the Sableye responded with a dark burst of energy at the Charizard.


    OOC: Is that a fair limit on Detect? Oh and yay for having the most abusable attacks on a moveset that can actually be used in game :P


    IC: James took a cursory glance at the documents stretched across the table. A lot of it held data which held little meaning until he searched through the next. But he saw the plausibility, the results the great chance that they had.


    "It would be a terrible shame if this never got to be used," he said turning towards the glass case. "This says you managed to make one set. May I see it tried out?"


    IC: Lucan and Tristan both had to be retreated into their pokeballs, the former due to his tiredness and the latter due to him being to big to fit directly through the door (as he had been blocking it the first time in battle).


    "Trying to cause a train crash?" she said almost seriously. They had been willing to kill themselves, though she doubted that something like that would be the real reason for this. But she also doubted that it was just because they wanted to get somewhere really quickly.

  17. IC: Upon hearing a crash and then a lot of sobbing the two brothers looked towards each other for a moment before John made to move towards the restroom. "I'd suggest leaving this to me, John," Derrick said rising to his feet from the couch he had sat on. "I insist," he said before walking over himself.He walked over to the closed restroom door and knocked."Hello, Krystal are you in there?"

  18. OOC: Not too involved, he isn't anything major and will probably will be staying there in the house with his wife. I have no intentions for John to actually join the RP, but did some through his perspective just to show his thoughts as his estranged brother came up to his house. If I plan to change this or just flat out change my mind and make either/both him and his wife (who may or may not get a name) more invovled, then I'll give them profiles, but after Derrick and Krystal leave I don't plan on John showing up any more at this time.

  19. IC: After a undescribed timeskip of walking, the pair of Enforcers turned mutants arrived at John Davis' house. Derrick had mixed feelings upon reaching it, but he knew it was better than his current situation. John himself was currently searching through his fridge.He turned towards the window and saw Derrick. John froze for a moment upon seeing him. His wife was not home but how could Derrick know that. How could that the Enforcer's know that. He ran towards the closest where he kept his gun, knowing he wouldn't be able to beat his younger brother directly however he stopped himself and walked out the front door. John was slightly suprised to see Derrick with a mutant, but he didn't think the Enforcers would be above using mutants as slaves. Or for Derrick to turn him in for that matter. "Why are you here Derrick?"Derrick showed his arm, bare of technology and began creating sparks from it. He created a small storm of electricity from his arm before calming it down.John was shocked (no pun intended) for a moment before saying "Oh dear...""I'll explain later. May I come in John?" "...Yes, please," he said walking to his door on holding it upon for the pair."Thank you," Derrick said somewhat weakly walking into his brother's house and into the living room.

  20. OOC: I think you're hinting again.


    IC: Richard sighed, as he the attack connected, the violin's mood changing to a more calm one. The attack sent Erebus reeling at it did quite a number on him.


    "That darn Lock-On," he said "Makes it hard to use Erebus' agility to its max."


    He held up Erebus' pokeball, "If this becomes a battle to see who can outlast the other's attacks, we can't win with you Erebus. I'll bring you back in later," he said retreating the Tentacool.


    We're not winning this one, nope, but I am taking down that Magneton.


    He then turned to Hades who was more or less relaxing not really paying any attention."Well come on then, Hades get in there, fight and destroy and all that,"


    The Sableye gave him a look of "what?" before sighing move forward in, slowly...


    "Fake Out."


    Hades almost disappeared, he moved so fast, as he did a very light flinching punch on the Magneton's back."And then Confuse Ray!" he said as Hades thought he would already tossing a ray of Confusing energy


    at Kitheus.


    IC: Jamie was stunned for a moment as she saw the two agents blow themselves up. Thoughts could not form for a moment as she tried to take in what she had seen.


    "That was... horrifying," she said recalling the spectacle again and again. She had never met anybody before who would have done that, or even thought of it.


    Snapping out of it, she said, "My Pokemon need healing," she said releasing the near fainted Pelleas next to the tired Lucan and battered Tristan.


    IC: James followed behind Executive Vert, his own briefcase in hand as well. Ideas were flashing through his head as to how to best, implement the possibilities of this experiment.

  21. IC: "Finish it off, Why Kyle, we've only just started! Rapid Spin! Bubblebeam!" Richard yelled suddenly his violin playing reached a fever pitch.


    Suddenly the Tentacool began spinning and jumping around in a pattern that most would see of chaotic and unplanned. They were not Erebus. To him it was chaotic and very planned. He bounced around sending out Bubbles, some to try and counteract the lightning, others to redirect and some more just to try and attack, though primary focus was on dodging.


    IC: Lucan was enheartened to see the arms freeze, and was instantly shooting another one towards the right arms in an attempt to freeze them.


    IC: Upon hearing Vert's response he had quick flash backs to facing Pierce.


    "A decisive weapon then, to give us the edge we so desperately need. Interesting."


    A smile did cross his face, although this time for only a brief instant.


    "Would you mind showing me your research thus far?"

  22. IC: Shockbolt too one deep breath in an out before nodding."Very well then," he said and began walking.Luckily for the pair, Shockbolt had memorized the location of his brother's house in case he needed to get there for times such as now (though he could not have predicted how badly he would need it). It took them around half-an-hour to find the path well enough for him to navigate, but they found the road they would need.Of course that still leaves a lot of walking, he thought.OOC: Gonna do a few hour timeskip in next post.

  23. IC: Shockbolt nodded at Krystal's response, trying to not to watch as she clawed her own boots off. She wasn't going to tell her no. One small part of him, wished that she had said no. The man who he had intended to try and hide out with, was his brother. When Derrick had joined the Enforcers, he had alienated his brother, part of the reason he was hopeful that he'd shelter them now. The other part was that when he was a member of the Enforcers, he had helped them hide. That was a major decision for him, one he was not completely comfortable with as it required him to break the law, but he could only hope that he be kind now."Very well then, but we are in for a long walk," he said, taking one look towards Krystal. "Tell me, if you need to rest."

  24. IC: As Demon disappeared Shockbolt, knew what he had said was right. Two mutants -former agents of the Enforcers- weren't going to last on their own. He also knew that his own head wasn't on straight, out of anger and fear he needed a bit more time to find a place to calm down and contemplate his situation. He knew someplace which maybe safe for a little while. At least long enough for him to make a decision."What are we going to do?" he asked quietly trying to figure it out himself.Looking towards his companion he saw the transformation still ongoing."I somebody who might give us some shelter for a night. Long enough for us to make a decision at the least," he said honestly wanting an opinion he could trust.

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