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Metal Gear Minun

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Posts posted by Metal Gear Minun

  1. IC: Shockbolt grunted in pain as he felt himself get stabbed. It hurt, no lies there but he like many before him was determined. "Heh, you're aim is off. When you do accupuncture you're so supposed to aim a little more towards the back."

  2. IC: Shockbolt considered for a moment to decide what to do. On one hand he could have saved himself a lot of time and hurt by betraying all of his allies. On the other hand staying loyal to his allies was worth the hurt.He sighed "The most important thing we know about you, is that you are all freaks." he said, ensuring his torture would soon begin. His one hope that he'd eventually be able to try and keep provoking the mutant enough to get him to kill him. Probably wasn't going to happen but, hey he might get lucky and accidentally get killed.

  3. IC: No Shockbolt did not know anything about the small tracking device. He didn't even know anything about where he was. He awoke somewhere, in darkness, hardly able to move. His hands and legs appeared to have been handcuffed and he had otherwise been bound to a chair. There was something on his head which he could only assume was a bag, though whatever room he was in was dark as well. Shockbolt began to try and piece together what had happened and how had gotten here.Alright, I was fighting a mutant that was wielding electricity... I shot him, however considering my predicament I must have lost. Took me away as a hostage or something like that.He sighed, supposes that only leaves the wait for interoggations, or my inevitable fate.

  4. IC: "Well I suppose we can talk while fighting, but it ruins the whole 'calm' atmosphere I was going for."


    Oddly enough, despite Richard's trained ear, he seemed to be the least affected by the noise. He actually seemed to enjoy the use of the sound based attack.


    "Dionysus try and compose yourself through Curse."


    Dionysus had started to spin around due to the noise, he tripped over on himself as he struggled to sit up. Eventually succeeding he began using a strange form of energy which raised Attack and Defense at the cost of Speed. This was not the main intent however. Instead it was to keep the Snorlax still enough to allow him to regain his composure.


    Alright so there's no way that he can catch that Magneton on his own speed. I'll have to find the right opportunity for an direct attack...


    "And as for the whole 'on edge' thing. Don't worry too much. This is probably the best opportunity you're gonna have to relax, then. You didn't answer my question about the song, though."


    OOC: He's not going to drop the song thing.

  5. OOC: I agree that Rest/Recover (cause I will be using both) are things that can easily be abused to the point of God-modding, and I agree that that is a no-no. Still I had to do something to counter your counters and Snorlax is best even RP wise a wall, but yeah I'll be sure to limit their capabilities. Just tell Kyle not to take things so cereal tounge2.gif


    IC: Richard saw Jaeda go back into the pokeball in Kyle's hand and sighed. Doubly so when he sent out a Magneton, and had it use Lock-On and then Tri-Attack. And Dionysus couldn't do much because he was sleeping. And Rest couldn't really heal the damage now that it had been done.


    "I was hoping for some time to just talk. Ah well," he said as Dionysus finally got back up. "Well then, no more stalling then, eh? Let's try to Curse, Body Slam and play songs on our violins to victory!"


    The using Curse part seemed easy, and was plausible that the slow hulking giant could crush metal using his giant weight. The main problem was that Richard wasn't playing the violin.He really wasn't certain what to play. "Tell me do you have any requests? And no, stopping is not a valid answer," he said as if he expected Kyle to tell him to stop.


    OOC: On a side note, if Kyle is indeed having psychological problems, Richard's company doesn't seem to be helping.


    IC: "No no, don't be sorry and I'll try to keep this quick."


    An R&D propasol? I'll have to ask later... James thought for a moment before continuing.


    "On a recent... excursion to see the current state of Mossdeep after the recent attack, we encountered a Darkrai who gave us... a piece of information."


    James and Celebi turned towards each other before nodding.


    Alright, Celebi began, so the Darkrai a.k.a Ilios, a.k.a. Nine a.k.a The One Who Left a.k.a the second strongest of all Ten of the Ancient Darkrai was at Mossdeep for... personal reasons. Anyway he told that the opportunity to strike back at the Darkrai is coming up fast and that the final showdown will take place at the Sinjoh Ruins. He didn't say the exact time, but he said I'd know and considering how... showy these guys have been my bet is that everyone else will too. My point is that the our chance to fight is around the corner and we need to prep for our offense.

  6. IC: Shockbolt, good for his immeadiate health, terrible for his long-term, did not awaken as he was shuffled into the car. His mind was lost in a state of flux reliving memories as if he was about to die. Which honestly wasn't much of a stretch. There were good and bad; of friends and of enemies. His mind was trying to regain senses but after the beating he had received he would not awake for hours yet.

  7. OOC: Amen to Blade cause I actually didn't mean to insult Kyle, and now to make a James post to rationalize this OOC Post.


    IC: James and Celebi warped back to Four Island heading for where back to where they been previously before they had went to Mossdeep. James was noticeably out of his earlier funk and back to usual inwardly scheming self, planning and plotting on how to make the best of their situation. The walk was quite pleasant because of this, even more so because the atmosphere of Four Island was so different than that of Mossdeep. It felt good to leave, great to be among allies again.


    Stopping before his leader's door, he knocked once more, as he did before.


    OOC: I like that last sentence.

  8. OOC: Well I used Rest because I didn't have any other options. You kind of countered everything by flying and using Smokescreen.


    IC: "Why is everyone at this tournament so touchy. Last person swore, and you're taking this too seriously. This is a game right now, not war."


    He then noticed that as the Charizard tried to try fly up, it was grabbed by the tail.


    "And look you've gone and woken up, poor Dionysus from his nap."


    Dionysus was not happy about waking up in a lot of pain. Not at all. He had full intentions of slamming that Charizard under all his weight with a Curse-powered Body Slam.


    "Dionysus use Yawn."


    He seemed frustrated by this by complied, yawning at his opponent.


    "And then use Rest."He fell over immediately, not on the Charizard, not even Snoring, releasing his opponent as he did so."Now can we just chill out for a moment? I wanted to have fun when I came to this tournament not get yelled at by everybody."


    OOC: Is that okay, considering Jaeda has had pretty much zero damage. To take a turn to chill?

  9. IC: Shockbolt almost wanted to die where he was. His breathing was heavy and his pain was intense. However all of that felt like it was gone when he had seen his opponet let forth a mess of blood."Got you," he said struggling to climb up to feet.Unable to fully stable his gun, he fired as many shots as he could at him, hoping quantity could make up for quality. After firing his last shot he fell over, unable to check the results."One down... I hope," the last two words hardly audible.

  10. IC: Derrick roared as the electricity hit him, jumping to try and get away but the stream chased him.Okay, this isn't working...He noticed as he was dodging that the lightning was very bright and distracting.Hopefully for its wielder too...He stopped which allowed the stream, and thus the pain to catch up, but he had enough time to line up a shot.*Preffered dramatic gunshot sound here*

  11. IC: Shockbolt bounched out of the way of the orb only to get hit by a lightning attack. It hurt a good deal, but not worse then one time when he accidentally shocked himself with his own gloves.Been a while since I've been the one who was shocked..."Right, at you then." he said getting up from the shock.He did his usual leaping pattern before throwing himself in a kick at Demon.

  12. OOC: Cool.IC: "Darn it, darn it darn it." Shockbolt muttered to himself as he kept leaping at his max setting, bounding quickly towards his destination.During whatever time has passed since Derrick's last activity, he went home, got well rested and had about an average day. However the call to action came and he found himself a large distance away from where he desperately needed to be. Leaping as fast as he could he got to where the factory was supposed to be. He didn't question why he didn't see it, he was too focused on aiming at a target. As soon as he found himself in range of one of the mutants fighting Enforcer mechs, he lept at it, intending to shock.He really couldn't tell who it was.

  13. IC: Well there wasn't much that Richard could do to help Dionysus, he was still asleep after all. However due to the Charizard's distance and Snorlax's Thick Fat, it did not deal the damage that Dionysus had healed. Richard somewhat smirked at the thought.


    "You know I am just going to Rest off whatever damage you deal and slowly whittle you down, right? Eventually either the crowd will get bored, or that Charizard is going to get whittled out of existence. I'd suggest something... bigger."


    He sat down as he said this, taking a short pause in his music before promptly starting back up again.

  14. OOC: As a heads up, I am heading out today and were I am going there probably isn't internet access. If there is I'll try to post, if not then I'll be back later Monday Night.IC: "Understood..." Derrick said, "But in the mean time, until we re-locate Zack, what would you have us do?"

  15. IC: "I can take a guess that it was for the same thing that we were," Derrick said in a tone that was only a bit above a mutter.Shockbolt had pretty little experience with Weapon X, he was really just looking for Sheen's prespective on the whole thing.

  16. IC: Shockbolt and Crossfire entered the office of the Sentry and found him behind his desk, as usual, doing something that was probably important and that neither were really allowed to ask about lest it concern them, not that they would anyway."Zack left before we had the chance to negotiate with him and we fought what appears to have been Weapon-X mutants."He then took a slight step back putting Crossfire the slightly further up of the two so that he'd have to do the rest of the explaining.

  17. IC: "Yeah, don't worry, I am coming," Derrick said placing himself in the passenger seat.-(Time Skip)-The trip to New York lasted for a good half-day, and honestly Derrick was a bit annoyed with the way things turned out concerning travel. As in he spent more time traveling from New York and back then he did in San Francisco. He wouldn't minded it so much had they at least been successful. His body on the other hand was glad for the fact that he had... largely taken it easy. Or the 20 some hours of sleep (with about 1-2 hour intermission of fighting mutants) was definitely good for his various wounds at the very least. Still he did not want to face Sheen to tell him about their failure.And I am definitely not telling him alone, he thought as he and Crossfire stepped in front of Sheen's office.

  18. IC: Ouch grunts he thought as he heard Crossfire's remark. Though it didn't make it any less true, and he wasn't going to skip taking the van to whatever transport he was going to take back to New York. He really did not feel like walking, no not at all.

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