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Metal Gear Minun

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Posts posted by Metal Gear Minun

  1. OOC: Part of what happens in this post was suggested by Flex Nard.IC: "I what?!" He said nearly jumping when he heard that.Derrick began to search his person for where the tracking device was. He couldn't find it despite his best efforts. Thankfully his best efforts did not need to.Not far away from them, the nanobots that had once made up Crossfire's armor, were searching, searching for a new host.They found one.The billions of tiny gizmos, approached Derrick suprisingly quickly and then took apart and consumed what was his armor in what was mere instants, but as his armor was destroyed, a new one took its place. Derrick felt the new armor and found that if felt and looked exactly like his old armor. He slightly sighed."Did it have to copy the damage, and the Enforcer logo?"And as if on command, the holes in the armor and the logo, disappeared leaving what looked like a solid black armor. Now to be honest, he liked the armor. He'd could see why Crossfire used it so much. And while he didn't want to take from the dead, one who wanted vengeance for, he knew Crossfire didn't need it where he was going. It was best to make due with what they had. A few of the nanobots found the tracking device (I don't know where) and placed it in Derrick's hand."...Thank you," he said.He considering destroying it but instead decided to simply place it on the ground."Let's keep moving."

  2. OOC: WHAAAAT! When did this happen? GASP! To the James Post, away.


    And yeah, I'll space 'em out some.


    IC: James nodded back to his fellow Executive before saying, "I was curious about this.... disagreement you and Goldhawk were having. We would like to tell me about it? I am all ears."


    IC: "Thank you," Jamie as she saw two pokeballs fly over Tristan.


    Lucan himself did not give up trying to at least try and help by sending a blast of Ice Beam at the Machamp.


    IC: "Erebus, we need to defend that spike, we'd waste too much time setting up a new one," with a calmness a bit different than his normal one, the tone in his violin playing reflecting this change.Erebus began shifting the direction of his attack, using it to instead intercept the Tri-Attack blast. However Kitheus's attack was aimed perfectly, Erebus's was not. The bubble beam did reduce the damage on the spike, but it became very brittle.


    "That won't hold," he said muttering under the music of his violin.


    He liked that about his violin, it covered up his mutters. Though it did make to sing at the same time, so it was a win-lose situation to him.


    "Alright, try and start making a new one."

  3. IC: Shockbolt was angry, to say the least. Angry that Demon had done the same thing to someone else. He restrained himself though because he was also responsible for her even being alive. He had more pressing matters to deal with any way."Don't worry, it will be alright, I'll help you," he said knealing beside her. "We won't go back to the Enforcers, we'll figure a way out. Just calm down..." he said in effort to ease her fears.In all honesty, he still didn't know what he was going to do himself, but he needed to get out there and preferably with her.

  4. IC: Shockbolt knew the jig was up by this point. If he didn't say now, then Demon would, and in Shockbolt's opinion, Demon had already said too much.Why, why did you have to be here? he thought evidently angered by Demon being there.He removed his gloves and the boots to show Agent Starling that he didn't have a single piece of Enforcer Tech on him. After doing so, he began to generate electricity, so that is surrounded him and was plainly visible for him to see."Undecided." Shockbolt said curtly to Demon. "But there are definitely those I refuse to work with.""Crossfire is dead, a mutant... killed him," the brief pause was for how gruesome Crossfire's death had been, and how fresh it was in his mind.

  5. IC: Shockbolt bounded through the path he had taken to reach the Crossfire and Fury back towards Agent Starling. He was half-expecting her to be dead when he got there, and almost whole-heartedly believed that she would not survive. He did not expect to see what he found. The same mutant who had cursed him, one who he hated, was currently healing his injured ally. Shockbolt cursed under his breath as approached the too. Shockbolt had hoped that Demon was a monster, one who he could kill without remorse when the time came. Monsters don't heal their enemies.

  6. IC: Shockbolt bounded through the path he had taken to reach the Crossfire and Fury back towards Agent Starling. He was half-expecting her to be dead when he got there, and almost whole-heartedly believed that she would not survive. He did not expect to see what he found. The same mutant who had cursed him, one who he hated, was currently healing his injured ally. Shockbolt cursed under his breath as approached the too. Shockbolt had hoped that Demon was a monster, one who he could kill without remorse when the time came. Monsters don't heal their enemies.

  7. IC: "Wait!" he yelled about to make a move to pursue her, when the image of Agent Starling flashed through his mind.I can get even with her later, if I don't get back there, she's going to die...Shockbolt allowed himself to calm down for a moment, he was angry but he couldn't risk the chase. He'd have a chance to fight again, that was something he was always assured off. People's lives were different things entirely. Using his speed, he recovered the boots and gloves and placed them back on, hoping to fool her one last time. He dashed of then back towards where he had left the Enforcer.

  8. IC: The sweep did trip Shockbolt over, but considering how often he did that early in his training, he found a way to quickly rectify himself.Electricity isn't working... he thought grimly. Back to the gun...He pulled his gun once again on began firing at her.

  9. IC: "Crossfire..." he muttered, as he watched the man who had saved his life on numerous occasions die.Shockbolt knew what the smart thing to do was. Take the offer and leave. And generally he wouldn't be above taking such an offer. It was smart, it was the rational decision.Today wasn't a day for rational decision's.It's a good thing he can no longer see this."...I will you give you vengeance," he said removing his gloves and boots as one might remove a limiter on oneself.He began crackling with electricity all over himself, sending short streams of it at her while he ran around her.

  10. IC: "You're not either," Shockbolt said as he lept towards Fury, gloved hand extended. As he activated its power, he had to take extra care not activating his own, because as he found out the way he used his glove was very similar to the way he generated electricty.

  11. IC: "Don't worry, I am going to be more careful than I have ever been," he said to her, switching on his boots and bounding away.If it was just a matter of speed, he probably could have gotten there quicker without the boots, but he had to keep up the appearance that he had no powers. Luckily he was well trained in the usage of them so he felt no need to try and excericse them. He almost wished that these next few moments could have lasted forever. Sadly this could not be. Being guided by the sounds of combat, Shockbolt had found his way to Crossfire and Fury. She was slashing madly at him.Good, he thought as he pulled out his gun, taking aim.BANG!

  12. IC: "I thought so," he said grimly, ripping off parts of his sleaves to try and make some bandages for her.And this was why he couldn't join the Brotherhood, he knew too many humans, and liked most of them. Fighting for the dominance of those who cursed him, didn't set well with him. Shockbolt worked for a bit on stopping the bleeding, and while he had some training in First Aid, he was no paramedic. Regardless he managed to stop the bleeding enough to feel comfortable."I suppose I should go help him," he said placing his gloves on his hand, and the boots on his feet.I'll see if I can keep this facade up, until I get back home..."Will you be alright, without me?"

  13. IC: Shockbolt's internal dialouge continued on in his head. He decided not to go back to the Enforcers, doubly so if they found it what had happened which was only a matter of time. However he heard his codename being called and then turned around to see Agent Starling, a sort of co-worker of his. She was stumbling, and apparently very injured from the way she looked. She looked about as if she was about to fall over and almost did if he didn't catch at the last moment."What happened to you?" he asked looking down at her.He had a few other questions for the agent, namely how'd the Enforcers find the place, and how were they going to get out, but first things first.

  14. OOC: Well no, I wasn't thinking about now, just when I get the opportunity. I just like to ask these sorts of things ahead of time, to alter my plans accordingly.


    Speaking of schemes, James is waiting for Vert to come out.


    Speaking of other schemes you gave me an idea for Richard, I honestly hadn't thought of.


    IC: The Tenatcool wasted no time trying to dodge the attack, moving along the melted ice at surprising speed, the attack however seemed to follow him however. He didn't mind, he just needed a few more moments to finish prepping the strange spike. He 'swam' away from it after sticking it in the ground, and to Richard's utter surprise, it had attracted the Electric attack.


    "Phew I didn't even think that trick'd work," Richard said wiping his forehead. "Alright, let's take the offensive then and try Bubblebeam," he said as the Tentacool would unleash a stream of bubbles."Alright, I'll have to try something then," he said as Erebus attacked, and started to play something with a fast tempo. His name he did not know and quite a few of the notes were improvised as he had gotten half a music sheet. But he had liked what there was and decided to try and fill in the rest.


    I need new music sheets, and money to pay for 'em.


    IC: Jamie's situation had not improved as Pelleas was getting increasingly tired fighting both the Alakazam and the Machamp, who had been joined by a Hitmonchan out of one of the agent's impatience. As such she was getting forced back towards the wall, giving some way to lessen the pain on Tristan who was valiantly defending her (his words not mine). She opened the door to the car behind her and hoped something good would happen.


    "Oh hello, Mr. Worth, Mr. Braner," he said nodding to both of them in turn."Um, these agents in the next car outnumber me and my pokemon, could I get a little help?" she asked as Pelleas, looking pretty hurt jumped over Tristan who was currently blocking the door way.

  15. IC: Shockbolt heard the sounds of people moving, which meant that he had to keep moving in order to avoid them. He didn't know too much about the layers of the Brotherhood base, or where that was for that matter, but he figured he could try and evade his pursuers."What am I even doing?" he thought, saying it quietly as he wandered around.He couldn't return to the Enforcers; he knew Sheen's policy on them and what he even intended to do to those he had working for him. While Shockbolt could have pretended nothing had happened for a while, it was only a matter of time until he was found out. He couldn't join the Brotherhood either, join those who cursed him and forced him into this mess.Derrick continued walking through the tunnels hoping to lose whoever had been there, and find a way to go home, if he could anymore.

  16. IC: A war was raging inside Shockbolt's head as he began to snap out of his trance. Part of him argued that nothing has changed and that he should fight and kill because of the curse inflicted upon him. Another part of him argued, embracing his new found power and that he should use it to its fullest use. A third part just wanted to leave and seek guidance. One final part, the weakest among them was far more morbid. His thought processes lost the train of thought when suddenly he heard an explosion.Wherever it was, the Brotherhood's base was being attacked.How'd they know where this place is? Derrick thought as he did not its location itself."Okay, okay, first things, first get my weapons. Second..." he really didn't know what to do for number two. So for right now he settled himself content to find where his things were so that he'd have them.No one appeared to stop him, either mutant, human or other, as he walked down a couple of hallways searching for his possessions. Suprising for if they were being attacked, he'd expect to see some sort of, well anything, but he didn't. He eventually found them, in a room blocked by a locked door. Well a soon to be formerly blocked by a locked door as he retrieved all of his belongings.Alright now, what...

  17. OOC: Oh... hmm. Actually Jamie catching a reference to three certain characters since I haven't actually had a normal pokemon catch in over 70 pages. If not that's okay.And aw let me hit once...


    IC: "Hmm... we are going to lose this one aren't we. Ah, well," he said as he saw the ice splinter, sending shards everywhere as he hit a wall and then get hit by an electric attack and get knocked out.


    "We should be able to knock this one out with Erebus and maybe that Charizard or whatever he has up his sleeve. If he can't beat the second, well you shouldn't have any problem cleaning that one up, eh?" he said turning towards his companion who I don't think I have mentioned since the start of the battle and has watched the whole thing thus far. "Dionysus definitely isn't suited towards fast, distance using opponents, Erebus is better suited to that."


    "Go Erebus," he said smiling brightly as the Tentacool appeared."Use Toxic Spike." he said with a singular intentionally.Catching this the Tentacool created one single-large spike that it wrapped its hands around.


    "Your move," Richard said calmly.

  18. IC: The storm flew out of Shockbolt until he grew tired, having exhausted himself in his raging tantrum. Eventually the storm subsided as Derrick collapsed on the ground. He fell on the ground not quite asleep or unconscious but in sort of a trance like state. His mind was completely scattered by a few simple words, showing memories to him of his entire life, and how almost everything that he had done up to this point was largely detrimental to his current predicament.He had a lot of thinking to do.

  19. OOC: I think you're hinting something. Hmm... nah must just be my imagination.


    IC: "Well the slightly pleasant report of the state of Mossdeep and the effects of being in the darkness..." he said handing Goldhawk a somewhat hastily compiled report he made from his notes. "But other than that, I have nothing to report at this time."


    He then bowed slightly before saying, "By your leave," he said before leaving the room with Celebi in tow.


    James however did not walk away too far, Executive Vert had piqued his interest and he was not going to leave before he had asked the question of his fellow Executive. Instead he retreated Celebi so that he would have, some degree of privacy.


    IC: Richard was slightly saddened to see the events the had just unfolded. The attacks both hit the Snorlax dead on his charge, which had become more of a tumble as he tripped in his Body Slam (which actually sped him up on the plus side, and the Tri-Attack was definitely going to Freeze Dionysus as well, but worst of all KYLE COULDN'T THINK OF ANYTHING FOR HIM TO PLAY!!! That last part nearly threatened to break his cheery mood. However oddly enough the ice on Dionysus managed to lessen the friction on him, speeding him up while at the same time increasing his weight, for a pretty quick thrice Cursed and STABed Body Slam.


    Hmm, there may be some benefit to this after all... thought as he saw the water now on the field and began plotting Erebus' song.


    IC: So what was Jamie doing while I was having a writers block. She was dueling with a couple of agents, in a car a couple ahead of Ethan, a couple before the Mewtwo, using Tristan to block the gunshots and attacks of two Deoza agents and their Pokemon (or rather Tristan insisting upon it) while Pelleas was launching attacks at a Machoke and Alakazam, while Lucan supported them from behind Tristan with bolts of Ice Beam of the two. The battle seemed to be around a stalemate to slightly losing in Jamie's sense since she was not armed and thus Tristan had to absorb any attack that came for her, while Tristan had to largely fight the two Pokemon on his own. Lucan helped but not enough to turn the tide.


    OOC: I don't think I have caught a pokemon, in well... since the last topic (unless you count creating Richard), can I catch three at once (because I really a few certain characters in Arthurian Legend that it would make sense for).

  20. OOC: Yeah probably should.Updated profile.Name: Derrick DavisCodename: ShockboltAge: 31Gender: MaleFaction: Formerly Enforcer, now probably Brotherhood, about to suffer mental breakdown where he reflects on life.Power(S): None, before Demon mutated Davis' DNA. Now he has abilities that match very similarly to what he had with his weapons, but naturally. He can create electricity at will from any point on his body, though he has no real control over it unless it is from his hands. He also gained a form of superspeed much akin to his boots; slightly more physically taxing but also has better payout.Appearance: Davis has light red hair combed towards the back and has green eyes. They appear blue however due to contact lens he wears make them appear blue, intentionally. He has some freckles on both sides of his face and a mole on his left side. He stands about 6’1’’ tall with a slightly muscular build. He wears nice clothes such as Dress shirt and tie unless he is on a mission in which case he’ll wear a suit of combat armor.Weapons: Mechanized gloves that are able to give pretty painful shocks to whomever his hand comes into and close to contact with. He also wears dense plastic armor, giving him moderate protection and not weakening himself against people like Magneto and has a handgun made from the same material. Wears boots that give him a boost depending on how high they are set (low settings can give him a small boost of speed while max can be a more jump at an enemy from a good distance away with one step.) Largely stopped using gloves and boots after gaining powers, but keeps them around just in case. Still uses the armor and gun.Skills: Davis has grown adept at using both his gloves and his boots using the latter to close distances to maximize the former’s use. He has had military training and thus is fit strength and speed wise and is a good shot but is not superhuman in any of these areas. His abilities are much akin to his weapons and thus only require a light shift.Personality: Davis believes first and foremost in the law and believes that the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants are both criminal organizations that must be taken into custody. He isn’t as racist against the mutants as many of his colleagues but still considers them inhuman. A nice guy most of the time unless on a mission where he is soldier first, anything else second. Will question and most likely disobey illegal orders. He’s pretty smart as well, nowhere near genius but still smart in his own right. Currently suffering mental breakdown and rearranging most of his policies on life.Weakness: His own normal physical capabilites equal that of an average Enforcer agent physically at best. Also when I mentioned that his armor was for fighting people like Magneto, I meant Magneto. It is pretty old and while kept in good condition will break after a good pounding. Same goes for the gun, it is old and not the most powerful of weapons meaning will generally have to fight up close. The gloves are made of metal and do use electricity and need to be charged. Also his electricity powers are only largely useful at close range. He can only do a light shock at long-range. Anything heavier still needs to be close-mid range.Bio: Derrick was born in a time and place of hostility towards mutants, being born in a place somewhere in West Texas. His parents tried to instill a sense of hate or fear into him and his three siblings, one older brother and two younger sisters. The girls were affected the way they wanted them to, the older brother however did not, and eventually eloped with one. Derrick himself did not care too much either way consciously but he found sub-consciously he did begin disliking mutants as a whole at the least. He hated anything crooked growing up and thus he didn’t get in trouble often. As a result he began thinking of the X-men and the Brotherhood of Mutants as enemies as both (in his opinion) broke the law by simply not allowing themselves to be registered. He eventually joined the army for a few years before finally joining the Enforcers at age 23. During a mission for the Enforcers, however, he fought against a mutant named Demon and lost. When he was captured and brought back to their base, he was experimented upon by the mutant who captured him. Surviving this encounter, he gained the X-gene, superpowers, and he became what he was raised to hate. Suffering breakdown.IC: "What..." he said as the implication of Demon's words hit him. "That... can't be..."Shockbolt looked at his hands noticing he could indeed create electricity from them. He also saw that the rest of body was producing sparks."This isn't possible..."He then let out an unintelligble and ungodly scream at this realization releasing all the electricity from himself at once as his mental state came crashing down.

  21. IC: "My... what?" he said as tried to get back up. It seemed to work pretty well, until he had to push up with his legs.As he fell back down, he began to lock at his hands which were producing electricity. He hoped that he was asleep, and was about to wake up. He hoped that he was wearing his gloves and that he just couldn't see them. He hoped for anything but the one thing that seemed logical at the moment."You..." he said as he slowly turned towards Demon."WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" he yelled leaping at Demon with a hand full of crackling electricity, apparently forgetting the last time he had tried to do that.OOC: So yeah, I do plan to keep similar abilities with his mutation then when he had with his weapons, with a couple of minute changes. Main intentions that he electric powers will have some range (giving him better close-mid range combat abilities) as opposed to needing very near-contact with the gloves and to allow it come from anywhere on his body (however hands are just the best place to control it).

  22. IC: "What do you mean by that?" he said getting up as he was untied. The thought of trying to strangle the mutants occured to him, but he restrained himself knowing he couldn't win without his weapons. He felt very strange however, something which showed itself as he when he tried to take a step with his left leg, he suddenly found himself suddenly face to face with the wall, something that was a good oh 15-30 feet away. Point is, not in the distance of one step. One normal step that is.Something is very wrong here... he thought to himself a sinking feeling in his stomache growing larger.

  23. IC: For a moment, the briefest of moments, every cell in Shockbolt's body screamed out in agony. In that one moment he saw an image of himself, fighting but something was off about himself. Both this image and the pain itself however felt as if a dream due to the brevity of the sensation."Stop the world, I need to get off," he said the pain having been replaced by dizziness and nausea. For once he was glad to be tied to a chair as the effects wore off."So what was that supposed to do?" he asked honestly confused. It hadn't been painful long enough to try and break his spirit, nor did it force answers out of him.A completely random occurance happened then where Shockbolt just by accident touched both of his index fingers together."Ow," he said upon feeling the effects of static shock.Wait, how did I just shock myself?

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