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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Takua95

  1. Well that sucks. Ah, it looked like a tight fit anyway.
  2. (this is not a comment) (no matter how much you deny that it is not not acomment, it still isnt) (and even if you agree that this isn't a comment, the truth will remain that it is, in fact, a comment)

  3. I wish I had a pet reindeer right about now. Hmm... what to say if someone asks me for presents...
  4. Gang up with the other side screw with the middle.
  5. Change of plans; this year I'm gonna be Santa Claus!!
  6. I promised myself that I wouldn't go out and buy a costume on the 30th/31st this year, so I gotta hustle. If it's available, I'm definitely going as a Mudkip. "So I heard you like Mudkips! Haw haw!" "In Soviet Russia, you do not liek Mudkipz, Mudkipz liek YOU!" And then I'm gonna use "Water Gun" on 'em...
  7. Don't return this profile comment

  8. The majority of PMs I get are notifications of comments on my profile.

  9. Takua95

    Columbus Day

    I discovered America because in actuality I was the first Native American boy to see the the land bridge and cross it in order to find the land 13,954 years ago. Unfortunately, I was trapped in a terrible snowstorm and was frozen solid for the next fourteen millennium. Just recently scientists thawed me out and released me into society as a test to see how I would react to the radical change in culture.
  10. If I didn't want to know how to divide up a three-digit number into three singular digits. Where h = three-digit number (i.e. 321) and x, Y, Z = three singular digits (i.e. 3, 2, 1, respectively). Also, when dividing here, dispose of the remainder. (So, for example, in the first equation, there is an implied "h % 100 = f", and then "(h - f) / 100 = x". However, for the sake of simplicity, I wrote it as I did.)
  11. That I'm making up algebra formulas when I'm bored [at school]?
  12. MechWarrior of course. Everyone know that the Golden Shovel never breaks no matter how many times you hit it against a rock (or a giant robot).
  13. Defend yourself with the Golden Shovel!!
  14. It sounds like a dream I'd have, I know, that's why it's so awesome that it's real. <33
  15. I used to think the same way about my hair; I had loads of it, so it I was really unmanageable, but I liked the look. Turned out that after I cut it shorter, my new look was even better than my old one, and it was easier to deal with to boot. So yeah, sometimes if you're willing to make change, good things that you would never expect can come out of it.
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