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Goldy Grins

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Everything posted by Goldy Grins

  1. That's no moon...

    *Goes Death Star I on you*

  2. *Goes Fierce Deity on you*

  3. Blarg!

    *Goes Arsenal Gear on you*

  4. Wasn't it Ocelot who lost his hand?

    *Goes Gray Fox on you*

  5. *Bleeds*

    *Fires railgun at you*

  6. I cast Summon Bigger Fish.

  7. Just because you're immortal doesn't mean you can't die...

    And just because I can't be killed doesn't make me immortal.

    *Swings mace*

  8. Fine. But if you're immortal, then nothing can kill me.

  9. No. All my base does not belong to you.

  10. K. Allow me to make a preemptive strike.

  11. *Bursts out of stomach in incredibly gory display*

  12. The one and only me.

  13. It stands for "quod erat demonstrandum."

  14. What's in a name?

  15. No... I'd say not. The Covenant glasses planets, after all.

  16. It is indeed a chocobo. It's from a video I like.

  17. Actually, that's canon. He was only back for a little while, though...

  18. In a nutshell, he died, then came back by possessing clones of himself.

  19. So you got that Palpatine thing going, huh?

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