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Goldy Grins

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Everything posted by Goldy Grins

  1. I don't like it, so much as I'm addicted to it. So much fun...

  2. No, what are YOU doing in MY profile?


  3. I never cheat.


    or do I?

  4. Vita mollis in stellam redeunt,

    Animam sacrificare necesse est?

  5. Venarum pulsus in terram fluens, in terram fluens

  6. Aside from being a bit sleepy, nothing much.


  7. I drop by a lot of profiles. I surf profiles when I'm bored.

    And thanks. I think it's funny, too.

  8. Stella nobis non concessit, non concessit...

  9. Saeve certando pugnandoque splendor crescit.

  10. Spes omnibus, mihi quoque.

    Terror omnibus, mihi quoque.

  11. Audi famam illius.

    Cucurrit quaeque tetigit destruens.

  12. Close.

    Audi Famam Illius.

  13. I was going to say 'shirt', but I guess that could work, too.


  14. What has three exits, but only one entrance?

  15. You get to proceed to the next room! Lucky you!

  16. Does TM 28 contain TOMBSTONY?

  17. Yeah... I know.

  18. I call it 'Blaine is Awesome'.

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