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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    When I was thinking about what song could possibly fit the day before Election Day, I sprang to my Zune Software Player and searched. Luckily I have the Across The Universe soundtrack on here (sorry if you original Beetles luvors hate it) but I think this song works out best.
    Revolution by The Beetles (Across The Universe version).
  2. Arch-Angel
    He's a lucky man,
    More than you know,
    Promised to be true,
    Never to let go,
    Seems so simple to comprehend,
    But why is this message so hard to send?
    I barely know you,
    Can't pronounce your last name,
    But dang it girl believe me,
    The feeling has remained.
    They say the eyes are a portal to the soul,
    You look into mine,
    I carry a gaping hole,
    But looking into yours,
    I start feeling whole.
    Blue as the Lord could possibly make,
    Your eyes are perfect, not one mistake,
    And at the sight of you, my heart quakes.
    How could you possess such a man?
    A simple glance from you,
    I turn to sand.
    I won't call it love, that's just insane,
    Tomorrow morning, I hope the feeling's not the same,
    But I know it will, that is true,
    And I'll ask myself again why I carry,
    such attraction to you.
  3. Arch-Angel
    I've had such a crazy day! OMGosh you would not believe!
    ...Alright, I'm kidding.
    This morning I was glad to the morning routine with some conscience of what I was doing. Hopped on the bus, with George finally back from his vacation to Florida, and head to my educational prison =D
    Biology... Oh, Biology...
    Sheep hearts would seem so much more in use if they were keeping the sheep alive, but alas, my education requires having a split open heart and observing the ventricles, arteries, atriums...
    Oh joy.
    In Transportation Tech, we are making rockets. >=D With our own design too. So I'm making my own kind of wings, some modifications, et cetera. Unfortunately I can't add more than one engine in it. Well, we all have our intentions...
    Lifetime Activities provided some fun with softball...
    Health was quite pathetic.
    We are now on abusive relationships. We watch these videos of scenarios where teen relationships have gone abusive with all the following: Physical, Verbal, Mental, and Emotional.
    The acting on most of them was HORRIBLE. And the scenarios themselves just had Big Josh right next to me saying, 'These guys gone no game.' Which is completely true.
    (Then again, most of you don't either *dis!*)
    I finally went to lunch after such boredom requires an amount of food in mai bellie. Thats when I was told my friend Ziggy is suspended because two days ago he brawled with a guy named Armando (who actually sold me his Sony Noise-Canceling Headphones which I'm wearing right now listening to music. Armando was getting a bit too close with his girl who are having a lot of complications, but obviously still love each other. Its a long story... plus somewhat legal trial.
    Well, Ziggy missed Craps in Geometry yesterday! Craps is a casino dice game, and yes, you do gamble. Wiki.
    Craps took place yesterday. And by the way, I rock at Craps! I took my chips off 9 before the die rolled 7! People hated my luck in Craps! There was one point where I went, 'I feel a disturbance in the Force' and Oscar said, 'Me too' and wouldn't you know it?
    A 7!
    My classmate Jimmy is the guy you see in movies who loses his entire bank account through gambling. He put everything down on a number and lost everything. He asked people to donate to the 'Jimmy Fund' and when he accidentally dropped his only chip (which he won later) he screamed and asked someone to pick up his house.
    I love craps. But only for fun.
    Well, missing school tomorrow, but unfortunately I must rest my tortured body (long embarrassing story) on the mattress.
    Long time since I made an entry huh? And its not my ordinary format of a blog entry either... hm...
  4. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Today's been okay. Life's becoming more peaceful, and I've got more room to relax. I wish I had this song in my collection to listen to during moments of still water, but ah well. At least I have it now.
    Soak Up The Sun by Sheryl Crow.
  5. Arch-Angel
    Soundproof Skull
    By Arch-Angel (please whisper)

    The white room empty,

    But the walls all cry,

    The roof nearly collapses,

    Under the weight of truth and lie

    Over one billion decibels,

    And no ear to hear,

    Thoughts tightly contained,

    Holding back dry tears

    The wails of pain,

    When visions are of violence,

    Cannot be drowned out,

    By shrill shouts of silence

    The mind eternally insomnolent,

    No abeyance or charming lull,

    Sound beyond sound, piercing flames of ######,

    The Curse of the Soundproof Skull.

  6. Arch-Angel
    Yesterday started like any other. I wake up, morning rountine, get to the bus stop about two and a half minutes before it comes, go about my classes, wish there would be something to blog about.
    Unfortunately, there was.
    In my English class, two people have the nack of saying 'Jesus Christ!' in vain. Its quite annoying as a Christian. I myself spent a year and a half trying to remove it was my speech. When one says it, its like they blame Him for whatever is wrong whether or not it is their intention of saying it. It also feels like a racist term to me. Its quite painful really.
    I try to explain it to them when I ask them not to say it, and my teacher, Mr. McNeill (mentioned here) comes out with this to cease discussion.
    "Get to work and stop talking about fictional characters!"
    That just stunned me inside. I truly respected this man. He had a strong opinion on many things and was techically against apathy of all kind. I always wanted to here his opinion. If he has an opinion on Jesus Christ, the Man that I worship, don't you think he could've at least done it a bit less offending?
    After we were done with our activity called clustering and writing a paragraph on it (I believe its called a vignette) I realized I should've walked out of class after that. I didn't get too far into my paragraph considering what he said still affected me greatly. I mean it whe I say I felt horrible inside, almost betrayed in a way. Like Julius felt when he saw Brutus as one of the conspirators against him. When Julius saw Brutus jump at him wih a dagger, he gave up on fighting back.
    Et tu, Brute?
    You too, Mr. McNeill?
    The one thing I can't stand is someone willing to hate any and all people because of their belief. You can believe in no God, but must you insult him in front of hs believers? Thats like me taking a leak on your mother's grave as you are crying over it.
    Yes, my respect for him dropped dramatically after that comment, but I'm still angry at myself for not leaving.
    NOTE: Remember to avoid religious discussion.
  7. Arch-Angel
    JL: My friend
    FN: My Friend
    JC: Guy that punches me
    NC: Guy I thought hustled my friends
    Well, judging from the title, you should know... I got a heck of a punch to the face. But... here's the story behind it.
    A couple weeks ago, my friend's JL and FN (using initals) were hanging out, and fooling around. FN is a bit childish, and Josh is smart and more mature. Well, needless to say, FN was playing around. He bought a bag of rock candy, and he threw some at a couple cars.
    Evenutally, he hit the wrong car.
    Two guys named NC and JC came out. There was no damage to the car, but as the hothead he is, JC makes a big deal about it. He threaten them, and if they didn't give 50 bucks by Friday, they were going down(to say in a censored term). Although, JC was talking to JL. He was getting more threatened then FN.
    So, FN makes up the cash, and JL was going to deliver it. They didn't show up Thursday, Friday, so to end it, Saturday (which was the October Fest)
    JC was nowhere to be found, NC was.
    He gave NC the money, and as NC smiled, JL left a warning.
    "Smile all you want, but if you threaten me again, and I'll really leave some damage."
    NC kept smiling.
    Now, this is where I get in he picture.
    I was ticked. 50 bucks? For a piece of rock candy to a car the left no damage!
    I challenged NC via friend of mine, and he called me out.
    Now, I didn't know JC. JL told the story with NC.
    I spent the next half hour getting ready. 20 minutes at Railroad St.
    An older friend of mine dove me there and told me what to do. Got advice. He's going for my jaw, and my nose, so I gotta get my jaw ready. So I give small punches to my jaw, and learn how to defend myself.
    I show up. NC has pipe at hand. His mother is yelling at him for good reason. Cop was rolling by on another street to look quickly. He puts away the pipe, they start accusing me of calling the cops. Cop rolls up the street.
    NC's mom starts talking casually to the cop, and in a few minutes of my mouth being shut, he drives away.
    I go up to NC, he decides to talk it out before we get into a fight.
    JC didn't care.
    He started threatening me, taunting me, and I keep my eyes locked with his.
    He pulls his arm back. He delivers a punch.
    I stagger back two or three steps. Right now, I'm looking at the ground, still on my feet, and simply shake my had to know where I'm at, and look back, on his eyes.
    All this time, I thought a punch was high-level pain. All it did was hit my block of a jaw and brought me back. I thought I'd go teary-eyed or something. But I took the pain in.
    I'm still quiet. He walks up, talking some more. As he's talking, he takes out his switchblade. In his hands is 25 to Life with his intentions. His family starts yelling at him to put it away. Finally, one of them walks up to make him to it.
    The older friend of mine there told me something I'm glad to listened to,"Go!...Go!"
    I turn around, and start walking. JC yells to me to give him fifty bucks or I'm going down.
    Now, I have my diginity. I ain't giving him a thing.
    But what I learned today was that, I can take hard punches. Might rattle my brain, but I'll keep going.
    Now, the better News.
    We got the apartment we were looking for.
    Catch? We need 6000 bucks.
    By tomorrow.
    Lots of prayers please.

  8. Arch-Angel
    This is the reward of surfing the internet movie database people.
    Don't want to get yelled at for no warnin' ya, ight?

    And something probably at the back of your mind...

    You can thank me later, right now I'm gonna get ready to run with the monster starts headed North after eating the Yankees. He's gonn want a bite out off the Red Sox soon.
    *Flies to St. Louis and Chicago to get Bionigirl and Taki*
    And for those of ou begging to knw what the monster is and only followin what others describe t you or the 'lion' theory thing, here's the pic.

    Alright, I'll give you the real pic.
    (Lean Back, Brush Your Shoulders Off...)

  9. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This goes out to Ms. Anonymous.
    Because I love you already, just that because you're hidden...
    I'm not loving you the way I wanted to.
    Love Lockdown by Kanye West
  10. Arch-Angel
    Labor Day... The first day of September, the first day rockin' the sexy orange, and Makaru's birthday.
    Funny, I made his b-day topic in CoT and Kex yelled at me.

    I was literally loling.
    Right now, as I was looking to see if the Natick Collection was open (the Natick Collection is the Mall of America of Massachusetts, basically), which it is, I found out that the Lego Store is hiring for Sales Associates. The Collection is a bit of a walk from school, and with the fall and winter rolling around, it'll be harder to walk, but I'm looking forward to the cold surprisingly. I think it'll bring back my poetic spirit, and maybe my writer's side as well. Right now I am indulging into my artistic side, and though I have a picture I'm proud of I want to show you... the scanner's broken, but writing needs no scanner on the internet!

    Sorry. With all the good the today's brought so far, I feel great.
    And while I'm at the Collection, I'm going to have my first Dr. Pepper, but it's WaWa's favorite drink.
    Yep... maybe some lunch in Friendly's too. But Friendly's is my depressing location. I like to eat there only when depressed. Reason being is the on July 4th, day after I broke up with Bionigirl, I ate there just to please my mom. Couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror just to curse at myself inside at how much of a fake I was being at the time.
    Okay, come on Jonny Boy, no depression, not today. Today's a gift from God, appreciate it.
    I'd like some album suggestions, as I'm headed to the music store at the Collection. Be quick por favor.
    And guys, thanks for the congrats.
  11. Arch-Angel
    A lot of things have brought my life down and apart. 2007 was mind-altering, emotional-roller coaster, life changing year.
    But I'd love to have half an hour devoted to myself every week on a balcony or porch, basking in the sun with a pair of sunglasses (or not) and absorb the peace, while drinking a nice cold Pepsi of either Pepsi One, Pepsi Original, or Diet Pepsi.
    Those moments I truly appreciate from God.
    Oh, and you know what adds a bigger smile?
    After entering 30+ codes at www.pepsistuff.com that came from under those caps of multiple 20 oz. Pepsi's, I won something.
    Not four sweatshirts like before.
    Not 20 bucks for gas like before.

    A free 8 GB Zune.
    And all I had to do was drink a product I would've drank at a regular basis. I didn't drink more just for this (maybe a few), but I have a free, long needed mp3 player (which I thought was coming in November after reading the policy weeks ago).
    And you all thought I was stupid entering those contests!
  12. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    No, I'm not feeling good.
    No, not happy.
    Just got a detention for my new short fuse on swears.
    Really wish God could add extra hours to the night so I can get as much sleep as I need. This sleep deprived state is driving me to the point of me becoming a rude, sinful #######.
    I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance.
  13. Arch-Angel
    You know the Ol' Joe Dirt saying,"Life a Garden, Dig It" and if its truth, my life needs some weed killer at the moment because those flowers are dying.
    I'll be straight, my life is bad. Those flowers represented what made me happy. The Yellow Tulips are my family. Loving, caring, teaching me the right ways of things, and how to avoid the wrong. They guided me through the garden, and pointed out the weeds to pick out.
    The White Flowers, they are my friends. I enjoyed every second be with them and they are scattered throughout my garden. They are like my second family. The lessons I learned, and the happiness brought from them.
    The Violets, oh The Violets. They are my friends and mutual parthers on BZPower. They bring me up when I'm down. They let me speak without my mouth, they bring enjoyment when I'm lonely, and the helped me become a man.
    But something has become wrong. My father is now a weed and has become entangled in this Vine-Like Weed. It squeezes the life out of each flower in its deadly growing path.
    My Tulips are bending down by the weight of sorrow.
    Most of My White Flowers have withered away, and have become weeds tangled in with the Vine.
    The Violets are disappearing. I don't know what happened to them. Maybe uprooted, but they're gone.
    The Vine has crawed its way towards me. I feel the real me slipping, and my petals are falling off.
    The Vine is my bad luck. The Vine is my bad influence. The Vine is a demon.
    The Vine is destroying this garden.
    I have yet to feel the wet, cool taste of fresh water help me grow strong and resistance to The Vine of Destruction has brought me to my current standing in the garden. A dying plant.
    I am a Thief. I am a Liar. I am a Traitor.
    People think of me as a Saint. But how could they if I'm tangled in The Vine of Destruction?

  14. Arch-Angel
    Many of you toss around the word. Whether discribing something you cherish, a family member, or a member of the opposite gender(or same gender, if thats how you roll).
    On my end, Love is something to avoid.
    I keep thinking that I'm going to repeat History.
    And do what my father has done.
    Omi is right, of course. We are still at too young an age, even to know what true love is. Its not lust, or liking them because they're cute or attractive, or just because they give you everything you want.
    Its not what you want, its what you need.
    "The One" is an expression used by both boys and girls, men and women, who are trying to find a soul mate that interlocks with them perfectly and without a hitch.
    When you find her/him, tell me how it feels, but I have a fear of love.
    I like the fact of being in a relationship. They make me feel more secure, but so fragile at the same time. Doing something wrong to mess it up, talk to a girl causally and rumors fly around that I'm cheating. Its amazingly stupid how people will judge on spot.
    My last relationship last 2-3 weeks. It was almost broken from the beginning, my girlfriend and her friend were at war with each other. Needless to say, her "friend" spread a rumor saying that she was cheating on me. She informed me of the rumor once it spread around her grade(7th) and in two days, my grade (9th). Needless to say, we broke up anyway. I wasn't broken up about at all. I felt like a weight was lifted off the two ton load on my back, easing the pressure.
    But what I truly feel afraid of is... breaking the hearts of my family. If I have kids, a wife, and a church, I feel as if I'll repeat everything that happened to my dad. I don't want that.
    I vowed not to get married, for fear of hurting my future wife and kids.
    That is my fear. You can go out, meet a girl/boy, anything. Just, for heart's sake, make sure its true.

  15. Arch-Angel
    My gosh.
    When Critics say that this was the movie-expericence of a life-time, and I've seen A LOT of movies, they lie to you not.
    This movie single-handly blew me away.
    The movie starts out differently. Characters Rob and Beth are introduced. They are, lets say, more than friends.
    It cuts over weeks later, his brother Jason reluctantly is put into the job as the one to record people's goodbyes during the going-away party Rob saw coming miles away. Before this, Jason convinces Hud, Rob's Best Friend and 'Main Dude', to do the goodbyes. He spends most of is time trying to flirt with his love interest. She is not interested. Soon, Beth comes through the door. Only with another man. This other man, Travis, is not important other than the fact that he's BETH'S NEW BOYFRIEND. Rob, is of course, hitting rock bottom of rejection. You fnd out that they haven't talk for weeks since... you know what... and once Hud finds out, he tells everyone. Doesn't help.
    Soon, Rob and Beth talk outside the apartment, and argue. After the arguement, Beth leaves with her boyfriend and Rob drops an insult as they step outside the door.
    Jason and Hud goto Rob's room to try and talk him into forgetting Beth because she's not good enough for him.
    It starts.
    Brief blackout across the city, and the lights go back on. The new reports the a Oil Tanker capsized near the Statue of Liberity. They know tey aren't far from the location and they go up on the roof to see if they could see what caused it. The trailer shows you what happens, so you aren't excited at all except waiting to see the monster and see everything come to play.
    Once outside, Statue's head flying, yeah yeah yeah, and then you see the Empire State Building collapse.
    This is where you are hooked. Nothing except your life being threatened could tear you away from this.
    The story goes on to tell you Rob's intention to save Beth from her apartment without dying. On the way, both Jason and Hud's love interest die. Jason because the monster smashes the Brooklyn Bridge and killing Jason right there. Hud's love interest because the little monsters that come off of the original monster bit her.
    The process of the little monsters making their offical appearance is trilling and heart-pounding.
    They run into the subway because the monster is literally right over them and the military can't do jack to stop the thing. They stay there and Rob weeps over his broter and Hud's love interest brings up the possiblity of Beth being dead judging from the voice message. After a few minutes, Rob sees the tunnel map and finds out if they take the tunnel up, they'll be a few blocks from Beth's apartment. They start making their way when they notice something. The rats are haulin' their furry butts the sam one way direction. They hear a noise behind them. Rob turns on the night vision on the camera, and Hud is stunned. He tells them quietly to run. They want to know what he sees. Rob looks into the camera view.
    Lots of heart-pounders in this scene.
    They reach a mall where the military is using it to care for injuried victims and track the monster. Once we see her bleeding from her left eye, the soldiers grab her and take her to quratine where they explode her head behind the curtains with a powerful gun. You only see the shadow of her death, and Hud, Jason's girlfriend, and Rob are left there. Rob constantly asks to get to the area where Beth's apartment is. Though the General tells him not to go, a soldier reluctantly tells them where to head, but with a warning. If they don't leave the island by 0600 hours (6 AM) through the evacution, they'll be stuck in the middle of bombing the holy heck out of the monster.
    Skip this amazingly long-to-describe part, they get Beth and try to leave as quickly as possible, because you get a full body view of the monster itself.
    It skips the scene of going down over 50 flights of stairs and cuts straight to them running outside. The military set up their forces there and fire whatever they got at the monster. Of course, the monster takes one step and full-body crushes a tank.
    They escort Jason's girlfriend into a helicopter where we never see her again for the next 15 minutes of the film. Hud, Rob, and Beth make it to a helicopter as the monster takes care of the force directly to their right.
    Cut to the scene in the air. The watch the monster's rampage as he walks destructively through Manhattan(sp?), and Hud catches a B-2 Bomber (or Night Hawk) fly over them and drops a row of bombs on the colossal creature and gives the idea that the thing is finished.
    Out of the smoke, it rises, nails the helicopter and brings it down.
    They crash-landed. Everything's quiet.
    Everyone in the theatre is wondering, "Is that it?" and talk as the camera stays in the same position for at least 30 seconds.
    At this point, the guy in the front watching the movie for a second time goes...
    "The movie isn't ###### over!"
    Everyone laughs and the movie goes on. Everyone but the pilots survived, but with plenty of injuries. They are in Central Park. They crawl out of the helicopter. They try looking for cover, but the monster appears. Hud has fallen. He points the camera directly at the monster. It looks down on him, breathing. For a full ten seconds, Hud is whispering 'Oh my God' over and over again when he should've gone Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Jack Sparrow style and say ' 'ello, beastie.'
    He comes down on our camera man, chews on him and kills him, and as it does, it must have been attacked by the military because he's spat out and the camera glitches a bit, trying to focus. Rob and Beth run over and know fr a fact, Hud's done.
    Rob takes the camera, runs under the famous bridge in the park and say their final goodbyes to the camera just in case they die.
    I'll end it here.
    Just so you know, I haven' ruined the whole movie, just telling you the parts that'll freakin' blow you away...
    In the camera's final flashback with Rob and Beth on a date at a carnival, the camera looks out to the ocean. BOTTOM RIGHT SIDE, you will see somethng in the distance shoot into the water and rise the water shockwave style. Don't miss the moment.

    Its been reported that audio is heard at the end, which is believed to be Rob whispering 'Its Still Alive.' Don't miss that.
    This movie is the greatest I've EVER EVER seen. I recommend it completely, and you will not be disappointed.
    this movie gets the impossible rating of...
    Good night, or morning, everyone.
    Funny, at this time, the Coverfield Monster starts his havoc...

  16. Arch-Angel
    I am so sleep deprived, it isn't funny.
    Alright, I enjoy it a bit.
    Lemme see, that list...

    - No
    - No
    - Thats funny
    - Thats when you know you got it bad
    - Like today during the state test, where I fell asleep on the dictionary and had a few 5-minute blinks.
    - Metal activity, no. Focus is pretty low, but then again why do I care about my character's environment?
    - Come on, reality slapped me in the face and kicked me in the privates how many times? Depersonalization is not there.
    - *sniffles* Its Spring.
    - Diziness? Only if I move to quick. Like the beginning of this entry.
    - Thats a given
    - I'd love to just collaspe in the middle of the school hallway between the bells to see would pass by and who would laugh. Many someone would care along the way.
    - Then ask a question if you're confused! *sa-lap*
    - Of course not. The frequent on-and-off naps shoot that one down. Then again, I hope that pile of laundry is actually clean and folded.
    - I had one of those in the past. It ticked me off...
    - Nah
    - Wouldn't know
    - Thats funny.
    - High blood pressure? Nope. I hope.
    - My sister's in Brazil. I'll be fine for now.
    - I believe my hearing is better.
    - Thats a given. I think.
    - We all know about that memory lapse some Friday ago.
    - No nausea.
    - Eye twitch? Nope. Just pain around iris and I believe iris. Must be dry.
    - Repeat that reality rant.
    - I'm Brazilian. I'm gonna get a tan in the shower.
    - That hasn't occured yet.
    - Nope. Pretty sure I can talk waal.
    - Need weight loss, don't need gain. But its been controlled.
    - Severe yawning? Yawnings a given, but severity of it... Que?
    Alright, now the entry.
    The MCAS (Pronounced: M-cas) is the Massachusetts Conprehensive Assessment System.
    Pretty sure every state has one.
    I, again, am SLEEP DEPRIVED. Thats where this factors in.
    You see, I could take the multiple choice questions, as I exaggerate, on fire with you pouring alcohol on me and still pass.
    We have the essay first.
    These are one of the few kicks to the privates reality dishes out I've told you about.
    The question was asking about writing about a work of literature where the protagonist must continue their life in a changed environment or something like that.
    The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen I was told was more middle school...
    Jumper by Steven Gould had just about every environment...
    I should've done Night by Elie Wiesel, but instead I do...
    The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess Yin/Yang Story by yours truly!
    ...Yes. It was four pages of me writing in thrid person making random quotes from the non-existant Chapter 6, page 94 or Chapter 17, page 267.
    Whats even better?
    I ran out of room! I wish I had an extra two pages to write my SECOND example.
    It took me about four hours, two of which I slept if you added it up (hey, when deprived of sleep, Webster's Dictionary is the most comfortable thing you imagine at the time) and I had the pain of my eyes up until I went to the library.
    I was joined by two girls at a table I randomly chose, one of which couldn't remember the names of the characters in 'Lord of the Flies' so I provided this advice.
    "Look to your left, make up a name."
    You see, the essay wasn't about what book but instead how you wrote the essay.
    Now that I wrote that, I should've done Hatchet. Would've had more space for writing streads of memory instead of a first-hand account.
    Well, at least its over. Better get some shut-eye (or just read as I lay on my bed, reason why I need the dang butterfly from Lunesta) before I have to chase the bus. We all remember that mess. Yes, funny, but not the kind of funny I wanna write down again.
    Night guys.

  17. Arch-Angel
    What I always notice in emotional times is that you gain much experience from it and the solutions to solve them that will help you answer others when they ask for help.
    I just got asked too many questions and I felt a lot of stress. I didn't want to admit it, but I was stressing out from all the questions asked and it was driving me towards...
    When, blowing up like a firecracker.
    When I'm stressed, I become nostalgic (its a first time I used that word). I just think of times of the past but in the future.
    Like this:
    Small urban town, a couple of motorcycles, three of my guy friends, Bionigirl, a home, three meals a day, we rely on an alternative fuel so the economy is up, a 20 oz. Diet Pepsi only costs a dollar twenty-five, and every weekend, my friends and I go to the movies, and church on Sundays.
    That's what I call paradise.
    It gets me mad when I believe I'll never get that, and soon all I want to do is nothing but watch the TV (then I'm angry at commercials for taking so long) and be on my computer. But always, always, there is a demand for me to do something, like chores my sister is too lazy to do.
    I soon become a perfectionist. Yesterday, I spent all evening and most of the night looking for a Vista Theme for my Windows XP. When I downloaded the program, I never knew where to go from there. There wasn't any directions, but all the comments below from the people that downloaded it were saying "I love it!" a tiny complaint, but the good out-weighted the bad. That brought more frustration.
    A good night's sleep helped the storming mind I had calm down. I'm good now, but I'd rather not do that again. <<
    I finished cleaning my room so my mom could stop bothering me about it, and it sets a good aura. The sun's out, I'm not being bothered currently, and I'm listening to some hardcore.
    The song suggestions helped. Thanks guys.
  18. Arch-Angel
    As you should all know, I drink Diet Pepsi. I love it. LOVE IT.
    But is it healthy?

    List of Diet Sodas with aspartame:

    That seems to be the my problem.
    And orginal Pepsi gives me weight I can't afford to have (Wrestling Coch says to stay with at least 5 pounds at most away from Weight Class, I measured 220 today. Before 215) so what CAN I HAVE?!
    Please comment! Not trying to get comments for the heck of it, I MEAN it!

  19. Arch-Angel
    I consider myself an "Animal" in some cases. But that name was taken by a man known as David Batista.
    More known as a WWE Superstar, "The Animal" Batista.

    Now, considering he has that title, I'm "The Beast".
    Now, Beasty over here is getting closer and closer to getting back in the cage.
    High School Education.
    Best part, I'm in Creative Writing!
    (For those of you who don't know, I made a gesture that is not acceptable on school grounds to my CW Teacher last year. We don't get along. Especially when his heart is a jagged rock that tears apart the positivity of the world and leaves behind nothing but hate)
    I'm not looking forward to that.
    By the way, the good news of it all is that today was my last sweaty day of work!
    I'm going to Monday Night Raw in Boston, which shall rock considering Triple H is coming back to the weekly event.
    And my man, John Cena, the WWE Champion, is back in his home-state!

    He gave me a signature move too! The Fireman's Takeover Powerslam! Use it in my near fights to tell people not to mess with me by putting them on my shoulders. They back off pretty quick.
    He gave me a bully-go-away guarantee trick! Woot!
    Well, that all for now. I'll come back later when anything interesting happens.

  20. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Peaceful, soothing melody. Heck, I didn't pay attention to the lyrics in the second half.
    Well, it is September, so this is necessary in every right.
    Shut up Green Day haters. I DON'T CAR-RA.
    Hey Neku. *shanks*
    Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day.
  21. Arch-Angel
    I have been known in my school for...
    Playing jokes.
    Quite a few.
    Its tradition.
    Well, usually, at the end of each year, I pull a prank for the enjoyment of others. Last year was noteable, but not good. Basically threw a basketball into my Physics Class (got a 30 in the class anyways), and biked into the cafeteria.
    Trust me, as much as it sounds cool, it really isn't.
    In the 8th grade, in which it all started, we went to an Island off the coast of Boston called 'George's Island', and if you look at the map, I jumped into the Pier.
    Yes. And the excuse was that someone threw my fashlight in the water, and went to retrieve it. It was meant to be an excuse of stupidity, in which it worked. I got 30 bucks (out of a claimed 100) and fame up 'til this day. Today, I imagine many 'What If' ideas. Like,"What if I had other people dive in with me?" or,"Why didn't I run back to the island ground, sprint to the Pier, and do a front flip?"
    I was laughing into my pillow two nights ago when I thought of the front flip.
    This year, I am moving away. People are counting on me to make it good. I either hose down the 'Model Preps' with soda, run around in a monkey suit in the cafe (which obtaining the Monkey Suit would be a problem) or run in my Biology Class wearing a Halloween mask dancing and do "Crank That Souija Boi!" then Silly String them(mind you, I will be wearing running shoes), or Diet Coke and Mentos Geyser (which could backfire easily if it doesn't go off).
    1. Hose down Model Preps
    2. Monkey Suit (very unlikey)
    3. Halloween, Crank That Souija Boy, Trick or Treat, Silly String (I like it, but not wide spread prank for everyone)
    4. Diet Coke and Mentos Geyser in Cafe
    You decide! And be quick! You have until Monday!!!

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