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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Ric's 59 years old and Micheals has a pair of knees ready to give. It might be the last match for them both...

  2. Thank you.


  3. xD

    I'm sorry. You could always PM Big D and ask for the 7 bucks back.

  4. I knew comedy would succeed...

  5. From Neku?



  6. Don't tell people what exact town you live in. >

  7. *innocent whistle* Maybe...

  8. ...and you're always a mile ahead...

  9. Read below. I asked first. >=D


  11. Respect your elders. :P

  12. That's funny.

    I reread my poem entry, and I hate it now. XP

  13. "yada yada ya. xP "


  14. Oh not at all.

    *cocky sigh* Well, I can see why. You aren't the first girl that wants me for my charm, and won't be the last.


  15. Pff. I was trying to guess who was in your avatar.

  16. Diskeh, you eye-licker. :q

  17. FINE! You want an answer?

  18. No hanging out with amigas after school? Anything like that? During the summer?

  19. *Gives Stone Cold Stunner*

    We're in the final days of the RPG, and you're playing Hide and Seek!

  20. Oi, where's you girly side?



  21. *puts legs up on table* I think I like it here.

  22. And that's a good thing. You put a smile on my face, and you make food taste better. :3

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