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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    I've had such a crazy day! OMGosh you would not believe!
    ...Alright, I'm kidding.
    This morning I was glad to the morning routine with some conscience of what I was doing. Hopped on the bus, with George finally back from his vacation to Florida, and head to my educational prison =D
    Biology... Oh, Biology...
    Sheep hearts would seem so much more in use if they were keeping the sheep alive, but alas, my education requires having a split open heart and observing the ventricles, arteries, atriums...
    Oh joy.
    In Transportation Tech, we are making rockets. >=D With our own design too. So I'm making my own kind of wings, some modifications, et cetera. Unfortunately I can't add more than one engine in it. Well, we all have our intentions...
    Lifetime Activities provided some fun with softball...
    Health was quite pathetic.
    We are now on abusive relationships. We watch these videos of scenarios where teen relationships have gone abusive with all the following: Physical, Verbal, Mental, and Emotional.
    The acting on most of them was HORRIBLE. And the scenarios themselves just had Big Josh right next to me saying, 'These guys gone no game.' Which is completely true.
    (Then again, most of you don't either *dis!*)
    I finally went to lunch after such boredom requires an amount of food in mai bellie. Thats when I was told my friend Ziggy is suspended because two days ago he brawled with a guy named Armando (who actually sold me his Sony Noise-Canceling Headphones which I'm wearing right now listening to music. Armando was getting a bit too close with his girl who are having a lot of complications, but obviously still love each other. Its a long story... plus somewhat legal trial.
    Well, Ziggy missed Craps in Geometry yesterday! Craps is a casino dice game, and yes, you do gamble. Wiki.
    Craps took place yesterday. And by the way, I rock at Craps! I took my chips off 9 before the die rolled 7! People hated my luck in Craps! There was one point where I went, 'I feel a disturbance in the Force' and Oscar said, 'Me too' and wouldn't you know it?
    A 7!
    My classmate Jimmy is the guy you see in movies who loses his entire bank account through gambling. He put everything down on a number and lost everything. He asked people to donate to the 'Jimmy Fund' and when he accidentally dropped his only chip (which he won later) he screamed and asked someone to pick up his house.
    I love craps. But only for fun.
    Well, missing school tomorrow, but unfortunately I must rest my tortured body (long embarrassing story) on the mattress.
    Long time since I made an entry huh? And its not my ordinary format of a blog entry either... hm...
  2. Arch-Angel
    Their is one thing that troubles people on a daily basis. It stays in the back of their heads forever, but once it hops on the train of thought, it rushes through your mind, engulfing all concentration and stresses your body as it tries to finish the task at hand. This thing brings daily pains and worries, and is ultimately controlled by the authority that you must follow. They do not care what is going on in your life, not unless a higher authority says so.
    I do not have the explanation to the higher authority that would affect the authority. I am a victim.
    I absolutely hate these.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Due dates  
    Research Paper on the physical effects of alcohol on the human body, DUE tomorrow.
    Thirty page chapter, read and Take-Home Quiz on 'Of Mice and Men'.
    Two chapters to read and take notes in History textbook.
    The equation comes up to...
    Another all-nighter.
    Anyone want to stay up until 4 AM on AIM for me is greatly appreciated.
    I think Lil' Wayne says it best with And I feel like dying... and I feel like dying...
    Then again, right after that, it says: Once only the drugs are done...
    Okay, the man looks like this:

    Any questions?
  3. Arch-Angel
    Side Note: Yob = Job
    Yesterday, rain came down and surprisingly didn't bring me down. I have found myself more positive in life yet much wiser then the last time I was in a constant good mood, when I was fourteen, and BEFORE the events of this entry. Heh... been a long bleepin' two years.
    Yesterday, I went to get a haircut scheduled at 6:30 PM (EST for those that don't know I live in the so called 'Omi Land') with my sister and after I believe an hour (misplaced my watch) we head outside in the damp weather, turn the corner...
    The freakin' Corolla is gone.
    My sister is thinking: Ah great.
    I'm thinking: ...We got towed...? ...Well, now I got something to blog about.
    And I am blogging it, for here I am. Late for school for reasons I'm not gonna bother arguing to find out, and I went to sleep close to 4 (insomnia much?) but thats my day so far...
    On to the dang story I'ma chargin' my lazer! trying to tell...
    We go back inside the salon and ask our friend there (she's, I believe, a manager of some kind) if we could use the phone. She doesn't care, they got like, three, and we call up mommy and give her the bad news.
    Good news is, she's at a yob interview in town! Yep! Tryin' to get a yob HERE and not Rhode Island... in another state.
    She's got the ah cr(ud) tone in her voice, tells us to get a ride somehow to the interview, get my sister's car out of the impound and bounce.
    After 30 minutes of making fun the Fabric Place (the big parking lot they have, as if they could ever fill it ((Ooo yay! Needle and tread! Definitely going to be a mass amount of people going there!)) ) because we parked at the very end, as far away from the store we could care about, and the salon is in the building in front of us.
    (went to school, just came back, everything above was written this morning)
    Need a picture?

    (Keep in mine, I don't know the number of parking spots)
    I think thats the most cars I've ever seen in the parking lot that close to the Fabric Place. Then again, its probably the employees.
    So while we wait in mom's car for her interview to finish, me and my sister talk and laugh, et cetera.
    We decided that if mom let's us order pizza, then she got the yob.
    She called to order us the Family Feast at Pizza Hut. But she isn't sure about the yob.
    Now... picking up my sister's Corolla at the impound lot.
    The rainfall has increased greatly, and we find the lot with the man everyone usually hates himself, Tow man! The man who can legally steal your car if you stay in a spot for longer than 15 minutes in a near empty parking lot!
    ...So my sister, mom, and the Toe man talk with fire in their tone. I say in the car listening to my Zune playing some Kirk Franklin and Third Day.
    Reason being was the fine came to one hundred and fifteen dollars. And for those of you that can't read numbers, that 115.
    With the haircuts, the pizza, and the fine... hmm... 30 plus 25 plus 115...
    170 dollars.
    My mom is still contemplating moving into my friend's house. She obviously refuses another bad neighborhood. Our first experience was enough.
    Wish I had more to say except...
    I could really go for a Diet Pepsi right now...
    Or water. Maybe juice.
    *fails to keep a positive outlook on situation*
  4. Arch-Angel
    You wanna know what kept me up till 4 AM?
    First, the essay requirement sheet:

    Now, the essay:
    4/27/08 F Block
    Evil Fails in the End
    Few stories carry a protagonist into becoming the antagonist. These stories show that as much of a hero the protagonist may be portrayed as, the human instinct of committing sin shall remain until death. Death, likely appearing due to the protagonist committing sinful deed after sinful deed until eventually becoming a wicked person with no moral or known good; trying to emulate himself with true evil beings such as Satan and grin at their comparisons which they feel may or may not exceed him. The protagonist, now antagonist, views himself as a nonpareil, indissoluble being that is the pure entity of evil. If there was any good or righteousness in them, it would have rose and prevailed over the evil persona. Unfortunately, there was none left in Macbeth which led to his inescapable death.
    Although, Macbeth had no choice in the matter of becoming a cold, heartless being. The Three Witches cast a spell on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, for though they could not change the destination which destiny has meant for them, they could alter the path.
    Macbeth is described as a valiant hero in battle by an injured solder:
    “But all’s too weak; for brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name), distaining Fortune, with his brandished steel, which smoked in bloody execution, like valor’s minion, carved out his passage till he faced the slave; which ne’er shook hands, nor blade farewell to him, till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements.” –Captain, Act 1, Scene 2, lines 17-25
    (This heroic figure of Macbeth is changed.) Macbeth sends a message to his wife, Lady Macbeth, telling about his meeting with the Three Witches who have told him he would become Thane of Cawdor and later king of Scotland. Lady Macbeth, believing her husband lacks the evil inside to kill the king and take the throne, calls upon evil spirits to fill her “from crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty.” –Lady Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 5, 49-50. When Macbeth comes and tells her that King Duncan is coming, she tells him that Duncan shall never see tomorrow’s sun for they are killing him tonight. Macbeth shows the first sign of changing character.
    Instead of staying loyal to his king and rejecting the thought of killing Duncan, he simply says, “We will speak further” in line 83 of Act 1, Scene 6. Later in Scene 7, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth converse about the proposed action until Macbeth is finally instigated by his wife to commit the assassination. While waiting for a bell to ring to signal Lady Macbeth finishing the preparations for Duncan’s death, Macbeth sees a bloody dagger leading him to Duncan’s room. (Macbeth’s mind is beginning to think more evilly.) Later, with the discovery of King Duncan’s death, Macbeth kills Duncan’s guards before they could defend themselves for being accused of murdering the king. When Macbeth is questioned about his actions towards the guards, Lady Macbeth calls him for assistance to removed Macbeth from any further discussion of he possibly murdering King Duncan. Later, Macbeth is chosen as King of Scotland for Duncan’s two sons fled in fear, believing Macbeth killed their father. The prophecy of the Three Witches is fulfilled as they told Macbeth and Banquo.
    Years pass under the rule of Macbeth and he remembers the prophecy of Banquo’s lineage shall be of kings. Macbeth proclaims a feast in honor of Banquo, and his heart surfeited with cruelty, plots Banquo’s death once it comes to his knowledge that he is going horseback riding with his son, Fleance. (Macbeth culls two men outside the palace gate.) He beguiles them to believe Banquo is the reason for their problems, and he tells them to kill him and Fleance during their ride. Compelled by Macbeth’s lie, they bring along a third man to assist them and successfully kill Banquo, but fail to kill Fleance. After hearing his plot only half done, he knew he could not do anything to kill Fleance as he must start his feast. During his feast, he is haunted by the ghost of Banquo, who is only visible to his eyes. After Lady Macbeth tells the guests to leave for his majesty is not currently in his right mind, they talk about the incident and he decides to see the Three Witches about securing his kingship.
    As he nears the witches, the second witch says, “By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.” This statement, coming from one of the witches, confirms Macbeth is evil.
    He demands them to answer his questions. They answer every question he asks, but equivocate with each one. His evil blinds him from seeing that he has misconstrued the prophecies. (One of the prophecies was to beware Macduff.) Macbeth sends his soldiers to Macduff’s castle to kill his family and anyone related to him as Macduff was in England convincing Malcolm, Duncan’s son and rightful heir to the throne, to join him in overthrowing Macbeth. Macduff is told of the news, and turns his grief to a desire to avenge his family.
    Lady Macbeth has regained her conscience but is plagued with sleepwalking. During the sleepwalking, she sees blood on her hands of those who died to put and keep Macbeth on the throne. She is brought to a doctor who tells the gentlewoman who brought her that she needs a spiritual aid and not a physician. Lady Macbeth has become a good person plagued with past sins, which leads to death.
    Macbeth is told of his wife’s passing, and feels no grief nor sorrow whatsoever as shown here:
    “She should have died here after. There would have been a time for such a word. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an cool dude, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” –Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5, Lines 20-31
    Macbeth has lost all respect of what life truly is, to the point of calling it a meaningless story told by an cool dude and is out like a candle. There is no good or righteousness in Macbeth any longer. (With the loss, ignorance came.)
    (Ignorance brought his inescapable death.) Thinking that no man can harm him, not considering those born of caesarean section, and killed by a man born of caesarean section. The same man who vowed to avenge his family, Macduff, thus showing the end of evil is death for good shall prevail.
    In a world filled with evil, the good may die young, but have led a more prosperous life than the evil, no matter how long evil has lived.
    Now, grade me college folks!
  5. Arch-Angel
    I'm writing an essay on Macbeth. The teacher asked to also note every simple sentence in our essay.
    Someone find the definitions of simple, compound, and complex, and hurry! I haven't much time, as its due tomorrow!
  6. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Ah... still enjoying having this:

    Because I got it FOR FREE.

    Alright, enough getting-you-to-comprehend-the-vast-coolness-of-it.
    As a small thank you (trust me, they probably don't care), this song goes out to them!
    From the Diet Pepsi Max commercial, I present a classic:
    What Is Love by Haddaway
  7. Arch-Angel
    A lot of things have brought my life down and apart. 2007 was mind-altering, emotional-roller coaster, life changing year.
    But I'd love to have half an hour devoted to myself every week on a balcony or porch, basking in the sun with a pair of sunglasses (or not) and absorb the peace, while drinking a nice cold Pepsi of either Pepsi One, Pepsi Original, or Diet Pepsi.
    Those moments I truly appreciate from God.
    Oh, and you know what adds a bigger smile?
    After entering 30+ codes at www.pepsistuff.com that came from under those caps of multiple 20 oz. Pepsi's, I won something.
    Not four sweatshirts like before.
    Not 20 bucks for gas like before.

    A free 8 GB Zune.
    And all I had to do was drink a product I would've drank at a regular basis. I didn't drink more just for this (maybe a few), but I have a free, long needed mp3 player (which I thought was coming in November after reading the policy weeks ago).
    And you all thought I was stupid entering those contests!
  8. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This one obviously goes out to my man VanillaToads (thats my name for him) since this entry.
    Hey Jude don't let me down
    You have found her now go and get her...
    Hey Jude (Across the Universe version) by The Beatles (sung by Joe Anderson)
  9. Arch-Angel
    Ugh... What a way to begin a Spring Break...
    By not having one.
    Obviously, in this entry, I was excited to get the he(ck) out of that governmental, educational prison.
    Not much happened after that entry.
    There was the Boston Marathon which interests me and a bear is about an itch on a shark's fin. Although there was this intense neck-and-neck race in the Women's division...
    Monday and Tuesday both proved to be as fun as they sound.

    In a freakin' nutshell.
    Today, I went to the doc's place and he check on this particular spot where an ingrown hair has become an internal pimple and is causing me pain... the location is different story...
    So my sis dropped me off at the Southboro Medical Center and BOUNCED. She said she looked hideous in what she was wearing (ain't no lie) and went home to change into something more... fit? Reason being, she had a job interview to go to after she picked me up from the Med Center. Took her long enough. I finished my appointment with the doc and went on the second floor balcony for some sun and warm, warm 70s with the scent of the beautiful flowers blooming and life springing to make my nose a passageway to reminscing about the good times as I heard the kids across the street in their backyard playing on the trampoline...
    I miss the fun life...
    She does her interview, we pass by our apartment and see that a cigarette lit the mulch on the garden facing the highway, pick up Dunkin' Donuts, see a firetruck headed to our home, head home, and the men of fire do their yobs by taking care of the 'blaze'.
    Yobs is spanglish for jobs. Yobs...
    Yeah... get used to it.
    In other news, I was welcomed to lunch by one of the staff. It was... good...
    Truly my life is about as much fun as chopping of your head and having in used in the World Cup.
    Hoping to have some fun...
  10. Arch-Angel
    Today has started well. Right now I'm on my homeroom teacher's laptop and everyone is turning in their 'Catcher in the Rye' essays and and books (she's an English Teacher) and its become a mess she's trying to order out.
    Hi Shanna!
    Ah, this is a fun conversation between her and Ms. Darcy.
    Having a Crunch Bar for breakfast. Would be more enjoyable if Pat wasn't groaning about his broken leg plus torn ligament.
    Ms. Darcy, do you have something to say?
    I am glad to be back.
    She was gone for a while.
    Well, later I'll edit this and bump it about my day. Good so far, but with English in the end, could end horribly. Ah well, I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
    After homeroom, I went to Biology to learn more about the human digestive system.
    What fun.
    Transportation Tech... just... no...
    Lifetime activities on the other hand... 8D
    We convinced the teach to join up with another class and play something like 'Medic' (dunno if you ever heard of it, but I'll explain if asked) but...
    We decide to go outside to the turf field to play 'Capture the Football'. Yes, it is 'Capture the Flag'.
    I take the first dive into enemy territory, and of course I'm not only tagged but taken down by the leg BECAUSE SOMEONE DECIDED MY SHINS LOOKED LIKE AN UNPAINFUL PLACE TO ATTACK.
    So I grab the guy and make him my crutch as I limp to the jail.
    I get back in the game, et cetera, et cetera, we lose because we're the cool kids and they actually tried to have fun (if you know you're gonna fail at having fun, might as well talk to your girlfriends <<) and they made everyone do some number of push-ups. 5 if you thought you did everything to could in this game, 10 if you thought you could've done more, 20 if you stood around without a care in world/game.
    I did 5, called it a day period.
    Health class, the usual talking, and I think I might've done well on the quiz... hmm...
    Oh, and Mozilla Fox of Fire is telling me 'might've' isn't a word.
    As we say in Boston, especially to the Yanks...
    Removed- Nukora
    Just kidding, I put that there. Probably don't even have the right color...
    English gladly flew by like a sparrow on drugs, and I said loudly, proudly, and obnoxiously...
    Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, we're free at last!
    And your friendly neighborhood American Eagle + Hollister wearing prep who hates stereotypes (grills Nukora and the rest of you) left the building (through the side entrance as usual) and proudly took in the...
    The day took its time. I come home, chill on my butt in front of the computer wasting life... took a body-forced afternoon nap (hate them too, so uncomfortable) and went out with dad to take full advantage of watching 'The Forbidden Kingdom'.
    7.1 out of 10. It wasn't great, but it was funny...
    Though in the Jackie vs. Jet scene I couldn't help but notice the amount of openings I would've taken and counters... Professional wrestling will do that to you.
    Went to Uno's, filled me up, came here, got yelled at by Robo switch I yelled back and defeated him with the 'You started it!' finisher!
    Saw half of 'Gone Baby Gone' with the talkative, constantly ruining the vibe the movie tries to set in mother of mine and sister who gets confused as often as my mom. Had to explain everything to them.
    Oh, and 'The Forbidden Kingdom' depicts South Boston in a funny matter. The bully dude was technically a greaser.

    You want to know the REAL Boston?

    Bottom line. Done.
    Well, I have a Song of the Day, but I'll save it for tomorrow.
    Also, expect tomorrow to be with much sorrow. Another memorial.
  11. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Have to say, this got me INSTANTLY thinking of trolls. You know, the one that make the controversial topic purposely to start arguments or make a statement that get people angry and go on, and on... and on... only fueling the flame of control the troll have on you.
    But I like trolls. Why? I dunno. They are just the kind of people that can hold up a good argument when they want to, and if you want, you could debate them.
    Nieve, you chose a good one (but next time PM ME! You ruin the surprise via blog entry. Does anyone read the red?)...
    Main Offender by The Hives
  12. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Almost forgot this...
    This song is the best to the end of a movie after a great and life-changing experience. It ran through my mind most of today, and I figured out, 'Hey, I have a blog to update!'
    To reminiscing and remembering, and to honoring the heroes of our time...
    Leave The Memories Alone by Fuel
  13. Arch-Angel
    Well, with a sigh of relief, I got to say this day brought the inner peace I was praying for from God. I feel so refreshed, mind, body and spirit (just prayed) and I got to say, I feel great.
    It all started with yesterday. That day set the path I was placed in towards refreshment.

    Crack it open. Its pretty good.
    I stayed home from school because I was given the decision. My cold/fever/cobra-clutch last night only got worse... and worse.
    "Do you want to say home tomorrow?" My mom asks.
    ...What kind of question is that? There's a 97.3 percent chance of a 'si, madre.'
    We watch 'Serendipity' which I have to say is probably the best love movie I've ever seen, with a hint of comedy. Totally recommend it (not like it matters. You probably won't bother searching it)
    So she held me down, puts Vicky on me, which burned painfully on my facial skin mind you and tossed me to bed as the tiny hint of smell going into my nostrils drives me insane.
    You don't understand.

    Ever since I was able to walk, I've hated this thing. My mom still remembers the day I stole every Vicks Vapor-Rub in the house for two years and finding all of them under my bed when we were moving. The product's scent drives me to insanity. When she put it on last night, I grabbed a paper towel and stuffed it in my mouth as a filter (I CAN TASTE THE SMELL) and I could still tasmell it a hint of it.
    The next day, meaning today, I arise from bed at 1:29 PM. So much for school...
    I spent the day being lazy. The usual surfing on BZP, listening to my playlist, going up the community blogs list, avoiding the MoC entries as usual. I spent five hours of my day doing nothing productive, as I spent with every day.
    I listen to a recording of my radio morning show on their website and they discussed exercising and diet, because just about all of them do, and they had a finalist from the show 'The Biggest Loser' talk about his time on the show. I figure, 'Hey, I got nothing to do. I might as well hit the tread mill at the gym. Haven't gone there in three months.'
    So get dressed, finish my dwindling IM chats (of course forgetting the away message) and put on my socks on the couch.
    I stopped.
    I went up to the wide window of our apartment, and remember the temperature it was when I went to get my sister's purse in her car. It was in the sixty's to seventy's.
    I open a window. The feeling of the air, the evening scent as the horizon bears the sun saying its final goodbye to the East Coast with its light shining the last rays to give us the semi-dim view of the things around us...
    I found myself reminiscing. The many summer days I spent on my bike, riding with my friends until dusk, the trips to Big Scoops Ice Cream Shop, hanging out on the bench talking and chuckling at our dry humor and funny experiences... going to October Fest together, watching the fireworks blow up in the air literally feeling the force of the sound when the explode in a flash of bright colors and wonders, with that light so bright, you thought it opened a portal to the heavens for that one second...
    I breath out.
    I head to the gym in a jog to the other side of the building and down the stairs, feet still asking for steps to be made.
    I step inside the gym, empty of the neighbors that I never talk to. I step on the tread mill set in its track format on the digital screen and put it up to a five miles an hour jog...
    A constant five miles an hour jog for 1.6 kilometers; a mile without heavy breathing and with fifteen minutes of Family Guy on CW.
    I felt proud of myself. A recorded mile? Constant? Unheard of in my body's past.
    I watch the beginning of a new Two and a Half Men on the new petal bike machine thing after lifting weights for five minutes. I was more focused on losing weight then gaining upper-body strength.
    I felt more proud. I was sweating plenty after three months of being a lazy bum in my room only living day-by-day by going to school without working out. Still proud of that mile.
    I go upstairs to my apartment, I wash my face with an acne-wash. Not that I cared about the acne even if the black-heads were ready to roar their ugly heads, but I felt it would help me feel comfortable.
    I hit the shower for a relaxing wash, and I set out.
    I'm refreshed.
    My mom gets home, she complains about the bills, et cetera, et cetera. It didn't help, but it didn't really bring me down. Sure their mind-set weren't refreshed as they were more worried on the problems, mistakes, and accidents of the past, but I couldn't blame them at all. I was feeling great, and still am.
    I have my window open. The midnight sky tuning down the temperature, but the positivity is still in me.
    I sigh happily. Thats right, probably the first time in Lord knows how long, I'm pretty happy. Like the end of a movie, when the protagonist finds peace.
    Mind, body, spirit... they're all good.
    Have a good night's sleep everybody. We all deserve one.
  14. Arch-Angel
    Dear Lord,
    Thank you so much.
    My sister and my aunt, Lili, went into the town in Brazil. The night life is great there, because everything seems so alive when the high schoolers get out (its night school there) and they all go down the road and enjoy their social lives. My sister, wanting to take pictures with her digital camera having that photographing spirit, posed with my aunt and captured the moments. These are her last days there as she returns back home in Massachusetts the 28th.
    Three boys, the oldest probably 17, came up on their bikes.
    They held a gun.
    My sister was petrified. They demanded the camera and her purse. Obviously not going to argue unless she happened to have guns pointed to her often (I'm the only one that came close to death, and that was by switchblade) she gave up her purse and camera.
    The purse did not hold her passport, but did hold her license, credit cards, and the little money she had.
    My sister's in tears, and my aunt is still somehow headstrong.
    How do I know?
    Because though she didn't know about the fact my sister left her papers at home, she took off running after the boys on foot though they were on their bikes, petalling fast.
    She continously shouted to them to at least give back her niece's papers, which they didn't have, and she didn't bother with the fact that they had a gun.
    She, of course, failed to catch them.
    But isn't it wonderful that God is on our side?
    Two men on their motorcycles witnessed it all. They helped my sister to her feet as she collasped (not fainted) to the ground she stood, thinking the next time she'd see her aunt would be in a casket. They told them to call the police, and they would follow the boys.
    Swerving through town, stop and go, they kept a distant eye on them. They lost them at one point, and decided to split up. One found the eldest boy eating dinner alone with food paid by my sister's cash. He called the cops, who were reported by my sister, aunt, and others who were robbed, and they arrested him. Pretty sure he might've made a run for it considering he had a black eye that wasn't there before.
    The two younger boys went to one of their uncle's home who assisted in the robbery by knowing and supporting them in it. The second motorcyclist called the cops on them, and arrest the uncle, the nephew, and guess who?
    My second cousin. He's 11 years old.
    At the police station, they returned the stolen items to all who've been robbed, and my sister pressed charges on everyone of them except our second cousin. He only followed his friends. He said he was pretty sure the gun was a fake because a lot of thiefs like these were usually with a fake gun.
    Before giving back my sister's purse, she opened it to check if everything was there.
    There sat the gun.
    "Don't worry, it has to be a fake," said my second cousin.
    My sister had a panic attack and the boy had one so bad, he got a fever and was sent to the hospital.
    Because the cop emptied the cocked pistol of its four rounds.
    She can't even look at her purse.
    Thank you Lord. Thank you so much.
    I'm gonna buy her a new purse.
    Thank you Lord. Thank you so much.
    And please bring her back safely.
  15. Arch-Angel
    Is this blog not full of sunshine? [/shamelessployforherblogapproval]
    Today had its times... My friend Sarah is helping out with homework more than you can imagine.
    Hold up!
    Have any of you noticed that in Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch, and advertise naked people.

    Because, ya know, I'm ripped like that...
    Stupid advertising... I wear Hollister Tees, but still...
    Anyways, back to life.
    Today went smoothly enough, still haven't gotten the call back from Barnes & Nobles who said they would today, but I'll call them tomorrow.
    I stayed after school actually doing work, which is surprising in and of itself. As I wait for the bus, I converse with my intelligent Japanese friend Josh, and I make the topic about him. I've told my life-changing story way too many times. It got repetitive.
    He told me about the time he was in Japan for Thanksgiving with his relatives and witnessed a little boy his size at the time getting beat in an alley way by two teenagers, and how he saw the blood trickle down the kid's face after having a piece of wood smashed on his head, and he took off running. He said he's had countless nights of him waking up from sleep crying because that image played in his head again and again. This wasn't the only traumatic event in his life, and I plan to ask him more about it. He told me that he contemplated suicide and suffers from a lot of depression, and how he finds himself feeling betrayed by his religion. I won't say which religion.
    Well, after hearing his story, my respect for him has risen more so. Hope to get to know him more. Seems as if our pasts have similar stories.
    So thats all that cares to be interesting. I'll bring in the SotD soon enough.
  16. Arch-Angel
    Today and yesterday couldn't have been worse in the condition of my body with this cold/fever plus sinus.
    Yesterday was such a mess, plus me not being able to call Barnes & Noble for the answer as to whether or not I got my job annoyed me as well because I was KO'd on my bed. My nose has been leaking like a faucet for the past 56 hours. Last night, I was up until 1:40 AM doing a history project for the sake of actually passing, and having to wake up at 5:40 AM the very same morning.
    Today, though, had an unhealthy atmosphere. Sure I got to talk to my friend more, but other people decide to push me to my limit. Let's start with Mr. Foley.
    Mr. Foley is almost stoic in his speech and expression, if not completely stoic. He's fair in just about every matter he's involved in.
    Today, we had second lunch, where we go to for a half hour in the two hour block and do our lunch thing. I'm in an on-again, off-again conversation with a Marine who had his stand set up in the middle of the Brazil/Puerto Rico side of the cafeteria. I talk to him somewhat, et cetera et cetera, he makes two girls down forty knee push-ups (I was going to tell him to do the elevated ones), and so I forgot that after lunch, we'd spend the remainder of the period in the Library on the other side of the school.
    ...Of course, I forget, make it down to the hall, and realize that I'm suppose to be in the Library. Head over there, middle of the introduction the librarian is giving for our research project (I'm researching Alcohol and the physiological affects on the human body) and we get started on our research.
    You know when you need to blow your nose and you rather not do it in the class because it'll sound disgusting (and you're insecure that way and hate the fact)? Well...
    Fifteen minutes in, I need to blow my nose because the faucet is on again. I come up to him, he obviously thinks I was going to cut class due to the fact I was late, and doesn't let me. Why come to class late by five minutes and not cut class? If you're late, might as well go all out. I explain myself as to why I was late, doesn't buy it, then he tells me that this is the only time I have to research the project because he doubts I'll do it at home (I don't blame him), and doesn't let me.
    I asked the librarian if I could have a tissue, and I wipe my nose, nevertheless, the faucet is still on.
    An hour later, English is going smoothly. My teacher talks about the research paper (trust me, this won't be the last one coming) we're doing on any topic we'd like to know more about. I'm thinking Rodney King Riots or Martin Luther King Jr. I'm leaning towards MLK.
    The class is in freedom of discussion and this couldn't-be-more-of-a-apathetic-little-brat (and Mr. McNeill calls her a brat openly to the class, and he's not wrong) and I get into some kind of argument.
    At the very end, she shoots back with, "Get a life."
    There isn't really any good comeback to that I can think of without shouting at her or giving her a slap to the face her parents should've gave to the spoiled girl when she was younger (maybe then she'd have SOME respect).
    "I had a life, "I said, "I had a girlfriend.... and then she left."
    "And then she left, " she says, rubbing the cold, hard fact into my soul like a wet towel of acid.
    I silence myself. My mind rushes with thoughts of Bionigirl and how much I miss her. I tried to ignore the pain, continually encouraging myself that someday I'll talk to her again.
    Love just doesn't work that way.
    I throw myself in deep thought to drown out the world, yet notice the watering of my eyes, ready to unleash the heavy tears inside that have built up like a dam. It hurts thinking of it right now.
    Karley. I miss you.
    Hold on, watering again...
    ###### its so hard to control.
    The bell rings, and it signals our cell gates being open and our prison freedom is granted for seventeen and a half hours.
    I wait outside on the steps for the bus to come, because George is usually late and the guys just stand around and talk. The usual insults, comedy, nothing we truly mean, and I talk with this freshman kid who runs his mouth too often and purposely offends. As I'm bagging on him, one of the guys on the bus, I believe his name is Bryan, starts bagging on me about me being immature. Of course I know what he means. I'm usually immature to the guys (Josh and Phil) because they can get you in that care-free comedic mood. Bryan, on the other hand, likes to start arguments and uses his fists to add his exclamation point. He provokes me happily, even saying, "Wanna fight?" which I decline, because thanks to MLK, I'm trying to avoid getting into any heated brawl. He continues his insults, his comebacks that add nothing to his argument, and smiles the entire time.
    Thing is, I bet he could beat me. I know I have all the motivation to take him on without question, but I'm sure he's shoot his fists faster and harder. Remember, I'm a grappler/wrestler, not a boxer.
    I sit at the front of the bus, away from him. The seats wouldn't provide enough room to fight him if one did occur, so I avoided him. I talk with George and me and this other girl Sam talk about our 'Back in da day' time, meaning the 90s. It started with a Magic School Bus reference, and went on from there.
    I just had some chicken soup, taking a break from writing in this entry. Feel much better.
    Thursday is looking good now. Hopefully it will.
  17. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This song was brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Ranna.
    Talk about falsetto...
    This song is catchy the first... five times. Its a very good remix of its original with in the 1950s ran through kids minds and they sang the chorus regularly.
    Pretty sure Ranna was too, and I have to admit, so was I. *innocent shrug*
    Oooh eee oooh ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla bang bang
    Oooh eee oooh ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla bang bang...
    Witch Doctor (Remix) by Alvin and the Chipmunks
  18. Arch-Angel
    Sorry about that. Chores can come and go as they please at midnight.
    Today started... tiring. I received only 6 or 6 and a half hours of sleep, which annoyed me that the sun as risen behind the clouds already and time decided not to take a break at 4 AM. My alarm is within five feet, clearly not arms length.
    I get up, listen to the radio DJ talk to a member of a local rap group, and I do my thing, awaiting for my ride to church with Guy (the man that brings me to church in my hometown) and his daughter.
    Isn't she cute?

    I know that girl is going to survive her cancer.
    Did I mention the many uses of a camera phone?
    To show you my uncomfortable sleep deprivation (which I can assure you comes back tomorrow at 5:40 AM), I entitle this...
    Without a Pillow

    My hands are in my pockets. And besides, this ain't a belly! Its a gas tank for the (butt)-whooping machine!
    Today just went slower and slower and so on and so forth...
    My days are usually FTB. For the boredom. To make this blog exciting to my readers, I try... I do...
    Not in homework though.
    I'm considering putting up a homework section on this blog to write essays, note take, et cetera, and send it to my teachers. Of course you guys can read it if it interests you and correct my mistakes... English will contain many essays. But I also need you guys to push me. Can you do that for me?
  19. Arch-Angel
    To say this man made a significant difference in my life today is an understatement by all means.

    Today marks the 40th anniversary of his death as he walked out of his room in the Lorraine Motel April 4th, 1968.

    Towards the end of his last speech given the day before, named 'I've Been to the Mountaintop', he said the following which seemed to have foreshadowed his impending death.

    King's last words on the balcony were to musician Ben Branch (no relation to Taylor Branch) who was scheduled to perform that night at an event King was attending:

    Take My Hand, Precious Lord written by Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey

  20. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Today's song goes out to all the Maj users out there.
    Kinda in a way to rub it in yo face. >=)
    -SZ-, you and I probably find this one a favorite...
    So Long and Thanks for all he Fish by The Dophins of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
    So long and thanks for all the pics
    So sad that it should come to this
    We tried to warn you all but oh dear
    You may not share our intellect
    Which might explain your disrespect
    For the photobucket images
    all around you
    So long, so long and thanks
    for all the pics
    Brickshelf's about to be destroyed
    There's no point getting all annoyed
    Lie back and let the files dissolve
    Despite those pics of 'mazing art
    We thought that most of you were smart
    Especially tiny avs and your
    chibi MOCee's
    So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
    So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
    So long, so long and thanks
    for all the pics
    So long and thanks for all the pics
    So sad that it should come to this
    We tried to warn you all but oh dear
    (oh dear)
    Despite those pics of 'mazing art
    We thought that most of you were smart
    Especially tiny avs and your
    chibi MOCee's
    So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
    So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
    So long, so long and thanks
    for all the pics!
  21. Arch-Angel
    That picture...
    There is a guy in my Lifetime Activies class (an elective) who messes around me.
    Who knows.
    He(Jeremy) and his friend Jack have been pulling at my nerves for a while. We finished archery, but yesterday they just reached the limit.
    Jack starts poking me with the bow from behind, I turn around and push away the bow, fake a roundhouse close to his face and Jeremy came around and took his bow and stuck it in my butt. He ran away a bit as soon as I turned around and Jack tried to imitate the same thing. Then Ms. Sowa, our teach, got everything needed done and we offically started class.
    Today, before class, he came by and teased me yet again about wearing the same thing. I don't sweat in archery, and haven't since I've started wearing the dark green tee and shorts in the middle of our time spent in archery, included with either knee braces or Ace bandage (which I'm still wearing around both knees). My friend Jon defended me, asking why they tease people. Jeremy said he only teased me, and I told him if he continued to tease me, I would kick his face off. He said he'd love to see me do that with my messed up knees.
    I almost did. 80% of me was going to do it.
    Well, self restraint continues to stay strong... for now...
  22. Arch-Angel
    Well, that was the suggested joke I tried to convince Omi to go along with, but obviously he didn't agree.
    He could five dolla dolla bills y'all!
    Yesterday was not fun, but not bad either. Depends on your view of this story.
    The school day goes by faster than I believe I have ever experienced. Constantly I reminded myself NOT to get onto the bus and ride my fat butt home and experience a 'You Don't Live Here' Part Tres (don't have the keys nor anyone home) because I had a job interview at one of more known bookstores in The United States of America, Barnes & Nobles. The interview was a lot of personal opinion and background, and judging by the length of my blog... I got a lot of background to go on.
    The interview had its difficult questions (or maybe just one), and I had to use the creativity and indirect answers I had in my head. Because I'm a dang genius. Man I hope I spelted that word right.
    After the interview, I bring myself to the teen section and cruise through the books while having a conversation with one of the employees to pass the time as my guitar gently wee- I mean as I wait for my sister to get off of work and pick me up. (Stupid Beatles song title)
    Once my picks me up and we grab some food at the local Brazi bakery, we don't go home... nope...
    We go to the hospital.
    No, we weren't injuried, neither was anyone else. My sister's friend works there in some office doing paper work.
    She gladly spends about an hour or so there, talking about many things, both 'who cares' and 'who couldn't care less'.
    The fire alarm went off. The light flashed but no sound. The elevator shut down, preventing the man in the wheelchair to go up. After wondering whether or not it was a minor thing, we hear what set the alarm.
    Someone just died.
    April Fools Day:
    The morning wasn't fun. I had for some reason got into moving deep thought. It put me down, what I was thinking.
    I felt into what I called 'Tired Depression'. The kind of depression where you are truly considering laying down on that nice, dirty, cold tile floor in Transportation Tech. so that you could think about whatever you're thinking later when you have a more rested body and mind.
    I got over this around thrid period (10 AM) and finally started going through my regular mentality.
    In fourth period Geometry with the coolest teacher in the world, Ms. Kim, we decided to pull a prank on her.
    You see, in Four Period Math, you have the second lunch block out of four lunches in the entire hour and a half long class. One of the students said after lunch to meet up in a different hall and not show up to class. Evenutally the entire class got together in the one hall we planned to be in, and we deicded to roam around.
    Going downstairs, walking pass a couple classes, trying not to look obvious, we went back up, see if she was around...
    BOOM! She turns the corner quick and throws her hands up in the air in a 'OMG!' fashion of disbelief. Couldn't stop laughing.
    (SHUT UP STUPID LIGHTNING! Its raining outside. Thor is having a fine day...)
    There was plenty of talk after we got in the class and how we 'owned her so bad' as she stated.
    Had to blog that out of my system...
    Well, time to get some sleep. I'm conquering sleep diprivation pretty well so far, but that can change...
    Night guys. I'm glad the the BlogAlert has a sense of humor.
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