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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    You know the Ol' Joe Dirt saying,"Life a Garden, Dig It" and if its truth, my life needs some weed killer at the moment because those flowers are dying.
    I'll be straight, my life is bad. Those flowers represented what made me happy. The Yellow Tulips are my family. Loving, caring, teaching me the right ways of things, and how to avoid the wrong. They guided me through the garden, and pointed out the weeds to pick out.
    The White Flowers, they are my friends. I enjoyed every second be with them and they are scattered throughout my garden. They are like my second family. The lessons I learned, and the happiness brought from them.
    The Violets, oh The Violets. They are my friends and mutual parthers on BZPower. They bring me up when I'm down. They let me speak without my mouth, they bring enjoyment when I'm lonely, and the helped me become a man.
    But something has become wrong. My father is now a weed and has become entangled in this Vine-Like Weed. It squeezes the life out of each flower in its deadly growing path.
    My Tulips are bending down by the weight of sorrow.
    Most of My White Flowers have withered away, and have become weeds tangled in with the Vine.
    The Violets are disappearing. I don't know what happened to them. Maybe uprooted, but they're gone.
    The Vine has crawed its way towards me. I feel the real me slipping, and my petals are falling off.
    The Vine is my bad luck. The Vine is my bad influence. The Vine is a demon.
    The Vine is destroying this garden.
    I have yet to feel the wet, cool taste of fresh water help me grow strong and resistance to The Vine of Destruction has brought me to my current standing in the garden. A dying plant.
    I am a Thief. I am a Liar. I am a Traitor.
    People think of me as a Saint. But how could they if I'm tangled in The Vine of Destruction?

  2. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    No, I'm not feeling good.
    No, not happy.
    Just got a detention for my new short fuse on swears.
    Really wish God could add extra hours to the night so I can get as much sleep as I need. This sleep deprived state is driving me to the point of me becoming a rude, sinful #######.
    I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance.
  3. Arch-Angel
    Today went off well. Aside from my teacher repeatedly and seriously telling me and y friend that we suck (we weren't doing our work because our brains were on sleep mode as you can say) it was fine.
    I come home at 4:30 PM after getting off the late bus. I didn't bring my cell phone because I'm not accustomed to it yet. Mom and sister were a bit annoyed wondering where I was.
    The day went on, I've beaten the first Kingdom Hearts using a walkthrough a couple days ago and have moved on to Kingdom Hearts 2. Played that for an hour or two (could be three?) as I didn't have any homework. Quite an entertaining game might I say.
    Around 9 o'clock, my mother and I decide to watch The Bourne Ultimatum and I say good movie.
    After brushing my teeth, I step out the bathroom door. I give my mom a hug and a kiss as notice that she's about to cry. Obvisously I'm curious as to why but didn't ask because for all I knew, she did this every night.
    I'm shutting off the lights in our apartment and was about to say good night to my sister.
    She calls me over.
    On the internet, there is this Brazilian Web Profile Site, and on it was a picture of my sister's friend's church all together taking pictures.
    Then I see my father.
    Then I see the 9-year-old boy.
    Then I see the woman he left us for.
    With his arm around her.
    My sister has watery eyes.
    I know my mom is crying right now.
    Yet why do I have little emotion? I am emotionally stronger?
    I have been through the same battles, I have been through the same pain. I've cried in bed praying to God for things to get better.
    But right now, I feel some anger, some disappointment.
    But I do not know why I have no true emotions flowing. That is why my anger is rising, becaue I can't cry with them. I feel like a monster. I feel like a beast.
    I feel ashamed of my existance.

  4. Arch-Angel
    Ah... Tuesday.
    One of the many vains of my existance.
    Missed school today, last night was long, and I don't want to get into it.
    All day on the computer, and for some reason, BZP refuses to entertain.
    In other news...

    Also, introducing my new soda, Brazil's Finest...

    Good day, everyone. Unfortunately, its Tuesday.

  5. Arch-Angel
    Based off mostly the flow from the beginning of "I Never Told You What I Do For A Living" by My Chemical Romance.
    Open up your mouth
    I just want to hear you
    Why'd I think I knew you?
    Continue talking, why don't you
    Hide your face cause
    The truth hurts, you know
    Going on, speaking slow
    But to hear what you say
    From other people
    Ruins my day
    Sometimes I want to stop
    Why lose my hearing for a day?
    I never want to hear what you say
    Ever again
    Only smack of coming out of the big mouth of yours
    Lord only knows how many wars
    You have caused
    How many hopes been shattered
    How many souls been battered
    From just the words that passed
    Out your lips
    Sometimes I wonder what handicaps are really missing out
    Because without a doubt
    They can't hear what you
    talk about
  6. Arch-Angel
    Wait... what?
    Its Thursday?
    My biological clock in so messed up right now. Yesterday, I thought it was Tuesday, the day I hate especially. Why? I haven't talked to Bionigirl in what feels like two weeks when actually two days.
    But the second-worse thing about yesterday was Amatuer Wrestling Practice.
    I was still sore from the first practice. My thighs and my butt hurt when I go upstairs, downstairs, walking, getting up, trying to sit down, and move out of the way of people in the hallways. Today's even worse. More sore, more pain, etc.
    In practice, we got to do combat, which basically means we go up against either our partner or a chosen partner. I get graduated-from-High-School-last-year-with plenty of expericence Assistant Coach. The way you had to win was first person to get to thrity points would win. The you would gets points is by either getting both of the opponent's hands on the mat (2 points) or get them to pass the line on the mat. He overpowered me trice times (thats three) to get me passed the line and got my hands on the ground twice. Equals 7 points to... 0. I wrestled for 20 long minutes and lost. They reason he got me off the mat the last two times was the fact I was more exhausted, I was even more sore, and definitely not at 100%, though he noticed the I worked out a bit considering I held my ground well.
    Half of me considered quitting the team, and the other half cussed myself out and told myself that I've only had two days of practice so far, and to suck it up. So I took my insults and advice.
    Got home via ride from mom's co-worker, and within an hour, after a shower, turning on the computer, doing my sister's laundry for her and about to go downstairs to get her boyfriend in the lobby, my body said, "Nap time."
    ...So I wake up at 11:30 PM. First I though it was morning and I missed the most part of school, said "Whatever" and then looked out my window. No sunshine.
    Dang it!
    I didn't miss school, but I didn't have any BZP time or AIM time in case Bionigirl came on. I got some dinner, went online for 15 minutes, brushed my teeth, and hit the sack again.
    Wasted day... and today does not look any bit as promising.
    Did I mention Saturday Practice at 1-4?
    I miss Karley...
    Sad, tired, and somewhat regretting to have such a enthusiastic, unenthusiastic personality...
  7. Arch-Angel
    Today... Black Friday...
    All I got was two more things to add to my Christmas/Birthday List (B-Day on Dec. 19th) and I want a Diet Pepsi, and a 2007 Dodge Charger R/T Radio Control scale 1:6 (meaning it six times smaller than actual car) that mp3 player adaptable. Would look beautiful, and not to mention fun to play with in my room, apartment, apartment floor, parking lot, garage, the highway (maybe not) or any other flat surfaces.
    Thing is, its 80 bucks.
    But that shall not bring me down!
    Another thing, Black Friday is a hoax. All they were actually selling were fake Christmas trees at 200 and 300 bucks. Thats my week's pay full time back in the summer! Only thing I got on sale was the book 'I Am Legend' that was made into a movie by Will Smith (Coming out Dec. 14th), and I hear it follows the book accurately enough, unlike 'I,Robot' (which the book sucked) and I got me a Hot Wheel's 99 cent Dodge Charger SRT8 1:64 just to make me feel better.
    Anywho, whats truly ticking me off is the live event in Boston on Dec. 11th. Its WWE Smackdown! and ECW on the same night, and three tickets are 155 bucks! Should've bought them this morning when they were closer and cheaper!
    Around this time of year, all that matter is the money...
    Gotta find a job...


  8. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I left BZP and my blog for a while. I needed some time. Time to live by myself in the world and to take in all the change.
    There was a lot of change.
    Homecoming by Green Day.
  9. Arch-Angel
    Basically what I yelled continiously facing my 300-pound partner. Today we cut down a bit on the excerise and did combat moves, and then combat.
    The pressures of life had me thinking. All I had to do for wrestling to be an asset to the team, which is hard. 100 bucks to stay, can't get a job, and I got to be there every weekday and all.
    I wanted to quit.
    I talked to the assistant coach I went up against (last entry) and told him. He said to stick around for this practice and if it was to be my last, to make it good. So I did.
    As practice moved along, I'm paired with one of the few heavweights. I'm in weight class 215, and I am exactly 215 pounds. He's 300 pounds.
    So the combat moves require lifting the opponent up a bit to get them off their feet and their back on the mat.
    So I'm slammed down 15 times getting crushed...
    Most painful injuries was just the burns of sliding on the mat a bit. Others include my elbow getting under my back and landing on just my ribs.
    "Come around!" Shouts my coach.
    We get there.
    He starts reading his paper. He thinks for a while.
    "Combat! If you want to leave, then leave! I only need 14 guys for a team!"
    Kind of felt something directed towards me.
    I stayed. I wasn't going to let a 300 pound freshman leave without having some fight inside of me unleashed.
    Constantly being pushed over the line, I've unleashed the animal in me and slammed the wall hard with my hand. I know he was winning. I know I didn't have a chance to get to win. It was 20-0.
    He pushed me out another two times, then I finally I got my elbow right to his face to back him up passed the line.
    1 point.
    "Whats the score?" He asked, breathing hard.
    "Who cares? You win, I lose."
    Going back to the center of the circle, we go at it again. Once we broke up, I charged for a hard push, he held his ground, and gave a hard push as I was in mid-run.
    I hugged my ribs. My back hit the ground hard. He won. It was 10 points to get the person on the mat entirely, and he did. I got up, he patted me on my back with his sweaty hand, and the loser (me) went go do 50 pull ups.
    A fellow wrestler held me feet and told me how to get a harder workout from it, and helped me up.
    After getting a drink of water, I got a few nods from other teammates and shook hands with a teammate who's become a friend to me.
    I told my assistant coach I'm staying. Being an underdog is my place. A disadvantage is what drives me. Whther its height, skill, or weight (mostly height and weight), a fighting spirit goes on.
    Called my mom, tell her First-Year/Freshman practice is over, hanged out at the entrance, and listened to my music.
    As the rap on the radio played on, I liked the remix, but also started thinking about things.
    I haven't talked to Karley in a while. I had been crushed and man-handled by someone 300 pound freshman who nearly fractured a few of my bones, and I sucked it in when I hurt my ribs, which weren't . I have trouble walking because my legs still sore. I don't know if I can keep my grades up. I want to go home.
    I couldn't tell why. I just started crying. It got me really thinking. I can't tell why myself.
    What triggered it?

  10. Arch-Angel
    Omi has your blog approval.
    Anywho, today proved really funny.
    I'm taking the test for the second day in a row. Its a three day test on Lingo Arts (English) and we got to the easy part. Multiple choice and short answer response.
    Let me recall what we had... hmm...
    In no particular order:
    Things Are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan
    Another song by Bob Dylan
    Parts of the following books:
    Black Boy
    Invisible Man
    And an article on Indepent Inventors of toys.
    It was enjoyable mostly. Frankenstien looks to be a book I might actually read.
    Well, you see, though I got a good night's sleep (not bad... 1:30 AM) and I felt better today. I was going to grab a part of sunglasses I got from New York out of my mom's car, but I decided it would only drain time considering it was 6:52 and the bus is usually here at 6:55.
    I get to school, receive my test, finish section one...
    You see, I didn't feel like going to Health class. There's a cute girl that finds me worth talking to, and I have to resist the temptation. I don't think there is any girl out there that can give me as much purity of affectionate love than Bionigirl. I can't even swear to her. Swearing is a problem I have, and around her... I'm rated G.
    So I snoozin' for about what my friend says about 45 minutes (I asked her to wake me up everytime I slept) and she woke me up three times, each time more ticked off than previously. It was quite entertaining.
    After two hours (one of which I slept through) I went down to the Library.
    Now remember that 'purposely' up there?
    Thats because we're excused from class and it was early release (out at 1 PM).
    So I head straight to the library, wanting to get it over with...
    I take my seat near the door because the other tables are full.
    I turn my head towards the entrance door and start laughing.
    Kids are POURING into the library for the sole purpose of cutting class LEGALLY. I guess-timate about 200 students were in the library at the time. Most were relocated to classrooms without a class at the time. One was Mr. McNeill's. Pretty sure he had a field day [/sarcasm].
    I couldn't help but laugh more to find out this town did the same thing in the eigth grade.
    That must've made my day, 'cause Tom noted I was suprisingly in a good mood ever since.
    Gotta love legal skipping...

  11. Arch-Angel
    Movie: Rush Hour 3
    Run Time: USA-90 minutes
    Rated: PG-13
    The duo are back in the action comedy film 'Rush Hour 3' with a load of action and more laughs than you can handle. Seriously, some people clapped at the One-Liners brought by Chris Tucker and people were loving the action brought by Jackie Chan. Watching this film, you can't help but laugh at the quick responses James Carter gives. High Fiving a nun, and getting into fights he should know to avoid by now.
    Jackie Chan gave some laughs also, but were hillarious! Swearing to a nun to suggesting a dirty movie, you couldn't resist to laugh. And when you saw him in action, I couldn't help but continue thinking 'He does his own stunts'. Amazing actor, even if his accent is as thick as my father's.
    You will truly agreed into calling it the funniest one of all three.
    And never forget the outtakes.
    Lee: You are not my brother!
    Carter: I'm not your brother huh? After all we've been through? ... Rush Hour 1, Rush Hour 2?
    The best 90 minutes I've had with a movie.

  12. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This one obviously goes out to my man VanillaToads (thats my name for him) since this entry.
    Hey Jude don't let me down
    You have found her now go and get her...
    Hey Jude (Across the Universe version) by The Beatles (sung by Joe Anderson)
  13. Arch-Angel
    I should listen to Taki more often. I got more friends, I'm still not findng my way around school, but hey...
    Oh, and my grades might rise.
    Geometry makes sense to me. Before, I was dealing with Geometry from 20 years ago (that Cousulor said he hasn't seen that kind of Geometry since then) and now I'm ACTUALLY DOING MATH. With numbers!
    I'm going to join the Wrestling Team in the Middle Weight Devision. The coach said they need more Middle Weights, so he's proud to see me join. I'm putting my A-Game into it.
    Evenutally it'll all come crashing down. I haven't been to church since I moved, and knowing me, I wn't handle it well at all without my God.
    Thanks for cheering me up guys, hoping for a bright future!
  14. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade is a great album. In fact my favorite.
    They make the most depressing kind of subjects fun songs to listen to.
    For example, the catchy and song of the day:
    Dead! by My Chemical Romance.
  15. Arch-Angel
    Pain of a Loved One's Death Isn't Their's To Bear 
    On hot summer days,
    I feel cold, left astray,
    Whatever hope I had was shattered,
    Every possible path I could take didn't matter,
    I missed her, still do,
    I promised to be forever true,
    Talking with her, I could never swear nor lie,
    Now I feel unclean, ready to die,
    An unhappy death, with my sorrow and pain,
    Rather stop living than become insane,
    Rather never feel the touch of love again,
    Stay in this domain, bound in the chains,
    Of my heavy heart, so tired to continue anymore,
    Please God, this request, don't ignore,
    Strike me now with illness, lightning,
    I don't care!
    I wish to be in heaven so I may run my hands,
    Through her hair,
    But life never is that way, is it Lord?
    So I'll continue this path I do abhor,
    Unfortunately, I'll never forget,
    The love I have for her I'll never regret,
    And continue to live through death and death,
    Until I finally, happily take my final breath.
  16. Arch-Angel
    Hope you have a great one. Sorry I didn't call you, mom wanted to see if we could have dinner together (her paying). I think she's getting around to forgiving you, 'cause she wants to stop calling you different names like 'the Jay Ay Arr Kay' and all.
    What are you, like 44 now? I dunno, you keep joking about how you've been 38 for an x amount of years. 39 in this case? I haven't a clue.
    Its been a month and a half since the whole... thing.
    Well, maybe Christmas I'll see you. Maybe never at all. Maybe until the day I stand over your body as it lays in the coffin, or you stand over mine. Whatever God plans out. It won't be a happy day; surely I'll be angry and bitter, but not for what you have done, but for the fact we couldn't spend the last years of our lives in good terms, as friends, as family, as a father and son.
    I'd buy you a Pepsi with the 'buy one get one free' cap, but eh... we kinda...
    Don't talk.
    At all.
    Happy birthday dad. Hopefully you'll read this if I die first.
    Well, got that off my chest. *sigh* Feel better now.
  17. Arch-Angel
    I've faced this question with my mom plenty of times.
    "Why do you have a blog? Can't you have a journal? Diary?"
    Thats tough to answer. Not because I have don't have an answer, but because it's complicated and emotional.
    Before I was going to type my first blog entry, I looked over other blogs. A lot of it is freedom of expression.
    And by that, I mean randomness. Exo and Spitty being the two front-runners. In my mind, they are the unoffical comedians of this enormous forum. Its amazing how I much I chuckle at their jokes as they see one thing, make it a joke the next. I remember after Chii made a topic sparking a huge flame war with him just dominating the members in the arguement using their own fire. It, of course, was closed. I go Chii's profile, I laugh with him. Then I see at the bottom where Exo commented:
    Could stop laughing.
    Another thing I saw were discussions on the sets and storyline. Plenty talk, but not my cup of tea. Why? I grew out of it, and I don't even like Ice Tea for that matter.
    Though I believe I saw one serious blog. I believe it was Lady Kopaka going on abot her life. A few comments, but I knew she was popular.
    So I made a choice.
    Either I make a blog on my life and the things that haunt it, or I decide to make others laugh.
    I tried random. I wanted to become a popular member, like Exo and Spitty. I wanted to fit in, I wanted to make others laugh.
    I couldn't feel it.
    The words that I typed weren't real. They weren't who I am. They didn't say who I was, what I am, what I wanted to be, what I was, what I've done, what I saw, what I expericenced, what I felt, what I had to let out.
    This is the outcome.
    Hey, I may not be popular, but I sure felt better after that.
    So to answer the question as to why I use a blog instead of a journal or a diary, is simple.
    A journal and diaries are written thoughts only accessable to the world. A blog is a journal or a diary that is given to the world to read. To release thoughts. To say what can't be said.
    Well, to me anyways.
  18. Arch-Angel
    I had plans for the blog that I completely forgot, and the days without BZP have been a bore...
    So, my B-day (Wednesday, the 19th) went well I guess. Got 100 bucks, and so far got a Hollister Shirt and American Eagle Sweatshirt. Had some Ice Cream Cake and all, watched a movie, would've spend the day on BZP, but EVERY YEAR something happens to me or BZP that refuses my access to it.
    Last year, I went to New York City, and the only place I could find with internet was a Burger King near Ground Zero.
    Before that, big virus on my computer.
    AND before that, somehow my entire internet froze.
    Well, at least I'll have Christmas here.
    Interview with Omi soon to be posted, maybe Song of the Day,

  19. Arch-Angel
    To say this man made a significant difference in my life today is an understatement by all means.

    Today marks the 40th anniversary of his death as he walked out of his room in the Lorraine Motel April 4th, 1968.

    Towards the end of his last speech given the day before, named 'I've Been to the Mountaintop', he said the following which seemed to have foreshadowed his impending death.

    King's last words on the balcony were to musician Ben Branch (no relation to Taylor Branch) who was scheduled to perform that night at an event King was attending:

    Take My Hand, Precious Lord written by Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey

  20. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I always wondered when the day would come. When the day that a member would pass. I saw that day as distant. As if it as wasn't gonna come. I saw myself as the first to go, only after I've distanced myself from BZP so I wouldn't break a heart. That the other amigos I knew onlinewold think that I grew away from BZP, grew up a decent life living day after day, and ended up in a cubical pulling off a scam from the movie "Office". Thats how I wish it'd woul be with any bad news.
    It makes you wonder.
    I does.
    I wonder. I knew a boy by the name of Alex. 8-years-old, lived here in my state. I believe his BZP name was 'Alex the Matoran'. He guest starred in my first and pobably last comedy 'Bionicle Dodgeball'. Alays used him for slap-stick comedy. He loved it.
    Then one day, he stopped posting. Not slowly leavin, as in he posted a few times a day and then poof. Pulled a Hodini.
    Everytime I think of my past in BZP, I think of Alex. I think of what became of him. He was eight years old. What eight year old would forget Bionicle and BZP in 24 hours?
    I tried to think, "Well, you don't know if that happened, Jonny Boy."
    But you'd have to wonder right?
    Death has never ran well with me. I look forward to my own, yet never will except others. Then makes you wonder again. Grief.
    Grief of others.
    To make one sad is pain enough. To never say sorry again...
    Sorry if I put thoughts in your head.
    I'll make you all a promise:
    THE DAY I LEAVE BZPOWER IS THE DAY I DIE. BZP will shut down or run dry of members, or ban me before I go. And if I happen to want to leave BZP, you'll all know about it either in a blog entry or a will-be-closed topic soon to be flushed away in the deep dead posts of CoT.
    I keep my word.
    Beliwa, you opened many eyes throughout BZP onto reality. To some you reopened.
    Run It Back Again by Corbin Bleu

  21. Arch-Angel
    I miss a lot of things.
    I miss working. The sun's rays coming down on me as I sweat my butt off doing landscaping, even if its simple weeds. Sweating going down my face as the day peaks at a hot 90 degrees...
    I miss the money I earned. Eight dollars an hour and no taxes in between because its somewhat under the table. My dad would get the check and cash it in, hand me about 300 dollars and I feel upper class for five minutes. Fifteen twenty dollar bills? It feels great.
    I miss having lunch with a lunch box. A sandwich made with turkey, ham, mayo, the works, and most of all, mom's love.
    I miss learning how to do things. How to make walls, how to lift heavy objects carefully, how to fix the small problems before they become big.
    I miss waiting for the day to end so I can come back home and go online to talk to friends. The anticipation for the weekend, the two days I have to spend with who I want if I can (so the weather chooses).
    I miss my dad.
    I miss him.
    I don't know why. I know I love him. I can admit that thanks to Necro in this entry.
    I guess ever since I yelled at him, its been let out. Like I actually have forgiven him. Maybe because I've been bottling it up this entire time and with it, a grudge.
    I think...
    I think I'm going to apologize for what I said to him.
  22. Arch-Angel
    This started out as a simple discussion yesterday that somewhere in the middle ended up as an interview.
    NOTE: He wanted me to correct his chat-speak for this one.

    Just so you know, Toaraga PMed me.
    Speaking of the Moderator, Toaraga's B-Day is.... TODAY!

  23. Arch-Angel
    Two nights ago, around 1 AM, I listened to Dusk and Summer by Dashboard Confessional, and I decided the only way I was going to sleep is if I write a poem.
    This goes out to anyone who's lost the person they cared for, the person that made them breath in happiness and breath out all the pain, the person they loved.

    She kissed your lips,
    And she hugged you tight,
    She ran her fingers through your hair,
    And whispered, '"It will be right."
    She meant some day,
    You'll be together,
    The months will come and go,
    But you won't wait forever.
    That plane took off,
    Your heart went with it,
    You kept her words like a treasure,
    That no gold or silver could ever measure.
    You got her letters,
    She missed you dearly,
    Even in the cold winter days,
    Her love for you never went weary.
    You seen other girls,
    All different types,
    But you never faltered,
    In each lonely night.
    It was nearly a year,
    And not a word since September,
    Then you got the news,
    It happened the seventeenth of November.
    It's easy to die,
    When you don't have to stay,
    To watch him weep,
    Because you passed away.
    He leaves you a rose every year,
    At the place of your first kiss,
    You both were nervous that day,
    And your lips nearly missed.
    That day you promised,
    When you both were dead,
    You'd stay not on Earth,
    But in Heaven instead.
    And he grew old,
    Through the sands of time,
    So he could whisper in your ear,
    "I am yours, and you are mine."
    And you got married,
    At the Pearly Gates,
    Jesus told you two,
    "It was written in your Fates."
  24. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    When I was thinking about what song could possibly fit the day before Election Day, I sprang to my Zune Software Player and searched. Luckily I have the Across The Universe soundtrack on here (sorry if you original Beetles luvors hate it) but I think this song works out best.
    Revolution by The Beetles (Across The Universe version).
  25. Arch-Angel
    In school right now... its 8:08 AM here and today is going to a breeze with my school schedule. Study now, History (favorite), Spanish 2 (zzzz...), Gym, English.
    Still not used to the 5-period process, old school in my hometown had 6-period.
    Anyways, the proxy to go on the WWE Homepage ain't workin'... hmm...
    Got one that works now...
    Oh! News Time!
    A NEW Las Caras/Los Dudes!

    And in other news, Brittney Spears finally lost custody of her kids and visitation privledges.
    If I had the chioce, would've given the kids to K-Fed the second this pic came up.

    Apparently Dr. Phil came by to tell us something we all thought months ago.
    "She needs medical and phychological help."
    Happy Monday everyone, tomorrow's Tuesday and you know how I feel about those...
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