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Blog Entries posted by T-Hybrid

  1. T-Hybrid
    So I picked up Chrono Trigger for the DS just before Thanksgiving. Despite my long time love of gaming, I never actually played Chrono Trigger when it was first released for the Super Nintendo so many years ago. This is mostly because I didn't get into RPGs until Final Fantasy X for the Playstation 2. But getting back to Chrono, so far it's been a blast. The story and characters have been very interesting, and the battle system is a good mix of classic Magic/Tech use and Active Time (similar to FFIV or FFX-2).
    I highly recommend it to ANY RPG fan who owns a DS, though I admit it's probably pretty hard to find one who's never played this.
    Also, Frog is the man. That is all.
  2. T-Hybrid
    This is just too cool. The new Transformers movie can't come fast enough...
    I hear rumors that the actual figure is going to be about 2 ft tall. Will apparently be sold as one unit, likely upwards of $70. And I can't help but want it....badly.
  3. T-Hybrid
    There's a party at the Haven. After having played Pokemon since Red first launched so many years ago, I finally...after having two previous failures...have caught my first Shiny Pokemon. First it was a Rattata that I accidentally fainted in Silver. Then a Pidgey that used Whirlwind in Leaf Green. But this time, this time I was ready.
    While training in the Tower south of Solaceon in Diamond, a Green Zubat popped up. Thankfully I had my Lvl 63 Luxray in the lead. So all it took was a Quick Balll and I was good to go. Needless to say I saved IMMEDIATELY after. So now I have a Green Zubat. I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but it's there. And it's MINE!
    So break out the spirited beverages and the pixie stix. ViceGreymon's letting everybody in today!
  4. T-Hybrid
    Got out and saw Cloverfield yesterday. It was a very entertaining movie, with a good story, characters, and one heck of a monster. But my enjoyment of the film was hindered by the overly abundant use of shaky cam. See, the whole movie is shot from one person's handheld camera...similar to the amatuer style of Blair Witch. So while the chaos unfolds on screen, I (as well as other moviegoers) were holding back their lunch. I had originally planned to get something to eat prior to going, and I sincerely believe had I don so I would've lost it right there in the theater. So take that warning seriously...it's not easy on the stomach.
    The movie itself, story and whatnot, is a blast. From the moment the attack starts to the end of the movie, you're left on the edge of your seat wondering just what's going on and what caused it all. There are answers hidden amongst the movie, and yes you do see the monster several times in more than just flashes.
    I highly recommend it, but make sure to bring some Dramamine.
  5. T-Hybrid
    My car turned 100,000 on the drive home from campus. It's an '86 Acura Integra that my grandparents gave me when I got my license. It's starting to show it's age a bit, but hopefully it can last a few years while I put some money together for a new car.
    When that happens? I'll probably pass the old girl on to my sister. Until then, she needs new brakes and a new antenna. But aside from that everything else in the car is still good.
    Happy Easter weekend everybody!
  6. T-Hybrid
    In the past, I've done topics on suggestions, and when I saw this over in Omi's Rush I couldn't help but think that it was a pretty sweet idea. So after getting his permission to borrow the idea I decided to go ahead and hold a Q/A session of my own in celebration of 100 entries.
    I've also unvieled a new Blue-Vice image...which I'm thinking will work like a "header" for the most recent entry. If it all works according to plan. So go ahead and ask away, I'll answer what I can as best I can. This is your chance to find out what makes me tick (please, no open heart surgery).
  7. T-Hybrid
    I actively sought out spoilers this time around. So I've seen the pics, and I know the names. And I'm quite intriqued. I can't go into many details without posting spoilers, so I won't. But I'm excited for what these sets may mean for the story in 08...even if it goes against something we had been promised for a long time.
    Though there are a few pieces missing that are leaving me a bit confused at the moment. Hopefully those'll get filled in once the '08 storyline officially kicks in. But let me just say that LEGO may be in for an unexpected reaction to these new sets. And the new sets may divide people to the same degree as the Inika did when they were first introduced.
  8. T-Hybrid
    With MLK Day on Monday, I get a 3-day weekend from work. Time will likely be spent finishing Persona 4 for PS2, and putting some quality time with Rock Band 2 after a month or so away (Chrono Trigger and Persona 4)...after that I have no idea. It's just nice to get a breather from time to time.
  9. T-Hybrid
    The summer days are flying by at too quick a pace to even realize what's going on around me. In a few weeks, I'll be in my apartment preparing to graduate from college. I'll be on the job hunt, and quite possibly moving to some new state. But through all the changes that have come in my life...there has remained one constant.
    BZP has marched on.
    2001 seems so very long ago, but I remember the first day I joined a little community out in the middle of no-web. It was Bionicle Zone at the time, and only had 20 or 30 members tops. I remember following a chain of links...starting at what was a downed Xitan's, to a rival site which shall remain nameless. I followed a random link, and found myself here.
    I was 16 at the time, and had never been a member of an online community before. But something about BZ felt right. It was just getting started, had a small group, and everybody seemed nice. Heck, it was linked off of a site called RedDimension...and the topic of the day was a slide puzzle of the creator and his daughter (I really hope I remembered that correctly).
    There were a few threads on custom designs people had built. Proudly I started a thread displaying Whiringa Toa, my first MOC. Being the newbie I was, I tried to link the pictures from my home computer. Thankfully the one and only Staffer at the time helped me out, and in time I was posting pictures of all my creations. And though I've matured over the years...my MOC skills seem to have stuck at the point I was all those years ago.
    Thankfully though, I can credit BZP with helping me develope my netiquette. There are a few other forums I visit. BZP is without a doubt the largest, but out of all of them it's also the friendliest. Though one would expect a forum based on a toy would have such a community...I could easily show you examples where that isn't the case. And all of that can be attributed to the staff members that have come, gone, or stayed throughout BZP's history.
    I remember when I was offered a posistion on the staff as moderator of General Discussion. I remember being put on the staff in charge of the growing Completely Off Topic (which at one point was home to "Bionicle After Hours"...BZP's once and former Nightclub). Ah yes, Rahi Master. One of my best buddies on this forum. The two of us cause quite a it of havoc in our day....quite possibly being part of the reason that CoT no longer counts towards post counts. Anybody who was around in those days can tell you about "Word Association" in all it's glory.
    Rahi Master and I were also behind the Follower Fiasco. What started as a joke between a handful of users expanded into one of BZP's first big fads. Soon the Staff made special accomidations and rules to allow for people to be Leaders and Followers. Then just as quickly as it had taken off, it was ended...and we were shown what should've been viewed as a warning of things to come.
    I was on the Staff assigned to the Clubs Forum, too. Anybody remember that? I don't remember how long it lasted...but similar to Leaders and Followers...the Clubs only seemed to seperate and isolate members from one another more and more. I don't recall the details, but I remember the headache. And soon, Clubs went the way of Followers.
    There was the DTotA (Dark Toa of the Apocalypse), one of BZ's first group projects. In it's early days, the members of the time combined their writing, building, and creative processes to name, design, and assign powers to a team of Toa based on the Four Horsemen. It was honored during BBC's 7th Contest
    From it's early days on BZ...to BZC...and then BZP, this forum has evolved into the cornerstone of the Bionicle universe. It was the fans of this forum that got the Vahi back into the story. We've even witnessed as our fellow members have gone on to become staff on the actual Bionicle team.
    The names and faces may change throughout the years, but the constants will always be there. The sets, the story, and the overall creative spark that the toyline and this forum have seemed to bring about are noticeable. Compare MOCs today to those in BZ's early days. It's almost impossible to think that something like this could've happened.
    When I first learned of Bionicle, I expected it to eventually wind up like the Throwbots and the Roboriders. But something went differently with LEGO's third try. And I'd like to think that we here at BZP were part of that something.
    So to all the members, young and old, Staff or otherwise, veteran or newbie....congratulations all. It's been five great years. And with the Inika trickling into stores...and teases of what lay ahead, it looks as though LEGO and Bionicle are giving us enough to keep on trucking for years to come.
    On a more personal note: to LtJ, melvin, Matoro, and RM. The Alliance may have long since faded from the forum...and who knows how many of you I'll hear from again. But I want you to know that I'll never forget the fun times we had.
    And because I'm old enough now, here's a toast to the good ol' days. Along with it, a moment of silence for BAH.
    Somewhere out there, there are pixie sticks being eaten...and the DJ is playing on.
  10. T-Hybrid
    I was just about ready to make a decision, and was set to hop in my car to pick up a copy...when an old friend paid me a visit.
    I'm talking about Mr. My Car Won't Start. After a few unsuccessful attempts to turn the key, followed by the inability to get a jump from anybody, poor little T's Car was toed over to the shop and put up on the lift. The problem? Alternator's shot. Took the battery with it too. Thankfully I had just purchased the battery, so it was covered under warranty. But the alternator was another story. I haven't paid the $360 yet (mostly because the car is still in the shop this morning), but it's effectively made up my mind on a lot of things. Namely, instead of getting either Final Fantasy V or VI...I'm getting neither.
    Runner up was FFVI. And had my car not gone out I probably would've been getting FFV after my next payday. Not taking a third party into consideration, the best way to solve indecisiveness is the Yankee-way. And by that I mean just buy yourself out of a jam.
  11. T-Hybrid
    The Blue-Vice is relunctantly proud to introduce its newest member:

    Name: Kouki
    Digimon: BioThunderbirmon
    Evolution-Style: Hyper Bio-Evolution (Self)
    First Appearance: Digimon Savers: Episode 27

    Backstory: Little is known about Kouki, the apparent leader of Kurata's gang of Bio-Digimon. With his two allies Nanami and Ivan, Kouki fights against Masaru and his team of Savers. His custom iC allows him to take on his Digimon form, though at this time it's unknown which is Kouki's true self.
  12. T-Hybrid
    Big news for anybody who enjoys mowing through Chinese samurai or Japanese feudal warlords, as Koei has officially confirmed that Musou Orochi is coming stateside as Orochi Warriors! I've been a fan of the Warriors series since I played Dynasty Warriors 3 on my friends PS2. There's actually a Gundam Musou game on the PS3 which is supposedly the best iteration of the franchise to date. But since my getting a PS3 isn't in the cards for a while, I'm going to be enjoying the heck outta this new game.
    As the title of the blog suggests, every character from the two series will be back in this one (unfortunately excluding Nu Wa and my personal favorite Fu Xi). Also, Orochi himself along with Daji (who I guess is a Fox Goddess with ties to Nu Wa) will be joining the rosters, bring the total count to a whopping 79 characters. Take that Mortal Kombat: Armaggeddon!
    From reviews I've read, there are some notable omissions, namely any kind of CAW or the above mentioned godly duo. But since each character plays their own unique way, I'm willing to look the other way on this one. That is, until the likely expansion game (Xtreme Legends or Empires) is released.
    What's the story of this game? Honestly, I couldn't tell you. It has something to do with Orochi messing with the timeline, and the two sets of warriors meet, take sides, and begin to fight with/against each other. The coolest part is that you'll be able to enter battle with teams of three. That is, you'll control one character while two more wait in "reserve" and can be hotswapped in or out even in mid-combo.
    This means pirates and ninjas will at last work side by side. Though I couldn't figure out who the third member of that party would be.
  13. T-Hybrid
    Today's sort of an off-day in my life. The Twins are playing in about five minutes, and I've got some packing to do before the weekend. In the meantime, I've got some fic planning to do, and a bit of money managment to take care of. In short terms, today's entry is just a quick summation of what's going on.
    Fic News:
    After a few years, I've finally completed The Alliance. Don't think it's delays are indicitive of what another Epic would go through. I made the mistake of not taking notes of where I was going during The Alliance, so it sorta got lost a few times along the way and I need to take some time to get it back on track. In other fic news, I've entered Epics Contest #5. If you're interested, feel free to take a look at my entry. The requirements for the contest ended up sliding nicely into something I have wanted to do for a while.
    Inuva News:
    I've come to the conclusion that the Inuva is a story that must be told. And I've secretly been in the planning stages for the last week or so. What does this mean for you? Well, if all goes well...I should have a sneak peek at the fic by this Friday. If it's anything, it'll be a prolouge. I'm really excited by what's coming together as I'm jotting notes. As things get going, I may post scans of the writings I've been making...making the Inuva Section a potential author's commentary.
    Site News:
    My website hasn't been updated in a while, mostly because the system that lets me upload to the campus server appears to be malfunctioning right now. There's some stuff on my home PC that will get uploaded once I'm on campus (as in a few days). The comic has been sorta on a hiatus, as I've been strapped creatively trying to finish The Alliance and brainstorming for the Inuva. Expect it to get kicked off once I'm back in classes...as it's usually there that I get inspiration.
    Party News:
    Thanks to those who stopped by the house party on Monday. But whoever it was that used the bathroom last, thanks for not cleaning up. Makuta's still complaining about cheating during Tic Tac Throw, and Takanuva is starting to suspect somebod messed with his Ussanui. The rest went off without a hitch though. Schizo's Pirate Piñata was a hit, Lariska ended up breaking it open and was pleased with the contents. Though she did suggest next time to include some poison with which to dip them in.
    Well, that will wrap it up for today's...wrap-up. Stay tuned in the next few days for a potential exciting peek into the world of the Inuva. And also to see if I manage to come up with a title for the dang thing between now and then.
  14. T-Hybrid
    Since the revelation that the MSRP of the Mistika would be $12.99...there's been talk back and forth as to just how crazy LEGO may have become. The argument I hear is that the price is justifed by the "ever rising price per piece". Another is that sets have been increasing in piece, thus the need to adjust the price.
    So I got to thinking, just what exactly has the average price per piece been for the various Toa? And how does the overall piece count compare from year to year? I found the results to be quite surprising.

    I'll make an important note: These prices are not adjusted for inflation. Which means the average price per piece has hovered at a very normal price range (between 16 and 20 cents per). Taking inflation into account, the price per piece has comparitively decreased comparred to the number of pieces steadily increasing. I'd like to take inflation into account to make the numbers more accurate...but I think the idea that the price per piece has hovered around the same area even BEFORE inflation is interesting.
    When the Inika were released at the then staggering $9.99 price point, it was justified with the explanation that they were the first sets to use electronics as part of their gimmick/feature. It's interesting to note the following year was the Mahri. A significant increase in pieces (averaging 13 more pieces per set) at the same price. The Phantoka dropped the piece count, but maintained a fairly close price per piece.
    So with that information, let's take a look at some "projections" I've laid out regarding the proposed $12.99 Mistika price point. These piece counts are purely speculation, used for the purpose of analysis and estimation.

    In order to check in at even the highest price per piece we've ever seen...the Toa Mistika would have to weigh in at a record 65 pieces per set. Keep in mind that it's an average as well. As you can see from the previous years of Toa, there's always a variance between sets (LEGO appears to favor Toa of Stone...could it be they're beefing it up to make up for the color?).
    The other columns show what it would take for the Mistika to check in at the price per piece from earlier in 08 (a colossal 75 pieces per), and what it would take to match the lowest price on record (80 pieces? Seriously?)
    In summation, do I think LEGO can hit the 65 piece per set mark? It's possible. I need to take some closer looks at the Mistika, and I think for "only" having 58 the Phantoka turned out that well. All in all, it's still going to be tough to justify $13 on a set.
  15. T-Hybrid
    Let it be known that on this day, I have discovered the center of the universe.
    It happened while watching CSI this evening at 7:34pm. A commerical came on for Jumper, which I had considered going to up until this point. During the trailer, the main character drops into a couch and turns on a TV. Suddenly a commerical begins to air for HP and Windows, with the main character teleporting randomly in and out of the shot. Then at the end of the HP commerical the main character teleports out and the original commericial finishes as though nothing ever happened.
    That's right, I have just seen a commericial take a commericial break.
    ...I'm scared too.
  16. T-Hybrid
    Some of you who know me better may be familiar with my weekness for combiners (it was what drew me to Bionicle in the first place).
    Well, one major sacrifice I've had to also make in order to pick up a set of Inika (at least when it comes to buying fun stuff) is the quest for the ultimate Mecha.
    Anybody here follow Sentai? Because if you do, I'm sure you're familiar with Boukenger's plethora of mecha this season. On the left is DaiBouken, the team's core Mech. DaiTanken (a Mech made up of auxilary vehicles) is on the right.
    In the middle is Ultimate DaiBouken. Made up of DaiBouken and DaiTanken, UDB represents the first ever ten-mech combination in the history of Sentai. It doesn't need to be said that I'm drooling at the thought.
    PR fans know that Bandai of America has shown a confusing pattern of what it does and does not release here in the states from year to year. It is certain that DaiBouken will be released at the beginning of the season. DaiTaken, however, may never see American shores...and could leave me without the opportunity to score what would truly represent an amazing step in Gestalt action figures.
    To complicate matters, pics of the 6th Ranger's mecha have surfaced in the last few weeks. Along with these pics are rumors of an even larger combination (which would bring the total to 13 Mecha). Again, my Gestalt Fan-genes are kicking into double-overtime at the thought.
    And just when I thought that wouldn't be enough, rumors surface regarding a "carrier" mech of sorts. Promising yet another combination involving heaven only knows how many of the already existing Mechs. With it's rumored size (we're talking about the size of an XBox, if not bigger), I once again wouldn't be surprised to see it not make the trip along with Boukenger when PR starts up it's new season in the fall.
    So right now, I need a number of things to come together:
    1. I need to find a steady, well-paying job in Mankato. So I can get going with the apartment and actually come out of each month somewhat in the black.
    2. I need to hold back the urge to pick up the Mecha. Knowing full well it'd set me back literally a month's rent.
    3. I need BoA to reward my dedication to the line the last 5 years and release all the Boukenger mecha (something they have a bad habit of not doing...except for Dekaranger/SPD).
    Pray with me, fellow Gestalt fans.

  17. T-Hybrid
    I recieved news today that Sophia, our family dog, passed away today at the age of 12. I remember when we first got her, I was walking home from school and as I looked in my backyard from the street I saw a strange red dog running around with our other dog Buddy. So I hurried home and burst through the gate and was greeted by the newest member of the family.

    We adopted her from the Human Society, where she had spent some time after being rescued from an abusive family. I don't think she was ever quite able to get used to recover from her previous owners, as she would always try to run away when the front door was opened. For the first few years, she would never wag her tail. But she was still a very loyal pet. For as much as Buddy was a momma's boy, Sophie was daddy's little girl. She would always sit on his lap, and when he went to bed at night she went in with him.
    The first night after he moved out, I remember picking up Sophie and carrying her to my room. She stayed for a little bit, but quickly jumped down and ran into my parents room looking for where his bed had been. It took some time after that, but soon she found herself able to sit with me as she had with him. So when I moved to college, and my mom and sister left for Colorado, I can't imagine what it must have been like. I saw her three times after they moved away. Once when they were brought with for Thanksgiving, and then twice over Christmas. The second of which would be the last time I ever saw her.
    It's only as I'm writing this that I realize how much I'm going to miss her. When you've got a little dog at the foot of your bed for three years it gets hard to fall asleep at night without that warm little lump at your feet. And that hard day at work or school is just a bit tougher to get over when there isn't a puppy to lick your face when you walk in the door.
    I'm sorry, but I don't know a proper way to end this.
  18. T-Hybrid
    Today was payday, and with my birthday coming up I treated myself to a...treat.
    Gathered up a bunch of games I rarely play anymore (all my Dynasty Warriors games except 5, and the two LEGO Star Wars games....and all four Guitar Hero games), and went to Gamestop. Traded them in for a slick $150 bucks. Took that and picked up GHIII and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam (hereafter referred to as Gundam Warriors) for the Xbox360.
    "But Torhu," you're probably saying. "You don't have a 360."
    Well, that was the treat I was talking about.
    I have a gamer tag, but only GHIII can do anything with it. And that's only for the time being while I decide if I want to sign up for XBox Live Gold on a more longterm basis. For the time being, I'm more than open to start adding people who want to rock out for a month or so. I'm also looking for suggestions to fill the Online gaming portion of my life (something I'll slowly be delving into if I decide to go Gold).
  19. T-Hybrid
    Wow, I didn't realize until today that I haven't had an entry for nearly a week. It's not by choice...rather by a combination of work, classes, and a long string of "Board Messages". I think part of me needed a break for a little bit. It was getting frustrating to only have a few hours a day to check the forums, and having those hours essentially negated by server overload.
    But that's not what this entry is about. Mostly, it's about the Inuva (hence the placement in that section). The fic is up and running, and I like where it's been going so far, but with this messed up schedule I'm working (which includes the occasional close at 3:45 am), I'm finding myself incredibly short on time. This means Rebirth could see a bit of a delay. I want to post at least a few more chapters to get the fic to a more natural pause, but if I can't find the time it's going to be difficult.
    It won't be like The Alliance, I promise you that. I'll try to get this finished by the end of the school year. It's just a matter of finding free time.
  20. T-Hybrid
    With all the talk about the Inika, many have started posting in various forums about their favorite Toa sets. Since I haven't seen a place for that topic to actually be discussed, I decided to take it to a blog...where if it you want to ignore it. You can.
    But without Inika in hand, it's tough to do any sort of fair review. So while I sit and wait for the next generation of Toa to arrive on my doorstop, I've been left to ponder something that's been bugging me since the "Top Toa" comments have started.
    Put simply, it doesn't sound like many people liked the Hordika. I see them consistantly ranked as the worst Toa behind the Olda and Nuva. And I'm somewhat surprised. The common complaints appear to be that they weren't unique enough, had awkward pieces, and a lousy action feature.
    This is unfortunate. LEGO had a great idea with the Hordika, they just apparently didn't execute. Half-Toa/half-Rahi...from a storyline approach they were set. The attempts to control their feral side, fears of being trapped that way, the new abilities that came with it...all seemed to work.
    So what went wrong?
    Well, for one....what kinds of Rahi were they? Each Toa is aligned with a certain element, which would lead one to believe that they'd each be likely to liken in appearance to some Rahi associated with the same element.
    Instead, they were just Toa with some different faces and various weapons. They looked feral, but they didn't look like anything else. They all had the same feet, the same torso, the same arms....their weapons and their face were all that set them apart.
    What could LEGO have done differently? Well, just as a suggestion, they could've made the various animal forms more noticeable in each Toa. This could be done with only minor changes to the Kanohi and possibly the feat.

    Vakama becomes a dragon. His Kanohi is modeled after the dragons of chinese lore. A more prevalent snout, perhaps fins behind the eyes. That sort of thing. He's given talons on his feet rather than just the standard design. Nokama takes on a form similar to a mermaid. Her face is moled to have scales, and perhaps gills near the base. The feet are modeled to look more like flippers or fins. Matau becomes an eagle. He's given a crest w/feathers and a beak in his design. His feet use the same talons as Vakama. Nuju becomes a bear. He's given a snout (similar but a little smalelr to the one he has now) He's given a similar pair of talons to Vakama and Matau (they could be molded in a way that they work as both talons and claws) Onewa becomes a boar, he's given the flippers of Nokama (which in a clever design job can resemble either hooves or flippers). His head is molded to contain a ridge of fur and tusks. Whenua is a mole. His head is made pointer...perhaps with molded whiskers and the two teeth we associate with rodents. He's given the claw mold used on Vakama for feet. The idea of half Toa/half Rahi creature is something I would like to see LEGO go back to. With the gusto in design that they've shown with the last few releases. I'd like to also see them take some lessons from the Inika and perhaps make the sets more unique as time goes on. Part of what made the Toa Olda interesting was the little odds n ends . Remember Tahu's chest ball? Gali's little pegs on her hips? The four pegs on Pohatu's legs?
    It's stuff like that which would add to the flavor of the newer sets, and make the Hordika idea work this time. A tail here, or a wing there....the little touches.
  21. T-Hybrid
    So the guitar that came with Rock Band isn't working properly. And I haven't had a chance to test my own, but I've heard the USB hub that connects the instruments to the 360 is also faulty. Have had issues with the drums, but I'm going to stick with it and see if it's just me getting used to playing or the actual pads. The box to ship my guitar back to Harmonix is on it's way. Hopefully I can get that and the replacement before I fly out to Colorado in the winter.
    Otherwise the game itself is fun. The drums even on easy are serious work. I tried a song on hard and hit one note before I failed. ROUGH! So far the guitar hasn't been too tough, even on Expert. I have not gathered the courage to try the mic out yet.
    I give the concept a thumbs up, as well as the game itself. The faulty peripherals is a serious bummer right now, especially with the nearly $200 price tag this thing carries.
  22. T-Hybrid
    I just picked up the 8th Season of the Simpsons on DVD this weekend, and was suddenly reminded that it contained what I believe to be one of the best episodes in the history of the show. I'm speaking of "You Only Move Twice" featuring the greatest one-off character ever, Hank Scorpio.

    As I watched the episode, I was almost able to quote along with it verbatim. It was amazing, it's been nearly 10 years since the episode aired, and here I am able to remember so much about it. Right down to the little details (the woman snapping the general's neck, Scoprio pulling sugar out of his pockets). There's even the not so memorable yet still funny quotes: "In fact, I didn't even give you my coat!"
    It was an episode I hadn't seen in a long time, and while watching it I was reminded of how the Simpsons used to be. Though Scorpio's Bond-esque villiany is hilarious, it serves only as the B-story to an otherwise humorous plot on it's own. The way that Homer is copmletely oblivious to what's going on is almost a testament to how bizarre the world the Simpsons live in can be. And of course, the joke builds until what is literally an explosive finale.
    There are other classics that I have watched as I've collected the DVD releases, but for some reason...."You Only Move Twice" is the gem in this massive collection.
    Some of my other favorites:
    "Homer's Enemy" (the Frank Grimes one)
    "Two Bad Neighbors" (the George Bush one)
    Besides that, Season 8 has other classics such as "Hurricane Neddy" which features a memorable Flanders breakdown. ("And if you really bug me, I'll run you over with my car.") But at this point, I'm rambling. So now with this written, it's back to the DVDs. There's more treasures to be found.
  23. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid is currently running around like a chicken with his head cut off as he spreads his first paycheck out over his first round of bills.
    Uh, hi I guess. It's been awhile, and honestly I don't know what to say. T-Boss called me up this afternoon while he was at the office and said I'd have to write an entry. Apparently he wasn't gonna make it and from the looks of things this place has been dead lately. I think it's too much of the Pokemans but that's just me.
    There's no room in his new place form me. Anywhere! I spend most of the time outside his balcony looking menacing. Cept for last night when I was watching the fireworks. Fireworks that were about 30 feet to my right. At 2 in the morning it's not cool to start waking everybody up with those things. Too bad it woke T up, otherwise the little bugger would've been introduced to some fireworks of my own. This place may not be a Nightclub, but I sure as heck can keep bouncin people out.
    Wow. That's really it for me. Took me a bit to write to. This place looks a lot different since the last time I stopped in. Wonder if T knows. He was pretty out of today. But lack of sleep will do that to a guy. He doesn't talk much about work, but he hasn't come home angry yet so I have to guess its going well.
    Well, it looks like I'm stuck behind Server Busy messages. So hopefully this'll get posted while its still topical.
  24. T-Hybrid
    I can't believe BZP's turning six already. I swear it was only yesterday I opened up The Haven. It's not that I forgot the Anny was coming up, it's just that I've already put it the best I could. But wow, six years! I never thought it'd happen when I first joined.
    I'm looking forward to the next set of Spinners, some new Pips, and if all goes well...finally someday getting back to potentially working on Rebirth. Sorry all you loyal readers.
    Saw the Mahri as well as the 07 Titans at Wal-Mart yesterday. Was very impressed with Maxilos and Spinax, especially now that I know their true story. Nuparu's coloring leaves a lot to be desired, but Jaller, Hahli, and Hewkii are slick looking sets. I'm in the process of making a rather significant purchase right now (more news on that as it develops) so I have to put the Mahri on the backburner. But I do expect to have them displayed in my hutch by the end of the year. Alongside Maxilos. Unless of course they come up with a new Combiner for the Titans. Kardas will be hard to top, but I'd love to see them try!
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