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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by T-Hybrid

  1. If only either of them played music...
  2. Your customs continue to be made of win. I may have to commission you at some point. Though I admit I'm not familiar enough with Mini-Figs at this point to know how much is custom work and how much is just REALLY good part assortments.
  3. I was flipping through channels tonight and landed on Nancy Grace. I had always just assumed she was on CNN, but I was mistaken. She's on the CNN offshoot "CNN Headline News." Wait a minute... A 24-hour news network needs a second station to cover headlines? So wait. If the headlines are all on CNNHN, then what does that say about whatever's being covered on the original CNN? Wouldn't whatever their talking about be the headline? I guess I'm confused. I suppose the next step is MTV launching "MTV For Music" and ESPN spinning off "ESPN Sports". *pfft*
  4. Very snazzy. Only detail I'd touch is the little cuff on his gloves. I'm still very impressed.
  5. All you're missing is the techno rock in the background.
  6. T-Hybrid

    Just Like New

    Give an extra cookie to whoever did that Omi...that's a dang fine job.
  7. Boy, it's been a long time since Nintendo annouced any new characters for Brawl. Heck, I haven't done so in almost a month. But I haven't forgotten. As I said earlier, HH may appreciate this one! Midna Franchise: The Legend of Zelda First Appearance: Twilight Princess (NGC/Wii) Why?: In her one appearance in the Zelda universe, Midna has already established herself as a strong supporting character. She had more personality than Navi and Tatl combined, and did more than the shout "Hey!" and "Listen!" until gamers wanted to gouge out their ears. Standing her ground against enormous odds, she showed no fear, and served a key role in Link's fight to save Hyrule. Midna has an electric personality, and is a welcome change from the traditional Princess roles that Peach and Zelda typically fill. Appearance: There are a few looks Midna could take on. I personally prefer her more widely known one. I'd even go so far as to seperate her from Wolf Link so that she could shine as her own character (you know Nintendo would label it "Wolf Link! (w/ Midna)"). There'd be an alternate appearance, but I don't know if I should go into that one. It could be quite spoilerific. Moveset: Midna would move by floating, simliar to Mewtwo. Her attacks would be energy based, including the ability to throw a charged ball of twlight energy. She'd also be able ot use the hand on her head to grab and throw her enemies, or to latch onto nearby platforms. I'd also find it fun to be able to summon various objects from inside her head to throw at enemies. He recovery move would see her breaking up into particles similar to how twilight beings teleport, and then reconstitute nearby. In a way, it'd be like a cross of Mewtwo and Zelda. Final Smash: I like the idea of Midna using the Fused Shadows to turn into the massive beast that ends up becoming a key turning point in Links endevors. I would probably make it controllable by the player, giving them the ability to stampede throughout the level hurling energy bolts. (Think of it like Giga Bowser in that respect). This is a shorter entry, as I can't go into more about Midna without ruining some aspects of the game. But as I said, it'd be a pretty cool blend of Mewtwo and Zelda. I wouldn't mind also seeing Wolf Link, but again...it'd be cooler for Midna to strike out on her own.
  8. Does that mean anything we say here is official and on the record? Is that a risk you're willing to take
  9. The nice thing about journalism (at least from my experiences), is that most of the important learning comes when you've actually started writing. So this would be like a university paper or if you want to try doing some small writings for a local paper. The journalism classes tend to be more in regards to the universal elements such as the laws surrounding mass media, the ethical choices you'll have to face, and an understanding of how to compose a story. (Though admittedly that last one would have a LOT of reliance on the quality of the instructor).
  10. I know I mentioned counting down till XMas, but don't you guys agree that it's a bit early to start showing all these XMas specials and playing round the clock holiday music? I mean, it was a few weeks before Thanksgiving and stores were already putting up their stock of holiday decorations. I know Black Friday's always been when it is (or at least has for as long as I can remember), but do we really need to back up the holiday season to early November? I know you really can't market thanksgiving when it comes to decorations and merchandise...but does that mean we need to rush the holiday season? My birthday's in November. Let's market that. People can go buy decorations and gifts for me to celebrate my awesomeness. I may be a bit biased, but I think it's a good idea.
  11. Well yeah, that's what I do. Just saying it's funny how it works. Sorta like you can wait for the cable guy all day...then when you finally run to the bathroom he comes knocking.
  12. I don't think they're judging you...it's just that college is a HUGE step in a person's life, and they're curious as to if you've decided or not. If you're a senior, you should have an idea where you're going if you're going. I wouldn't worry about a field of study yet, though. You can worry about that after your first year or so once you've wrapped up Gen-Eds. But there are two times in your life when people are going to ask you all kinds of questions like this: 1) High school graduation. What's your plans now that you're going to start being on your own a bit more. 2) College graduation. Now that you've finished, what do you plan to do with the rest of your life? 3 (I lied) Retirment. What are you going to do to fill your time? Don't worry about people asking. They're just honestly wondering.
  13. Rule of thumb, no matter how long the loading screen is...or how long you've been waiting for a player to be found online, the phone will always ring the moment you're unable to pause. Always. Aside from that, really nothing new to offer. Torii Hunter isn't a Twin, but I'm over it...Johan Santana probably won't be one much longer, which I've accepted...and I probably shouldn't eat my dad's homemade chilli for lunch at work. That's really completely unrelated to the previous two, but still equally valid. I had a picture from the Check Mii Out Channel I wanted to post, but unfortunately Wii's aren't allowed to send pics to email accounts not attached to a Wii. It's too bad, it was pretty funny. Happy Monday everybody. May the countdown to X-Mas begin!
  14. I have a friend who's never gamed in his life go out and buy a Wii. You are no different than any mortal man...you will submit to Wii in due time.
  15. Hopefully you didn't stuff yourself too full of turkey and other goodness today. Enjoy the rest of the evening, and if you're one of those who will brave the holiday shoppers tomorrow, good luck. I suggest bringing a bat.
  16. T-Hybrid

    A Sour Note

    So the guitar that came with Rock Band isn't working properly. And I haven't had a chance to test my own, but I've heard the USB hub that connects the instruments to the 360 is also faulty. Have had issues with the drums, but I'm going to stick with it and see if it's just me getting used to playing or the actual pads. The box to ship my guitar back to Harmonix is on it's way. Hopefully I can get that and the replacement before I fly out to Colorado in the winter. Otherwise the game itself is fun. The drums even on easy are serious work. I tried a song on hard and hit one note before I failed. ROUGH! So far the guitar hasn't been too tough, even on Expert. I have not gathered the courage to try the mic out yet. I give the concept a thumbs up, as well as the game itself. The faulty peripherals is a serious bummer right now, especially with the nearly $200 price tag this thing carries.
  17. Invest in some glade, plug in like five in a small room and just let yourself drown in flowery goodness for a while.
  18. Well "thankfully" most of the damage was on your car. Your insurance will probably not be very forgivable, but at least you only have to worry about your own repairs. And like I said earlier, nobody was hurt, which at 70mph is a sign of some good fortune.
  19. Mass Effect soudns like a very loooong game. I'm sorta buried on those right now (Mario Galaxy, Rock Band starting tomorrow, DW:Gundam, Marvel Alliance)
  20. You'll be happy to know that GH controllers are compatible with Rock Band. Also, you can pick up just the game for whatever console you have and then wait till around February when they release the individual peripherals. Also, I beileve there's a Logitech mic out for the 360 that's supposedly compatible. You'll have to do a bit of research into that.
  21. Douglas Adams might be considered outside Bionicle's target demographic.
  22. I'll be hoping for the best. Stuff sucks sometimes, take the time you need to work through it.
  23. Rock Band launches for the 360 on Tuesday. I'm not bad with a guitar, and I'm learning drums...but I don't want to know what'll happen if I step up to the mic. So I'm looking for fellow gamers who want to start getting together and playing through the Co-Op portions of the game. I won't have XBL until after the New Year (I'll be out of state for most of Decemeber so it'd be a waste), but when I get back I'm going to be ready to rock. Feel free to drop your Gamertag here if you're interested. I'm also taking suggestions for band names.
  24. The BB cards are gone, used to pay off the starter costs. When it was all said and done $420 whittled down to $80.
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