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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by T-Hybrid

  1. T-Hybrid

    Rif On Hiatus

    Beat Persona 3 for the PS2 a few days ago, great game. Dungeon elements are a bit weak, and the only puzzles are in the S. Links that you build to powerup your character. I've moved on to Warriors Orochi (or Musou Orochi...which I think sounds better). Got an email from my alma matter today, informing me that (as I expected) they'll be clearing off the space on the school servers that was allocated for my use when I started back in '03. So that means that my RiF (along with the rest of my site) will be going on a hiatus until I'm able to find another place to host at least the comics portion of the page (and if I'm lucky, the B.O.D) I'm more than open to any suggestions. I'm thinking one option for now would to be find an image site that'll let me post the comics themselves and then just send links or link to them here or something. (That'd be kinda cool...have a RiF tab in the Haven). In the meantime, I'm going to be spending the next few days making sure I've backed up the content on the site that I may not have on my PC yet. Though I think my local copy actually is a few versions beyond what's online. So thanks for checking it out (back when it was first hosted on my friend's site he said one weekend his site got 10 hits whereas RiF had nearly 500). That blew me away! I'm going to keep donig the comics for my own sanity, and if things work out and I find a place to put them I'll be sure to let you know. I've been thinking of remodling the site anyway...maybe this is that chance!
  2. T-Hybrid


    But if I go any bigger...how am I going to fit 4 of them on one wall? A guy can't watch just one channel you know.
  3. T-Hybrid


    Oh that's just being excessive. Personally I'd take the more modest 70" and be on my way.
  4. T-Hybrid


    Just a tidge. *holds thumb and forefinger apart*
  5. T-Hybrid


    I've been hearing rumbilngs about this Halo game that's supposedly coming out tomorrow. Anybody know anything about it? I mean, you'd think they'd have been talking about this a bit more than they have lately. It just sorta snuck up on us all. But I guess I'm kinda glad. I mean, it's apparently the 3rd game in the series. So it's good their letting it ride on the reputation of the previous games and not trying to build it up as some revolution in gaming. Because honestly...what's the point of overhyping a game?
  6. T-Hybrid

    Of All The Luck

    Since this was a missing piece and not a lost piece they're sending a replacement free. It's only the second or third time I've had this happen.
  7. I would imagine it'd be in slow motion with lots of explosions?
  8. Just you wait a month or so. Lost, 24, and Heroes will be on Mondays. You'll never see K-Ville again.
  9. Walked into a Walmart on a lark, I think to just peruse the game aisles. Decided to buzz by the toy aisle, though usually the Walmart selection was rather disappointing. So imagine my surprise when I saw Lesovhik (sp?) sitting on the shelves next to the Mahri. I had totally forgotten about him! Having already grabbed Takanuva and Lhikan (the two previous 7th Toa), I figured why not? Well, I got him home and started building. Overall, wasn't too disappointed. Nice colors, interesting vehicle companion. I still think Kikanalo was the best of the three. Ussanui was just a...well...mess. This sled thing, though nameless, is a happy median between fantasy beast and rock like ride (which was probably just a vessel to carry the parts for Takutanui). The mounted launcher is ready to fire but doesn't obstruct the rider's view, and it's sleek enough that you could realistically see him using it to jet around underwater. Where he falters, however, is his weapon. Though it's pretty sweet looking (and reminds me of a shark fin when mounted on his back), it's really...really...really small comparred to his body size. I would've liked to have seen perhaps a second one so he'd at least have twin weapons. Or at least find a way to mount them so he could have armblades (like Bloodrayne or DekaBikeRobo). But seeing him hold that just really seems...weird...consiering that the other Mahrik have massive claws, wings, and cannons to lug around. The only other bummer, the one I had was missing one of the grey cylinders for the propellers. LEGO's sending me a new one in the mail, I just thought it was funny. How often do you build a set correctly only to find an excess of parts (once had a spare leg in my Gahlok. So why is it that all these extra little pegs and rods sneak in, but a large more key piece can go missing? LEGO sent a response where they said they actually weigh the sets to ensure accuracy. Ever think that perhaps the parts go missing because those extra joint pegs and 2+ rods add unexpected weight? But that's not a knock by any means on this Toa. He's a fine addition to the "7th Toa" team.
  10. T-Hybrid


    I've always enjoyed the Pirate Talk Day festivities. Only wish Semi-Annual Talk Like A Leprachaun Day would have caught on.
  11. T-Hybrid


    T-Hybrid found it difficult to put together a proper entry for today's festivities. He has asked instead that his guest writer give it his best shot. YaHAR me mateys! It be Cap'n ViceGreymon settin' sail on this fine Wednesday eve! When I told that scurvy dog T that it be the Annual Day to talk like a pyrat he gave me the ol' eeevil eye and shook his head like a yeller-bellied coward. So I too it upon meself to grab the keyboard and punch out a fine shanty to mark the occasion! You want to know what be the best part of talkin' like a king uh' the sea? When yur a good seven stories tall nobody looks at ya crosseyed! Yaaaarrrr! But truth be told I'm always lookin for an excuse to goof around. You lot cant see it, but I've got me an eye patch and uh pegleg fur the day. Of course I be cheatin' a bit as my legs are made uh' metal and can be swapped out. But I'm in the spirit uv the day! Wanna know somethin even better? I got me a parrot even. Don't be tellin' the T-Boss bout that though. There be enough creatures wandering 'bout the Haven without me adding another Digimon! But this be where I leave you lot! There's a party planned for us pirates up this way, and I'm dun wanta be late. Play me out Polly! Bwwaaaak! Yo-ho an' a bottle o....soda!
  12. Perhaps it is the set that is wrong. Mmm...?
  13. Would my decision stop you? I do like your advice though. It's something I can try.
  14. T-Hybrid


    Fear not, I shall bring the Awesomeness as best I can in your stead.
  15. I've been wondering. Is anybody still interested if I were to try and get Rebirth going again? I was reminded today why it's been slacking off in updates when I went to write this entry the first time and had it get blocked by a Board Error. I back up Chapters when I can. But sometimes I try to post them and they just get wiped by Board Errors. So I store them away, but they're unfinished...and I never get back to them. I can't put all the blame on the board itself, some of it is because I've written myself out of the original outline. I'm sorta at a point where I have to deviate to a point where I need to take some time to figure out if I want to roll with it or try and direct it back where I want it to go. I've missed a few opportunities with it, and though I'm not disappointed...I'm a bit let down with how it's felt. Te Mutunga and even The Alliance felt fun to write, but Rebirth seems like something where I had a spark but got delayed beyond when it stuck around. If people are interested, I'll get back into it. But I don't want to keep writing a fic if nobody's reading it. I liked the concept, and think it can go over well if I can find that place where the writing comes easier. I jsut needs to figure out where that is.
  16. I'm going to visit family at my old place in a few weeks. I'll grab the spare parts then.
  17. I realized those were getting to be popular, but I never realized just that much until I glanced over at Omi's side bar. Yowza! Just for that, I should make a tiny little one (20x20 anybody?) and start handing it out.
  18. So I'm trying to MOC with the Mahri, and it's considerably harder than I thought. There's a lot of variety in the pieces, but without any spare parts it's hard to get anything started without having it slowly turn into just a slightly tweaked existing Mahri. I'm going to have to go back to my old place and dig up the parts from my other sets and see if that can't help diversify a bit. I've already got a few "ideas" I want to toy with, but need a bit more flexibility in parts before I can go from theory to practice. Still love the Mahri, just overwhelmed by the available parts!
  19. They did this "reboot" right. First test the waters with Begins, then ramp it up by introducing the Joker.
  20. The differences in Smash Bros and Soul Calibur are night and day. Mostly when it comes to ease of pick up and play.
  21. I'll be the first to admit this is less of a longshot than my previous suggestions: The Miis Franchise: Nintendo Wii First Appearance: Mii Channel (Wii) Why?: This is about as close to a create-a-character as we're ever going to get in Smash Bros. The introduction of the Miis brought a personal touch to the Nintendo Wii. Though not quite as open to customization as most standard CaC's, the Mii would allow the user to put a face with their Smash profile. Nintendo has already "revealed" that your profile will now store Button Configurations, so why not include your Mii? Appearance: That's the beauty of it. It'd be whatever you'd want it to be. It could look like you, an alien, or Chuck Norris (though admittedly that'd be a bit unfair to the competition). The Mii would default to whatever color shirt/skirt you set as your favorite in the Mii Channel, and would change to fit the team color if you play in that mode. Moveset: Considering the variety of sports and games the Mii's have been involved in already, it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a varied movepool. The standard special attack would involve throwing a random ball, anywhere from Tennis to Bowling. Side-smash would be similiar to Peach's in that they'd switch between bats, clubs, and tennis rackets. The Up+B would be a somewhat funky looking swim move to boost them up. The flailing limbs would cause damage to those that get in the way. Their Side+B special would summon a Cow that they'd rampage across the platform on. This would provide a bit of an extra boost to come back (similar to Luigi and Pikachu's headbutt moves). The Up+A would call up a mighty boxing uppercut. I'm not quite sure what Down+A would do. Final Smash: There are a couple of options with this one. My first instincts were to suggest the Mii Parade, where an army of Mii's from your box stampede across the screen. Then I thought, why not reference WiiPlay and have the Wii's play LaserPong (or whatever the game was). Two paddles appear on screen and start bouncing your opponents back and forth across the screen like little Pong balls. It'd be shiny, and somewhat unique comparred to the others I've suggested. Well, that's the third. I'm rather enjoying this, though admittedly aside from these three I'm running a bit short on dark horses.
  22. I had fun doing an entry for K. Rool. So in keeping with the "Sleeper Hit" characters theme: Dog Franchise: Duck Hunt First Appearance: Duck Hunt (NES) Why?: Face it, you've wanted to beat this guy up since you first booted up your NES way back in the 80's. Well, now's the chance to put up or shut up. As one of the most reviled and yet memorable characters of Nintendo's earliest console days, Dog brings a few new entertaining possibilities to the Smash Bros table. For starters, he's a quadrupedal character. Other than Ivysaur (who was only introduced recently for Brawl), there hasn't been a four-legged fighter in the Smash series. That is, unless you count Pikachu. And I don't. Also, he'd leave the game open to really have fun inventing a moveset. Afterall, he's a dog. What can he really do? Appearance: Not much special here. He'd be upgraded to 3d, as the 2d design was something unique to Game & Watch. But otherwise he'd be the same brown dog with his black ears and color. I'd imagine he'd spend most of his time on four legs. Not to exciting. Moveset: Honestly, the only certain thing is that pressing Up on the control pad would let out that annoying laugh that caused many a gamer to fire a barrage of clicks at their screen. You know the one. Other than that, it's tough to come up with anything. I picture him running around on all fours and using a combination of bites and headbutts to attack. Of course, his standard special attack would let him stand up and fire a shot from his personal firearm (shaped like the blaze orange Zapper). His Up+B recovery move would summon a duck, which he'd quickly grab to get pulled up. This duck would also damage enemies as it swooped in. His other moves are a bit of a mystery, but with a taunt as memorable as Dog's...I couldn't refuse the opportunity to make a case for his inclusion. Final Smash: Duck! Harking back to his days on the open range, Dog would dive let out his signature bark and dive behind the nearest bush. What would follow would be an insane onrush of wild ducks. Striking from every direction, the ducks would juggle Dog's opponents into the air, where he'd pop up to strike a few blows of his own. When it was all over of course, he'd grab a few strays that fell down and hold them in his classic pose. So there you go, Dog and K. Rool are the first two additions to my dream Smash Bros roster. How'm I doing?
  23. Well...*pfft* Tell me something I don't know.
  24. T-Hybrid

    I Feel Nekkid...

    I may switch to another source if I find one more reliable. For sure. Nice to see everything back though.
  25. Something must be up with Maj. All my pics are down. I had seen the stuff about Brickshelf, guess I should've registered that'd mean Maj might be having some "downtime" soon. Hmm. While I try to get a new place lined up to host pics, and try to recover most of the pics that I had hosted, feel free to just sorta hang out and stare at the empty walls. Now I see why they work so hard to secure art museums. It's bring in here without the color.
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