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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by T-Hybrid

  1. Some of you may remember this lesson from English courses. The whole "Everybody went to their house" vs. "Everybody went to his or her house". Well frankly, I find the whole "his or her" nonsense. It's something about how "their" or "them" refers to the plural form while he/she is for singular use. But if you're like me, you either don't get it or just don't care enough. So I've taken it upon myself to propose a few changes to remedy what has slowly become a complex grammatical issue. "Herm": (Hurm) A combination of "him" and "her" primarily for use in such sentences as "I'm supposed to greet the new student. Have you seen herm?" I like this one the most, as it's the most natural combination. "Hes": (Hez) Combines the words "his" and "her" primarily for use in such sentences as "It was Parent's Day at school. Everybody was sitting with hes parents." It'd be confusing at first on paper and when being pronoucned (as it would commonly be mistaken for "his" or "he's"), but just as with purple ketchup, we'd adjust. "Hesh": (Haysh) Combines "she" and "he"...though at the moment I can't think of when this would be used in a sentence. But since we're combining two words to make new ones, I figured it'd be smart to set up this one. Just in case you know? If somebody out there understands the English more gooder than I do, I'd appreciate getting a tip as to if this is built on sound grammatical logic. Or if I just spent an entire blog post offering a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. But hey, can you blame me? The English language is confusing!
  2. I think it's because those pics are still technically illegal comparred to the ones that have been officially listed by a retailer. Though I imagine there's a fair number of users who will be scouring the typical shopping sites waint to land that elusive official better pic.
  3. Yeah, Pohatu's tools are similar to pick axes, but they're thick enough to double as rotors if need be. My initial reaction is positive (though Pohatu really has me wondering what's up his that bizarre visor/mask combo). And like I said elsewhere I really don't subscribe to the notion that I should buy the smaler set to complete some "combo".
  4. Warning. The following content discusses the '08 sets. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, I didn't know what we're allowed to say and what we can't without using spoiler warnings, so this whole entry today is one big spoiler tag. Hope it's not too annoying. But anyway, now that the 08 sets have been revealed through "legal" means, we at BZP are free to discuss what we think of them. And personally, I'm on the fence. I find Pohatu's design...confusing. But Kopaka and Lewa's both look pretty nice. I like the idea of flying Toa. -Leaked information removed.-Shine- I'll definately get the Toa out of tradition, and eagerly await the release of the remaining Toa. Not to mention wait impatiently for my chance to buy Ignika. Care to start throwing theories around as to who he is? (Yeah, my money's on Matoro too...) As far as packaging goes, the canister sets are officially dead. In fact boxes now appear to be a thing of the past. Hopefully these new "little sets" won't come at too boosted a price to cover the upgrade. But if that happens, it's a simple matter of speaking with the wallet, not with the ol' Blog. So now I join the rest of you in waiting for these puppies to become available. And hopefully that won't be too much longer.
  5. T-Hybrid

    Rude People

    I'd suggest stuffing a potato in his tailpipe...but that'd probably kill him. And last I checked thats...*consults manual*...bad.
  6. I should add something. Use the report button. Back when I was on Staff, you'd never imagine the number of times I'd see posts in threads such a "This is in the wrong forum" or "This isn't allowed." Yet when I went to check my reports...none of those posters had actually sent one in. Oddly enough, I would see several users who wouldn't post a thing, and would instead just click the report button and move along. And those are the people that always stood out to me as the most helpful. I'm not staff anymore, but I have noticed that topics don't have multiple posts of "this isn't allowed" or "this is in the wrong forum". People will see the first person say it, and won't also post it.
  7. T-Hybrid

    Blog Q&A

    Is there any way that the Blogs could be set up to have a "banner" of sorts permanently displayed above entries? Right now I just have an image that I move to each new entry. It's more a request, if it's doable.
  8. I prefer the canister for these guys. Far easier to store when you need to. But I wouldn't be surprised if LEGO is slowly transitioning the canister sets to boxes. When parents look at a boxed set, it's easier to justify the $10 price tag.
  9. I still can't help but laugh at those Life-Size Zamor. They look like fun...but they're just rubber (plastic?) balls! LEGO owes somebody in their marketing department lunch for that idea.
  10. Okay, maybe I skitted the line of good taste with that last entry...but I assure you it was all in the name of honest fun. I have a few more Draft choices to present, and with Brawl now being delayed till February I'll have to consider a few more potential candidates. But that's not what today's entry is about. Today is all about you, the reader. I got lax on the entries for a while, but have come back with a few morsels here and there. What do you guys all think? Do I need to give the Haven's bouncer a break for a bit? Or maybe I need to up the quality of the Fantasy Brawl Draft. I promise I'm working on getting an actual picture up here, as that's been a popular request for quite a few years here at BZP. I didn't realize until only recently that I had gone through four years of college and only managed to be in a few dozen pictures. But that's why I'm taking a break over the next few days to let you guys tell me what I can do to continue making your experience at the Haven a pleasant one.
  11. With Nintendo dropping this bombshell, I decided it'd be time to get back to my own "Fantasy Brawl Draft"... Poo Franchise: Mother First Appearance: Mother 2 aka Earthbound (SNES) Why?: I'll point to the title of this entry and leave it at that. Though I will say add that with Lucas now added to the mix (and starting to look like a Ness clone), it's quite possible the Mother series will still only have one representative in Brawl. I never played Earthbound, so I'm not familiar enough with it to be able to give a better reason than that. Appearance: This one's easy. Poo was only in one game, and in that one game he wore the same outfit you see above. Is he a ninja? A karate master? He's a Prince trained in the art of Moo, which is enough to explain his gi-like style. Moveset: Though I'm not familiar with Poo's role in the story of Earthbound, I was able to find numerous resources with which to pull together a fairly fun moveset. As with veteran (and potential outcast) Ness, and newcomer Lucas, Poo is a master of PSI power. Poo's Up+B recovery would be Teleport Beta, where Poo spins around before disappearing and reappearing elsewhere on the screen. I know, there are already a few characters who Teleport, Poo however would move him in the direction you are aiming prior to teleport. In that time, Poo would be able to damage any opponent in his path. To make things interesting, Poo could produce a small energy field that would damage any characters at his destination. His standard B move would produce a shield that can reflect most projectile attacks. His Down+B would activate his Mirror ability. If an enemy is in range (similiar to how Mewtwo's Disable has a limited range), Poo will flash and absorb energy from his enemy. The target will be momentarily disabled, and you'll find that Poo's B attack is now the special attack of his target. In order to dispose of the attack, either perform Poo's taunt or press Down+B again. Poo's smash attacks would involve a variety of karate/ninjitsu moves (I hope that's what he actually used in the game). Final Smash: "Starstorm Omega". Just rolls off the tounge doesn't it? I imagine this would be incredibly shiny and cause a ton of damage to whoever gets hit. I'm imagining a meteor shower, except it's falling on the battlefield instead of in the background. This was a tricky one. I've never written a moveset for a character I knew nothing about going into. But in the end, I think he'd make a fine addition to the ever growing Brawl roster.
  12. I saved only a few to my machine here at home. And I'm at the same point. Last year when the Mahri were leaked I knew right away that they were must haves. But this year...I don't get that vibe. I'll probably still buy them, but...more out of habit than pure desire to own.
  13. I actively sought out spoilers this time around. So I've seen the pics, and I know the names. And I'm quite intriqued. I can't go into many details without posting spoilers, so I won't. But I'm excited for what these sets may mean for the story in 08...even if it goes against something we had been promised for a long time. Though there are a few pieces missing that are leaving me a bit confused at the moment. Hopefully those'll get filled in once the '08 storyline officially kicks in. But let me just say that LEGO may be in for an unexpected reaction to these new sets. And the new sets may divide people to the same degree as the Inika did when they were first introduced.
  14. I never got 90's day. I mean, wouldn't I essentially just wear what I normally would? My favorite was always when they had the "dress up like the future!" day. Which turned into girls all using tinfoil as clothing. That and lot's of black. Black and tinfoil. Guy's tended to not care. Since they figured in the future most of what we wore now would be back in style.
  15. In some cases they have (Tamanui for example). But in the case of the Pa-Tahian's I preferred to design Toa that blended in with the team. Because they're story tied them into the teams that we grew up with, so it only made sense that they'd have similar design elements to their bretheren.
  16. My "replacement" piece (since it really was never there in the first place) arrived in the mail yesterday. So my Lesohvikk set is complete. Don't worry, I'll eventually get that name right. In the meantime, I took advantage of the BOGO at TRU last week and grabbed spare Toa. One each of Matoro, Hewkii, and Nuparu. Combined with the spare parts I finally remembered to grab from my dad's place, I was able to start building my annual Pa-Tahi Toa. Khultak and Rangi (both Olda and Nuva), Tohru and Mihini (Metru and Hordika), and now Puhi and Mahi (Inika and Mahri). Like the original Toa, they've followed themes...until I got to building the Mahri versions. Khultak, Tohru, and Puhi were traditionally centaur, while Rangi, Mihini, and Mahi were built to be the shortest Toa, and all had some form of wings or hover unit attached to their backs. I don't know how well I can describe how Puhi and Mahi Mahri turned out. Puhi still has centaurish elements, while Mahi comes off looking rather regal with his (or is he and she after all this time) back-mounted unit now looks like a cape of sorts. Both still carry some elements that can be attributed to the original design patterns, but have also stayed true to the Mahri's uniqueness. I'm still tweaking Mahi so (s)he doesn't look as much like Matoro Mahri as (s)he currently does. I'll see if I can find a way to get some pictures up soon to share. Puhi is definately doon, and I really like how he turned out.
  17. Sweet Lil' Minifig. Now if only they'd officially do a Final Fantasy line.
  18. I recieved news today that Sophia, our family dog, passed away today at the age of 12. I remember when we first got her, I was walking home from school and as I looked in my backyard from the street I saw a strange red dog running around with our other dog Buddy. So I hurried home and burst through the gate and was greeted by the newest member of the family. We adopted her from the Human Society, where she had spent some time after being rescued from an abusive family. I don't think she was ever quite able to get used to recover from her previous owners, as she would always try to run away when the front door was opened. For the first few years, she would never wag her tail. But she was still a very loyal pet. For as much as Buddy was a momma's boy, Sophie was daddy's little girl. She would always sit on his lap, and when he went to bed at night she went in with him. The first night after he moved out, I remember picking up Sophie and carrying her to my room. She stayed for a little bit, but quickly jumped down and ran into my parents room looking for where his bed had been. It took some time after that, but soon she found herself able to sit with me as she had with him. So when I moved to college, and my mom and sister left for Colorado, I can't imagine what it must have been like. I saw her three times after they moved away. Once when they were brought with for Thanksgiving, and then twice over Christmas. The second of which would be the last time I ever saw her. It's only as I'm writing this that I realize how much I'm going to miss her. When you've got a little dog at the foot of your bed for three years it gets hard to fall asleep at night without that warm little lump at your feet. And that hard day at work or school is just a bit tougher to get over when there isn't a puppy to lick your face when you walk in the door. I'm sorry, but I don't know a proper way to end this.
  19. I'm guessing he would've changed the name if his molecules weren't already phasing through the keyboard.
  20. The saying used to be "You can't put a price on piece of mind...", but it looks like they've gone and found a way. It's amazing how many people who are in charge of computer tech and security have no clue about either.
  21. Boy, if ever it were possible to convey an overabundance of caffine in one's system...that'd be the post to do it with. Seriously, I can visualize you shaking in your computer seat.
  22. There are so many jokes that could be built off that. ...But I think most of them would lead to me not being around here much longer.
  23. I could've sworn that they had said the Joker was going for a look less like his animated appearance and more "twisted". I'm not aruging with the result though...this definately looks more natural than how ol' Jackie boy was in the original Batman movie. ...And looking at that second pic. Is he kicking Batman where I think he's kicking Batman?
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