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Israeli Toa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Israeli Toa

  1. Weird Al is so awesome...I love his parodies. "Saga Begins" was the first I ever heard..and I actually heard it BEFORE I'd ever heard American Pie, so that was interesting...I especially love Weird Al's Amish parody song...try and find that online...it's great. :D

  2. That minifig on the left has a space police torso! That is so awesome...my first ever minifig had that torso...:D And I'm extremely jealous of you being able to go to this sweet convention...I never hear about any conventions going down in my area(Florida). Have fun tomorrow!

  3. Can't wait to see your entry...I wish I could enter, but anything I do would just embarrass myself. So it's cool to see you entering...:-D


    And I also was going to do the music thing eventually(but have mucho homework lately and thus haven't had a chunk of time to do it in)...ah well.


    And as for chemistry...I'm not exactly fond of it either, but I liked physics even less. :P But don't let me discourage you from liking it!

  4. Wow, I didn't really expect this, but I'm glad that you're making the right decision for you and your family. I can only imagine how much work you've done for BZP over the past 6 years...I want to thank you so much for all your work. ^_^ I still remember my first PM to you, how you helped me fix my signature. :P I am glad that you're still going to be around - BZP wouldn't be the same without Bink...:)



  5. I just can't believe it will all be over in less than a week...


    I'm really hoping I can avoid all spoilers - I'll be getting the book that day(via amazon), but I work for 8 hours on Saturday...so I have to really hope no one says anything at work...

  6. Just one question, how do we know that the businessman(forgot his name) is on the island? Just because it was said that Ben's not the #1 on the island? I only saw that episode once, so maybe I missed something.

    At the end of the episode, after Locke has been captured, Ben is wheeled in to his cell to talk with him. The man pushing the wheelchair was the man who made the offer to Juliet during her flashback. Ben does refer to him by name (or at least calls him a name) but I don't recall what it was.

    Gotcha - I didn't even pay attention to the guy pushing the wheelchair - I'll need to rewatch that.


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