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Everything posted by Polymath

  1. Huh, to me the names sound more Latin-y than English-y. The only one I don't like, really, is Faxon, for the reason Wind stated above. The others are passable to me. I also don't like the copious occurences of the letter "x". It's a good shortcut when thinking up non-copyrighted names, but this is just overdoing it... And also, I just had my wisdom teeth removed last week, all four of them. It takes about a week to recover completely. You pretty much have to lie down all day the first 24 hours, but it's okay after that. And I couldn't eat anything except soup, oatmeal, porridge, and mashed potatoes. In other words, no solid food.
  2. 1. Yes, if you do it right and have the proper training (2-3 years of stapling college should be fine). 2. Which world are you talking about? 3. Who cares about Neptune? 4. No he's not, he has Mickey to keep him company. 5. 42. Can't tell you the question, though. 6. Again, I can't tell which world you're talking about. 7. Because Sylar snuck into the producer's office and ate all their brains, preventing any more episodes from being filmed. Or what he said *points up*. 8. Will you ever not not make sense? 9. No one cares. 10. It.
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