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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Status Replies posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. *sighs and stares at avatar* It was worth the DA points it cost.

  2. *sighs and stares at avatar* It was worth the DA points it cost.

  3. *sighs and stares at avatar* It was worth the DA points it cost.

  4. Happy birthday... to me (3

    1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      -runs to cliff and shouts- GHIDORA, REMEMBER I CALLED DIIIIIIBS!

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  5. Happy birthday... to me (3

    1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      This birthday notification has just gotten way out of hand... also my dibs are still in effect.

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hello m'am, I'm here to deliver your four BIONICE Potatu sets. That will be six Januses.

  7. Happy birthday... to me (3

    1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      You mean the one that's totally rusted over and dull? Sure.

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  8. *Comes in with a flag and places it in your profile feed* I claim this profile feed in the name of Voxumo!

  9. *Comes in with a flag and places it in your profile feed* I claim this profile feed in the name of Voxumo!

  10. *Comes in with a flag and places it in your profile feed* I claim this profile feed in the name of Voxumo!

  11. *Comes in with a flag and places it in your profile feed* I claim this profile feed in the name of Voxumo!

  12. Happy birthday... to me (3

    1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Hearts. As a merman I have, like, 17 hearts. Horrifying, but true.

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  13. Happy birthday... to me (3

    1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      You can find your way into my hearts, but I will find my way into your nightmares out of retaliation.

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)


  15. I died a little inside because of how unfunny that joke was

  16. I died a little inside because of how unfunny that joke was

  17. Grr.... my clarinet mouthpiece broke off in the barrel and the tenon is stuck. :3

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