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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Status Replies posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. So wait... is it the Mask of Fate or the Mask of Feat?

  2. So wait... is it the Mask of Fate or the Mask of Feat?

  3. Somehow being funny is a lot harder than one would think. :/

  4. Somehow being funny is a lot harder than one would think. :/

  5. I know two things about white people: they love Matchbox Twenty, and they are terrified of curses.

  6. Goes off to fight the Capra demon

  7. Grr.... my clarinet mouthpiece broke off in the barrel and the tenon is stuck. :3

  8. One day I shall stop using Unikitty as my avatar. Not today.

  9. I just realized that if I'm supposed to be a Nuva, then I should be wearing a Kualsi Nuva... What does that even look like?!

  10. whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. whoa. whoa. Did I just like totally miss your coronation? (This does not bode well for my fanfiction)

  11. Constantly excited about feminism all the time, every day!!!!

  12. What is a vidya gaem?

  13. My blood lust is growing, while my patience for people is decreasing. You guess what happens next.

  14. My blood lust is growing, while my patience for people is decreasing. You guess what happens next.

  15. My blood lust is growing, while my patience for people is decreasing. You guess what happens next.

  16. My blood lust is growing, while my patience for people is decreasing. You guess what happens next.


  18. helloooooo there :D

  19. Almost all of my recent name changes begin with S


  21. I have a real problem with finishing what I sta

  22. I stayed up until after midnight... baaaad idea :/

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