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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    On Thursday, May 28, 2015 my dog of fifteen years was hit by a cable truck and passed away in my care.
    Earlier that morning, I was off work. It's been raining a lot lately and so business has been slow in the local food industry. Memorial Day, being a national holiday in America, has also sent work schedules off for people who work 9-5 jobs. Memorial Day was the first holiday I have had off work in around two years because the nature of my work demands that I work holidays. And I knew what I was getting into there. Days off work are a luxury to me around national holidays, and so Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day (my birthday, oddly enough), and basically every other day I work have started feeling more like... well, any regular day. Just busier.
    So, after that whole scare with my anxiety meds, I needed to start taking it easy. So I've been gardening and whistling and spending time with my pets. I've been picking up litter in the yard; weeding; helping the ants outside so they wouldn't feel the need to come into the house... you know, just small things that helped me deal with stress.
    Our trash pick-up service has been on a weird schedule lately. Sometimes they come in the morning, sometimes they come in the afternoon. They pick up the trash on Wednesdays, but the holiday pushed everything back a day.
    I woke up that morning early, probably around seven on my own. My cats were antsy, and they tried bolting out the door. One of them succeeded. We have lost cats to the road before when I was a kid. These two are now indoor cats. He made it down to the parked car off the porch until I managed to slowly creep up to him, lightly snapping my fingers and looking him in the eyes; and then I managed to snatch him up and bring him inside. I put a jester collar on one for trying to leave the house, and a pet harness on the other to try and tell him that if he wanted to go outside, he would need to learn how to walk properly in that bewitching contraption.
    I put a leash on him and tried walking him up and down the stairs.
    Now, Jewel, being the jealous doggie she always had been, was feeling neglected. So, I decided to walk outside with her and do some gardening. We have an invisible fence and she had been trained not to wander off. However, she was always hopping that fence by wearing out her collar's battery and then running off. This has happened on walks when her collar has snapped and she ran off into the road.
    I was trying to get a battery out of an old solar hybrid lantern and I walked up to the road to toss it into the garbage. Jewel must have thought we were going for a walk. I didn't see her until she was flying across the road. She was always quiet when she was getting into trouble. I ran into the road without thinking and pulled her into the grass out front. She was still alive, and opening up... She never moaned or whined... She just tried to move her jaw to talk to me... And I just kept my hand on her head and told her it was going to be okay. It wasn't long until she was gone.
    The guy who hit her stopped and I asked him to call someone. This one woman working for a veterinary hospital nearby stopped with a broken hand and helped me. I gave her Jewel's collar with her tags and she comforted me. The man who hit her helped me get her into a bag. I told her to keep the remains until I had spoken to my family. I said my goodbyes. I decided to plant a memorial garden where she was buried. We picked her up later that day, and I buried her with the shirt I was wearing when it happened. I filled it with an old pair of my shorts, and food from every last meal I shared with her (yogurt, cheese sticks, pizza, etc). I got the idea, I think, from an old Gary Paulsen book I read when I was in middle school. There was this custom hunters had where they would cut off the head of the animal they killed and put the food they ate in the mouth as a sign of respect. Well, I am not cutting off her head, thanks. But, I guess it just makes me feel like I'm keeping her close.
    She helped me a lot through my first two depressions and all of my anxiety. She was my best friend and my most loyal companion for the past fifteen years. She died acting like she was still a curious little doggie. I owe her fifteen years at the very least.
    I want to plant some pine out back. She loved exploring and running and staying cool in the shade. I think she would like that.
    The splatter is still on the road in front of my family's house. This has just brought up too many painful memories to deal with all at once. Everyone gets at least one moment in their lives that, no matter how hard they want to forget, they just know it's impossible, and then they finally make their peace with it. This is just one that isn't going to heal for me.
    I'm... handling this as best I can. I'm not relapsing into depression. I've been talking a lot with friends and my family has been very supportive. I've just been trying really hard lately with everything; getting a new job and going through a frustrating interview process, and then working on my family situation and figuring out my orientation, and trying to be healthy despite being called pretentious for not wanting to die of a heart attack (which is basically what going into culinary arts was based off of initially for me. I've always had weak lungs, and after that it's always one problem after another), and then I had to take care of my dog because everyone in my family is just so busy with work because of the economy and things changing like crazy...
    I just need a fresh start after all of this.
    Ultimately I was there for her when she needed me the most. And now I'm just trying to make the most out of an unfortunate situation.
    And that's it.
    That's all this is, and that's all I've ever been trying to do on some level.
    I don't care about marriage, I don't care much for any particular religion, really, and I don't care about people telling me what I should and shouldn't like. I get to decide who I love, not my orientation. I get to decide how to bury my dog, not the government. I get to decide what the most important thing in this world is to me, not any book. And right now I am just... so, so tired and only at age twenty three.
    Found a four-leaf clover today when I was visiting her out back. My luck is ridiculously stupid. It's annoying.
    I plucked it by the roots and planted it with my avocado sapling. It's been growing for about a year now.
    I might be gone a while. I need to watch the heck out of some Markiplier videos right now. =\
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Spoilers ahead for my alleged "fanfiction" however I wanted to write a story where the toa came to life and started helping people in our world. Where they came out of the story and touched the lives of people in order to do some good.
    So, to everyone who has been reading my blog and following from the start; congratulations! ^^
    So, I have a theory for one of my toa characters; Sida (see-duh). I've always been told I make good characters. Turns out I'm a natural thespian and storyteller. Go figure. XD. The way I make my characters, always, always, always, has been by shedding a part of my personal identity and then trying to put that part of my identity to words. I draw from life what I put on the screen and on the paper. It's just who I am. This has been like, the biggest help in figuring out my identity (turns out I identify as something like Demisexual. It's kinda what I always wanted to be. XD). I've been around people in the medical field my entire life. Turns out I picked up on a bunch of stuff. ^^
    So, I wanted to reflect this in Sida. I think I see the most of myself in her right now. This is an exchange between my OC's based on my current life experience. The characters I center this around are Tanu, Miln, and Sida (by far some of my favorite characters yet in my BIONICLE headcanon). This takes place shortly after The Melding, and is a prequel for a collaborative project from The Ambage titled "Volition"
    Miln - saw the child in myself with her. MaLNutrItion. She has loads of room to grow.
    Tanu - like TAhU but Not quite (h is taller than n. Tahu is very hot-headed, and while Tanu is a toa of Plasma, he has far greater power and has learned the dangers of it first-hand).
    Sida - will be explained later.
    Now, this would tie in nicely, I think, with my earlier fanfiction "Dare to Dream"
    So, trans-spectrum members in particular; I am asking this time; As a parent-in-training, do you think this sounds like a good idea?
    Take care,
    Tekulo (the first name I ever gave to myself. Playing with syllables got me interested in Eastern language. I found out my birth-name, ultimately, is a derivative of "child" in English. Go figure. XD. But it also had a different meaning, and that was the one I was more interested in at the time) It was just so... interesting. So, I guess what I've been trying to say this whole time is... Happy Naming Day, BZPower. ^^)
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Alright. So. Drama happened.
    It happens. That's life.
    I stated in my previous entry that I wanted to use these blog entries to express my personal views on LGBT+ issues. So, what did I do wrong? I censored myself.
    While I personally do not identify with trans binary binary trans (I was told "the trans binary" can refer to the binary spectrum. The proper terminology is binary trans), I do still fit into the trans spectrum. While I personally think my identity is subjective, it is still my opinion on who I am the same way my opinion on the issue was my opinion.
    I also said the point of these entries was to address issues and represent myself properly. If any of you are offended by anything I say, I am terribly sorry. However, I am a member of this site, and like anyone here I should feel safe to express my opinion. It should not matter to me personally if I am in the majority or minority. That is my opinion. When I censor myself without addressing the issue "why" then I am supporting an idea that someone else gets to decide what I think. Being lumped into a minority of LGBT+, that is where the offense came from. Arguably it is silencing and opression. But it was not the fault of the member who pointed it out. I was the person opressing myself.
    So, from here on out, what you see is what you get with these entries. No more erasure. That is my opinion. That is my right as a member of this site. Everyone else here has the same right. I see no reason why my orientation should change that.
    Amendment: I reserve the right to edit grammatical mistakes for the purposes to keep the content clear to read. General rule of thumb is standard autocorrect or spellcheck.
    Now, as for "this could be offensive to the trans people I offended" I feel I should address the fact that I asked a personal binary trans friend of mine what his opinions are on how I handled things went. He advised me to treat this as a learning experience. I agree with that sentiment, as I have stated in my previous entry.
    Basically, no matter which way you look at it, I share blame in what took place for allowing things to spiral out of control. I am trying to learn and move past it.
    I know this is tedious, but if you disagree please bear with me here. I am still learning. And I do encourage respectful debate. Another point of these entries is to nitpick my opinions and allow me to become more open minded and to learn. Please be respectful to each other in the comments.
    Now then. I have made blog entries in the past about Eastern Philosophy. I have seen a few comments popping up about that. It's true, there is something about the concept I find interesting. However, as many people in the blog comments pointed out, there were flaws with my logic.
    So, why am I interested in that philosophy? Well, when it boils down to it; I really can't say myself. Maybe it's escapism from my personal prejudice. Maybe it's because I genuinely like philosophy. At any rate, my friends have told me over the years that I remind them of a philosopher. Personally I think it's an interesting thought. I don't deny I do like philosophical studies. The Ship of Theseus, ideas behind Quantum Physics, even religions to an extent. While I personally am not an expert on religions, I have been told Eastern Religions tend to be more philosophical. So, maybe that's where that's coming from? Who knows.
    At any rate, I do like articulating my thoughts. It helps me deal with seeing blatant contrary evidence everywhere I look. I've said before it's why I like playing devil's advocate. I believe there are two sides to every story on some level.
    I am gay because I say I am gay.
    I am nonbinary because I say I am nonbinary.
    I am a man because I say I am a man.
    I am a member of this site because I say I am a member of this site.
    I am a human being because I say I am a human being.
    I am a living organism because I say I am a living organism.
    I think therefore I am.
    Those are differring levels to my personal subjective identity. I think all humans can connect on some level the same way all living things can connect on some level.
    So, when I see two people who are so similar from any walk of life disagree... I literally see two sides of the same coin harming each other unintentionally.
    When two members of the LGBT+ community fight and censor each other, I see one human censoring another human. When I see a person whose orientation is ambiguous or straight call out a member of the LGBT+ community, I see a human being calling a human being an insensitive word. When I see a member of the LGBT+ community call someone a bigot, I see a human being calling another human being an insensitive word. We can argue the pedantics until the cows come home; ultimately it's a problem.
    Look, everyone. We are all members on this site. We're also different people. Everyone clashes heads from time to time. It happens. And yes, every situation is different, and one person's pain cannot be measured to another's, but let's not just overlook the fact that two people are in pain.
    I see this everywhere I look. This is me trying to say I've personally had enough. Just because of my personal views, I see no reason why I cannot have faith.
    Via anonymous. I agree with this viewpoint. This is how I personally use the word "bigot." This is why I do not like throwing it around loosely. People's instinctive emotions can cloud their judgement easily, especially when they have a condition. 
    Personal here: I have recently started anxiety medication. One of the side effects is being more jittery in general. If I come across as over-emotional lately, I apologize. But this is also my point. Not everyone knows about my medication or my orientation if I leave it ambiguous. Defining yourself is one thing. Defining somebody else can be quite another.
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Not really a "something creative" but I had some charcoal pencils I hadn't used yet, and I wanted to do something RWBY related. A sketch of Ruby seemed like the least I could do. Rest in peace, Monty.
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Many people appear to be talking about queer issues and gender issues these days. From what I have noticed, not many of them appear to know what they're talking about. I mean, yeah, there are a lot of ideals tossed around, but a lot of people I've met just seem to avoid talking about anything other than opinions. I think speaking to queer individuals on their opinions and thoughts might help that a bit. And I'm not just talking about political issues, but rather personal ones. Why it is that queer issues are becoming more and more prominent in the first place? A lot of people I've met who say "I don't have a problem with gay people" are also the ones who, in my experience, don't understand why it's something people are talking about, and would rather people just keep to themselves entirely. In this entry, I hope to address a few more personal issues about being queer and what that means to me. Hopefully this could maybe help people better understand each other.
    Full disclosure before I continue with this: I am a gay man. As for my gender identity, after research and personal exploration, I have come to realize it is very likely that I am nonbinary. For those unfamiliar, that means identifying as something that is not fully described as either male or female. In my case, it's more like I identify as male in certain areas and female in other areas. If that sounds weird, I can assure you; yeah, it kind of is. But there's really nothing wrong with weird. It just means it's different. It really doesn't change too much for me around here because I am fine with identifying with him/his pronouns.
    So, what is it like to be closeted? What is it like to be queer in the modern age? If personal identity does not define a person's content of character, then why is this such a big issue? These are all questions I hope to address and answer by the end of this entry. Before I answer these, I think it would help if I explained what growing up was like. This is just a quick synopsis.
    As a child, I originally had crushes on girls. They were just crushes and they only went as far as imagining holding hands or maybe a peck on the cheek. Once I hit my teenaged years, however, I noticed that those crushes had limits. Middle school was a very confusing time. I never expected to be queer. It was also when everyone stopped being nice and started using crude humor. Among them, the word "gay" was used to be synonymous with "stupid." I was scared. I was already being bullied at the time. I grew up overweight and I was teased for it once I hit middle school. At the time I didn't tell my family about it. I knew they would yell and get angry. I was tired of that. I didn't want yelling, I wanted to be what at the time I thought was normal. I was afraid of more bullying if anyone found out.
    So, I tried to deny it. I told myself that I was just bi or that I was pansexual after I learned what that was later. I didn't want to be gay. I didn't want to be queer and questioning. I just wanted to be accepted, and my peers clearly would not accept me. Being gay wasn't the problem, it was, for the most part, how my peers treated the subject of homosexuality.
    Time passed and I went into highschool. My friends at the time were less than progressive on the subject of homosexuality, to put it lightly. I was afraid. Long story short, our friendship was toxic for everyone involved and I cut ties with them. I got pretty depressed after that. I felt like I needed a distraction, and online games like Runescape, Gaia Online and Virtual Magic Kingdom were fun enough. I still wanted human contact, even if I was afraid of talking to anyone in my family or seeking help from peers. Chatting and goofing around online was enough, even if it was just a text-based communication. And time continued to pass and I made friends. We joked around and gossiped. We shared secrets and complained about heavy subjects over time. And once I hit my junior year, I started reconnecting with old acquaintances in school. And the same things happened there as well. I ended up telling one friend from each group that I was queer. They were both women.
    Now, I know this can be a touchy subject, and every situation is different. However, the biggest offenders, the people I was afraid of the most? They were always men. That's not to say I wasn't around homophobic women, I was. However, there is a world of difference between hearing a person who happened to be a woman say "I disagree with it, and I don't think homosexuality actually exists." and a person who happens to be a man threatening violence, constantly complaining, and expressing worries about "the ones who are normal" (as in they don't act stereotypically flamboyant or have a voice without an accent) and claiming they are something to be feared. And I personally have yet to encounter a woman who acts in such a manner, even when they hold similar beliefs. And don't misunderstand me here: I am a man. I know that we are not all like this. However, the people I fear the most? They are problematic, aggressive men who do not know what they are talking about. And in my new group of friends in highschool, there were men I wasn't afraid of.
    They were just dudes that didn't express an opinion either way or honestly didn't care. Also, there was a reason I didn't tell all of my female friends that I was queer and questioning. I was afraid of them too. I only told two people at this time in the entire world that I was queer. The only reason I came out to them was because we developed a close friendship. And even then, that's not always enough. I had a male best friend since we were in elementary school. We talked about almost everything. I cut ties with him, even though he was a good friend just because I was worried how he might react if he found out. He wasn't the most progressive person at the time, and neither was I, as much as it pains me to say it.
    Something that really helped me at the time was the author Hans Christain Andersen. The author of the Ugly Ducking, The Little Mermaid, The Snow Queen among others? He'd written letters confessing his love to not only women, but also to men in his lifetime. Not only that, but scholars speculate one of his stories, The Snowman, was based on a relationship he had with a man. It's likely that there is a fairy tale about being queer. When I found out, I was ecstatic. I'd been feeling alone and isolated for such a long time, and this famous author that people base movies off of to this day, was like me. Even if his situation was different from my own, that was a tremendous help. It helped me realize that I wasn't unnatural. It made me realize that I'm probably not even the first member in the history of my family that was queer. His stories and his history gave me hope in a time when I needed it the most.
    After highschool, I went off to college. I went from the countryside to a city, and I was way out of my element. I had a lot of anxiety still and I was also going through a depression that had never really left from my sophomore year of high school. When I got to my baking and patisserie classes, I noticed that over half of my class consisted of women. Half of the men in the class, as I would later learn, were queer. No one really talked about it, but it did come up in conversation. And the men taking the classes? None of them were really that problematic. I was probably the biggest issue to be honest, and I was just clumsy and socially awkward. And not being around any problematic and aggressive men? It was refreshing, even if it was just for one class. My roomates both took issue with homosexuality. I only really feared one of them, though. Being a man is not an issue; being problematic and aggressive is the issue based on my experience (I'm saying this a lot because it's a hot topic right now. Sorry if this gets old). Do I regret not talking about this with other queer people when I had the chance? Yes. Those conversations that never happened probably could have saved me loads of problems. I didn't because I felt like I would just be an annoyance.
    And after that, I moved back home and I'm still here now. I've got a job, and I've been making a lot of progress. I'm out to my brothers and certain members of my social group that I've known for years and feel safe around. As for telling my parents, I ask myself one question every day: "Do I feel safe telling my family about my identity?" Every day, the answer is "No." Not yet. There is a world of difference between saying you'd accept someone and then actually accepting them. I should know. I've said for years that I don't care if someone's gay, and then there I was struggling to accept myself for the majority of my life. Honestly, I knew I was gay sometime when I was in college. I accepted that part of myself a little after that. As for my gender identity, I've only just come to terms with the fact that it's pointing away from cisgendered. Personally, if I could have chosen, it would have been something that wouldn't have been anywhere near as problematic to fit society.
    So, what is it like to be closeted? It makes me feel unsafe around the people who are closest to me. What is it like coming to terms with being queer in the modern day? Honestly, it was a lot of unnecessary fear and doubt. And the problem was not just with me, but also with the people around me and the enviroment I was in. If a personal identity does not define a person's content of character, then why is this issue being discussed? Because even in the modern day I grew up miserable when I didn't have to. I could have gotten treated for my depression sooner. It's even possible that I wouldn't have been depressed. I could have saved myself more than one existential crisis. I am one of the lucky ones. Many have it worse. I am turning twenty three tomorrow. Not everyone makes it to that age. That terrifies me.
    Honestly, if nothing else, I can say this experience has been an eye-opener.
    I asked B6 if this blog entry would be allowed. I was told that as long as I kept it true to a personal experience and kept political stances out, it would be fine. I tried to do just that the best I could.
    I'm locking this entry because I know this can be a sensitive issue. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send me a PM.
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I didn't really see anyone else blogging about this, but today is Martin Luther King Jr Day. I hope everyone at least takes a moment to either do some research or partake in some quiet contemplation today.
    MLK Wiki
    Eh, maybe not the best place to start some research, but I'm none too well-versed in history, so I don't have too many tried and true online resources. If anyone does have some good resources about today, I'd love to check it out! In the meantime, I should prolly check the personal library. I've been taught about MLK since I was a kid, but memory tends to be none too reliable, and there's always more to learn.
    At any rate, let's not forget this man or the progress he made towards tolerance and equality.
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Akano is visiting for the holidays and he has the system and game. Last night I did 8 player brawl by myself. It was Team Avatar vs Team Avatar. The old team kept winning (I was playing as Korra).
    Oddly, this is how I played Melee as a kid, only it was with Zelda, Ganondorf, Link and Young Link at Hyrule Temple for the time paradox wedding between Zelda and Link. Man, those were good times.
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Say, anyone remember that story idea I blogged about a while back about the toa popping up in our world? Turns out I'm actually writing it.
    This is a link. YOU CAN'T DENY IT!
    Feel free to check it out if you're interested.
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It dawns on me that I never blogged about my vacation. I'll prolly do a draft for my own records, but I dunno if anyone is interested in an adventure involving great food, dolphin sightings and parasailing.
    (I'm a blogging genius!)
    So, this latest episode of Gravity Falls...
    Seriously, the new episode is everything I wanted it to be and more. <3
    "I'm not afraid anymore, mother."
    ~The Duchess Approves
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I already have my next name change and my new blog theme planned out. This will not be implemented until the site actually allows me to make my name change, and like this previous one I shall alter my avatar, blog theme, blog description and username at once.
    That said, my blog will keep its music notes. Not too many other blogs have those, so it really shouldn't be too confusing for you guys to know it's my blog. Now, it would be a total troll move if, say, everyone and their mother added that same music note at the end of their blog titles, but hey what's the chance of that happening?
    ~Melon Lord
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    One of these days I will have serious tags for my blog.
    Anyway, the polls are up for Ninjas IN SPACE for General Art! Even though it looks like only two entries have the spotlight, regardless of who you vote for, looking at artwork is way fetch!
    Seriously. All of the entries are cool in concept, design or skateboards (or temples or space or water monsters, etc)
    ~Melon Lord <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Been playing the full version of Layton Brothers Mystery Room on my phone.
    It's not perfect in its cases in my opinion. One small beef I have with it is that there is a lot of convenient evidence in some cases that could have easily not existed in the first place which would have left the cases a little more open instead of immediately pinning the blame one one specific culprit... but that's not so annoying that the game isn't enjoyable.
    I actually really like the investigation of the crime scene. It's more hands-on than Phoenix Wright point and click and zooming in to look at the small details is pretty cool in my opinion.
    Wow, I really love run-ons.
    Anyway, I'm on the final case, and I love the overall plot thus far. It's got me hooked in! As for the final whodunnit...
    Anyway, Alfendi is totes adorkable. Is it weird that I kinda like his alter egomajig?
    Also, this is like the only game I will play/experience before GSR and I am super stoked about that. (He got ahead of me on Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton, Dangan Ronpa, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, and now Super Smash Bros 3D. This will probably be the only time in my life that I can say "neener neener" or as per our language "Upupupu" in his face for a legit reason. It's... kind of exciting. 8D)
    ~Melon Lord <3
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So my mom and my brother KK abandoned me for Disney World this week (because I have a job and didn't want to take off), so my dad decided to see Kajiggers of the Galaxy.
    We stopped at a Red Robin first for lunch, and decided on a later showing because we figured we wouldn't make it for the 1:10 showing. They had bottomless rootbeer floats. Bottomless rootbeer floats. Quick note: That is my favorite of all the beverages. Another note: They were made with Barq's rootbeer and soft-serve icecream. These rootbeer floats were designed to appeal to me specifically. I only had two because they were tall and things started to look like this:

    Anyway, we walked around town for a bit, looking at some antique shops and stuff. I did find a nifty Xmas gift for Akano. I'd go into detail what it is, but he's on BZP and probably reads my blogs. I can trust no one... (So basically PM me if you really want to know and then go "Neener neener! I know what you're getting!" Actually, just mock him regardless if you have this information. It builds character -and it's super hilarious-).
    So, after that we went to see the movie. Um, it wasn't fantabulously flawless or anything, but I liked it. That kinda says a lot because I kinda don't like superhero movies (it probably helps that nobody was actually super human for no reason like Superkajigger or anything). It's not that I hate them or anything, it's just they really aren't my thing... you know, like at all. Still, all of the characters had at least some depth (even if it wasn't fully explored), it had some heated moments and the special effects and stuff were really nifty. Though, the female lead being super hardcore and then going into a classic damsel in distress situation where only the dude hero could save her kinda miffed my fedora (I wore a fedora all day). It didn't help that they were a classic "will they/won't they" couple thing which I am sick to death of. Mumble grumble, I hate movies because of this, grumble mumble...
    So, after that we went to a brew works place for dinner. I had a couple of drinks, but then the unexpected happened. THEY PLAYED MOVES LIKE JAGGER ON THEIR FREAKING PLAYLIST! (Backstory: I had an internship once, and my co-workers listened to the radio as they worked. The only station they listened to played a grand total of six songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Moves like Kajigger was one of these songs. I worked there at least, like, five hours a day (on a slow day at that), and my only sanity in the entire day came when Adele sang Rolling in the Deep and Someone Like You because how can you not love Adele?). It was sheer torture, even after all this time... My musical nemesis... The bane of my eardrums... My one true enemy in this world...
    So, it was a good day all in all.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Please listen to someone.
    Don't expect for them to come to you with their problems.
    Be open, be chill, and don't try to solve every single problem or try to dominate them by saying "you shouldn't feel that way."
    Be approachable, stop being so judgemental, stop playing those stupid "I'm smarter and you're an idiot" games. Don't carry an air of superiority.
    Consider others' feelings seriously. Don't write them off as "oh, they're just being like..." or whatever.
    It's different for everyone, but those were the things preventing me from talking with a lot of people, including my own family, about my condition. I did have people I did talk to, and I'm doing fine now, but I feel like only telling the people with depression to "talk to someone" is only half of the issue sometimes. It can be a lot harder than you think.
    Be someone worth talking to.
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The Mask of Change
    Whew, this was really fun to write! It's been a while since I've attempted a BIONICLE story, but I hope it's at least enjoyable.
    This is the second short story addition for Volition. We started it off with A Destiny Chosen. We have more stories in the works, so hopefully we'll continue getting them out in a timely manner.
    ~Tekulo <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Tomoyo's story almost made me cry. This is bad, guys, the anime is appealing to my sense of humanity... I hate that thing... =/
    Nagisa's story finally comes to light! I'm so glad it ended the way it did.
    So, I guess the twins don't get too much backstory? I get that they both (maybe) had a crush on him and all, but... was that it for them? Maybe not because I haven't finished the story yet.
    So! I only have two episodes left until I'm done with the first season. I gotta say, Akio and Sanae are the most adorable characters ever.
    ... Yup. After Story is going to be the bane of my existence soon enough (and I probably won't have the Dango song at the end of the episodes! Now where will I get my fill of joy? NOOOOOO!)
    ~Tekulo <3
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Whoops, looks like I accidentally made breakfast all over whatever that blog entry was supposed to be.
    (Almost all of my blog is unimportant stuff. I am a boring person. =P. Homestar's still funny, though.)
    ~Tekulo <3
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Note: the part of the game I am referencing happens at the very beginning of the story, so I didn't feel a need to use spoiler tags.
    Layton: Now then Luke, the small child I have taken with me into enemy territory (with guns. Lots of guns), time is of the essence! We cannot afford to hesita-
    Luke: ... ... Erm, are you alright, Professor?
    Layton: Those oil drums remind me of a puzzle. 8D
    Luke: ... >.>
    ~Tekulo <3
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