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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I should let you guys know now that I have yet to see this movie.
    However, I have heard it is based off of Hans Christian Andersen's story "The Snow Queen." I happen to have The Complete Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen in my personal library, and I just so happened to have read the story (the tale is actually split into seven short stories which chronicle the adventures of two characters).
    You guys, if you like this movie, then read the story. It is wonderful. Be aware that I will write a short summary of the story in the next few paragraphs. As this story is around 200 years old I feel like putting spoiler tags would be a bit redundant (however I will not spoil the ending).
    Ye be warned.
    The story "The Snow Queen" is about two childhood friends, Kay and Gerda, and how a twist of fate sets them on two separate journeys across the world. It starts with an ancient mirror crafted by the devil which distorted the reflection of anything that met its path. Goblins wanted to shine this mirror at the Angels and laugh at their distortions, but on their way into the sky, the mirror is dropped to earth and it shatters into millions of tiny shards. When these shards get into the eyes of men, their view of the world is distorted and when it reaches the hearts of men, it turns their heart to a block of ice.
    Kay and Gerda are neighbors who are as close as brother and sister. One day, however, Kay feels his heart and eye sting, and then sees the world distorted. He sees the flaws of everyone in his town, including Gerda. The only thing he sees perfection in are snowflakes that fall from the sky. One winter night, the snowflakes grow larger and larger and form into the Queen of Snow. During a twist of fate, Kay ends up going with her to her palace to live with her, as he sees her as perfection (read the story because I skipped over tons of great material). However, since Kay disappeared the townsfolk thought he had drowned in a nearby river. Gerda, after mourning, finds hope that Kay is not dead and leaves into the world to look for him. She takes her favorite pair of red shoes and offers them to the river in hopes that the river would return Kay to her. The shoes wash back to shore, however, and so Gerda decides to throw them into the river from a boat, as she thinks she merely did not throw them in far enough. Her motion of throwing her shoes sets the boat into the current of the river and Gerda thus is forced into her adventure where she seeks Kay in the great world.
    Gerda has many adventures (read da story!) and actually has many opportunities to settle down and live well-off from her origins in poverty. However, she only wishes to find her friend, and her determination leads her to the home of the Ice Queen herself.
    While the original story itself is a very heartwarming story of friendship and love, I must say that from the trailers, the premise of Frozen actually seems similar. The main protagonist seems to resemble Gerda looking for a loved one, I must say the imminent everlasting snow storm is akin to the boat that forces her into beginning her quest.
    This looks promising to me, although I'm not sure where the idea for a Jar-jar snowman came from...
    I've seen a few trailers and a clip from the movie "Let it go." Elsa seems to be where the idea of Kay from the orignal went as far as I can tell. While Elsa and the Snow Queen are one and the same in this movie, Elsa was still forced by a twist of fate to leave her home. You could say that The Snow Queen did steal her away from her family, as she had no control of whether or not she had her powers.
    Other than that, I do see some other elements from the original in the trailers such as the presence of wolves, a dark forest, a reindeer character as a guide (so I assume), and the general presence of magic. In contrast, it looks like the story has been a bit complicated with the presence of a coronation and a sense of responsibility. This isn't in itself bad, but it does seem to get away from Hans Christian Andersen's style of writing (a simple idea which may be applied to the life of anyone).
    I'm not expecting this film to mirror the original story (hah. They always butcher the original. Though, it is pretty butchering, I must admit), although I am interested in seeing how they took the elements of the story and transformed them into something new.
    I must say I am more excited about seeing Frozen (all I had to go on before were trailers with a really annoying snowman and a bunch of hype from people I've never met saying it was the best thing since The Lion King which happened to be on the television. You know, because television never lies).
    I have heard many positive things about Frozen, however I haven't really met anyone who was as interested in Fairy Tales as I am, so I'm not sure if they have the same expectations as I do. ^^' However, I am very much looking forward to seeing the movie... sometime...
    Whassat, Billy? You don't know who Hans Christian Andersen is?
    ... GET OFF MY COPENHAGEN LAWN! (Copenhagen is now an adjective).
    ~Tekulo <3
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So my folks are going on a trip for a little over a week starting tomorrow. This will leave me, a 21 year old doof in charge of two cats, one dog and a bird in a big, old house designed to occupy a family of at least four which is old and creaking at a time of year when the wind sounds like ghosts galloping in delight bringing chilled temperatures and eerie settings due to the sun setting super early.
    But first I need friends within the general area... Dang it...
    Whassat, Billy? Where is the text color in this entry?
    ~Tekulo <3
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I know it's pretty basic right now, but I think it gets the point across.
    To Cuusoo!
    Even if my project doesn't make it, I still would love to see something other than a slanted brick used for a minifig dress. If nothing else, I hope that this gets people thinking.
    Whassat, Billy?
    You're happy with the current minifig dress situation?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    OH YEAH!
    Whew... Needed to get that off my chest.
    Yeah, the finale next week is looking very promising. ^^
    Well, I think that's about it.
    I'm in a good mood, Billy, so...
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... So pretty much just random people off the forums with the occasional friend sprinkled in here and there...
    It's come to my attention that I have not had a banner in my signature in ages!
    This just won't do.
    Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what I want to put there and I'm not sure where to start in the highly important decision making process, so...
    How do you guys decide what to use for a banner?
    I am now curious...
    What's that, Billy? You don't know what a signature is?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Thank goodness I just don't care.
    In the real world, I got off of a twelve hour shift and just woke up at 5 AM to get a drink of water, so I figured I'd go online for a bit. That's really it. I'm that simple a human being (Yaaaay ordinary! 8D)
    Okay, maybe I'm not so ordinary. I've got my black cat, Cosmo, purring away all curled up between my arms as I type this. You know, the superstition involving black cats and luck goes a little something like this:
    When a black cat crosses your path and flees from you, the cat is stealing your luck away. When a black cat approaches you, they give you luck.
    Basically, if you ever shoo away a cat based on its fur color, you're pretty much dooming yourself to an unfortunate situation. It's better to be the kind of person who is approachable than one that is intentionally secluded.
    That's if you believe in the superstition, of course. Upupupu.
    In any case, Cosmo always cuddles with everyone, so I guess I'm pretty lucky in that respect. ^^ It's definitely a plus after coming home from a twelve hour shift. Better than coming home to a bunch of drama, that's for sure. =P
    Anyway, in terms of Nanowrimo, I will not be participating. However, I will be writing this month (just not 50k. XP)
    Whassat, Billy? You don't like cats?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So with the forums back and all, I just happened to take a look at my spinny and I realized that I've been on BZP since 2003.
    Looking back at the archives, I am so glad time changes things. XD
    Why, back in my day Lewa had gear functions and there were rahi sets still being sold. Good times.
    (Oh, also Mask of Light had come out the year I joined and comics were pretty big on BZP. Dark709 came out with the first full-length sprite movie -which my brother Akano was in for a few seconds. I still say his demise should've been less central to the story and I am in no way making things up details now- and everyone was getting excited about Metru Nui and the identities of the first toa whom Turaga Vakama had alluded to. There was also a huge debate over whether or not Dume was evil).
    Looking back, it's amazing what a single decade can do. Before I was a goofy kid and now I'm a goofy adult with a job and responsibilities. It's amazing how much can change yet stay the same at the same time. And the scariest part is that I have plenty of decades of my life to come with decades of changes in my life ahead of me. Well, scary as in exciting, not horrifying. XP
    Here's to another decade of being a goofy adult!
    Whassat, Billy? You're still a kid?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Surprisingly, it's not Caramelldansen.
    I'm trying to learn to sing Håll om mig (Hold Me Now) because it's a really awesome song and it's used for an AMV of one of my favorite anime's ever.
    (Warning: Contains out-of-context spoilers for Guitar Ninjas)

    So, why am I attempting to sing in a language that I haven't studied before? ... It's a good song and I like to sing. =P
    Whassat, Billy?
    Your favorite song is 'Moves like Jaggar'?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    (Srsly get out if you like that song >=/ )
    ~Tekulo <3
    Post-Lawn-Script: For anyone who is curious about the lyrics' meaning, I shall post a translation I found below.
    Everything our world needs is
    more love each day.
    We both know that, I and you.
    Let us begin here and now.
    So hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Yes, come closer for awhile.
    Can you hear my breath?
    The blood is rushing wild and hot.
    Yes, in so many different ways.
    So come and hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Pulse beating, I see your gaze, ohh~
    I'm in a helpless state.
    I can be saved first if you...
    ...give me mouth to mouth now.
    So hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Yes, come and hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    I'm lost and enthralled.
    I am shocked and touched.
    Heart beating so hard.
    Leaving you alone becomes so difficult.
    And I think you see,
    that I'm falling more and more.
    Hold meeeee~.
    (Yes, hold me)
    (Don't let go) of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Yes, come and hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    (Ohhh~, ohhh~)
    Woah, come and hold me.
    (Ohhh~, ohhh~)
    Don't let go of me.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I finally saw this movie within the past week. And then I saw it again. And then I saw it one more time after that.
    Now, before I get into my thoughts on the movie itself, let me explain to you why I was so excited to see this movie in the first place.
    The show was doing fine up until the season two finale. After that there were many instances where I thought the show could have done a much better job with the stories themselves if, instead of two-part episodes, they were movies. Such episodes such as The Crystal Empire and especially Magical Mystery Cure. Those episodes were, in my opinion, highly crammed in terms of story (The songs were fantastic, though, aside from BBBFF).
    That's why I've been craving a My Little Pony FiM movie, and when I heard one was in production I was over the moon (poor Luna).
    When I saw that the story would include Twilight turning into a human (along with human-counterparts that looked like the mane six) I thought "interesting." I have noticed a lot of negativity from fans and such assuming it would be terrible (though I'm not sure if any of those people had actually seen anything more than the trailer), but that didn't make me any less excited to finally witness this movie with my own two eyes. And ears.
    As for the story itself, I rather enjoyed the beginning. We saw Twilight's thoughts and fears about her new status as a princess. In the episodes I'd mentioned earlier, I felt this sort of exposition was highly lacking or put to the wayside. To see them not just show the characters acting a certain way as a hint and the fact that this exposition had more than five lines of dialogue was refreshing.
    MMC: "Can't you fix it?" "Nope, they're all doomed and it's my fault" -insert song- "They're your friends" "You're right, now I know how to resolve this situation instantly by glowing for no reason!"
    -womp womp-
    Anyway, Sunset Shimmer's presence as a character brought some things to light about Equestria. We now know that Celestia had a second student, and possibly has more out there. As for traveling to another world, we have learned that this is possible through magic and that no matter what form he's in, Spike is doomed to be puny forever.
    Now, as for the Fall Social Dance plotpoint, well... I had to snicker to myself that the fate of two worlds hinged on a teenaged girl winning a popularity contest. XP
    Concerning the identical characters, I got some serious deja vu from the very first two episodes of MLP FiM. The main difference was that instead of everyone knowing each other beforehand (and seemingly getting along), the main cast held grudges between each other. I was interested until the truth between their fighting was revealed. I had my hopes set too high for Pinkie Pie stealing Rarity's boyfriend to be a plotpoint in this movie (hint: that doesn't happen in the movie).
    And now this brings us to Brad, as I want my final spoiler-filled stuff to be lumped together at the end. I wish he had a more prominent role in this movie. My impression of his importance to the story was to be a love interest and little else. Granted he did come in handy a grand total of one time, but that role could have easily been given to someone else.
    So, those are my in-depth thoughts on the movie. Overall, though? It's a pretty solid movie for what it is. The songs may not have been as strong as others in the show (although "Helping Twilight Win the Crown" is catchy and enjoyable) and there are still a few elements of the story that could use work (love interest, silly drama such as not-Brad being Sunset's exboyfriend which isn't brought up by Sunset at any point in the movie making it a moot point altogether, etc), but overall I did think the story was executed better than some of the two-part episodes out there. This had the room for exposition and the right amount of tips of the hat to fans which I've been dying to see for a while now. It's not as rushed as Magical Mystery Cure, more personal than A Canterlot Wedding which threw new characters at us left and right and focused on them, and handled the fate of a complex new world better than throwing a fun festival for ponies at the Crystal Empire (in this movie, you could definitely tell there was a lot at stake, especially towards the end).
    Is it perfect? No, but it's definitely a good first movie for the series. I know I enjoyed it, and I sincerely hope another movie is in My Little Pony's future.
    What's that, Billy?
    You think the dolls look spot-on to their cartoon counterparts?
    ~Tekulo <3
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Thanks to the Nintendo E-Shop, I've been able to obtain a few new games such as The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages (which is pretty fun with a pretty cool game mechanic of time travel), Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracles (I got this one fairly long ago, but it's still a cool game. Not my favorite story in the series, but still fun) and most recently Fire Emblem: Awakening.
    I've finished my first playthrough of the game (I cannot for the life of me play while having the characters die, so I'm being a newb by having them all come back after defeat), and I'm starting on my second one. This time I'm focusing on the characters I didn't get/didn't beef up and I'm marrying off different couples. Lon'qu/Panne is still, however my OTP. (My second OTP is Lucina and Yarne).
    Seeing all of the different conversations and interactions between the characters is really fun and I love the mechanics.
    What's that, Billy?
    Your OTP is Chrom/Sumia? ...
    ~Tekulo <3
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so I just wanted to blog. I have no reasons for doing so as nothing eventful has happened in my life lately.
    I'm still working an average of 6 days a week (though, my seasonal job is coming to a close, so probably by the ides of August I'll have more free time until my baking career demands more hours out of me.
    I still have two cats and a dog who are adorable. <3
    The avocado tree I'm growing is making progress, so that's cool (it's germinating and its sprout is around two inches long now. If I am able to grow avocados I will be eternally happy).
    The basil I planted still seems to be doing well. Rapunzel, my spearmint which was purchased at the supermarket, is purple, but still appears to be doing well (I named her Rapunzel because she's about four feet or so off the ground and her branches touch the floor). I think she may be suffering from Phosphorus deficiency.
    I got a few new Lego sets yesterday (The Chima game, a notebook, the Springtime scene, Valentine's heart box amongst others), which are always sooo much fun to build. =3
    I have a driving lesson this Friday which will be so much fun. Yaaaaaaay... ...
    So, yeah... My life's pretty boring. I kinda like it. ^^
    What's that, Billy? You want to go partying?
    ~Tekulo <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    WHY, WHY, WHY?!?!?!
    So, how was your day, Billy?
    ~Tekulo <3
    (I was totally going to elaborate on this and explain my occupation in greater detail, but I thought this was waaaay more fitting).
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I decided that this October I'll be getting Pokemon X because I love Pokemon Games and this one is looking pretty fantastic so far.
    I've decided I'll want to raise a Sylveon (because Eevee is my favorite pokemon ever and I love all of the eeveelutions), a Talonflame (for sky battles and the fact that it's a normal flying type with a second type attached. I think that's pretty sweet), a Gogoat (because Gogoat's concept is awesome), a Clauncher (it looks awesome) and most likely a Flabebe (Flower Sprite Pokemon? YES!).
    Anyway, I'll also probably name them after Fairy Tale characters due to my obsession with Grimm and Andersen works. Talonflame is so going to be a name from The Juniper Tree.
    Anyway, due to my pokemon decisions above, I already have each starter type covered. Not only that, but I actually do like all of the initial designs for each starter pokemon. Yes, even Froakie. I didn't like it at first, but the little guy's grown on me. Chespin is awesome, Fennekin is a Fennec fox pokemon (awesome) and water starters are some of my favorites in battle (though I do love the grass type for their designs and concepts).
    So, yeah. I'm torn. I have no idea which one to choose...
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I keep hearing about all of these stories and other fictitious things that people cry over. And I don't mean everyone cries at them, but I hear actual people have actually cried at these things. You know, like Toy Story 3, The Bridge to Terabithia (book), My Little Dashie, and various other things that don't make me cry.
    Yeah, I rarely, and I mean bordering on the fence between fairly seldom and never, do I cry at fiction. Movies, books, shows, comics, etc I normally keep my cool. In fact, I've only ever gotten misty-eyed at fiction. No actual tears as of yet.
    Don't get me wrong, there are moments that I do cry, but then it was always something to do with reality.
    So, whenever I find anything that impacts me so much that my eyes start to water, I know that it's good (well, in my opinion. I really couldn't care less about what you guys think. =P)
    Most recently this for me was the book A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good story.
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Yeah, I know I want to blog about something, but I totally can't remember what it is.
    So, while I remember, let me tell you a story.
    I forget what the story is.
    Okay, so all of that aside, I suppose I could talk about my vacation with Akano and KK.
    We saw stuff, did stuff, had some delicious gelato, went to the lego store and got the Palace Cinema (well, I did anyway), and I haggled with Akano over Lego sets.
    I ended up getting a Lego Iron man minifig for free with my purchase at the Lego store (Well, I ended up getting two, but this was before I got the second. I wanted to trade him away because I'm not a Superhero fan at all except for Batman because his story is literally the only one that makes any bit of relatable sense to me in any way, but I'm getting off topic). So, I traded my first Iron Man away for the LEGO Set DJ Pirate Fez Crab. The fact that this is not an actual Lego Set makes me question the sanity of LEGO's set creators. Basically I got the better end of the deal because DJ Pirates are cool enough, but one with a fez who is also a crab? Best. Figure. Ever.
    Anyway, I also managed to build the Palace Cinema over the span of two nights before it was time to leave. It is amazing and I love it so much. <3 It's my first really big set that I've ever gotten, so I'm super excited. I'll probably make a quick review sometime if anyone's interested.
    Anyway, I think that's pretty much it.
    I don't think I covered what I originally wanted to blog about...
    What did I want to tell them, Billy?
    You don't know?! Well then...
    ~Tekulo <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, where I've left off with most of the shows and stories I've been keeping up with:
    -Micheal Bluth got his heart broken on Arrested Development (big time heartbreak).
    -One of the main characters got killed off in Torchwood.
    -Two of my favorite characters that I ship in Once Upon a Time got separated from each other just as they confessed (Oh, and one of them is probably dying).
    -Pretty much everything is wrong and tragic with the post-trial phase of Super Dangan Ronpa 2.
    -The mastermind is going to kill off half of my favorite couple in Dangan Ronpa Zero (and quite frankly, I'm still depressed about Kyoko Kirigiri's father).
    -A murder has just occurred on the Orient Express.
    I now know why fairy tales have happy endings... I... I'm gonna go cry in the corner for a while, Billy...
    Something about a lawn,
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I've got good news. Well, it's good news for me. I don't know what's going on in everyone else's life, but that's not what I'm concerning myself with! =D (Yes, I'm always this self-centered. So glad that hasn't been outlawed).
    Anyway, I've been working a 9-5 office job this past week. My brothers and I have worked there in the past, and it's mostly just regular office type stuff. I wear a suit and tie every day and have mugs with funny captions, a picture of my wife and imaginary children and I nearly faint every time I spill maranara sauce on my freshly-pressed and starched white shirt. I'm so glad they have those stain removal pens nowadays. (Please note that everything past the first two sentences of this paragraph were a complete and total lie. The dress code is probably what casual clothing you'd wear to school. That is, unless your school has mandatory uniforms).
    So, while that isn't the most exciting thing in the world, I'm still glad I have something. Plus I've applied to a local area for a job in my field (something that shall never be revealed to BZPower because I love enigmas. I mean, it's such a fun word: enigma. ;u;). So far I've had two interviews there and things are looking hopeful at this point. I really hope I get the job. Also, I've explained my situation to my boss and they're ready to let me go or work fewer hours around a new schedule if I do get hired. In other words, it's possible I could be working two jobs this summer which makes me excited.
    Now, I know I'm seldom on BZP these days, so my public activity will probably remain the same as it already is currently. Actually, this strangely might result in more blog posts as I actually have some exciting things in my life to actually type about to random creepers on the internet who actually read about my life. HI PEOPLE! 8D
    Also, I've been reading up on driving laws and I'll be getting my temps soon.
    I know, I know, I'm getting my liscence late. However, I would like to point out that Phoenix Wright didn't have his liscence when he was 26 and he was still the most awesome lawyer on the face of the planet. Edgeworth is the classiest, ftr.
    What was I talking about again, Billy?
    GET OFF MY LAWN! >=/
    ~Tekulo <3
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Nothing like replaying some of your favorite games after so many years.
    The thing I love most about this series is that it's so unbelievably epic with a great, detailed cast of characters with their own individual quirks, interesting bad guys with elaborate and tedious plots and is so entertaining on the whole; and the only way I can describe it to an average joe is "So basically you play as a lawyer and defend people in court."
    I always get so many odd looks when I say that.
    Hah hah hah... I feel forever ashamed of my own choice of words sometimes... ''-_-
    ANYWAY so I forgot how much I hate/love Miles Edgeworth's character. The first game he's at his worst, but starts on his path to his best (and fails miserably with a Whooooooooop!). In later games (Ace Attorney Investigations which I really loved [despite the boss making my video game life oh-so-ever-tedious]) he really shines and I love how classy he is. Still, I do admit he doesn't have as much class as Professor Layton in my opinion.
    Larry Butz is probably my favorite character in the first game. He's just a regular guy who finds himself in the center of bad luck, but he's always got a lively personality (both good and bad) that just makes me laugh every time he shows up.
    Maya is also a very fun character, but I start to like her even more later on in the series. She's so goofy and doesn't always know what she's talking about, but at the same time she has a good heart. Actually, I'd say she's the pinacle of goodness in any of the games. No matter what the story puts in her way, she always comes out smiling and that's just really awesome.
    So, I could go on and on about every character in the series, so I'll just stop before this becomes a really long entry.
    ~Tekulo <3
  19. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Celestia, ruler of the sun. Luna, ruler of the moon.
    Twilight: Where the sun and moon meet.
    Well, no duh...
    I... I think I'm going to hide my head in shame now for just noticing this...
    ~Tekulo <3
  20. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, one thing about me is that I really don't like sports. It's not that I hate them or anything, it's just that I get bored watching them. Really really bored.
    I have since my dad took me and my brothers to baseball games when I was a kid. All I really found interesting were the mascots, and that wasn't even that big a part of the game. To me, the fans were far more annoying than the sport (unless they were doing the wave). I'm talking about the fans that go out and trash the place after a game.
    So, the question becomes, how do I make die-hard football fans weep through their souls?
    I have compiled a short list of ideas of how I will likely spend Superbowl Sunday 2013.
    -Baking Cookies. Possibly Snickerdoodles (Funny name and a delicious cookie? Win).
    -Watching an Anime titled Princess Tutu
    -Making myself a homemade vegetarian dinner
    -Settle down with a cup of tea.
    -Work on my Spanish and try to sing foreign songs
    -Try dancing to Hare Hare Yukai aka the ending song for the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (I've tried this before. I have failed time and time again).
    -Go to bed around 9:00 PM
    -Caramelldansen (it's totally a verb. I swear!)
    -Contine my ongoing drama of romance, betrayal and passion with my Lego minifigures (who doesn't do this? Don't lie. =P)
    So, why do I even want to do all of this?
    Dunno. Just 'cause. =P
    Blasted kids with their TV dramas on Sundays...
    ~Tekulo <3
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