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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, ever been totally addicted to a song and you just have to listen to it over and over and over for like a week?
    Yeah, the theme song for Angel Beats has infected my eardrums and it just won't stop. Well, not that I want it to stop. XD
    It just sounds so uplifting and it makes me imagine.
    Other songs that have had this effect/affect/uhfect/infect:
    Brandy You're a Fine Girl by The Looking Glass
    Dancing in the Moonlight by King Harvest (Toploader is worst pony)
    Every FMA Brotherhood opening ever (especially Again by Yui)
    Gymnopédie No. 1 by Erik Satie
    The Maiden's Prayer by Tekla Badarzewska
    And many, many others I don't wish to list at this time.
    Judy Garland also brings me back. As does Debbie Reynolds (I hear the cottonwoods whisperin' above~)
    Whasat, Billy? A Compact Disc MP3zer on Blue Ray thinger? STOP TELLING ME ABOUT THIS FUTURISTIC MAGIC!
    ~Tekulo <3
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    You know, tags are too short for my blog...
    Today when I logged on to BZP, I had 49 notifications and was all "... Eh? Confangled futuristic thinger... GET OFF MY LAWN!" so then I tossed my computer out the window. Then, in a wondrous stroke of brilliance I devised a plan: Read the notifications.
    So, it turns out I somehow followed the "Rumors Abound" news reply topic unintentionally. Being one of the first to reply there, it's no wonder I got so many notifications.
    Silly, Tekulo, Tricks are for half-baked Magicians. XP
    Oh, also Angel Beats. Wow. Not what I was expecting... at all... Very interesting so far. ^^ (I kept hearing everyone and a half on this site rave about it, so I decided to check it out. Very catchy opening sequence. Me gusta la... uh... piano... XP
    ¿Que es, Billy? ¡SALE MI CÉSPED!
    ~Señor Tekulo <3
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Just made one. It's nothing too fancy or anything. I was tempted to add a rather large mustache onto it, but I didn't think it matched the flow of the image.

    So, I'll be stamping a few blogs. If I don't stamp yours, then don't take it too personally. I love and respect you all equally on here (which turns out it isn't much to begin with. That includes you, Akano. Hehehe).
    This is all in good fun, so no spoil-sports, alright?
    Good, now that that's all taken care of...
    ~Tekulo <3
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I am clearly not immortal (well, I know I shall live on forever through the hearts of ALL OF YOU because I have been infecting my blog entries with heart parasites that- you know, that's not important), so I figured I should start writing down a bunch of books that I'm interested in reading and then expand the list over time.
    In short, this entry is mainly for my self-benefit, so KEEP OFF MY LAWN!!! (Triple exclamations of DOOOOM! I like adding DOOOOM! to things. Gives it a nice air). That is, unless of course you have any suggestions.
    -The Count of Monte Cristo - I've heard about this one here and there, but I only just recently found out about the plot. Revenge, romance, drama! Sounds like an excellent read (plus the anime is a bit out there at some points, plus I hear the novel is in chronological order)
    -Murder on the Orient Express - Sounds like a good read. Okay, so I have this weird love of murder mysteries... I have an even higher love of mysteries on trains or one that involves trains of some kind. It's one of the reasons I love a certain episode of a certain cartoon series that may or may not have pony protagonists of which PinkiePie is best pony and any other argument is invalid because she defies the very laws of reality.
    -Others in the Diane Fallon mystery series by Diane Connor. I've read Dead Secret and it was a nice read (especially for a mystery genre book). The ending was utterly chilling...
    -The works of Edgar Allen Poe - I really haven't read much of these... Gothic literature always does sound very interesting to me. I have read the works of The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum, The House of Usher, etc, though it has been a while since I've read his works.
    -The Complete Works of Hans Christian Andersen - Seriously, I love this author. His stories are some of the most beautiful pieces of literature that I have ever read (and I actually do own this book, so it'll probably be higher up on my priority reading). Some of my favorites include The Little Mermaid (and the original is amazingly better than the animated movie), In 1000 Years, and The Pearl of Sorrow.
    -Webster's Dictionary - this is mainly just because I'd like to expand my vocabulary a bit without coming off too pretentious and boastful. Plus it's highly interesting at times to look up new words. Though, Scrabble dictionaries would probably be a better start (because those things have some pretty funny words in there). This is more of a whim than anything, though and would be very low on my priority list (sorry technicalities that could help me trip up the grammar police, but stories are by far more interesting).
    Adding to the list:
    -Bartleby the Scrivener,Unlighted Lamps and other stories of Sherlock Holmes. I have been inclined to read them for a while, but the movies kinda killed that for me. Anyway, I would love to read these as they've inspired many works of mystery and I generally hear a good reputation for these works (understatement of the year).
    -The Jungle Book - I've actually never read this one, though I have heard a bit about the characters over time. It does sound like an interesting read.
    -I, Robot - I haven't been much of a sci-fi fan (though I do enjoy the genre from time to time). Still, couldn't hurt to broaden a few horizons.
    -Through the Looking Glass - Never read it as a kid, though I do have the book from childhood.
    -Treasure Island - Again, considered a classic or whatnot. Never read it. Have a copy. Also the Muppet Version was not to my liking no matter how much my ever so kind brothers tried to argue that I was wrong and that my taste in movies is bad and that I should feel bad. XP
    So, any suggestions, Billy?
    ... No?
    ~Tekulo <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... would be the spider babies hatching and being sooo cute. ^^ I wish I could huggle them, but if I did they'd be crushed to an early doom... so I tend to shy away from such things.
    Oh, and there are red leaves too... but mostly that spider thing.
    -a yellow leaf falls to the ground-
    ~Tekulo <3
    (Post Lawn: One of these days I will tire of my blog's theme. It is not, however, today, tomorrow, next week or the end of December 2012).
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so this is a pretty old post I made in an old topic (it just resurfaced in S&T and I was hit with a gnarly wave of nostalgia, dude! Chaa') but it's also one of my favorite posts I've ever made on this site ever. I would put it on the side of my blog somewhere, but... It's a bit lengthy, so I figured it deserves its own entry.
    Here I present the absolute truth of the difference between the elements Earth and Stone! True story.
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Reading the same story over-and-over gets boring after a while. I guess that's why I'm not into really mainstream things like Doctor Who or Glee (ugh, I hate that show), Lady Gaga or Harry Potter. I guess that's why I like to read, see and hear other things like Baccano and The Looking Glass (Brandy, you're a fine girl indeed. ^^), Princess Tutu, Cat Laughing Last and it may play a role in why I'm still a member on this site.
    I'm not saying the popular stories are boring... It's just... well, thinking about it there are several fans of the popular things. It's not uncommon to find a fan of Lord of the Rings or someone who worships Star Wars or Star Trek. It might sound hipster of me to say, but because those stories are so popular they have thousands of people who share common threads. In other words, people share something more in common and it becomes a "norm." It boggles my mind a bit to think so many people could have something like that in common sometimes. It's like they're one small step closer to being the same human, however small the trait they share turns out to be.
    Consider life to be a story; a story is interesting with the events that take place and the philosophy tied in, respectively. In the mainstream world, hearing the same songs over and over again and seeing the same stories unfold gets a bit... dull, I suppose. Once not long ago I worked at an office where co-workers would play the radio every day for eight hours. Now, where I worked there were around six to seven people working together depending who had the shift that day. One of the employees, when she could have her way, would play a radio station that exclusively played songs including "Moves Like Jagger," "Firework" and other mundane garbage. Though, to be fair, they did also play Adel... once every few hours... Those were the only good songs on the station in my opinion. The radio station, only sporting around a total of ten or so songs, would repeat day after day after day. In other words; I was listening to the same music time and time again. Although I did enjoy a few songs, I would have preferred more variety.
    Looking at popular culture as a whole, I suppose I view mainstream entertainment as I do that radio: I don't deny that the stories have potential and that I could easily enjoy them. I just prefer to have the many, many existing fans to have their fun in my stead. One less Doctor Who fan isn't going to kill anyone. Oddly enough, I have received some backlash for this way of thinking, however. I was in conversation with a group of my peers once, and I mentioned that I didn't like Lady Gaga. It was then I was attacked with the question "Well, what do you listen to then?!" to which I replied "video game music" as I had been listening to a lot of remixes at the time. The reply was "You're going to limit yourself to that?" The funny thing was, I thought they were limiting themselves to Lady Gaga. XD
    There was also another incident where one of our older peers (a very kind woman and a great friend) mentioned to the younger generation that she had not read, and didn't intend, to read the Harry Potter series. Like a pack of wolves everyone in the room seemed to pounce for the kill, bombarding her with "OMG, Y U NO READ THE BOOKS?!" and "WHAT?!" the tone was along the lines of blasphemy for just not following the crowd. I chimed in and said that I too had no intention of finishing the series past book four (the last book I'd read as a kid). They seemed to grumble to themselves and quiet down. I was just thankful that they stopped with their prejudice (and over something as trivial as a book series no less XD).
    So, I suppose that's why I'm not into Stargate or The Avengers and why I have little interest in Batman movies or other things of the sort. There's already quite a following for those titles, and I've heard of those stories before. What catches my eye, when I walk into the store, are strange things I've yet to see. I love being strange and learning new things. I suppose I've seen a Harry Potter fan before, and I have met Lady Gaga fans before. It isn't every day I meet someone else who likes Erik Satie or Dancing in the Moonlight or Princess Tutu or Rin. I love people that I think are interesting and I prefer it if everyone could expand their horizons a bit and let other things define them. Complexity is a wonderful thing, and I just wish people could see the full spectrum of light instead of the shades of gray in the world.
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Yeah, so I've seen this new-fangled blog whatsit around lately and I figured "Eh, why not? Wait... but why do it to begin with? ... WHOA!"
    Anyway, after an epic battle involving a coin flip, a rock-paper-scissors tournament, an intense eye-spy contest AND the stop-hitting-yourself game; I finally reached an agreement with myself to post this.
    So, I'll answer any question with truth honesty seriousness credibility integrity and most likely all around goofiness.
    I figure there are probably only like five people who bother to read this blog and out of those normally three people that bother to comment, so I should be safe from a bombardment of questions (I am so popular on BZP, I can just feel the fame... By the way, my blog has approximately twice as many views as my profile. XD).
    Now then, Danny... Wait... What happened to Billy?! DANNY, WHY?!
    Wow, guys, that was fast. XD
    You are transported to an alternate universe where Satie's Gymnopédies do not exist. Everything else is consistent between this universe and that one. What becomes your new favorite something?
    What? ... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Seriously, I'm looking forward to the dead of winter so I can gaze into the snow while listening to that song. Best. Idea. Ever.) Anyway, my new favorite something becomes the works of Hans Christian Andersen (and don't you dare take that away from me!)
    Toxic Waste Bunny or Radioactive Rabid Rabbit?
    Toxic Waste Bunny! <3 It just sounds soooo cute! =3 (You can tell how thoroughly I thought that one through...)
    June 31st or or September 31st?
    Hmm... June 31st, I suppose. That's the last day I can make the horrendous pun "HEEEY, JUNE, DON'T MAKE IT BAAAAD!" whilst watching a certain Avatar episode and have it be on more than one level. XD
    Did you not dream about farm animals?
    You know, I dream about a lot of things. Farms animals, however, are not one of them, I'm sorry to say. D=
    Rock-Paper-Scissors has been expanded into the much more complex Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock. Your are tasked with adding more to this paradigm. What do you add, what is its hand signal, what does it defeat, and what defeats it?
    I was actually tempted to add the lizard and Spock to my previous allusion above. XD Appreciated. Anyway, I add in the dragon. It defeats all previous options and its signal is similar to a Spock symbol rotated 90 degrees while bending your fingers inward slightly into a claw (three digits). I also add in enchanted bunny. It is defeated by everything except for dragon; it defeats dragon. Oh, and it's signal is basically vertical scissors with flopped ears.
    If a tree falls in your room, and there aren't any cats to spazz out about it, does the toaster go off?
    If the cat does not spazz, the bird does not chirp. If the bird does not chirp, the dog does not laugh at such sport. If the dog does not laugh at such sport, the dish does not run away with the spoon. If the dish runs away with the fork instead, the zombie apocalypse is not initiated. If the zombie apocalypse is not initiated, the human resistance does not develop MacGyver weaponry. If the human resistance does not develop the toaster canon, then no, the toaster will not go off. It's all right there in the logic, good sir.
    Dooo iiitttt. The mustache commands it!
    Giant Spiders WEARING jester hats FTW!
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    debating whether i Should make a super secret club. Has anyone else ever made a club before? On the other hand, has anyone not made a club before? Understanding, of course, I can't exclude anyone, does that mean all members are officially a member of said club? Lemme think... Drat, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that...
    In other words, I'm still in debate...
    (post lawn: if you thought there was something odd about this post, then you are Correct. remember the code: Other Oshawts don't like Kellogs cereal, so Ines will tell Emily about Sally. those who figure it out will get the prize listed previously).
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    (So, I totally want to see Effect and Affect in a violent battle to the death one of these days... I just find those nit-pickers to be so adorable <3)
    Anyway, my friends have always called me a creepy person. XD I suppose it's because in school I was always the gloomy kid in the corner, plus I had very awkward social skills and such (cue the tiny violins for tragic ambiance. I want the tiny violins!)
    So, I just recently discovered you could creep on other members on BZP by scrolling over their names. It's actually quite fun. ^^
    (The duck is always watching... and she's also a magical ballerina princess!)
    Now then Billy...
    ~Tekulo <3
    EDIT: OMG, I can also creep on myself! This is great! 8D
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, thanks to some random hobo my good friend who is smart, beautiful, cunning, clever, wise, handsome (I mean, that's some hand), nice, kind, great... uh... (uses Thesaurus beyond this point) amusing, funny, waggish, witty, sharp, intelligent, scholarly, bookish, pedantic, obscure, vague, scatterbrained, careless, senseless, futile and all-around hopeless, I was given a free ticket to change my member title. ^^ (In an unrelated note, playing the telephone game via thesaurus in Word starting with the word "amusing" can be fun. XD).
    A huuuge thanks again. ^^ I'm honored. (The thanks... IT'S TOO HUGE! GET THE TANKS! THE TANKS! D= )
    So, I went with "Illusory Instigator" for a few different reasons. Illusory meaning "based on illusion" or "based on fantasy" and instigator being "a person who initiates a course of action," I decided it to mean something along the lines of "Someone who begins actions in a world of fantasy" or simply "someone who creates fictional stories" (it's a bit of a stretch, I know... Okay, maybe a large stretch).
    Though, the other, more literal meaning of the phrase implies "A person who uses deceptive means to cause trouble."
    I'd say that also fits me quite well in certain circumstances (ask Akano. He can vouch for this I'm sure. XD).
    I also liked the alliteration. ^^
    Anyway, here's the list of titles that, unfortunately, did not come to be:
    The Surreal Forger (I didn't quite like the flow of the words together and "Forger" has a connotation of "a falsifier" or "someone who creates counterfeits." That didn't seem to mesh with what I was going for in the double-meaning).
    The Rock that Killed Teridax with his Ninjutsu (It just seemed a bit too long, plus Nuile and Hahli Husky both agreed to retract the title if I chose something too silly. XD).
    Super Mega King of Awesome (Though a fact, it would just seem like bragging. XP).
    Kawaii Desu Plushie
    The Duck in Ur BaSE
    Cat; I'm a Kitty Cat
    And I Dance Dance Dance and I Dance Dance Dance
    I'm Firin' my BWAAAAAAAA!
    This is an Original Title (You know... because everypony wants to be original).
    Insert Title Here
    Old Man Jenkins (Mainly to fit with my Blog Title, though I thought it was too goofy. XD. Kudos if you get the reference).
    Hmm... That reminds me...
    ~Tekulo <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I don't remember all of it quite clearly, but I remember it dealing with BZP in this weird glitch thing... Basically all of the words on the site were like this and the links didn't work. I remember finding a link, but it somehow turned me into super-mega-great-being-decide-who-lives-and-who's-banned-kawaii-desu mode. I think I was trying to tell the staff about it, but then the dream changed...
    INTO WRESTLING MANIA! Well, it was a bunch of chibi peeps (so kawaii) sneaking into this wrestling show by pretending to be the pro wrestlers themselves (those two dudes were so easy to fool in THE BEST DISGUISES EVER! -TBDE include sunglasses with wigs that matched the owner's hair to a T. I never knew my dreams could be so funny XD-).
    So, after we stole some costumes from the gift shop storage room (no joke. I was the shark guy... Steel Blue or something like that? The name involved the second word being "Blue" of that I'm certain). So then after raiding through more merchandise (even some fake Lego sets which featured Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, the scarecrow, etc (nice quality too for a knock-off brand), we gathered our footballs, tennis rackets and other totally logical items for wrestling (did I mention I'm not a sports fan? They all look the same to me), the real, much larger and less kind wrestlers sure enough arrived fashionably late, brushed us aside and got ready for some WRESTLING!
    Of course after that the gang raided the clothing department, got some legit disguises (and because we were wearing masks at the time they didn't get our faces) and blended into the crowd.
    Best BZP-related dream ever. XD
    Oh yeah, that island I made is now available to the public (trying to sound like a big-shot).
    Now worship it in fear and all of those other happy emotions. ^^
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... If you ever get a cat tree sort of piece for your adorable ball of fluff and they just ignore it after a while, then no fear!
    Follow my easy instructions to ensure your cat will rediscover and adore their old scratching post!
    Step 1: Relocate cat tree to a new location.
    Step 2: There is no step 2
    Aaand presto! Your feline friends will spazz like it's raining catnip (please note that adding catnip into this equation may result in your cats surpassing the speed of light and defying the very laws of physics).
    I know from experience...
    Now then Billy,
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Oh my gosh, I like what I am seeing...
    I really like that fairy. She's got a great face piece to her (I don't remember seeing it before), not to mention wings and a pink wand. Not to mention Lederhosen Guy. He has a LEGO pretzel... A LEGO freaking PRETZEL(it even has a twist design in the center. 8D)
    Then there's the DJ and the pirate... I also kinda like the Skii Girl. ^^
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Gathering all of my lego sets together in one place, it dawns on me that I have enough minifigs to build my own city. Now I just need a lot of bricks.
    Well, I'm starting off with an island of sorts. Building is so fun, building is so fun, now it's time to take a break and see what we have done~ XP
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... is totally fun. XD
    It's nice having a few other brains to pick while developing a story.
    I gotta say, I'm looking forward to it. We've been playing around with a title, but I don't think we've officially approved it yet. In any case, the story takes place in the distant future from where Bionicle left off (so it looks like we'll omit most of those cliffhangers from the serials).
    Ancient villains, new heroes and a world unseen. Keep your eyes open from the latest works (well, technically the first collaborative work) of the Assembly of Wordsmiths (My Name is Nulie, AZBlue and some random hobo who keeps shouting in the blog section. Something about kids who refuse to keep off of the grass or whatnot).
    Now then Billy,
    ~Tekulo <3
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    After our visit to the Lego store in Colorado, our family continued our short vacation normally. I remember looking up at the sky. The buildings sent sparks of cold lightning through my body. Normally people think looking up to the stars and thinking of the universe makes them feel insignificant and small. For me, I mostly felt that way whenever I saw a clear blue sky. The buildings in comparison did not help.
    The call came when we were heading back to our home. During our road trip, my mother noticed she had a voicemail on her cell. When she checked it, the entire family was... well, concerned by what she had to say.
    "Oh my god... Oh my god, oh my god..." The words continued to present themselves over and over.
    "What?! What?" My brothers and I and even our dad continued to ask for what seemed an eternity packed into a single minute.
    "[LOL you don't get to know my real first name. Trololololol] won a trip to Legoland!"
    Now, I don't exactly recall what my reaction was at the time. I assume it involved goosebumps, a pounding heart and pinching myself expecting to wake up back in our hotel room. As you could imagine I had a lot to think about on the way home.
    The trip was for four people. Our mother decided she would stay home, which meant our dad, Akano, KK and I would be leaving for California during our summer break the following year. That was the plan, anyway. I remember I was a bit bummed that I was taking my brothers (we did NOT get along as children) instead of my best friend from school. If I had the power to decide who would go with me on the trip, I could tell you that I would've had no intentions of taking either Akano or KK with me. Fortunately for them I was still only nine and our parents wouldn't allow me to be so cruel (lightweights. XP).
    Now, during the fall, I would spend my time imagining what the trip would be like. I was in pretty high spirits most of the time; heck, it was hard not to be. It's not every day a kid has a dream like this become a reality. It sounds really childish (well, I was a child after all), but back then I guess I just thought the world was simple. Black and white; good and evil ... it was simple, really, the way the world worked. Adults always seemed to make things complicated for no reason. They would argue about... oh, politics or who was right and who was wrong. It just always seemed dumb to act that way, childish even for a child. Back then I thought I would never understand those silly adults. Though, that was before September of 2001.
    I woke up on the eleventh and got ready for school. I was in fourth grade. The day seemed normal enough. Take the bookbag, grab some money for lunch, and set out alone for the bus. Akano and KK were in middle school by this time, so they had to wake up even earlier. Those mornings on the bus seemed a lot quieter than they used to, though I was glad, in my own way, to have a little time to think. The bus arrived at my elementary school and I got off and went to my classroom like always. Our teacher told us we would be doing a news project today and that we'd watch the news and do a project about what was going on in the world today.
    She turned on the classroom TV and switched the channel to the news. By that time, only the first plane had hit the world trade center. Our teacher immediately turned the TV off. Trying her best to smile, she told us we would be working on a different project today. She handed us out some worksheets to fill out, and she went to contact the principle, I assume, about what was happening. In the meantime the students of our class were talking about the news we'd just heard. I can't remember if I was one of the children who got picked up from school by their parents that day... Actually, I think rode the bus home as usual. Needless to say, with everything that happened with the airlines, our trip was postponed. That wasn't my biggest concern, though.
    After that day, things were scary. I wasn't sure what was going to happen and all I knew was that our country was at war. I remember my friends and I wondering if the school lunch had poison in it as an attack on the school. It sounds silly to even think that sounds logical now, but back then it just made me nervous. My friends and I were talking about how we'd prefer a quick and painless death. It scared me to think about death back then. I remember thinking to myself that I didn't want to die.
    After a month or so had passed, I had realized that life before that day and life after that day weren't so different. I still woke up at the same time, I went to the same school with the same teacher and the same friends. Over time I began to realize how lucky I was to be a kid. My life didn't seem to change at all, and yet others that day lost so much more. That was one of the earliest times in my life where the world didn't seem so black and white anymore. Shades of grey started to appear in my line of vision. I still had a long way to go before I would see in color.
    I know my timing isn't quite perfect, but I would like to end this blog post with a tribute to what happened on 9/11/01. I haven't forgotten that day nearly eleven years later... I don't intend to forget any time in the future.
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ...I have no idea what to change it to... I have this problem far more often than I should. =/
    I'd go back to my old avatar, but since animations don't work in the forums, it just seems moot... not to mention boring.
    I'd go with a pony avatar of Pinkie Pie, but let's face it; I could never pull that off. XP (Plus she seems to pop up a bit in the forums... out of portals. No place is safe)
    I'd do a picture of something else I'm interested in, but something tells me very few members actually know what Princess Tutu is. =/
    Quite the dilemma, I'm afraid... -sips tea- ... Wait... My Layton senses are now tingling...
  19. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, you know how LEGO normally has those contests where you enter to win a chance to go to Legoland? If not, then check them out. XP
    It all started back when I was a wee chibi around the age of, oh, eight or nine. My father had to go on a business trip to Colorado and we decided to turn it into a short family trip (if my memory is serving me correctly. It's been over a decade since this happened, so I may be a little fuzzy on a few details). Now, my brothers and I grew up outside of the city, so being a kid in a place with buildings that went up to 30 or so stories was a little... intimidating, wonderful and fascinating. Standing right next to a building and looking straight into the sky was chilling to the bone at the time.
    As we were walking down the sidewalk, we happened upon a Lego store that had a sign in front for a building contest. My brothers and I were interested in LEGO (ah, this was back in the summer of 2001. So, that means I was nine when this occurred), mainly Bionicle. For the kids who entered, they built a structure out of Lego bricks, got a Turaga set and had their name and other information placed into a raffle to win the grand prize: A Trip for four people to Legoland California. I remember entering the store and gaping in awe at the plastic brick structures. The main ones I remember were life-size human beings. A red airplane was zooming over our heads and a giant serpent slithered through the room. Though everything was still and lifeless, the figures still looked alive in their own sort of way. That wasn't even half of it; there were model buildings upstairs resembling the city itself. We saw intricate details of the buildings we recognized; even the hotel we were staying in stood there in all of its chibified glory.
    After waiting in line, Akano, KK and I finally arrived at the building station; colorful tables the perfect size for kids with enough bricks and base plates to build an entire house. We were told by the staff there that we were to build how we thought we would see Chicago ten years in the future (or maybe it was 100... At any rate, a futuristic theme was all the kids needed to get to serious business). At first I wasn't sure what I would do. I sat there fiddling with a few bricks for a short while, when I remembered my family complaining about the city's traffic. Those weren't complaints I was too used to hearing back home, mind you, so perhaps it made a bit of an imprint? At any rate, I had my idea, and I set off to work.
    My mind was racing with thoughts scattered here and there; Okay, I need a base for this... now some yellow... How much of the other colors do I have to work with? I want some red (red was my favorite color at the time), Now a minifigure... After some time, I looked at what I had before me; two hover cars. One was yellow and whole. The other was red and split down the middle longways on the imaginary road before it. It was passing the yellow car by splitting up and moving around it. The car would then fuse back together once it had passed in front of its yellow victim. Looking around, I noticed that we still had time left to build, and I looked to see that other kids had more to their works than I did. I began to ponder how I could build onto my creation.
    Black 2x4 bricks... Clear; I need a lot of clear bricks for this. I won't be able to fit everything side-by-side, so... why don't I space them out a bit? Being inspired by the models that were presented to us, I decided to try my hand at building a model of our hotel. Of course, I didn't have the bricks, time nor talent to get the details perfect or even that accurate for that matter. Still, I was happy with what I had. We explained what we had built to the staff once the time was up, and they took pictures. I'm not too sure what became of them, quite honestly.
    At the end, we had a choice of a Turaga set to take home with us. Akano got Onewa, KK got... Well, either Nokama or Nuju. I already had Matau, and I was hoping to get the ever elusive Vakama who always appeared to use his Huna whenever we went to a store. No luck; they had run out at the Lego Store as well. Bummed out, I meekly said "No thanks" to the staff member there, but after a few strict words from my mom who encouraged me not to be rude, I ended up getting Whenua to trade to Akano after he'd find Vakama. (Chibi Tekulo, Y U SUCH A BRAT?!).
    And that was the end of my memories from Chicago... well, almost.
    Yeesh, I didn't think this would be such a long story. Sorry for gabbing your ears off, and I'm sure many of you don't like that I'm not getting quite to the point... but I'm also typing this out for my own memories, so I'm trying to recall as much as possible before I go senile and forget... Wait, why are you guys still here?
    Tekulo <3
  20. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, has anyone else ever thought "Hmm... I wonder if could cut my own hair?"
    It all started when my bangs began to get really annoying and obscure my vision. Looking in the mirror, I noticed my head was shaped like a bowling ball or a coconut shell. I WOULD NOT STAND FOR THIS MUTANY FROM MY OWN SCALP!
    Thus began retaliation. Mission Statement: Trim down to around 1 inch in length. Mission accomplished. Unfortunately, the back of my head was tricky and the battle left my head scarred with ridge lines... So later in the day, I grasped my trusty pair of scissors and valliently tried again to halt the horrid head morbuzahk in its hostile take-over of my self-consciousness in public!
    Long story short; it didn't work and I was too tired to continue. You won that round, foul scalp weed!
    At last, this morning after watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother (the one where Marshall and Lily get married and Marshall shaves a part of his head), I found the answer!
    I needed reinforcements... The big guns... THE ULTIMATE WEAPON!
    I plugged in its power cord "CHARGE!" I yelled to the bathroom mirror in a great war-cry.
    This was it; the ultimate, final showdown...
    I succeeded. My hair is now buzzed, being around half an inch in length and it doesn't look half bad, if I do say so myself. ^^
    Lesson learned; whenever I cut my own hair, I'm just going straight for a buzz. XP
    Tekulo <3
  21. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Yeah, so I decided to get this game yesterday. I kinda got addicted to it (after I finally figured out how to delete the save data because they hid it so well I was confuzzled until the intermawebs gave me the answer).
    So, I was up until around 2:00 playing it. When the words on the screen started to blur and dance with me, I knew it was time for bed. XP
    The gameplay is interesting and fun. The battle style's pretty fun and I like the way it works. Kinda like pokemon chess... with warlords... and CONQUERING ALL! MUAHAHAHAHA! =3
    So, I've captured the first... uh, seven or nine castles. Also one of my piplup's evolved into a prinplup. ^^
    Well, if you need me, I'll be taking over people's homes and forcing people to join my army. Maybe I'll even play some more Pokemon Conquest. ^^
    As for you guys you have two options. You can either join me, or
    Tekulo <3
  22. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I was just browsing my Profile when it showed that I had just over 1,000 profile views...
    Now, I have no idea if that number is comparatively low or not, but I just keep imagining 1,000 pairs of eyes watching me. I knew I should have learned a highly complex dance routine for such an occasion! Now how am I going to entertain all of these people?
    Tekulo <3
    (P.S. I am LOVING my new blog name, you have no idea. XD)
  23. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Basically, to figure this out, just watch "This Time Last Week" from The Angry Beavers cartoon. XD
    Dag pretty much has it pegged from what I can tell. XP
    So for anyone that doesn't remember this episode/has no idea what I'm talking about, here's a synopsis:
    Dag (the younger beaver by 4 minutes) decides to use a calendar that gives a brief mission every day on how to annoy your brother. The older brother, Norm, has to put up with these shenanigans (such as "being rubbed the wrong way" and "being tripped" into the lost city of Atlantis no less, suffering a bop on the head when he just wants to watch a movie, etc) all week until finally he decides to retaliate... by bopping Dag into last week. This makes Dag relive the past week over and over and over while he desperately tries to find a way out of this time loop.
    It's a good watch for anyone who watched the show when they were kids (Gosh, I barely remembered it. Has it really been over a decade? O.e)
    Now get off my lawn,
    Tekulo <3
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