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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Whew, been a while.
    So to keep y'all updated, I did go through with the move to WA. I have a room for rent in a house and my landlord and housemate are very nice people.
    Being in OH with my family was a way stressful living situation so hopefully my time here will give me some space to breathe. Also, you know, it seems generally more LGBT friendly than where I was before. Like I'm still in a more conservative area, but nobody knows me here and omg that alone is so much less pressure.
    But anyway, I've been improving at my work and I've been getting the hang of things. The holiday season was very busy and stressful and it turns out other stuff caused more stress on top of that (online dating profiles are hahahahababababababababababa)
    I've decided to go full on pescaterian si that's exciting. I take a daily dose of omega 3's in the form of fish oil pills and just eat fish whenever I'm in the mood for it.
    I got lots of love from some friends back home that I usually see this time of year, and I'm honestly touched I have people in my life who bother to miss me (aside from just blood relatives, mind you lol).
    Adulting and budgeting and trying to save money is a new thing, but it looks like I'm managing it alright so far.
    Other than that, stress is still freaking exhausting, but I feel like I'm overall handling it okay. It's strange finding new ways to manage stress after years of handling it poorly.
    Also I live with dogs now and omg did I miss having dogs around.
    Well, that's more or less what's been up with me.
    How about y'all?
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Base again
    Okay! So!
    My latest pick-a-brick came today (finally) and so I built this up. It's a bit on the basic side, but it's tall and I like how it's looking so far. I ordered 50 of those patterned 1x2's and I counted and I would need 150 more if I wanted to have that pattern reach the top. OTL
    So, it's coming along. I need plenty more light grey, which isn't carried at my local LEGO store, so bricklink it is because pick-a-brick gets super pricey and it takes forever to ship. I got pick-a-brick this time because my VIP points weren't going to last forever, so this tall order was actually free. First, however, I'm going to do some inventory and double check what grey I still have in my arsenal before pressing forward.
    The way I built this, I need 10 1x6's and 10 1x8 plates to hold the tower corners together. If I do that, I figure it will hold together well enough, especially since the base won't have much playability to it anyway. Next up I want to continue furnishing the inside of the tower itself. Making the closet is definitely not fun. I still haven't figured it out.
    ~ Tekulo <3
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, earlier this month I got a new spinny... Has it seriously been ten years on this site?
    Oh, and keep of the lawn. I just had it shampooed.
    ~Tekulo <3
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I guess I could tell you peeps that I'm gender queer. Well I mean I'm not even sure if that's the right descriptor really. Basically I'm not sure what my gender identity is, but I just know it's not cis.
    Like sometimes I feel more feminine and being "male" doesn't seem to fit quite right. I mean I am totally fine with masculine pronouns (probably because I really don't care either way and it's what I've answered to all my life so close enough).
    I mean there have been times when I travel where I get mistaken for a woman and that actually makes me like so happy. And I am growing my hair long to donate it, but I also personally like it long. I guess it can make me look sort of androgynous and that's kinda where I'm most comfortable?
    I'm probably not explaining this properly and there is more that goes with this. The thing is though, gender roles are kinda meaningless to me (Said the gay Baker with long hair who loves Princess Tutu) so it's not really easy for me to explain.
    But this really doesn't change anything around here, and I'm mostly just posting this to keep y'all in the loop and because it's Pride Month and I really need some pride in what I am this week.
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Saw this one recently when browsing old movies. It's a Cinderella musical, and it's one that I quite enjoyed.
    The characters were fun and engaging, the dance numbers were impressive and the songs were catchy, silly and other times lovely.
    Other than that, I recently got The Muppet Show on DVD, and ahhhh it's the best thing ever. I love how it has culture and big celebrity names (and cheesy jokes). They don't make 'em like they used to. Miss Piggy might just be my favorite character.
    Well then, Billy,
    ~Tekulo <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So there was this one scene where some powder is added to water and then it turns into bread. That was the highlight of the film for me.
    Ray, Fynn and Pough were interesting characters.
    Dat bread dough...
    ~Tekulo <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It's cute when the topic blows up and everyone starts arguing about Okoto politics. Reminds me of the holidays.
    I'm making popcorn for the current debate. Anyone else want some?
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, drama happens a lot here in the blogs, and on this website in general.
    It happens, not too big a deal to me personally unless the staff feel the need to get involved. And even then, I'm always open to a little chit chat and a few apologies.
    So, why on the internet of all places do people feel the need to get so upset? Is it because we really are nasty people who hide behind anonymity? Is it because we are constantly at war and hate all semblance of peace out of our nature?
    No. My intuition is telling me otherwise. Why? Because I am lacking information before I can make a judgement call. What information am I missing over a text-based form of communication?
    There is more than one way for language to occur. It is a subjective artform like anything, when you get down to it.
    What are we missing from text? Tone of voice.
    On BZP a little while back, I believe a member here started a topic informing us about the Myers Briggs personality type quiz. It caught on as a fad in the blogs as I recall. I participated as well. I have taken that test multiple times on a few different tests (Three or four times if I can recall). Every answer has been INFJ. Introverted iNtuition Feeling Judging. Now this is strange. The definition of INFJ is defined as a "protector" So, why have I felt the need to lash out at people on this website?
    Tone. A lack of one. From my understanding of psychology, the human brain works on intuition. When there is an information gap, the brain works in overdrive to come up with a number of possibilities for an explanation. This is why I do not like to speak over people. It brings out the worst in us.
    And this is a problem I feel is in the field of psychology; people are speaking over each other. I have heard many stories of therapists that spoke over their patients saying "You have this disorder" or "You have that because that's what it says in the books." or worse "because I'm the doctor, now let me do my job.". These stories from friends have always ended with them being offended and thinking the field of psychology is simply too corrupted to be worth it. This is a problem. By failing to provide proper information to patients, psychologists are making their therapy patients doubt and fear. That sounds counter-intuitive to me, personally.
    That is my personal issue with the field.
    From my studies in school, there were psychologists working to fix this in history. Look up Wilhelm Wundt. I believe he was credited with introducing the revolutionary idea of self-analysis to the field. It was ignored at first, but then another psychologist researched his methods and the problem has been minimized over time. To me, this is how progress happens. Proper communication of issues. If you don't trust me as a source, please feel free to research my claims. I will respect you for it tenfold. Bonus points for providing me with the main article.
    So, being an introvert, I noticed a few quirks in debates that set me off.
    There is nothing more annoying than someone expecting to agree with your opinion by ending it as a question, yeah?
    Sometimes those well-meaning smiley eyes can come off as a bit smug or pretentious.
    The happy smiley faces don't do much either for me.
    So, why do I feel set off by these? I was bullied as a kid. I grew up feeling opressed. I always avoided eye contact (still have trouble with that), I preoccupied myself with noticing other things (their clothing, their mannerisms, their hair, etc). When I was a child I had two dogs. Every night I would blow them a kiss each. Today when I see my sole surviving dog, I feel the need to give her two quick pecks. When I see a dog in general, this habbit comes up. This is learned behavior that I taught myself, in my opinion.
    So, how do we fix this? ^^;
    Is there a way to make sentences come off a bit less aggressive? >.<
    I personally think so. 8D
    With smiley faces that show more than just the eyes, I feel we can pick up more with our intuition. ^^"
    Just the eyes can seem cold to me. >.> I always avoided a piercing gaze growing up, and I hated feeling spoken over, yeah?
    This can give text tone. I think they're cute. ;-;
    So, please, let's stop complaining about the smiley faces everywhere, alright? I think these guys are important. ^^;
    I will be sure to include them in future entries.
    To me, when I see a gay an LGBT+ person or a minority upset with me, my mind does this annoying thing where I wonder if they hate me for who I am, or think they think I hate them. >.< To me that's a problem. =\ I am a minority, I shouldn't feel that way about others. I am a human being, I shouldn't feel offended over an objective label. >.< It's just some me-work I need to improve on. ^^;
    And it's okay. It's not the worst thing in the world. ^^; It just means we should be a little more thoughtful is all. :D
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Surprisingly, it's not Caramelldansen.
    I'm trying to learn to sing Håll om mig (Hold Me Now) because it's a really awesome song and it's used for an AMV of one of my favorite anime's ever.
    (Warning: Contains out-of-context spoilers for Guitar Ninjas)

    So, why am I attempting to sing in a language that I haven't studied before? ... It's a good song and I like to sing. =P
    Whassat, Billy?
    Your favorite song is 'Moves like Jaggar'?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    (Srsly get out if you like that song >=/ )
    ~Tekulo <3
    Post-Lawn-Script: For anyone who is curious about the lyrics' meaning, I shall post a translation I found below.
    Everything our world needs is
    more love each day.
    We both know that, I and you.
    Let us begin here and now.
    So hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Yes, come closer for awhile.
    Can you hear my breath?
    The blood is rushing wild and hot.
    Yes, in so many different ways.
    So come and hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Pulse beating, I see your gaze, ohh~
    I'm in a helpless state.
    I can be saved first if you...
    ...give me mouth to mouth now.
    So hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Yes, come and hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    I'm lost and enthralled.
    I am shocked and touched.
    Heart beating so hard.
    Leaving you alone becomes so difficult.
    And I think you see,
    that I'm falling more and more.
    Hold meeeee~.
    (Yes, hold me)
    (Don't let go) of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Yes, come and hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    (Ohhh~, ohhh~)
    Woah, come and hold me.
    (Ohhh~, ohhh~)
    Don't let go of me.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Yeah, so looking at the BZP Scrapbook topic, other members seem interested in this idea.
    I want to ask the members here: Do you think we could organize such a thing?
    What do you think a BZP Renaissance would entail?
    I was thinking something like bringing back the old memes like "iN yOuR bAsE" and other sig fads like plushies, tuggles, kanoka disc collection banners, etc.
    Let's re-watch some of SPIRIT's old PSA's and old comedies. XP This sounds like quite a bit of fun, personally, so if we get enough members to show some love to the old days, who knows? Maybe this could catch on.
    Still, let's not dive right into this. There are loads and I mean LOADS of old things we could do, so let's brainstorm a bit, eh?
    I hope other members are interested in this. ^^
    Stay breezy,
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Thank goodness I just don't care.
    In the real world, I got off of a twelve hour shift and just woke up at 5 AM to get a drink of water, so I figured I'd go online for a bit. That's really it. I'm that simple a human being (Yaaaay ordinary! 8D)
    Okay, maybe I'm not so ordinary. I've got my black cat, Cosmo, purring away all curled up between my arms as I type this. You know, the superstition involving black cats and luck goes a little something like this:
    When a black cat crosses your path and flees from you, the cat is stealing your luck away. When a black cat approaches you, they give you luck.
    Basically, if you ever shoo away a cat based on its fur color, you're pretty much dooming yourself to an unfortunate situation. It's better to be the kind of person who is approachable than one that is intentionally secluded.
    That's if you believe in the superstition, of course. Upupupu.
    In any case, Cosmo always cuddles with everyone, so I guess I'm pretty lucky in that respect. ^^ It's definitely a plus after coming home from a twelve hour shift. Better than coming home to a bunch of drama, that's for sure. =P
    Anyway, in terms of Nanowrimo, I will not be participating. However, I will be writing this month (just not 50k. XP)
    Whassat, Billy? You don't like cats?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So this past weekend I decided to spend a night in Seattle. I got some bonus cash over the holidays so I decided to give it a go. Now, this was my first trip that I've fully planned by myself. Booking the hotel, making travel arrangements, etc. It was a bit stressful as things didn't go totally as planned. XD Luckily for me, I have a friend who lives in the area who was able to show me around.
    And, well, I honestly loved it. I don't know why, but I've always sort of loved cities. The people, the culture, being able to actually walk places... it's great imo. I haven't been to a large downtown area since my trip to New York City a couple years ago. I ended up exploring a part of Seattle where there was an LGBT community. Rainbow flags were on display in a lot of the shops and there was advertising showing gay couples. I even decided to check out a thrift store because it had a sign that said it welcomed people regardless of race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. The sign said "You are SAFE here." This trip was the second time ever I felt at ease in public in a long time. The first time was this past summer at Seattle Pride in June.
    At one point I walked around the city looking for a park to kill some time, and I came across this cat themed book store. They had cats inside and they were very friendly. I was immediately drawn to the Queer Studies section. LGBT literature is something I have always been severely starved for. In my hometown in Ohio I looked for LGBT literature in my local library and only found one single book on the subject. So, for me, to have access to a collection of books about Queer Studies was kind of huge for me. Granted, I do have a kindle and if I knew what books to look for I could probably build up a stronger collection of LGBT literature, but as someone who grew up in a community where talking about homosexuality is somehow "bad" I honestly don't even know what to look for. This was honestly a first for me, to have that kind of resource where I could just browse LGBT books. And mind you, I have been to libraries and bookstores before, but I never found an entire section dedicated to Queer Studies. I walked out of there with five books which I am pretty stoked about.
    So that was my first day. I did a little shopping and just felt at ease in the city. For me that was an amazingly nice change of pace.
    My second day in Seattle I spent it with my friend. I met her when I worked at my previous summer job in Washington. She's one of the coolest people I've met. XD We went to an asian market in the International District. I picked up some baked goods (I love desserts and baked goods from other cultures because in America we kind of tend to have way too much sugar in our foods. I got a really nice green tea roll with red bean paste, an assortment of buns, and a cream horn. They were just factory made bakery items, but I was still happy with them. After that, we went to a ramen restaurant. We got vegetarian ramen and I ordered Octopus dumplings to share (as we are both pescaterian). It was a really good meal in my opinion. For the rest of my trip I had just packed my own homemade pizza and ate that the rest of the trip.
    We also went to some thrift stores. I managed to find three pairs of shoes (which is amazing because finding shoes in my size is rare for me), a very comfortable sweater and a suit jacket (I have a wedding to go to later this year hahaha). We were both in food comas from the sweets and ramen at the end of our adventures. XD So after that we just went back to my friend's place and relaxed watching dumb internet videos until I had to catch my ride back home.
    It was a nice full day.
    One of my favorite things, though, is after it got dark and I got to see the lights on the Seattle skyline. No matter where I am, I love seeing city lights. There's just something enchanting about it.
    But anyway, now I feel refreshed and ready to get back to work tomorrow. After a very stressful holiday season in foodservice at a new job, I really needed to take some time to relax.
    Edit: tl;dr - I spent time looking at gay books while I had a cat purring up a storm in my lap. Needless to say I had a successful vacation.
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I know it's pretty basic right now, but I think it gets the point across.
    To Cuusoo!
    Even if my project doesn't make it, I still would love to see something other than a slanted brick used for a minifig dress. If nothing else, I hope that this gets people thinking.
    Whassat, Billy?
    You're happy with the current minifig dress situation?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Would anyone be interested in a fanfic where, a year after BIONICLE ended, the toa start popping up in our world and the humans they find themselves with try to balance helping their childhood heroes and their bank accounts while dealing with young adult life in their early to mid twenties?
    'Cause I'm kinda writing the middle of the story right now.
    "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!"
    ~The Duchess Approves <3
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Arg, this movie. The feels, the music, the plot, the dogs, the Adventure book, the Kevin...
    It's so feelsy. Maybe not as feelsy to me as The Fox and the Hound, but still it's a favorite of mine.
    ~Tekulo <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, came out to my parents (kinda sorta. Like, I didn't say it straight out, but they kiiinda put the pieces together that I'm queer at the very least). My dad isn't too thrilled, but he understands the science behind it, and he was actually kinda supportive with my mom. Weird.
    I really don't think I'm in a good place to start dating just yet anyway, so I don't mind it, really. ^^;
    At any rate, I think volunteer work will do me some good to keep active, but I'm going to keep working on getting a job first. A fresh start sounds refreshing, because having your life flash before your eyes and then be living at home is... Well, it can be a little overwhelming, to say the least.
    Speaking of volunteer work, I'm donating my hair this month. It is fabulous; a natural curl and a nice dark brown color. I'm going to include a hand-written note if they'll allow it. ^^;
    Things at my current job are still weird. I'm even more spacey than usual, and things are getting humid and warm (not great for my lungs with all of the pollen). I've been communicating and tossing ideas around, and it seems like people are acting a little less stressed out around me at least. There are a couple of LGBT+ people at work too, so hopefully they take my advice about the job. Everyone in the kitchen staff during my time there has been more on the artistic and open-minded side of things in general, and we've always been pretty close-knit and had each other's backs. Our issues were almost always completely ignored, though. Not exactly the best situation for someone with anxiety.
    The food industry is such a weird one. XD
    I have good contacts, though, and, like, every religious person I've spoken to has been surprisingly accepting and willing to listen. Apparently I can be good at this. XD I mean... the situation still isn't great, mind you, but... I mean, if I ever showed up with a guy someday I think the awkward zone would be managable. (Oh geez, I can picture it now... The looks we'd get just holding hands down the street... XD)
    My pets have been a huge support too. ^^
    I think I have a nice nickname for my future kid; Link. Robin Williams was a huge part of my childhood, and he was a fan of the game series Legend of Zelda. Actually, Ocarina of Time was one of the first video games I really got into, and it helped me bond with my best friend from childhood (like, it was all we would talk about. XD). It's kinda the reason why green became my favorite color (It used to be red). Granted while adopting, it would only be an affectionate term. I think it would be a good reminder while my head is jumping from subject to subject as an adult. ^^;
    So... maybe in around... five to ten years? Who knows?
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I recently started a 30-day trial for Amazon Prime, and Clannad is able to be streamed on Amazon Instant Video for Prime members.
    I've heard really good things about this anime and its sequel, so I'm pretty excited (I haven't found it anywhere else before).
    I'm only three episodes in right now. I gotta say, the two main characters are pretty adorable so far. Her parents are equally adorable. EVERYTHING IS ADORABLE, AAAAAAAAA!
    Anyway, it also looks like it will be dealing with some more mature themes, so I have a feeling I'm in for a feelsy show (but I already heard as much anyway).
    Anyway, after watching the ending credits (along with references in a few other anime shows), I seriously need to research dango and see if I can find ingredients to try making it some time.
    I mostly just have no idea what it is (I assume it's like a colored sweet bread type thing? Cake?)
    ~Tekulo <3
    (PS: I've kinda been considering taking a break from my blog theme for a bit and making it slightly more normal. It's probably not that big a deal, but I'm also kinda curious as to what my many devout fans couple of internet friends and random people off the street think)
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Behold, Samantha!
    I drew traced a picture of a minifig I had. While the 2x2 Brick is Samantha classic, the minifigure is Samantha in the LEGO Dimensions RPG.
    In my fanfiction, Samantha and Samantha team up to foil the evil plans of Tekulo and the sinister Sir Quackers. These hijinks involve time travel, space travel, public transit travel and email.
    ~Tekulo <3
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