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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Maybe it has to do with the fact I ranted last night, but for some reason my frustrations lead me to do fan stuff for Once.

    Regina (queen/mayor) and Emma. These two are gonna be best friends before this show is over. Emma is one of my favorite protags in a show. Regina is a fantastic character when the show knows what it's doing.
    Not loving where this season is headed so far, but I am liking Maleficent's backstory potential. So long as it's not another Neverland arc I think I'll be good. The past season was good, but not spectacular.
    Also, Belle, you asked for help with a complex ancient spell in our world and got advice online from a university professor which told you how to use magic to get people out of a hat... And you seriously thought none of that was suspicious at all... I... I just...
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The story likely takes place in a German setting due to the use of German words showing in the background. However the anime was created for a Japanese audience, so the protagonist's name is Ahiru (meaning duck). And then finally we have the English translation where her name is Duck, however her written name in the show (as seen on a letter) is still Ahiru.
    Three languages running around in a town where stories and reality intermingle. That's almost too perfect.
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Well, today isn't exactly a great day in history. But hey, what day is?
    So, I just got back from an employee meeting for the place I work at as a baker. I've been informed that the baking position has been terminated. The staff had been working to redo the restaraunt, new menu, new managers, new employees, etc. And they put a co-worker that I got on well with to a management position, and this person has had years of experience in the food and beverage industry, so it's a good fit.
    I got offered a position as a line cook. It's totally out of my element, but I'm honestly a pretty decent employee, and I guess they noticed that much. I show up when scheduled, I'm responsible when I get sick, I'm easy to get in contact with. I mean, I'm not perfect because I am new to the industry and make mistakes, but that's normal.
    I'm going to take it. It's less money than I made before, and I'll probably screw up even more now, but that's natural. I mean, I don't have another job and while there are bakeries locally, I have no idea how well they're doing or if they're even hiring. I guess I'll find out soon enough, though. I mean, the place has had issues with management and I know that they are understaffed, especially since we have a couple of big groups coming in early March.
    It would've been nice if this could come a year later or so. I want to stay at home right now so I can continue to make progress with anxiety and a number of the other issues I have. Plus my dog since childhood is still around. I'm honestly the only person in the house that cares about her. My mom advocated for her to be put down (she's still hyperactive and doesn't show signs of being in serious pain, so that is not an option for me, personally) and my dad jokes about her dying all the freaking time. I still need to get a driver's liscence, but I don't want to get a car because then it'll just break down in five years and there goes thousands of dollars for repair until three years later for when I need to go and buy a new car altogether. Ugh.
    I dunno. At least I still have a job for now. Besides, it will probably be cool to learn more of the Culinary side of the food industry. It's really not what I particularly want to pursue. Honestly, I'd like to stick around in this industry for at least ten years, save some money up and then maybe take classes for another career down the line. Maybe an HR rep or something. I dunno.
    I'm just glad I used my past two months off to do some soul searching and made progress with stuff. I came out to my brothers, so that was a huge relief. I'm making progress with my anxiety. I'm still boxing. Not daily, unfortunately. But the longest slump I had since I started was three days without boxing. So, I mean, as self-serving as it sounds, I haven't given up.
    This news is kinda discouraging, and right now, I admit, I am in a gloomy mood, but I'll be fine. It's not the end of the world, and it's definitely not going to be the hardest thing I've had to do in my life. I'll be fine. ^^ Just needed to ramble a bit here.
    It is what it is.
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    After watching the Oscars, I was in a mood to watch some movies yesterday (also, wow can Lady Gaga sing!). So, I spent like twenty minutes trying to figure out how to hook up our DVD player because the sound wasn't working, and then watched The LEGO movie and UP; two of my modern favorites.
    So... many... feels... ;-;
    If I really hated myself I would have thrown The Fox and the Hound into the mix because the part where she abandons Todd in the nature reserve and reads that poem is... it's just too much... ;-;
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Thanks again for the birthday wishes everyone! It was a good day.
    Wasn't sure how to spend yesterday, so I binge-watched RWBY and... I kinda love it.
    Fairy tale theme? Yes, please.
    Protagonists based off of Grimm stories? Yes, please.
    Adorkable, main character with a scythe/gun? Yes, please.
    Well written characters with good character development? Yes, please.
    Epic fight sequences with a dark and edgy theme despite being kid friendly? Yes, please.
    I think Nora's my favorite simply because of how awesome she is while being irreverent and up in the clouds. Seriously, she has a jet hammer that she rides into battle with a genuine smile. It's incredible.
    Also, how did Wisse get that scar on her left eye? I've noticed it in some close-ups, but it's been bugging me... Tragic backstory time? *hopeful eyes*
    Anyway, overall, I'd say this series is... SMASHING!
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, it looks like that last entry did its job fine. Seventeen upvotes? Pfft, I didn't even know seventeen members visited the blogs. XP (And I don't mean to belittle coming out or anything. It's actually very important. But I might save my opinions on it for another entry at a later time)
    Anyway, I thought it would be neat to start using my blog for personal stuff that isn't just ranting. Not gonna lie, I kinda wanted to make that last entry more like the ones that were super personal about my anxiety and stuff, but I think I can do better by better organizing my thoughts and expressing myself through different means.
    Thoughts on being nice:
    So, back when I was at Culinary School, I was super anxious at just about everything. I was in a new city, I didn't know anyone, I was socially awkward and shy and I hated my life with a burning passion for some reason. I was in the Baking and Patisserie program, and so I woke up around five in the morning or so and had to walk from my apartment complex about five or so blocks to our first class in a hotel building which started at six. That class normally lasted around an hour and then the baking students would walk five or so blocks to our next class which was for our general education to get an associate's degree. Those classes were mixed with Culinary students, who probably woke up at six thirty or so, maybe. They had their Culinary classes at night or in the afternoon. I actually did take a Culinary class too in my first month, which was mandatory.
    So, the Culinary Classes and the Baking and Patisserie classes kinda had an unspoken rule about them from what I could tell; Baking students were nice and Culinary students were mean. And that's not the absolute truth of the matter at all. Believe me, not everyone in the Baking program was super nice, and not all of the Culinary students were horribly mean. It was just this unwritten trend brought about by circumstancial evidence. Culinary students were not allowed to bring their food home with them because a while back a Culinary student threw their food at a pedestrian on the street (that was the basic story anyway, I never got the exact facts of what happened, but we were all aware that this rule was in place). Baking and Patisserie students, on the other hand were allowed to bring home the food they prepared because there had never been an issue with the students of that particular program. Not gonna lie, though, I was tempted to throw a pie in some students' faces because of the social implications of that. (I'm going to point out here that this is an excellent example that being nice is not the same as being a good person)
    See, when we got to our desk classes (I'll call them this because we sat at desks for these classes while we stood for our food preparation courses) the Bakers, we had all of these breads and desserts that we could share with the Culinary peeps. The Culinary peeps, on the other hand, had their classes later, and they weren't allowed to bring food back anyway. This lead to some disputes. It started with students who didn't want the excess calorie intake who started giving away their food with no worries to the Culinary students. The Culinary students were obviously the only ones interested, typically, because the Bakers already had products of their own to take home. This would also be a good point to mention that we also could not give away the food we made to people on the street as a school rule (See, there was a legal issue in the past where someone got sick after they ate food made by a student. They blamed the school because they thought the food they consumed was not prepared properly. Again, I never got the exact facts of this. This was just a story, but it was the reason given for why that rule was in place). So, basically, not wanting to be wasteful, the Bakers who didn't want the dozens of pastries they made in class were happy to get rid of them for Culinary students who were aware of this rule and ate at their own risk. They were probably happy to wake up and have some pastry for breakfast for their first class in the morning. I know I would be.
    And that went on for a little while and things seemed to be working. But time changes things. Over time some of the regular students who got the pastries started getting impatient with the Bakers, demanding them. And I mean being straight out rude. Now, the Bakers who didn't want their food anyway, some of them honestly didn't care and just scolded them to not be so hasty (which of course nobody listened to anyway). The rest of the Bakers, though, we got kinda impatient with the others. The best way I can describe it is unspoken hostility. We didn't like the way they were treating our peers, our friends; The ones we hang out with at five fourty five, just chatting and bonding while waiting for class to start.
    It didn't help that the biggest offenders were jerks in general. Obnoxious, late to class, difficult, complaining that they got in trouble even though they were the ones causing the problem half the time, etc. I honestly don't recall too many people in my Baking classes that were like that, but there were times when I had to switch classes. Trust me, it was not a Culinary only issue. Though, every situation is different. So, I guess this is just a look into my personal experience and opinions on where social biases can come from. And, yeah, there was more to it than just this, but students being rude did not help break an image I noticed that formed in my head while attending class. As for my personal take, anyone is capable of being rude, and both parties played a part in enabling such a bias to form. But more on this subject later.
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Long story short: Finally just came out to my amazing brothers Akano: Toa of Electricity and KopakaKurahk and they accepted me with zero drama.
    So, now that I've told them, there's no reason I need to keep myself closeted here anymore.
    I hope this changes nothing for any of you because it seriously shouldn't.
    That's really it. You can go back to your lives now. XP
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Sara Bareilles, you are such a dork, I freaking love you.
    Okay, so it's maybe not the most spectacular dancing and yeah, the moves I admit are kinda cheesey, but I kinda love it.
    It's kinda refreshing to see music artists that don't cave in to what's popular in society and just do a fun dance to their own music. That's a reason why I really like this artist. She uses her music to have fun and express herself. I can really respect that. Plus her songs are all super catchy, which is why I like music in the first place.
    And it's not like all of her music videos are like this one. Her video for Gravity has one of the coolest concepts and executions I've seen. Granted I'm not much of a music video expert or anything, but I can still decide what I like.
    Also, can I just say how adorkable the ending to this video is? Because it's adorkable. Also the security guard is speaking Spanish. Me gusta.
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I think I forgot to tell you peeps, but for the past week I was at Disney with my family.
    It was fun. Might post a synopsis if anyone's interested.
    But now today I wake up with a caramel kitty on my lap all curled up and he is adorable. <3
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, just an update here on some of what's currently going on in my life: I started working out! (Finally, you jerk)
    Just around an hour daily of walking on a treadmill machine thing. My plan is to start small with this along with leg stretches. Once I build up my stamina (and by singing in the shower more much to my family's dismay because I'm tone deaf -in order to exercise my lungs a bit more-) I plan on moving on to a more taxing regiment. I kinda want to invest in a punching bag. I still have loads of frustrations, so I think it could help with a healthy outlet for stress relief. Besides, I hear it's a good workout from people who box.
    I could also start dancing, maybe practice Hare Hare Yukai like I did forever ago.
    The point of this isn't to solely lose weight, though. I've seen first hand how damaging neglecting a body can be. Physically, if I keep being lazy and keep eating terrible foods, it's entirely possible my brain's serotonin levels will get out of whack again, then I'll spiral back into a depression and then I'll have to go back to antidepressants to correct it like what happened in my youth.
    I honestly don't want to live a life where I feel like my only option is to constantly go back and forth being depressed, overly happy and then normal after treatment. And, yeah, it can still come back even if I am healthy and there's no guarantee that it will come back either if I remain a total slob. But here's the thing: this is long overdue. I want to be healthy, I want to stick around for a while, and if I have grandkids or great nieces and/or nephews, I kinda want to meet them. And I know I can't have that if I keep neglecting myself and deprive myself of my own happiness.
    Let me be clear here: this choice is totally selfish. I'm not doing this for bragging rights, I'm not doing this because I want to feel superior or shame anyone else in a similar position because that's a really terrible thing to do. I'm doing this because I have felt insignificant and ashamed of myself for far too long. It's time I stop treating myself like garbage and start to realize I have actual self worth. Because, you know what? I'm sick of it.
    I don't feel strong, I feel hopeless. I don't feel inspirational, I feel ashamed. I don't feel like I'm worth it, I feel like a total screwup that should never have existed in the first place.
    I'm done.
    It's time to move on from that mentality and that terrifies me. It also makes me really, really excited, though.
    Goal for 2015: Become healthy physically. One hour of exercise per day minimum, continue to drink enough water and don't push yourself too far. You can do it, jerkface.
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, last time I just showed you guys a sketch that I did of myself. This time, however, I figured I'd upload an actual selfie.
    Eh, I guess putting up a sketch and calling it a selfie seemed kinda trollish? But, no more! I am just sorry that old blog post was misleading.
    This is a photo of me.
    I know, I know, you don't have to say it... I have really nice eyes.
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    A belated happy holidays to all!
    So, I could go on about how I'm not depressed during the winter and how that makes me, like, super insanely happy thus far, but I'm sure people were expecting some actual loot of mine to share here. (But, like, seriously, I feel fantastic and it makes me feel fantastic).
    Working the holiday is weird. I love and hate it at the same time. So weird.
    Anyway, my family decided to wait up for me, so we opened gifts around seven at night after I got back from work. Before I go on about what I got, I need to explain what I got for my brothers and the stories behind the gifts because I am so proud of myself this year!
    I got Akano a really nice insect/bug/anything-with-an-exoskeleton collection. All the way from a crab and shrimp to all cycles of a silkworm's life, it came in a briefcase. All specimens were labeled with both English and Latin names and were preserved in clear plastic blocks which could be removed for closer observation. He's into entomology, though his primary study is physics. Found this gem in an antique shop, and knew he didn't have anything quite like it. He seemed to appreciate it. ^^
    As for KK, I got him Benny's Spaceship Spaceship SPACESHIP! Now, I got this for him a while back. We went to Toys R Us with our friend Super Utmost Enthusiest or, as I am dubbing her to respect her privacy, SUE. We all went to the LEGO section to check out minifigs and sets. I knew he wanted the ship, and while at the store he did comment on it. Then SUE mentioned she wanted to check out My Little Pony toys because she's awesome. Once those two wandered off, I sprang into action. I grabbed the set, ran to the nearest cashier ajd explained that I was getting a gift for someone who was in the store with me. Being amazingly cooperative, she checked out the set and kept it behind the counter. I explained I would purchase my selection of Minifigs later when we went to check out. After that, I rejoined them and eventually we were all set. I was first to check out, thanks to our amazing cashier. She discretely handed me the bag, and I slipped my figs in. Then, keeping the bag longways against my leg, I quickly rounded the counter. SUE, thankfully, checked out second and joined me. I motioned to the bag and whispered that I got something for KK, and asked if we could quickly tuck it away in the trunk of her car. While KK purchased his soda, we sprang into action. He met us in the lot right as I closed the trunk. After she dropped us off at home, she popped the trunk and distracted him while I stuffed the gift into our garage.
    A few months of worrying later, I discovered today that he was none the wiser. SUE and I are part ninja. He likes the set, but he loves the story more, which makes me happy. This Xmas gift giving was a success as far as my brothers are concerned. Am I awesome? I think I am.
    So! Onto my loot
    Gravity Falls Dipper hat (dad)
    Caramel Baileys (dad)
    Bazinga shirt (dad)
    Bazinga Batman socks (dad, and the socks have capes, omg)
    Disappearing TARDIS mug (dad)
    Moss decal (dad. Moss from The IT Crowd)
    Portable phone charger (mom)
    Ceramic hand-painted cross storage box (my aunt <3)
    Custom made lightsaber (KK)
    Castle dark knight minifig expansion LEGO set (KK)
    Something coming in the mail (Akano).
    So, my dad was kinda awesome this year. Though, honestly, he's pretty awesome every year. He once got us an Xbox 360 when we didn't even ask for one.
    We spent the rest of the night having dinner, chatting and laughing. Good Xmas.
    ~Junpei <3
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I'm brainstorming ideas for characters, and I wanted to base them off of the Nuva. Thing is, my memory is a bit rusty and I wanted to refresh my knowledge of their personal quirks and traits. Other thing is, reference sites kinda suck for that because they only contain factual info about what they did and who created them, etc.
    So basically, are there any references that actually contain more info on their personalities or examples where their personalities came out in the story?
    Might have to look up 2001 bios or check the extras on the mask of light dvd...
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