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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    "Oh my gosh, I haven't figured out my life yet! D=
    Wait... I'm only 21 years old... Huh... this 'youth' thing is taking a while..."
    Well, appreciate it while it lasts, I guess...
    Whassat, Billy? Why do I have this blog theme if I'm only in my early twenties?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, my mom is planning a trip to Disney with me and Akano. KK already went with her earlier this year. She's getting us a magic band thingy set up (it's like a wrist band that you wear on your trip and you can use it for fast-pass among other features).
    So, there are customizations that go along with these magic bands. She got mine as a green band because anything that is not green is far inferior to anything else (Kinda biased here, guys, not gonna lie).
    "What do you want it to say?"
    "... Sir Awesome McDuck."
    "It only allows nine characters."
    "... Do spaces count as characters?"
    "Fine, I guess I can be boring and just use [insert my first name which you all shall never know except for those of you that already do]... ... No, wait, if I just shorten it, I can have SIR DUCK!"
    "Okay, I'm putting it in as 'SIR DUCK'"
    "Be sure to put it in all caps."
    "Don't worry, I already put it in all caps."
    "Ah, good, you understand me."
    My mom is awesome. =P
    "Duchess, I forbid you!"
    ~The Duchess Approves
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I was just browsing my Profile when it showed that I had just over 1,000 profile views...
    Now, I have no idea if that number is comparatively low or not, but I just keep imagining 1,000 pairs of eyes watching me. I knew I should have learned a highly complex dance routine for such an occasion! Now how am I going to entertain all of these people?
    Tekulo <3
    (P.S. I am LOVING my new blog name, you have no idea. XD)
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Gathering all of my lego sets together in one place, it dawns on me that I have enough minifigs to build my own city. Now I just need a lot of bricks.
    Well, I'm starting off with an island of sorts. Building is so fun, building is so fun, now it's time to take a break and see what we have done~ XP
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    But you all knew that already.
    I gotta say, though, it is really nice having a place to say this with no worrying or negative comments.
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I just can't get my hopes up anymore.
    I really just want to be happy. But that doesn't just happen after years of depression and anxiety. I would love it, really love it, if I could just not be anxious or depressed anymore. But I could move a thousand times and life could go perfectly and I'd still be stressed out.
    It takes work and it takes time and there are going to be days where I'm just exhausted and miserable and don't want to deal with anything.
    I dunno. I feel I've had a lot of pressure growing up that if things weren't perfect then it was akin to the end of the world. I feel like I was raised with that mentality. But alas, my life has been far from ideal or perfect. I wasn't ready for mental illness or pressure from being LGBT+ in a family that is heteronormative or just how far behind I got in the business of living.
    So, I give up. I'll never have that perfect, ideal life I was trained to expect. And I'd love to say it's better that way, but it honestly is hard. And exhausting. And I don't always know if I'll make it.
    Isn't that just disheartening?
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Because of the wonderfu-oh. Out of tags.
    Saw a stage production of Wizard of Oz with the folks last night. Then, because every other place was closed at eleven at night, we dined at Pizza Hut. The Riesling was an excellent pairing with pepperoni. (Tekulo is lying. That is a horrible pairing)
    The play was good. The actors had talent, the stage props were well done and they used an outtake from the movie, a number called Jitterbug which was pretty fantastic.
    As I get older, though, I really have to keep in mind that the original story was a satire. (Edit: wrong about this. Sorry. More info in the comments) It's really a strange story compared to the fairy tales I'm used to (and this one is different than a fairy tale, but has similarities and could be called one because it's pretty fantastical and deals with romanticism in terms of the overall story). The story is about a young, brave heroine that can't really do anything for herself, who ends up a murderer by the most dubious of means while she demands someone else do her bidding and expects that service to be for free because she had to walk like five miles to see him because catching a cab or hitching a ride never occured to her also she stole a dead person's shoes and wouldn't give them to their next of kin. Also the good witch is actually a manipulative schemer who takes advantage of opportunity to have an innocent lost girl do her dirty work for her by offing her competition. Good is a very grim thing, apparently. The wicked witch seemed kinda innocent to me. She had like five million chances to off all of the characters and never took advantage of any of them and instead gave them a fun musical number because of her guilty conscience, which is more than Glinda has. She just wanted her dead sister's shoes. Like, come on, you killed her family and her nature is clearly benevolent. Give her the shoes.
    Did I mention I like Wicked? Because I do.
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Decided to actually finish the series by picking up where I left off. So, I started book five from the beginning earlier this month and I have only about two hundred pages left. Too bad I have a bunch of stuff spoiled for me for the next two books thanks to the internet and A Very Potter Musical.
    I watched A Very Potter Musical too. So much Potter, help.
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I should let you guys know now that I have yet to see this movie.
    However, I have heard it is based off of Hans Christian Andersen's story "The Snow Queen." I happen to have The Complete Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen in my personal library, and I just so happened to have read the story (the tale is actually split into seven short stories which chronicle the adventures of two characters).
    You guys, if you like this movie, then read the story. It is wonderful. Be aware that I will write a short summary of the story in the next few paragraphs. As this story is around 200 years old I feel like putting spoiler tags would be a bit redundant (however I will not spoil the ending).
    Ye be warned.
    The story "The Snow Queen" is about two childhood friends, Kay and Gerda, and how a twist of fate sets them on two separate journeys across the world. It starts with an ancient mirror crafted by the devil which distorted the reflection of anything that met its path. Goblins wanted to shine this mirror at the Angels and laugh at their distortions, but on their way into the sky, the mirror is dropped to earth and it shatters into millions of tiny shards. When these shards get into the eyes of men, their view of the world is distorted and when it reaches the hearts of men, it turns their heart to a block of ice.
    Kay and Gerda are neighbors who are as close as brother and sister. One day, however, Kay feels his heart and eye sting, and then sees the world distorted. He sees the flaws of everyone in his town, including Gerda. The only thing he sees perfection in are snowflakes that fall from the sky. One winter night, the snowflakes grow larger and larger and form into the Queen of Snow. During a twist of fate, Kay ends up going with her to her palace to live with her, as he sees her as perfection (read the story because I skipped over tons of great material). However, since Kay disappeared the townsfolk thought he had drowned in a nearby river. Gerda, after mourning, finds hope that Kay is not dead and leaves into the world to look for him. She takes her favorite pair of red shoes and offers them to the river in hopes that the river would return Kay to her. The shoes wash back to shore, however, and so Gerda decides to throw them into the river from a boat, as she thinks she merely did not throw them in far enough. Her motion of throwing her shoes sets the boat into the current of the river and Gerda thus is forced into her adventure where she seeks Kay in the great world.
    Gerda has many adventures (read da story!) and actually has many opportunities to settle down and live well-off from her origins in poverty. However, she only wishes to find her friend, and her determination leads her to the home of the Ice Queen herself.
    While the original story itself is a very heartwarming story of friendship and love, I must say that from the trailers, the premise of Frozen actually seems similar. The main protagonist seems to resemble Gerda looking for a loved one, I must say the imminent everlasting snow storm is akin to the boat that forces her into beginning her quest.
    This looks promising to me, although I'm not sure where the idea for a Jar-jar snowman came from...
    I've seen a few trailers and a clip from the movie "Let it go." Elsa seems to be where the idea of Kay from the orignal went as far as I can tell. While Elsa and the Snow Queen are one and the same in this movie, Elsa was still forced by a twist of fate to leave her home. You could say that The Snow Queen did steal her away from her family, as she had no control of whether or not she had her powers.
    Other than that, I do see some other elements from the original in the trailers such as the presence of wolves, a dark forest, a reindeer character as a guide (so I assume), and the general presence of magic. In contrast, it looks like the story has been a bit complicated with the presence of a coronation and a sense of responsibility. This isn't in itself bad, but it does seem to get away from Hans Christian Andersen's style of writing (a simple idea which may be applied to the life of anyone).
    I'm not expecting this film to mirror the original story (hah. They always butcher the original. Though, it is pretty butchering, I must admit), although I am interested in seeing how they took the elements of the story and transformed them into something new.
    I must say I am more excited about seeing Frozen (all I had to go on before were trailers with a really annoying snowman and a bunch of hype from people I've never met saying it was the best thing since The Lion King which happened to be on the television. You know, because television never lies).
    I have heard many positive things about Frozen, however I haven't really met anyone who was as interested in Fairy Tales as I am, so I'm not sure if they have the same expectations as I do. ^^' However, I am very much looking forward to seeing the movie... sometime...
    Whassat, Billy? You don't know who Hans Christian Andersen is?
    ... GET OFF MY COPENHAGEN LAWN! (Copenhagen is now an adjective).
    ~Tekulo <3
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Apparently calling someone a dork is mean spirited. Previous statements that were made could easily be read as harmful. Recently I have had a change of heart. Lesson learned.
    For this you have my apologies. Of course there should be consequences. Obviously you can mock me for what has been done. Like a few name callings or something. Sounds fair to me.
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, today I judged a pastry competition at a local get-together in town. Most of them were pies, a couple of cakes and a few cookie entries.
    The best of all was a beautiful poppy seed cake. ^^ My personal favorite was an apple crumb pie, though. Then again, I didn't mind those pumpkin snickerdoodles (that's right; pumpkin snickerdoodles)
    The desserts went up for auction, so I only had a tiny bit of each dessert. The total probably amounted to one slice of pie, a few cookies and a quarter slice of cake. XD
    Anyway, YOU ALL ARE GUILTY FOR NOT GETTING OFF MY LAWN! -swift gavel of injustice swish-
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